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how is the list of commands?
all I can find is controversy about chronic lyme disease
and even then, it's not refuting lyme disease in humans.
so I'll probably listen to my doctor if I'm ever diagnosed
Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Borrelia type. The most common sign of infection is an expanding area of redness, known as erythema migrans, that begins at the site of a tick bite about a week after it has occurred. The rash is typically neither itchy nor painful. Approximately 25–50% of infected people do not develop a rash. Other early symptoms may include fever, headache and feeling tired. If untreated, symptoms may include loss of the ability to move one or both sides of the face, joint pains, severe headaches with neck stiffness...
They just pump you with antibiotics
Tasty antibiotics.
they do that for most things
and it works.
hmmm I love antibiotics
we live longer. medicine works.
If your doctor diagnoses you with lyme disease and makes you take 10 different kinds of antibiotics
It's cuz they don't know what's wrong with you
I'll take them, and thank my doctor when I get better
And are going with the shotgun method
@Meredith no, they do. I have lyme disease
a wide spectrum treatment is probably what is recommended
Lyme disease isn't real
okay, you believe that. I don't
You never even got bitten by a tick
I'd rather trust the people who research this
me too as a child, had mono afterwards, dunno about what treatment I got
I've been bitten by many ticks
@Meredith they do that when they tell you "take this and come back in a week from now" it means that they aren't sure what you have and if what they gave you is actually right for what you have
Ticks are completely harmless
I've bitten ticks.
That's why you never got lyme disease
@Meredith so are mosquitoes ... ohh
Malaria is very real
Take that seriously
sure is
Cows are harmless, too.
Also hamless.
I've been bitten by a lot of mosquitoes, I don't have malaria, mosquitoes are harmless, malaria isn't real.
The same can be said fo many diagnoses, actually.
is the reasoning you want me to follow..
they are for when the doctor doesn't know
dogs are harmless too... until the bite you with rabies
@rlemon You're not going to get malaria in canada
@Meredith there's probably justified cases... like you shouldn't do tonsillectomy, but sometimes the child can't breathe
Not with that attitude.
@Meredith it's been an issue in the past, and with global warming is probably going to be an issue in the future. not to mention the other dozen or so things mosquitoes transmit.
@rlemon No the reasoning I want you to follow
Is if there were 20 cases of malaria per person who reported getting bitten by malaria and doctors treated malaria by using 10 different treatments at the same time
I'm leaving that typo
You know what I meant
this is a nice discussion I think
20 per person?
20 cases
Not exactly but it's disproportionate
that's the typo he said
No the typo was getting bitten by malaria
> "I'm sorry to tell you, you have Malaria. Also Malaria 19 more times."
j/k.. I know what you meant.
@Meredith I auto corrected it while reading, didn't even noticed on that tbh
Cuz a ton of people get diagnosed with lyme disease despite never being exposed to ticks
The counter argument is that just because you don't see a tick doesn't mean one wasn't there.
Just like how you dont know the boogeyman isn't there
I had a tick bite my finger while I wasn't looking over the summer and my friends learned just how loudly I could scream and jump off the couch.
In the case of boogeyman it isn't due to size.
and run for a bottle of vodka and a lighter
It's cuz they're really good at hiding under the bed
@Meredith uh, that's because he is there
the boogieman isn't under the bed, he is the bed
i had one on my bellybutton, and went to A&E to ask them to take it off
@Meredith so not knowing all of the causes devalues the disease?
10 hours later, they syringed it out
all of the people who have studied this are in on a big lie?
get all the bits out after I pulled it off
all independent studies are payed off?
@rlemon It's clear that it's a catchall by lazy doctors
not at all. it's clear some people are willing to believe that
that part I can believe.
I see that myself.
How many independent studies are there on lyme disease?
Not as many as you think
and maybe some doctors are shitty, I am not denying that. but a global conspiracy to fake a disease?
I was worried I wouldn't get it all out by pulling it out, so went the safe route to hospital
but oh it wasn't worth the wait
@BrianJ fire m8
there is being said that big companies such as bayer know the effectiveness of some drugs in the treatment of cancer and they do what they can to make the illegal and criminalize them. There is a study in which they've come to the conclusion that the main active ingredient in cannabis can treat cancer at a faster rate than all the known treatments of today and without risk to the pacient
yeah but then apparently they dig in deeper
when you have a tick stuck in you, you light it on fire, pour booze on it, fire, booze, fire, etc
I think you are just pointing out a case of medical imcompetance. Doctors are people, too, subject to being bad at their jobs, lazy, etc.
Also, combined with the genuine hard problem of diagnosing people.
@ssube You don't have to do anything
nope, fire and booze
They're harmless
Just let it drink its blood in peace
@Meredith I don't understand, are you saying it's being incorrectly diagnosed or are the symptoms incorrectly established as well?
ftr, if you have a tick. see a doctor. for your own good.
