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@Vap0r you check out any super simple starter apps?
if I recall, he's trying to use react in a non-SPA from php?
is that right, @Vap0r
yeah that's what we do actually
not php
yea .net
@Loktar I have but at this point I don't know enough to even identify which super simple starter app is correctly using everything. Do you have a list of examples or a good site I can go read up at?
our spa was .net as well and that worked out fine
but we're integrating react into a huge ass existing application
@Luggage not familiar with non-SPA nomenclature. Not PHP though. ASP.NET
you build static html in .net? or use node on the side?
Probably going to use web API for backend
it basically consists of 5 separate react applications
SPA - single page app. but non-SPA, I just mean a traditional "every page is separate" web site.
@Luggage what do you mean?
I just build it with react
we will get an initial data load from the backend so we dont have to make an initial request
ok, so you aren't pre-rendering on the server and sedning html with all the data in it already?
ahh, ok.
@Luggage yes but the non-SPA isn't a hard requirement. I'm just going to have a lot of different, non-app related "widgets" on the home page. (imagine a dashboard), but the dashboard opens up to the application
its a big web application, not like an SEO friendly thing
gotcha.. yes.. I did something like that with .NET before (not react)
I mean I know that's good for perf (prerendering) as well, but it hasn't hindered us yet fortunately
yea.. it for when you want those instant loads.
but that's our structure right now
as I said though we have like 5 applications that are "seperate" yet share a common base as well for common components and styles
that's taken from a sample app I made so people in the office could get used to it
@Loktar so that is an SPA?
so the index.html is just for that, not in our main app lol
@Vap0r nah not a spa in our case
one of our apps has spa like features (uses react-router)... meaning it will load diff views when the URL changes
but they all live in this giant application
that stupid file chart took me a while to build actually, was making our readme fancy.. however if I did it in an image editor it would look worse lol
@Loktar I suppose that helps a bit, but if this isn't an SPA, what are your other pages?
each application rather is built into something like "someapp.js"
and then whatever part needs it loads the appropriate script
then the file takes over and mounts itself to whatever element we told it too
@Loktar this all takes place in index.html?
well in that example yeah it would, but in our app it might be on like "SomeRandomNewPage.cshtml"
So the github example you showed me didn't have those other pages listed?
Or would the be hosted in one of the folders?
well in our case that whole structure lives in a directory called 'react' and then our pages just would pull from the 'dist' directory
where all the files are built
Oh! I've come full circle lol
that specific example you could have an index.html that just calls <script src='dist/app.js'></script>
and then react would take over and do whatever
Awesome. Thanks @Loktar! I have to go I stayed 15 minutes past when I need to just to understand this. I think I have a leg to stand on so I can at least ask somewhat sensible questions about this now :P
nice good luck man
Thanks! adios!
feel free to ask anything in here lots of react guys in here
var x = 17;
function blah(a=x, x=12, b=x) {
    console.log(a, b);
blah(); // ReferenceError: x is not defined
Why you do this?
Oh my god I'm an idiot
Isn't that sort of parameter assignment new tech?
I'm a total noob
undefined, 12.
it's ES6, yes.
@Zirak why noob?
it doesn't work in chrome
it's babel in the fiddle
wait no wut
I guess you're a noob either way though
it's not what i expect, though, it's not using the outer x.
I thought I did a weird assignment thing in my original console thing, but then rechecked and I didn't
So babel's wrong, HAH
ohh, oops, i forget that line
babel is wrong on lots of counts
kangax says chrome should support default function params
@SterlingArcher the problem isn't support
still wrong.
It does, I don't get why x is not defined at that point
it's the resolution
of thje variables
What do you mean resolution
function blah(a=12) { return a; } // I work
var x = 17;
function blah(a=x) { return a; } // I also work
The problem I present is where you have the outer x and a variable named x
resolution is the noun form of resolve
and peasants can't resolve 4k
casuals, the lot of you
I prefer to be a pleb, ty.
speaking of plebs, I haven't seem @ndugger in a while.
it's like it does some kind of preparation for the scope of where those default values are executed
Where, though? I'm not getting it from the spec
and it removes the existing x in "anticipation" of the x argument
it looks like a bug
@Mosho Same behaviour in FF
was just opening FF :P
@Luggage I was thinking about that last night
as I was falling asleep.. no joke
I don't see how this can be a result of anything other logic that does specifically that
last spoke 8 days, last seen 5 days
yeah just shot him a message on FB
he was active on there yesterday
(in related news, did you know about Proxy.revocable?)
maybe he's on vaca or something
Hello, is there a way to tell babel not to transpile "export default SomeClass;"
yes. turn off that plugin.
That would turn off other features too though lol
ok, lets try to rephrase the question :)
hm.. can't find whihc babel-plugin does that part..
I need to transpile 2 versions of class:
1. one that can be used in commonJS as module
2. one that can be used in any HTML page
1. is obviously not an issue
But I have issues with 2.
You can tell babel to output something else, other than a commonjs from from your exports.
like AMD.
Is that what you want? babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-amd is involved.. looking for more inf
make a UMD @Develoger
rather export it as a umd
I only see amd, commonjs and systemjs in babel code
