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GOF Design Patterns?
Hey everyone! The hole got dug! They raised over $100000 ------------------------>
just see the link in the starred message
Good morning
I want to get an easy cloud file storage service, it is better to be free. is there any recommendation?
@Jesse why do you need that?
you should set up a server at home for that purpose
try amazon web services
Amazon is expensive, I only need a json file to store some data.
google drive
drop box
@Jesse J-S-O-N? what's github for?
remember the gh-pages branch
(i know you are a github user)
en, github is a good option.
I can use pull and push
@littlepootis let me have a look
@Jesse dont use that
@LearnHowToBeTransparent why?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent why?
too secure for a simple json app
too what m8?
web app need raw json not a bunch of encrypted aes
If you're building a web app, buy a $5 DO droplet.
And host all your shit there.
@littlepootis you did it already?
i really want a real vps not crappy free hosting
I already told your mom.
@littlepootis have you ever bought that?
My data has no secret, just some data extraction.
@Jesse ok where's your app/demo now?
Q: HTML5 video not streaming and taking 90 seconds to load

VinnyGuitaraI have an HTML5 video player: <video width="800" height="475" id ="video" controls="" src="" autoplay></video> That seems to be working 100% in dev but in production videos can take up to 90 seconds to load. I want to figure out if the html5 player is really a streaming player or if it requir...

@LearnHowToBeTransparent Digital Ocean?
Many, yes.
i know DO is digital ocean
@LearnHowToBeTransparent developing~~
hey guys,, is there a function.. that creates a mirror variable of another variable (Eg. When I changed the var b, the var a is updated because b object is a smaller part of a object).. basically I have an object and I want to check each.. if there is a string that contains $? I need to replace it.. but it's not always $(static).. it depends.. so I plan to loop through it.. but again I need to reference it in main variable..
@KevinPatrickTan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KevinPatrickTan yes.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent what is the function name? I don't know how to call it been calling it reference but it's not reference haha thanks
get: function() {return a},
set: function(x) {return a=x}
now, b.aMirror is a reference
WARNING: need an object, Object.defineProperty: 1st param - object name, 2nd param - property name, 3rd get is what set is what you know
@LearnHowToBeTransparent hmm, thanks let me check if I can use this in the goal I need to achive.. so object property.. thanks a lot!
@KevinPatrickTan it is the answer to lots of js variable questions so you can use it to do more magical things
@LearnHowToBeTransparent noted! thanks a lot for helping
2 hours later…
!! youtube qwerty linkin park
@Mr_Green Something went on fire; status 403
Hello, I am a little mad...I built a small webpage using some animation library n all...colleague comes and says that our team isn't mature enough to understand and maintain my code...they don't have that skillset...so I am supposed to simplify my code...what is one sarcastic term for changing code for such a lame purpose...
hard work
What was there clarification for why your code was hard to understand?
it used animation libraries...which the team has no previous exposure to...
the feedback I got was that the page needed to be more simple... :(
I am considering branching my codebase...so I want a good mocking name for that branch...
In my honest opinion rather than feel sad or unhappy about the situation you should just use it as a learning point, You can't change the fact they have no xp and if there not going to learn all you can do is move on.
What is your current position? would it be possible to move companies to somewhere where they have more experienced developers or a better working attitude?
I could, but now is not a good time to do so...
Have you expressed your opinions and views as to why your code is more relevant than actually simplifying what you have?
It may be a case that whoever has made there judgement the code is too complex may not actually understand why what you have is better
If I were in your position, feeling unhappy probably doesn't change anything and you should evaluate your position and figure out what you can and or should be doing to benefit the most. As harvey specter says when you have a gun pointed to your head there's 100 different things you could do. Your an engineer you'll figure it out.
nope...no point there...I did justify why I wrote that way...because it needed some math and elementary coordinate geometry stuff...he replied that for that particular requirement there is no need for such things...
