I want to replace the any value between the specific xml elements. this is my xml elements <max>1</max> <max>2</max> i want to be like this below <max>*</max> <max>*</max>
@vidya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah I was thinking along the same lines as I've set the lobby id to be the element's ID also, just need to get the elements ID out of the node list I've got now
Quite strange if you ask me as like you said I thought it was a nodelist also, but apparently childnodes provides everything in between the selected div, so even whitespace would be passed as text.
I am showing google maps on popup . when I click on location it shows another popup with close button. But when I click on close button the whole popup disappers
i´m doing an ajax request from a react client to my express sever. This fails because in the response header is Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* which results in an error ` wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header` . But I didn´t set this header. How Can I remove that? this are my current headers set
Basically I've added an event listener to each .lobbyTile to look for a click but for some reason it has applied the same click event to all of the children, Is there a way to only make this apply to the parent element
I got past that @FilipDupanović It's just the event listener i've added to the dom is being applied to all of the children
//add event listeners for the lobbys
for (var i = 0; i < lobbyChildren.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(lobbyChildren[i].id).addEventListener("click", function (e) {
@FilipDupanović or if you have 4 gcse's and no one trusts you to be a developer when you tell them the only real academic qualification in relation to my field is a D at the lowest acceptable form of academia qualifcation
I bought a $250 CB with 9 hours batter life, took a roaming-free card, bought a high CPU instance on GCP, installed mosh, sharpened my Vim skills, took to the road like a boss--and then I tried without WiFi... I sobbed the whole trip
I'll send a handwritten card to the first person to explain what the above does. Offer valid for anyone but zirak, benji and copy (and anyone else who knows too much JS :D)
Because it went unspoken for 1500 years and Jewish people mostly spoke Yiddish and common languages when it was "revived" it didn't change that much. It changed a lot over the last 100 years but it's kind of like you being able to read 100 year old English - you probably can do that
"ke" is "as if", "dmut" is "person image", "nu" is a suffix that says "ours", so it's "as in our image" where image is "character". "In our character" might also work. It's nuanced.
In Hebrew, three letters (sometimes 4) of each word are the stem of the word and you build a language construction around that that indicates the form of the action and who did it (first, second or third person and singular or plural and also male or female).
דמה - dama - was similar to דמות - dmut - image/character - based on the word כ - ke - as in נו - suffix for plural first person כדמותנו - in our image
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm more familiar with the Greek writings in that category. I have looked into those as well, but not as much. I've forgotten all of it.
Hey ppl, for Atom user, is there a way of export every package/module used ? A sort of package.json somewhere ? I found that there is an individual package.json for each modules but havent found a recap of every modules which could be used to have a similar config every where