@Meredith I don't want deer HIV from its last host, thanks.
that was years ago, still paranoid about having one stuck to me
no mixing of my blood with others, animals or nah, plz
ticks can transmite deseases...
they are carriers after all
just like mosquitoes
@FilipDupanović If you have random symptoms and a doctor doesn't know why, they'll prescribe you 5 or 6 different antibiotics, call it lyme disease, and hope it goes away
but finland is for sure fake.
if they ate somebody with rabies, they're rolling around with rabies, spreading it
wait what? deer hiv?
and I don't want any extra rabies
I got rabies once
@rlemon I'll have to talk to some finish friends because they seem fake as well.
@david they have one for felines, so maybe deer?
anyone ever tried freelance dev work or remote work?
@BrianJ both
I was bitten by a bat
I think most of us have done both at one time or another
@Meredith uh, that was misdiagnosed vampirism
It was an episode of the office
eh close enough
there is an island somewhere in the pacific where all of it's people are immune to hiv
I don't mind conspiracies.. but when they advocate bad medical advice that could potentially harm others who listen too it.. well .. fuck. I'm a bit torn. anyone other than the proprietor of the myth wanna chime in on how I should feel?
they were all vampires on that show anyway
@Mr.Toxy some day we should all be
because their ancestors have had contact with the desease some thousands of years agor
@ssube I have a pipe dream to try remote for a year in Bali or Chang Mai..
@Mr.Toxy I live my life like I'm immune to HIV
would be sweet
most (all?) diseases are ineffective against some part of the population
@rlemon based on the description, it sounds like just that doctors may over-diagnose due to being incomptent or lazy, and not a true conspiracy. Just listen to your doctor is you trust him/het
not sure what remote dev work is like though?
@FilipDupanović I honestly think we aren't already because pharma companies make big bucks
@BrianJ not unlike working from the office, if you have a good work ethic.
@Meredith what do you mean by that?
If you spend your day in a shell across the wire, who cares where you actually are?
But don't automatically assume all doctors know what they are talking about.. sometimes they don't
nvm, I'll just drop it
Also I want to be clear that I was joking about lyme disease being fake cuz it's definitely real
@Luggage that's obvious, they can't know about all of the thousand of conditions there are, they usually look at your symptoms and prescribe something according to that. Most times nothing even tied to your condition per say,
@Meredith that's a nice attitude, not like there's anything you can do about exposure, best get with it
@rlemon yeah best to, you don't wanna get banned
banned? ohh no, I'm not in danger of being banned.
Not with that attitude
Women don't get lyme disease.
@Meredith that was some good shit right there
i thought you were being serious
@Luggage they get your credit card tho... what about that as a disease?
@Luggage they get lemon disease
ohh har har
@Mr.Toxy "They can't know about all of the thousand of frameworks there are, they usually look at the bug and hack something according to that. Most times nothing even tied to the bug per say."
@Sheepy hahaha lmao nice one :D
@ssube gotta keep getting better at web dev or mobile dev..not sure yet which I prefer
why do I have to sudo gem install
I've never used ruby but that seems wrong
@Meredith cause you did it once
you usually shouldn't
ruby seems cool, I wanna learn ruby some time
go chmod things until they work again
@Mr.Toxy Yeah. Sad part is I'm not laughing because I've seen this many times and I hate the mess they leaves.
ruby is used to install homebrew on macs. Also I think some people have other uses.
@Mr.Toxy it's not, the parser is a wreck, the language is overcrowded, and it's insanely slow.
well ruby on rails. framework but ok
Well that's the thing
@ssube twitter looks fine with rails
I had to sudo cuz it didn't work without it
@ssube how did you get your remote gigs?
@monners Sure you are. Your quantity is 42.
@Luggage Puppet and Chef use it for their DSLs, that's why they're so bad. :D
excuse my pings :P
Wait, i thought you liked that.
@BrianJ I work remote half the time right now, usually Mon/Weds or Tues/Thurs, and that's just part of my normal job. I'm on call, so we wfh regularly.
What DS tool do you use, these days?
@KendallFrey That's your answer for everything.
@Luggage I like Puppet in general, sorta, but their DSL is really bad.
I'm replacing my puppet with ansible, because it's much more concise for what I need.
Does ruby install packages globally or something
not sure if I'll have Tower, Semaphore, or Rundeck backing it though
no clue
yea, ansible's files aren't great, either.
@Meredith typically, no.
@Luggage The YAML is far more structured than Puppet's ruby, though.
I am doing something wrong
@Meredith you can always go with aspx LMAO
web forms are the best
@Meredith chances are (i.e., in my experience it's always been that...) something ran with sudo once and created your .ruby or whatever as root.
