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you'll definitely find something on developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element
the list of properties is skyscraper tall
Actually that's a good point
I'm not really sure what the above line of code is even returning really
I mean I know it's holding all of the nodes inside of the div but I'm not sure how it saves them, maybe as an array
I want to replace the any value between the specific xml elements.
this is my xml elements
i want to be like this below
@vidya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@lix I'd find a way to query for elements that have the ID attribute set
kindly suggest some regular expression for this
in notepad++
Yeah I was thinking along the same lines as I've set the lobby id to be the element's ID also, just need to get the elements ID out of the node list I've got now
I must be close @FilipDupanović
document.lobby.querySelector('[id]') maybe?
Dunno if there is a selector but you could filter? Array.prototype.filter.call(document.querySelectorAll('*'), node => node.getAttribute('id'))
@vidya regexr.com, there's a link to community contributed expressions, there'll probably be something that can help you
I was close just needed to use children, which interestingly is an array but you can't use forEach on. How peculiar, though I suppose it's an object.
It's actually a HTMLCollection
Quite strange if you ask me as like you said I thought it was a nodelist also, but apparently childnodes provides everything in between the selected div, so even whitespace would be passed as text.
el.children then, methinks it skips text nodes
It does, just solved that issue :D
thanks chaps @FilipDupanović & @ivarni
I need help, broad request-a-incoming
where do I start to get my WebGL chops to this plateau for lighting youtu.be/UwEuSxAEXPA >.>
That's computer generated?
I'd really like to understand how to read these blasted GSLS programs clicktorelease.com/code/cruciform
the dudes did everything already, I'm just staring at this like a bum
side note: youtube.com/watch?v=hh6ZW1njZVA I want this style of apartment
How the fuck does one get such a sick apartment
I actually hate my life and this shitty fucking uni room O.O
god, you should go to Groningen, NL and check out the flats next to the lakes
I'm from the UK friend ^_^, please sponsor my visa I'll be right over
Dutchies use tall windows without curtains, so you can drop your jaw and pull it across the street as you pass by
You just won my upvote good sir.
Are you from the netherlands filip?
no, but I went to swim in the lake the other day
Sounds like you have a french name
got it from my godfather... he's catholic, so I guess it's by the saint
@littlepootis $$$ = ££ + 1/4£
@littlepootis Do you reckon I'll be able to find an American wife on tinder so I can gain entry to the us?
you still don't need a visa right, until you shut the exit door behind you
now might be the time to visit NL
I have dual nationality so I still have EU rights as my second nationality is irish
I live in england but I have all the same traveling rights as the rest of the eu, it's great.
I thought you all made a groupon application to enter the schengen area
The only place I can't go which is where I'd actually like to move to is the US
you been there yet?
Do you mean one of those change.org petitions that never actually go anywhere
No, I can't really afford anything atm
you drive for 30 min just to buy smokes (that's in one direction)
Sounds like a great way to kick the habbit to me :o
hypermarket is the base size for grocery stores
when someone takes you out for lunch to a place nearby it's like going out for an excursion or a trek
need I say the houses and buildings just keep repeating themselves, so don't even try going out without GPS
me from hicksville no likey
I've never had these problems in any US city I've been to
well, that was Chicago for me, I've spent most of my time there
Only spent time in the Chicago CBD, near the river mostly
So dunno how the rest of the city is really :)
  R.compose(R.isNil, R.prop('image')),
is that proper?
if (isNil(obj.image)) {
I keep stupidly doing R.ifElse(R.isNil(R.prop('image'))
!!define CBD
@FilipDupanović CBD Initialism of case-based discussion.
biz district?