I had gone forward with a client-side app...he was primarily focused on making the app predominantly server side...
It sounds like a form of miscommunication or rather poor analysis of requirements here, You should have a talk with your respective PM about how requirements are handled
You should also ask yourself honestly if you were gold plating, we all do it from time to time.
gold plating...yes...but with no bad intensions...
That's the thing, You meant well I'm sure of it. But gold plating is a realistic issue for PM's, what kind of project flow are you using? I'm presuming some kind of agile without tests
nohup forever start www when I close the session, will my node process be terminated?
That would depend more on your configuration @Jesse but from what I just read at blog.nodejitsu.com/keep-a-nodejs-server-up-with-forever I think it'll keep the node server running.
@lix Thank you~
well I hope you work it all out @deostroll :-)
Anyone know a simply want to bind an event to a input after I've appended it via jquery?
@lix what you are trying to ask?
@lix use event delegation instead
After you've created a new input and appended it to a div, what is a simple way to bind an event to the new input I've added
Nice @littlepootis
@lix : var event = new UIEvent("change")
var input = document.querySelector('input[class=abc]');
input .dispatchEvent(event);
this should work.
but don't do it
I've made something just like the david walsh example but it doesn't recognize what's being passed through e if at all
how odd
this event, should be created whenver you in need to execute at runtime. make sense??
When you're appending multiple elements, it makes sense to use event delegation.
@nash Makes complete sense, though pootis example provides more longevity and simpler overall code management for the task, thanks :D
@littlepootis got it working ta geezer
not an issue.. for @littlepootis code is concern, for that you have to handle bubbling for the same, as deligates add eventlister to parent node, rather than to specifc element in the DOM. Also, code above is short and simple, But if you want to have multiple element to apend and then to add, you can modification for the same, as slector is class system. hope this make sense. good luck.
@nash noted thanks for the input :-)
I need some db terminology help...what is a primary key to a table? - a constraint ?
a relationship?
a what?
just like NRIC to a person
it can be several columns or just one consequence
so I can loosely call it an identity
@deostroll did you googled it yet ?
@SterlingArcher Hey internet please understand my 2k essay about how my game SHOULD work, kthnxbai
@deostroll a unique modifier maybe? hard one.
Let's delete-vote that o.O
@Cerbrus which one ?
The one sterling linked
@Cerbrus A part from issues he actually did hard worked on it @explaining :P
So, there's this answer saying there's scope differences between var x = function()... and function x()...
isn't this just awesome ? - dabeng.github.io/OrgChart/pan-zoom
is this developed by someone here or came across
How do you guys do stress testing for production environment?
The production environment is the stress test!
I want to check before actual deployment that at what point the system breaks
and the problem starts happening
recently we have started facing MongoDB issues for write OPs like I said
I wish we could have foreseen this
it can be as simple as renting another host and then running processes that make concurrent connections to your host until it stops responding, but it doesn't readily say what broke down on it's own
you need to setup monitoring on your host and know a bit about the performance impact of some code pathways and simulate the critical ones
can i use id too in find
Can I get a delete vote on this? OP wants to separate functions into a different .js file, but insists on downvoting any answer that adds anything to the global scope.
Basically, on the scale of 0-rediculous, he wants to drive a car without an engine or wheels.
id in addidion with type
well at least "he" wants to drive that :P
Also, the revision history on the question is getting silly.
@Cerbrus any question with word "warning, down vote"... makes me worried
wow dependency injection in jQuery..
Doesn't look like it was the OP that added that warning?