It says I need ruby 2.2 or greater
@Mr.Toxy What're you, the antichrist?
ruby -v
@monners hahahahha I was clearly joking :p
ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-linux]
@Mr.Toxy So was I :P
Correct me if I'm wrong but 2.3.3 > 2.2
for some values of .
it might be, it's ruby, nobody knows
Oh nice..did you ever hear of these coworking spaces they have in "paradise"? liv.it/spaces good weather and cheap living expenses sounds like a win win
maybe it needs 2.2.x
That would be ass
@BrianJ I worked in a coworking space for a while and it was the worst./
@rlemon I like winForms tho XD not joking, they are old but.... well you have wpf now
really why's that?
it wasn't nearly as communisty as that one, nobody lived there
I don't know WPF. up until 3 years ago I was supporting winforms
.net 3.5
ah ok
ohh yea
dayum :o
that's a torture
@BrianJ because 90% of the people spent all their time yelling about how they were going to disrupt the [something] market with the NEXT BIG APP FOR IOS
every day
@rlemon I keep forgetting you're a neck-bearded old man
literally yelling their latest app idea over everyone else
I technically still support one application that needs to run on windows xp, but it's in a state of stability and hasn't needed any patches for years
@monners he's salty enough to manage at least 3 sysadmins, maybe 4
@ssube ah right that does sound annoying, I guess though you could move to somewhere cheap and sunny like that and work remote though
That's a lot of salt...
the thing with WPF is that you have to know xaml really well if you want to make something super customized
I eat sysadmins for breakfast.
@BrianJ yeah lol, but that's not a permanent solution for residency
I'm not salty,
I'm sour.
that doesn't seem like much of a threat
I'm just gonna chmod everything
@Mr.Toxy and with winforms you just have to pray to jeebus that you don't need to open the designer file.
@FilipDupanović but in those country's you can usually border hop and renew visa..hard to track someone doing remote work too I guess?
and if it says modified as soon as you open it, restart VS and try again
@rlemon oh god hahaha yup, but there is a workaround that if the designer goes boom+
dunno I'm way off having the experience to freelance yet anyways
sometimes opening the designer files will restart VS for you
sudo chmod -r 777 /
you just force it to recreate by deliting something in the project folder can't remember what exactly
@Luggage unless you need to fix a name conflict. then you grab the bourbon and go to work.
oops wrong tab
@Meredith -R
Good catch that would've been dangerous
winforms made me hate all designers.
Even people with the job of designer.
@BrianJ yeah, but that's something you can go and do for X months and come back and say "I did that for X months" and then you come back to your burrow
yeah, -R is a little shiftier and will catch some files -r misses
winforms made me glad I wasn't doing VBA anymore
@ssube what? really? never happened to me. what version of vs were you using? prior to 2013 they were a complete wreck in my opinion. 2010 Express was the "best" jus t straight forward
idk tho
I literally can't install rails
I did VBA. Whole apps written in Access. :{(
shipping databases
fuel delivery DBs here.
@FilipDupanović yeah I guess..would like to try it for a few months next time I change jobs..still in my early 20s so I don't know any better yet :P
@rlemon I know people who do VBA. For automation and so on, SCADA is supported by VB, vb is really important in some areas tho
also my mouse is dying so I can't highlight text and google my errors
I do SCADA now
@rlemon cool. I'm starting with verilog for automation
I went from frontend in webforms to frontend in rails. Bad rails is still better than good webforms
@Meredith vimium for your browser, set -o vi in your shell
v and hjkl to select, y to copy :D
hahah im not getting tricked into using vim
nice try
we work on a proprietary system developed before my time by the company. but we have to interface with most agri-used plc's
so I'm aware of 'modern' scada..
it isn't very modern
@monners tell me more about rails pls. I've always been wanting to make something with rails? is it fun?
if you try to install it you will get butt cancer
@Mr.Toxy It's dying. The new kid on the block is Elixr and Phoenix
just look for rails-inspired JS junk
it's so far from fun
@rlemon for sure it isn't.
please i was on the elixir train for years
it's not new
meta-programming in rails makes me angry. I'm so sick of implicitly exposed class methods
I can't imagine being on a train for years at a time. Did you get claustrophobic?
well typescript was suposed to kill JS too.... lmao
@Meredith But phoenix is. I'm told it's what the rails gods built when they realised they fucked up rails
typescript can go sit on an egg
@monners going to check them out
@Mr.Toxy no, they are supposed to merge
typescript is so great.
@monners It was built by one dude so no
Just one god
@Mr.Toxy honestly. for the control and acquisition aspect... as long as you have something else doing the actual timing and interfacing.. node works wonders.
TS is supposed to become more and more like JS until they are one
a turd merger
@Meredith Check your facts - the guy had multiple personalities :P
I doubt JS will ever have full types
a merging of two turds into yet another turd
I'm afraid of that merge...
Phoenix is great though
@rlemon depends on the aproach I guess.
