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Nevermind, I give up.
@Luggage you have a hard time spelling right today.
Meh.. I make a lot of typos
or sometimes my brain makes me type one word twice instead of the word i meant.
Also, was getting annoyed.
yeah, lot of typos
I tried telling this guy that the function he's calling doesn't take a string as the first argument but I can't get through
Got drunk today @FlorianMargaine?
On client side if I do this

var socket = io(8443, {path: '/web/socket.io'}) , socket doesnt gets initlialized
@rrs120486 My apologies. I misread your last paste.
But it looks like you are not putting the path in the server-side config
if I do simply
var socket = io(), it works but I dont want that since it serves socket.io from base url
@BadgerCat no, just ate enough for the rest of the week
Server side:
var io = require('socket.io')(server, {path: '/web/socket.io'});
needs the same path.
let me try
Just 1 question before that:
What path it is actually? path to client side libs or path for socket.io npm packages?
it's the path.. you said you didn't want it from the base url..
it changes that.
The url it communicates on and I think the client js is available there, too.
yep, It worked :)
Good, sorry for the misunderstanding earlier.
Thanks a ton @Luggage ! was reading docs since morning. :)
No problem. :+1:
I'm going to have to ask you to stop advertising in this channel.
please ban bob for advertising
please ban nick for being nick
has someone worked with highcharts?
please ban waxi for oh wait...
nick is latin for bad person
please ban florian for not getting drunk on his birthday
Florian doesn't drink.
I've been drinking beer since like noon today, since I was working from home
@ndugger your mom should've swallowed you
hehe, wow
Can I star that?
looks drunk enough to me
!!giphy that escalated quickly
whatever floats your goat
I wouldn't.. some "reasonable person" will flag.
yes, lets not star flag-bait
I feel like everything I say should be unstarable, then
some of it.. well a lot of it.
wtf. I started watching a movie 1h20mins ago and now there is no sign of clouds but there's at least 20cm of snow outside 0.o
and it's not even canada
sucker. we're prepared
Centimeteres? What are you, communist?
this place is crazy. I love it
@ndugger that's the greatest insult. How dare you
ok, more like 7.5cm
so, like a half an inch
sounds like your...
... nose?
I have a huge nose
he's compensating
I put my name in <h1>s on websites
small feet?
so proud of that joke
maybe my best one yet. Someone laugh
he's young. they might grow still.
My feet have certainly grown still.
@rlemon yeah, you're still saying the same for your beard?
no, I'm going to be patchy for life
when'd you last shave pal?
I just don't like shaving
Because you're Apache?
:so proud:
I wanna make a joke with nginx, but I suck
apache is a type of Native American
I actually have no idea what tribe or whatever you identify as
something tells me he did drink
@rlemon I know
@KendallFrey cree
specifically Swampy Cree
that explains the skin complexion
lol jk
@rlemon do you sacrifice goats?
The yellow god with a kinky mustache demands it
hey guys, does someone has a clue why while i am iterating thought objects inside a parent object, if i am printing each object (assume each object has got an image associated with that), i am getting different coordinates for each image, but if i am retrieving only coordinates, they are all the same?
@KendallFrey you want explanations... google image swampy cree
das ma peoples
we farm corn, and corn accessories
@user4447655 lemme see a little code, please.
@user4447655 closure loop bug
I called it.
I won't bet against that.
yep, prize to the florian
how do you fellow coders feel about yarn?
my cats love it
we have just started using it instead of npm, but i'm worried about any tool that outputs emoji to my terminal
@david I use it at work
npm install -g yarn is deprecated :/
I like that there is an alternative, especially if it causes npm to improve. (like io.js did to node).
We've had very few problems with it
@monners that's encouraging i guess...
@Luggage yeah, stagnation is bad
using it at work too, no problem, just speed
The CLI is practically identical to NPM
@FlorianMargaine yep... i tried using brew install and it got very unhappy because it tries to install node too but i installed node manually a while back
(although we're mostly just using yarn install.)
1 message moved to Trash can
@user4447655 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
anyway, bed time.
night @FlorianMargaine
@FlorianMargaine 🌙
yea.. if that's really it.. that makes no sense.