Can we use id too in addition with type in .find()
@diwakarbhatt can we ? try it and let us know :)
i am not able to do so
i guys i want to clone all options with a value
var $options = $("#myselect > option").clone();
this will clone all options
i tried like
@diwakarbhatt Why would you want to? The value of the id property is supposed to be unique, so you don't have to combine it with anything
how can i filter it only values ? for example an option with value='' should not be cloned
yeah exactly that's what i want because my table is creating dynamically and every row have exact class and i want to put one more filter to identify the element
.append($('<td>').append($('<select>').attr('class','form-control').attr({id : ''+$(this)[0].qualId}).attr('name','operatorList').html("<option value=''>--Select--</option><option value='contains'>contains</option><option value='equals'>equals</option>")))
.append($('<td>').append($('<input>').attr({type :'text'}).attr('class','form-control').attr({id : ''+$(this)[0].qualId}).attr('name','attributeValue')))
there can me more element with type text in same row, to filter oit out i need id too
is i any way to do this..?
Good day everyone! I have one question regarding react native and firebase, should i ask it here, or is there any other room?
@askar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a react native app with redux as state manager. at the backend i have firebase. right now, when i hard reload the page, firebase.auth().currentUser returns null. i tried to include the current user in the global state. But because i check, if the user is logged in with firebase onAuthStateCHanged function in my top level component, i can't store it in redux state, because i don't have access to store yet
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@askar Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
ok, thanks
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@askar Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Hi guys, can I post here question about angular? Or this room is only for pure JS?
@1_bug go ahead
I need to use ng-message - its works if I entered something into input. But nothing happend if I insert value from code (eg. document.getElementById('myId').value = "Some text"). How can I force ng-message to detect change on input not only during entered from keyboard but also from code?
hey quick question about package.json
is there anyway to configure it to tell a certain package to use a certain dependency
@lix @Mathematics: I decided to call it IdentityConstraint
Hello guys
retract my question since i dont wanna shrinkwrap
I dont understand this question , why do we need to clean a project, what does it mean ?
Q: How to clean a project correctly with gulp?

Jan HommesOn the gulp page there is the following example: gulp.task('clean', function(cb) { // You can use multiple globbing patterns as you would with `gulp.src` del(['build'], cb); }); gulp.task('scripts', ['clean'], function() { // Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts) return...

@1_bug A simple scope digest should be fine
@FlyingGambit Removing previously compiled resources
@OliverSalzburg If i compile again, would it not just overwrite the files ?
hi peeps
@Devrim Hi
@FlyingGambit Maybe, yes, but more importantly is that you might end up with fragments which no longer reflect your current build
anyone know if I can open default applications for documents (pdf, excel etc...) via chrome app / nw.js
Like you changed what you output files should be named like, now you still got the old ones lying around
@OliverSalzburg understood, thanks
@Devrim Hopefully not
@OliverSalzburg :(
actually I found a way to do that but have issues accessing full (absolute) path of files
anyone ever used D3 here ?
@Mathematics nope
@Mathematics lot of people, plz ask away your question
@FlyingGambit I suspect that many people had used it.. did you used it ?
I have.. on here and on stackoverflow but no one seems to be able to help :(
@Mathematics I have but I don't remember much
@Devrim missing some context because I don't use nw.js, but can't you just use the path module and get the absolute path?
This is the package.json of a github project. I am trying to identify the minimal set of libraries that I should use.
I have commented out the ones I feel are not needed.