@phenomnomnominal it's a shame, they could add some really nice optimizations if it did
It's great for things you'd normally use js for
the code TS outputs should be somewhat faster already, since it's so monomorphic
Like anything with a ton of io
php + laravel takes the cake when it comes to server side in my opinion. And I always enjoyed MVC as well
tried to sneak a reference past me.
@Mr.Toxy takes the cake and throws it on the ground
and then sort of rolls around in it
and you can't tell if it's sexual or some other kind of hunger
@Mr.Toxy You're underestimating how fast phoenix is
@Mr.Toxy I prefer a single language approach -- even if that means I need to develop specific tools to allow that to happen. node is very easily extensible for your needs.
don't see why ;p
It's ridiculous
@rlemon hmmm I will take that into consideration, thanks : It's always good to know other aproaches
@Meredith maybe I am yes.
we interface with a RTOS application using modbus. it works out really well and is cheap and easy to manage.
Elixir is fantastic for embedded too
Well I mean erlang is
@rlemon never used modbus. our PLC's are siemens we use their custom one
But nobody wants to write erlang
atm we're working on moving from QNX to linux
that will be great tbh
@Mr.Toxy siemens should support modbus
it is an industry communication standard
modbus tcp at least. rtu maybe
the problem I have with the node modbus libs is that they are not keeping up to date with node.
@rlemon they payed for the license for the professional version because they are stupid. They make them buy the PCL that only come with the older version for win xp, then they stupidly bougth the software and now they need to spend more in updates
they claim to work with node 4+ but @SterlingArcher and myself have never gotten them to build past node 0.12
node-pre-gyp is a bitch
always stay away from siemens
again, we develop our own control system. but we also offer other products / OEM solutions that must interface with others PLCs
they are very good no doubt but damn...
so I'm lucky enough to only have to deal with them sparingly.
@Meredith what was that
I ran into an error and the fix changed the idk what to call it
@rlemon yes you are. they honestly have horrible support and don't care about anything after you got the hardware.
the part of your terminal that's like name:working_directory
I customized it to just show the current directory and now it's back to the long ass default one
the prompt
I do.
It's the prompt
c# is slowly dying
you're slowly dying
that's also true
c# is dying like JS was dying a few years ago
I hope js dies
spoiler: it isn't
js is love
I'm too replaceable
i can't stop watching this: youtube.com/watch?v=md8z85GDUJg
All the effort put into making JS engines fast will help WASM. So.. you can have you non-JS web if you want it.
either one of two things. TS will f' up js, or Microsoft will arrange something so that happens
TS is like CS but with sensibility and big backing. it won't kill JS, but it also won't be going away any time soon and will likely influence js in the future (and present)
@rlemon nah you already can see people slowly starting to move away. C# was everything vb wasn't but that's it for the great part. It was what devs were looking for and needed for some while. Now everything is moving to web and cloud, they got azure but it's a child and web taking out MVC is horrible
@Mr.Toxy "web and cloud" are not opposite c#
you still need a back end
what are they moving to?
people shift all the time. but c# is still very much alive and relevant
You might be right that C# lost some 'market share' but it's used by a LOT of people. It doesnt' die over night.
and probably will be for a long time to come
@Luggage I honestly see many people going to java and c++, objective c for big companies but that's really rare
@Luggage yes that's totally true
We're replacing a C# system w/ node
from c# to java? that's a mistake.
I hope it sticks around for some time
Very slowly
@BrianJ go and have fun, you only need a comfortable space to work undisturbed; most employers don't care about people moving TZs or switching to async comms as long as they're responsible adults
maybe, maybe not
the fact that people still write VB is an indication that killing a language takes a long time
@Luggage I saw people starting with R and forced to leave c# behind, so when they moved to other companies everyone was asking for c++ and java.
not that I'm bashing on BASIC languages, they are great as a learning tool (sometimes)
I love node, but it doesn't do anything c# can't for a backend. Note taht you can make a backend with c# without IIS or MVC, WEbAPI, etc.
Also, there are more mature db libraries for c# than node, still.
well, if you want ORMs and such
all you need is pg
postgres is love
@rlemon VB is dead in many areas, but since it's one of the closest languages to machine code it's really really important for automation and so on. it wont die
postgres is life
@Mr.Toxy closest languages to machine code???
yea, postgres is great, but c# has more options for how to interact with it.
Anyway.. all that said, I don't regret using node. It has some OTHER advantages
like sharing code between client and server.
@rlemon yes, I don't know how to explain what I have in mind XD
Embrace that your language/tool does well.
are you thinking C?
BASIC is not close to machine code
not even close
ASM is nothing like BASIC
htm is basic for java
every time
assembly derives from
assembly derives from nothing
A micro-meme.
It's all ogre now
I believe the first assembly languages compiled to fortran

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