I am showing google maps on popup . when I click on location it shows another popup with close button. But when I click on close button the whole popup disappers
so how can i fire on close event
of google maps
@FilipDupanović Central Business District
yeah, downtown is cool, but traversing the surrounding areas is like living through the bad Requiem for a Dream loops
all the streets and houses look the same to me
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you know Hebrew, He-bro?
i´m doing an ajax request from a react client to my express sever. This fails because in the response header is Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* which results in an error ` wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header` . But I didn´t set this header. How Can I remove that? this are my current headers set
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.headers.origin);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
does someone have an idea how to solve this?
read up on what app.use(cors()); does.
Nm, I know you do :)
I forgot I did.
1 message moved to Trash can
@lix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Suppose I have <div id="lobbies" style="">
        <div id="lobbyRow" class="row lobbyRow">

        <div id="56f32561-e17f-4871-836a-e1d53530d418" class="col-xs-3 lobbyTile"><div class="lobbyDiv"><h5>ID:56f32561-e17f-4871-836a-e1d53530d418 </h5><h5>Players: 1</h5></div></div><div id="67406fa2-7eef-4c74-b948-c04cee443948" class="col-xs-3 lobbyTile"><div class="lobbyDiv"><h5>ID:67406fa2-7eef-4c74-b948-c04cee443948 </h5><h5>Players: 1</h5></div></div></div>
Sorry in advance about the formatting :/
you still need the IDs?
Basically I've added an event listener to each .lobbyTile to look for a click but for some reason it has applied the same click event to all of the children, Is there a way to only make this apply to the parent element
I got past that @FilipDupanović It's just the event listener i've added to the dom is being applied to all of the children
can you delineate by event.target as an option, using the same handler for all nodes?
 //add event listeners for the lobbys
            for (var i = 0; i < lobbyChildren.length; i++) {
                var node = document.getElementById(lobbyChildren[i].id).addEventListener("click", function (e) {
Don't add event listeners in a loop
you could attach it to document.lobbies, capture the clicks and get the node via event.target
Use event delegation
Ohh like we talked about the other day @littlepootis?
exactly what Filip is suggesting
I told you, uni is just time flushed down the toilet, unless you're doing maths, astrophysics or rocket sciences
@KevinB it´s adding CORS functionality to my express app. So do I have to set some options ?
@FilipDupanović or if you have 4 gcse's and no one trusts you to be a developer when you tell them the only real academic qualification in relation to my field is a D at the lowest acceptable form of academia qualifcation
That made way more sense in my head.
Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?
whatever you do, don't get a PhD in CS, no one will ever employ you :P
You'll end up being too smart for anyone to employ.
is that a thing?
That is a thing, yes.
so what are CS PhDs supposed to do?
just research and beg for money?
Companies need them too.
sit there and take 2 weeks what it takes a scrub to finish in a day
@towc act dumb and say you forgot your cv
and if so, what kind of PhDs are employable?
The uber-smart people will probably flock to a better company.
I've known of psychology PhDs casually being employed for UX...
So, unless you are an industry leader, or pay a big sum, the chances of them sticking around is very low.
oh wait. So I should be a PhD and go to a major company? How's that bad?
There are way easier alternatives.
like not getting a PhD?
Ukranians (I say it lovingly)
but then you can't force people to call you funny names :/
hi filip :D
and sup with ukranians?
@monkeyinsight speak of the devil
@FilipDupanović :D
@towc they actually get shit done
My event delegation still only picks up the children elements inside my row, I'm presuming I have some kind of dom issue maybe :/
that sounds messed up on so many levels
!! youtube linkin park by myself
@Mr_Green Something went on fire; status 403
typical european
going on fire?
just because we're not fat :/
it's ok, you're fat
here's something that never crossed your mind: putting a full-sized keyboard over your laptop's dead keyboard for typing
That's actually a reoccurring nightmare of mine, actually having to use a laptop for coding.
Try using a laptop to connect via VPN to code :)
tiny screen, shitty keyboard, monitor-lag
@ivarni in starbucks aswell for extra vpn fun?