  "name": "blur_admin",
  "version": "1.2.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "browser-sync": "~2.9.11",
    "browser-sync-spa": "~1.0.3",
    // "chalk": "~1.1.1",
    "del": "~2.0.2",
    // "eslint": "latest",
    // "eslint-plugin-angular": "~0.12.0",
    // "estraverse": "~4.1.0",
    "gulp": "~3.9.0",
    // "gulp-angular-filesort": "~1.1.1",
    // "gulp-angular-templatecache": "~1.8.0",
    // "gulp-autoprefixer": "~3.0.2",
    // "gulp-eslint": "~1.0.0",
    // "gulp-filter": "~3.0.1",
    // "gulp-flatten": "~0.2.0",
I want to know if anything is to be added / removed
gulp-gh-pages if it works as advertised, because you need to push changes to a different branch from the one you're working on
and gulp-eslint, you really need a linter for happiness
@FilipDupanović no because I cant publish any code outside
@FilipDupanović definitely yes I want to use linting to follow good guidelines, thanks
then it's ok to take it out if you're not going to publish to GitHub pages
are you going to be using bower dependencies? if not you can take out wiredep and other bower dependencies
del isn't necessary if you're not going to touch the FS from your sources... I'm sure there must be some gulp plugin to clear the build directory
@FilipDupanović yes, planning to use them. not decided on the list . Some of them include
"angular-route": "~1.4.6",
    "angular-slimscroll": "~1.1.5",
    "angular-smart-table": "~2.1.3",
    "angular-toastr": "~1.7.0",
    "angular-touch": "~1.4.6",
    "angular-ui-sortable": "~0.13.4",
@FilipDupanović Looking at the answers to this question, del seemed to be the easiest one stackoverflow.com/questions/24396659/…
right, fair enough, I haven't used Gulp in ages
if you're interested, you might have a look at Webpack or Browserify... Gulp is all right and well as some sort of task runner, but you might benefit with dedicated tools for building sources
Too many people with name starting with "F" & now I am confused lol
just my 2c because Gulp packages are notorious for not using peerDependencies
@Mathematics it's because it's the 6th letter in the alphabet and we know how much 6 is prevalent in nature :P
@FilipDupanović I think I tried that but I don't think it worked - i will try it again a bit later
JS has too many tools, being a beginner it confuses me a lot on what to use
I'm not going to say setting up Webpack is easy, but it's mostly about writing the configuration and running either webpack to create the outputs or webpack-dev-server to developing sources live
Gulp ends up being 200 L of noise, tasks you'll never call, but are there because you need to debug what went wrong with your setup, plugins that lock you into dependencies which haven't been updated :|, meh
there's more convention going on with Webpack builds
@FlyingGambit I want something like this but using d3....
I've created a custom spinner and had to use string (eg - 10 cm) in the spinner. I have done that, the only problem I'm facing is that the spin event does not fire in first time the spinner is used. After any other event has been fired it works as it is supposed to. focusout works fine though, just spin event is not working
@srishti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I´m using express with passport js to do the auth of my app. If I try the auth & access protected route in something like ARC it works. But if I try to the same in my react app it does not. The user is successfully authenticated, but I can´t access protected routes. What could be common mistakes? I search a lot on SO, but nothing helped so far?
do I need react-cookies or sth like this? But i thought the session would just live on the server and isn´t required to be stored / send on/ from the client side
hi, how can i create nested tab ? tnx
@AminSamani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SterlingArcher @ndugger 6 months today. #neverForget
Most answers suck, but whatever.
surely there's a dup of that somewhere?
I've searched
There's Object.keys questions and array mapping questions, but a combination of the 2? No luck
@rlemon you pregnant?
dat analytics report
@HatterisMad #Harambe
That said, if you find one, I'd be happy to close it, @ivarni
god dammit...
@Cerbrus Tried, but getting so many false positives because of the new ES6 Map I've expended the energy I'm willing to spend on searching with no luck as well
@ivarni Exactly the problem I had
Q: map function for objects (instead of arrays)

RandomblueI have an object: myObject = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 } I am looking for a native method, similar to Array.prototype.map that would be used as follows: newObject = myObject.map(function (value, label) { return value * value; }); // newObject is now { 'a': 1, 'b': 4, 'c': 9 } Does JavaS...

That's not the same issue
@jAndy @FilipDupanović I think I tried that but I don't think it worked - i will try it asain a bit later (source)
@jAndy That's not the game issue (source)
oh fail
Why did that not trigger Cap?
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@KARTHIKEYAN.A Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
this one but not getting expected
^ read what @CapricaSix said
ok @CapricaSix
Please create a fiddle to reproduce the issue, @KARTHIKEYAN.A. This isn't practical, at all.