I mean.. i can't think of how that could happen.
i have checked all object if they have coordinates "M 340 182 L"
there is no such coordinates at all
thanks for help mate anyway :D
sounds impossible, so it must have some stupid answer
Why do I feel more hungry throughout the day when I overeat?
Someone please google that for me
did you eat sugar?
so yeah
that's why
when you eat sugar, your sugar lvl in blood raises up above the normal level, and after some time it goes down below the normal level, so when it is below you feel hungry again until the sugar level goes back to normal
@ndugger how much water do you drink?
drink more.
I've not been drinking much at all for the past few weeks for some reason. I'll up my intake
I drank more water when I was stressed out. Now that I'm not, I let it slide
I find when I drink at least 2L a day of water I don't feel the need to snack
don't drink too much though
your brain will swell
like, I don't get those 'I'm hungry for no reason' cravings
2-3L a day is what I strive for
in reality I probably get 1.5-2
chug! chug! chug!
@KendallFrey computerphile may be getting into lc soon :D v
@rlemon LOL
@towc I'm gonna guess not
well, typed LC is the most common of type theory implementation, right?
though if they do, I think I'll have to plug my online interpreter
plug as in plug off?
@towc I don't think they're related
@towc plug as in shameless plug
In mathematics, logic, and computer science, a type theory is any of a class of formal systems, some of which can serve as alternatives to set theory as a foundation for all mathematics. In type theory, every "term" has a "type" and operations are restricted to terms of a certain type. Type theory is closely related to (and in some cases overlaps with) type systems, which are a programming language feature used to reduce bugs. The types of type theory were created to avoid paradoxes in a variety of formal logics and rewrite systems; sometimes "type theory" is used to refer to this broader application...
@KendallFrey still doesn't make sense
plug (verb): mention (a product, event, or establishment) publicly in order to promote it. "during the show he plugged his new record"
that binary one?
@towc untyped is better anyway ;)
@towc yeah
unfortunately, it's super slow and I haven't been able to make it faster
turn it into C and make it run in webasm :P
I'm not willing to put a lot of effort into it just to make it faster
JS probably isn't a great language for it, but w/e
put an ad on it, make it prettyish, and make sure they mention it in an upcoming video
LC is too sacred
I've never put ads on anything
there's always a first time
a small one on the bottom
We really need to get phrasing back in the rotation
or invest in the LC stock
stock? lmao
I just like the idea of the Y combinator
and not the kind with stock
I invested £20 on LC
I need some motivation
Today was rough, I have little desire to write code
I want some code to be written though
that's £\sz.s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(z)))))))))))))))))))
that also looks like it could be a hockey player's name
You and I should work on a project together sometime.
Something in Haskell, maybe
the lolz
oh the lolz
well, I am actively looking for sources of income, if something opens up at whatever you do, or you need a freelancer to do a dirty job
what do you do btw?
for money?
I must have asked you at least... many times
for sharing a dwelling with a fridge, yeah
I'm supposed to write C#, but sometimes (like today) I end up neck-deep in a broken workflow and just weep silently
oh, ouch :/
I blame myself. And jQuery
Oh man
The project itself is kind of interesting
Ruby is so fucky
I mean, as interesting as ERP software can get.
!!urban erp
oh wow
sounds interesting enough to me ;)
!!undo x2
> Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology.
sleepy yet?
@rlemon I wasn't done reading :(
ok, that sounds awful
I don't actually do the businessy stuff
I better take a nap actually. Well, even non-profit projects could be fun, if we get to haskell toghether :)
!!urban haskell
@towc [Haskell](http://haskell.urbanup.com/1495864) 1 -- A general purpose, polymorphicly typed, lazy functional programming language largely based on lambda calculus.

2 -- A constant source of frustration for those who have been brainwashed by the OO paradigm.
If you join two tables, you apparently get an object with all of the left table's columns and a function that returns all of the right table's columns
@Meredith oh wtf
aka if you try to json it, you spend 2 hours trying to figure out why the tables aren't joining
Further confounded by the fact that book.author is a function call in ruby
screw ruby. Haskell is so much more practical
I'm trying to learn ruby so that I can get in with some companies that use phoenix
Since they all primarily use ruby
good luck
i learned ruby once
don't really miss it
I somehow drank 12 beers in 2 days
don't wprry about it
Calm down it's only a 6 pack a day
So if anyone does rails shit
Let me know how you're supposed to inner join then serialize it to json
Cuz I finally got it to work but my solution is ugly af
"pointed it out" sounds natural.