While riding a horse :)
in the snow
@ivarni well....
it's not that bad
yeah @ivarni, burned all my nomadic dreams that way
I had a pretty horrible experience when I had to do it (home sick with concussion)
@towc Have you ever been horse riding before? as a male it's isn't the most pleasant thing.
it's more as if you had a whole universe accessable through a small typeable device
@lix as a female, I kind of love it
just because of the horses
Nice clarification ;-)
now, think about having to code on your phone
you're into horses?
I used to actually be really good at horse riding
then life hit me
@littlepootis can we be reddit friends?
I bought a $250 CB with 9 hours batter life, took a roaming-free card, bought a high CPU instance on GCP, installed mosh, sharpened my Vim skills, took to the road like a boss--and then I tried without WiFi... I sobbed the whole trip
@lix I don't really reddit, but,
you can have friends on reddit?
it's when you stalk each other
the line between that and friendship is quite faded
"hail our new grandmaster overlord" on Donald's sub and I bet you'll make 1k friends in no time
This is why I can't make friends, my lifes full of failed jokes.
who's starring things?
No idea but sadly that's the first time anyone's ever upvoted something I've said..
I need to talk to your manager
@FilipDupanović <3
Long shot but does anyone here play dota 2?
I dropped a star while I cleaned the coffee off my screen
former player, that shit is like crack
yup, never ending lifetime game
I'm trying out Screeps... didn't get anywhere so far, still writing tools
use proxies to chain async operations. Also, classic:
!!> function add(A,B, l,m,a,o,w,t,f,e,s=A+B) { return s; } add(2, 3);
@AwalGarg 5
what did you do to my brain rubs eyes
since when can we yank in an expression as a parameter, I'm confused
@FilipDupanović He asked for confusing things
this trick, can't get it to work with ::after stackoverflow.com/a/22950810/44041
@AwalGarg interesting
.foo {
  text-align: justify;

.foo::after {
  content: '';
  width: 100%;
  display: 'inline-block'
me stupid, hack too hacky, or both?
Here is another one:
!!> function wtf({ [x+y]: [x,y] }) { return x+y; } wtf({[void 0 + 2]:[4,5]})
@AwalGarg 9
@towc I starred your riding horses.
how often do you ride horses?
I'll send a handwritten card to the first person to explain what the above does. Offer valid for anyone but zirak, benji and copy (and anyone else who knows too much JS :D)
@m59 I know Hebrew, so do @Zirak @Mosho @MadaraUchiha and a bunch of other people in the room - I met all three yesterday too
double neato
I was going to ask a Hebrew grammar question, and then I also remembered Blble Hebrew is hardly the same language as modern Hebrew =D
It kind of is, people who speak Hebrew can read bible Hebrew
Oh for real?
Triple neato!
Because it went unspoken for 1500 years and Jewish people mostly spoke Yiddish and common languages when it was "revived" it didn't change that much. It changed a lot over the last 100 years but it's kind of like you being able to read 100 year old English - you probably can do that
!!> function wtf({ [document.bleh]: [x,y] }) { return x+y; } wtf({[void 'bleh']:[4,5]})
Oh sure.
@FilipDupanović "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
What's the question?
according to Our likeness; כִּדְמוּתֵ֑נוּ kid·mu·te·nu; from damah
Kinda two things.
It's not really "according to our likeness" it's "in our image"
yep, so it's definitely the plural pronoun?
Because people argue that it isn't.
"ke" is "as if", "dmut" is "person image", "nu" is a suffix that says "ours", so it's "as in our image" where image is "character". "In our character" might also work. It's nuanced.
Ah, you just answered my next question.
נו is the suffix you use for first person plural. אכל-נו we ate, שתי-נו - we drank, ישב-נו we sat.
I was trying to figure out how the root word could turn into that word. It's hardly recognizable to me.