^ too much to read in here
i don't have fiddle knowledge
guys, anyone know any syntactic sugar for adding an item to an array if it is not already in the array?
!arr.includes(item) && arr.push(item)
not sure what 'sugar' you're looking for
@corvid ~arr.indexOf(item) || arr.push(item);
brown sugar
@Cerbrus Wait, what is the tilde? I've actually never seen that before
It's to "cast" the indexOf in into a "contains" boolean
@corvid .indexOf returns -1 on no result, so we need to cast that into 0. Doing it by negate bitwise
!!> !!(~[4].indexOf(3))
@Cerbrus true
@Cerbrus false
!!> ~-1;
@jAndy 0
thats the important part
!!> console.log(!!~-2, !!~-1, !!~0, !!~1, !!~2)
@Cerbrus "undefined" Logged: true,false,true,true,true
Luckily, indexOf returns >= -1
is there a way I can have a script run after any npm package installation?
postinstall works for npm i but not specific packages
Damn it
@HatterisMad lol share the <3
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
does that even work?
So long
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Hey people
Sup nerd
Nothing much ...
Working on my app
No one members
I member
I vaguely do
I'd have to ask Pepperidge Farm for clarification though
@BenjaminGruenbaum member expressions are bad for health and I like the point free style
@rlemon I had real Canadian maple syrup this weekend. 5/7 would get diabetes again.
@Trasiva thats the good kush
It made an amazing glaze for the ham, I was really surprised.
I finally got a chest freezer. Gonna buy so much meat.
Your mom gets paid to... er...
anyone here use datagrip?
Hi all
i updated to 2016.3, and now the results grid isn't showing query results correctly. it's not making the rows tall enough to see the data...
@AwalGarg I love expressions and find them a lot better than point free style.
I came to that conclusion after reading a lot of point free style. Before that I loved it
@BenjaminGruenbaum you are n00b you don't know functional. start from basics of programming and learn java
That's what a functional programmer told me this morning. very intelligent guy
sounds like a dysfunctional programmer
@KendallFrey glaze the ham? She does it for free, and it's GMO free!
@AwalGarg I actually gave a talk about this once called "functional programming is terrible", talked about stuff like why this attitude is poison.
Either you like Haskell or you are stupid.
Either you like point free (even if you can't write it) or you're stupid (even if you've written it for years).
@KendallFrey Fail, fail, you thought I'd get grossed out regarding the snail trail.
throw error console.log($('div.Bot table tbody').find('tr')) Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find is not a function — vineet sah 1 min ago
uhhh what
Hows it goin @BenjaminGruenbaum ? :-)
@Neal well, generally. Going to give a talk about machine learning in 45 minutes and make a fool of myself.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds cool :-) I want to give a talk once (I was invited to) but idk what to talk about ha
Good luck @BenjaminGruenbaum !
@BenjaminGruenbaum send us the video
@Neal build something then talk about that
@BenjaminGruenbaum Machine learning? Elaborate please
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well I am building a slackbot based off Zirak's chat bot here.
@jAndy just basics and how to do it in JS
@ssube @BenFortune @SterlingArcher Look what I can do!
@Trasiva niiiice. Now you gotta get that 4m down.
have you guys made a bot for that derpy game yet?
At some point this weekend @SterlingArcher pulled a yeti dungeon, so I gotta finish leveling him and I'll have a vero
@ssube I need the runes to drop for that, but that's why I'm farming gb10. My guys are pretty great.
@ssube Well, you gotta awaken get 5*.
What's the best way for xp? Do you level up your fodder?
@Trasiva I need a few magic essence to awaken the vampire and 10 levels on the yeti and I'm done, farmed a shitload of essence this weekend.
Still don't have anyone that can solo famion yet
@BenFortune Use a double xp, and then run Faimon hell/hard. Whichever is fastest.

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