thats it
I stand corrected.
wonderful help :)
nice np
!!afk Never trust @SterlingArcher's farts.
Did some get on you?
its good advice though
@Mosho Confirmed, I am noob. tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation is where we should look, am looking further
yep, look at SingleNameBinding : BindingIdentifier Initializer over here
how can I load umd into the simple html page?
I got it :)
Hi All
We are developing an application which uses requireJs, Knockout, jQuery and JQueryUI
We found that this application is suffering memory leaks
After further extensive troubleshooting and debugging
when? when changing pages? are you disposing KO computeds?
We found that Knockout and Jquery Cached events and elements some how referenced many javascript objects and DOM Elements
We have a login and logout option
You pretty much only need to use jquery directly when talking to jqueryUI things. You can do most dom things (e.g. events) through KO
and KO will de-register events when the component 'unmounts'.
I would like to clear Javascript cache and Knockout Cache from Memory
No idea how to do that, if possible. What you need to do is find out that is staying referenced and fix that directly.
If required I would like to totally remove KO and JQuery from Browser memory and reload when he logsIn again
are you using a more recent version of jquery? it used to store data pretty inefficiently
is your code structured into KO components?
you... can't just remove javascript from the current page
It is single page application
ko doesn't really have a way to just 'clear all'. There is an undocumented function to clear bindings, but I don't think it's really complete.
Hence I am planning Login screen with Basic javascript without any libraries
Once Login I would freshly load all the libraries
I have a big SPA with KO. It doesn't leak memory, but you can easly do so. Answer my earlier wuestion: do you dispose things like ko.computed?
At the same time while logging out I would like clean the memory all libraries cache
@Luggage: Yes we do dispose ko.computed
and you use components?
you should. Components can 'mount/unmount'.
No. We don't use Components
@Luggage Is your sister a component ?
@Luggage: Unfortunately we don't have option to rewrite the application by converting KO Components
well, you don't need to re-write the whole thing.. just the part you want to 'unmount / clear'.
But.. you need to figure out where your memory leak is. There is no magic .clearMemoryLeak();
Why do I need KO and its Cache when I logout
and if you remove elemts from the DOM, the events are unregistered. How do you know you have a memory leak?
I mean when I don't required
My Login screen is simple Javascript page where it doesn't require any kind of Library
not even jQuery
At this point I would like to clean the slate
And When I login I would like to start fresh
ok. if that's a separate page, then it WILL clear.
No All are in same page
same html page
Login screen doesn't require any Libraries
ok, well, then.. we're back to: "why do you know you have a memory leak?"
You mean How do I know that I have memory leak
VVVVVV is a nice game
When we login and perform all the funcationalities that application provided and logged out
We repeated this 20 times
there are many patterns you could potentially be using in your code related to jquery that could cause major memory leaks, but we can't see any of your code, so... we can't identify any of them.
and what, it used more ram? did it garbage collect?
From Task Manager, we are taking memory when when ever we are ing log in screen
Each time we are seeing memory is gradually increasing
That's vague. Use the profiler. It can tell you things like # of registered event handlers and you can find out for sure.
I know KO well. Too well. I could help if you have some more specific info but "I don't need KO for this part of the app, can I clear it?" is a dead-end.
you can't just... clear "everything", without knowing what "everything" is
other than reloading the page
@KevinB There are actually some good reason for wanting to completely un-bind / unmount / whatver KO, but you can't.
design flaw.
But.. it doesn't leak as long as you don't.
I have spent many hours on this subject.
jquery does do some... odd things that can cause unexpected memory leaks, but in the end it's still the same old common patterns, jquery just makes it worse in some cases
making one root KO component to put your app in, can actually let you tell KO to 'unmount everything' but.. if you have a REAL memory leak (which you haven't convinced me, yet), then you should still find/fix that.
JS is a garbage collected environment. It will grow in size until it needs ram (or some other events) and then shrink again.
I should write a KO to React migration article.
someObject.on('click', function () {
common mistake
What? using jquery?
no, re-using someObject within. that keeps someObject in context, as long as the event handler is. Now, imagein if someObject was defined as: someObject = $(".foobar").filter(somefilterfunction).last();
someObject now has a reference to all the foobar elements, not just the last one filtered, so they're all left referenced
ah, right.
hello dear JS devs
To the untrained that looks like an optimized way of writing it, but it can cause serious problems
I have a favor to ask with this fiddle: jsfiddle.net/Valentincognito/urb0ydkz/1
at least, that was a problem in older versions of jquery
no idea if they've fixed that in 3
If someones has some times to help me a little I would really appreciate it
what's wrong with it
without looking at the code, and just looking at the end-result, my guess would be you have a for loop creating click events, and using the i from the for loop in the click callback.
(the callback happens later, so i will always target the last one)
Q: JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example

nickfvar funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); /...

exactly what it was
still has issues tho

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