I accept that.
I think you're right @ZhengquanBai, "I'd" sounds much better than "I've"
Yeah ^. "I had been" is probably what you should be using.
Gotcha. Thx
I concur. "I'd" and "pointed it out to"
I don't know the rules perfectly, that's just what sounds right as a native speaker (US).
I'd maybe change "until" to be "up until" although I'm not sure why
meh. either way
@Helvijs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone Here?
@Helvijs you came from java, didnt you?
I did
I had a hope that someone will be online and will have enough knowledge in Java to help me
JavaScript Is Not Java!!! @Helvijs
I know
class JavaScript implements Java
I appologise for talking About Java in JavaScript chat/ I just have a problem which I would like to solve ASAP
sorry I only have knownledge in Script
patience is a virtue
I know a lot about Java (coffee)
therefore I'm jumping arround in different chats to look for a help
I am a JScript expert.
@Helvijs What's your question?
System.out.println(SoftwareInfo[0].getSoftwareName()+", ");
Is there Any problem with this line of code?
When I am running this command, Eclipse gives Me NullPointerException
@user2004685 But when I run this command in the same class and Method where I am writing values to this SoftwareInfo object, it works and prints out the value I entered.
@Helvijs oops. wait until 13:00 UTC and go to Java("NOT_ANDROID") room. you'll get better help. NullPointerException? I can help you a little bit.
type System.out.println(SoftwareInfo[0]);
what's the result?
SoftwareInfo[0] is null. Try to figure out why.
@Helvijs you forgot to get input.
Input is there, because First I'm writting a value in one class and printing it out straight away
then It shows my inputted value
but when I am accessing this in different class it gives Null
@Helvijs variable scope.
make damn sure that SoftwareInfo is global.
It is global and public for all classes
@Helvijs can you paste the full code here?
Full Code is 8 000 lines long @LearnHowToBeTransparent
divided in a lot of classes
@Helvijs oh dear. wait until 13:00 UTC
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Thank you for helping!
i thought what you're doing is small homework problem but 8000 lines is so F
Trying to create Game with Java Libraries Only for self-education purposes
Why are you in the javascript room, then?
because we're an inclusive community
Is there a Java IRC channel?
Or are they too cool for IRC.
Click on the "There are other rooms" on the right i.e. chat.stackoverflow.com and you'll see all of them including a Java channel.
@littlepootis yes there is
it's yuge (on freenode)
Jeeeez, After 2hrs being stuck with this, finally found a solution
Love ya all guys. TY for help and not bullying me for talking about Java in JavaScript channel!
2 hours later…
gist: af3d59cf74864e9eb17db789a9ce1577, 2017-01-11 11:05:45Z
function callAjax(url) {
    var d = $.Deferred();
        url: url,
        type: 'GET',
        success: function(data) {
        error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            if (jqXHR.status == 403 || jqXHR.status == 404) {
                    message:"not registered",
            } else {
                d.reject(textStatus + ': ' + errorThrown);
    return d.promise();
^ How should I call promise function then on the above function?
I tried callAjax().then(......)
doesn't work
says then is undefined function
is 0x00 a hex value ?
I was reading this answer stackoverflow.com/a/18808270/5936814 and saw that ^
yes I think it is
@Mr_Green thanks, also you know of any place where I could read more about the value tags he mentioned in his answer
I didn't read his answer
will do when I have time sorry :)
ok, no problem
!!> typeof null
@FlyingGambit "object"
!!> typeof NaN
@FlyingGambit "number"
!!> isNaN(1+null)
@FlyingGambit false
!!> isNaN(1+undefined)
@FlyingGambit true
!!> 1 + null
@KarelG 1
as expected?
!! 1 + undefined
!!> 1 + undefined
@FlyingGambit "NaN"
this is what I expected
a NaN
typeof null should have been null
@KarelG why is null + 1 = 1 ?

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