Greek is much easier to an ignorant American =D
In Hebrew, three letters (sometimes 4) of each word are the stem of the word and you build a language construction around that that indicates the form of the action and who did it (first, second or third person and singular or plural and also male or female).
ah. I'd like to be pretty good at Greek and Hebrew within the next ten years.
After I get good at programming!
דמה - dama - was similar to
דמות - dmut - image/character - based on the word
כ - ke - as in
נו - suffix for plural first person
כדמותנו - in our image
Did you mean "based on the word**" ?
If not, I didn't understand that part.
Got it.
Thanks a ton for this.
If you want to read something fun read the dead sea scrolls, lots of other books that were never canonized into the bible
!!> function wtf({ [console.log('bleh')]: [x,y] }) { return x+y; } wtf({[void 'bleh']:[4,5]})
@FilipDupanović 9 Logged: "bleh"
@FilipDupanović why is that a wtf?
grrr @AwalGarg, I'm out of ideas how to match the key when I destructure in the parameter
I had no idea we can drop in expressions as parameters :|
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm more familiar with the Greek writings in that category. I have looked into those as well, but not as much. I've forgotten all of it.
Hmmm. Is the book of Enoch one of them?
duh it has to be
Kinda coming back to me.
!!> function wtf({ [parseFloat('bleh')]: [x,y] }) { return x+y; } wtf({[void 'bleh']:[4,5]})
@FilipDupanović "TypeError: [(intermediate value)] is undefined"
How to break gulp task intentionally?
You really want that handwritten note, do you?
@FilipDupanović instead of void 'bleh', try NaN
that's not fun
and document.bleh looked sexy, until it ran in Cap's context
NaN was already tried, how to make sexy time with undefined and Cap >.>?
Computed property names, array destructing, object destructing, abuse of addition with undefined is how it works.
nvm.. process.exit()
@FilipDupanović I won't tell. And you are not getting any card if you take help from this room :D
@littlepootis you missed the key
^ setImmediate(process.exit), just for the lols
!!> function wtf({ [undefined]: [x,y] }) { return x+y; } wtf({[void 'bleh']:[4,5]})
@FilipDupanović 9
because undefined doesn't throw an actual ReferenceError
there, spilled the beans on the key
you changed his question, though
!!> undefined - undefined
@littlepootis "NaN"
@AwalGarg send me my handwritten note
damn, that's good, virtual star becacuse @towc is keeping watch
@littlepootis You haven't explained anything yet. And again, you are still missing the key part from the original code.
I don't get this expression
!!> undefined:[4,5]
@FilipDupanović [4,5]
how come you get an array back?
and this
!!> {[4,5]}
@FilipDupanović [4,5]
@FilipDupanović labels
@FilipDupanović blocks
!!> lol = undefined:[4,5]
@littlepootis "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
!!> lol = {[4,5]}
@littlepootis "SyntaxError: missing ] in computed property name"
no note for jooooooo
explain the block bit though
{ on it's own starts a block.
can you expand that; so {'oyea'} becomes (() => 'oyea')()???
!!> typeof {1}
@FilipDupanović "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
!!> { let meaning = "pootis"; } pootis
@littlepootis "ReferenceError: pootis is not defined"
like.. a block.
I suck at explaining.
oh, the "No block scope" section?
no, the entire article
I'm on coffee, not adderall >.>
right, standalone block, TIL
Oh, you're asking why dev tools makes it look like it's evaluating to a value..
yeah, because it returns the last expression from the block
!!> { 1; undefined; 3 }
@FilipDupanović 3
braces optional, really looks weird when you put them in
because you can't do function a();
Hey ppl, for Atom user, is there a way of export every package/module used ? A sort of package.json somewhere ? I found that there is an individual package.json for each modules but havent found a recap of every modules which could be used to have a similar config every where
So Could I possibly export this and reuse it on an other config ?
now go and apm star all of them
mmm... I know you could have done that with Sublime, maybe Atom followed suit with how it parses settings
try looking fora plugin thatdoesthis

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