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@rlemon honestly dude, you're more accident prone than a drunk white girl at the club
@SterlingArcher Coming from you, that's meaningless
Ok, so you sort of got me there.
That was pretty easy, really
So was your mom
oh snap
@AkshatBhargava Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: finding thrust in 2D game

Akshat BhargavaI have a game in which characters move they initially start at some point x and y. We have those points with the vx and vy which are entities' speed vector. Now if I have to move I need to apply some thrust in the and give the coordinates to the game, how do I find that value? Please help and sor...

please help
@AkshatBhargava not enough detail in your question to be answered
Here's a general thrust equation from nasa
@BadgerCat please tell me what I need to add more, thanks.
@SterlingArcher please tell me what I need to add more, thanks.
1 hour later…
hello now i am trying emscripten it is compiling so slowly
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Q: What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

user605334I want to know what the difference is between null and undefined in JavaScript.

thanks @Sheepy clears that up :-)
I saw http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/34275622#34275622 ---------->
and i don't know why that company raised a lot of money just to dig a hole for 0 reasons
posted on November 27, 2016 by Axel Rauschmayer

The following function evalCode() traces the global variables that are accessed while evaluating a piece of JavaScript code. // Simple solution const _glob = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : self; function evalCode(code) { const func = new Function ('proxy', `with (proxy) {${code}}`); // (A) const proxy = new Proxy(_glob, { ge

1 hour later…
@lix One's null and one's undefined, literally , null is no value, and undefined means it basing been defined, undefined
Hey @Sheepy it's @shad0wk from nz.
anyone here familiar with running node builds via webpack?
My boilerplate docs tell me to "npm run build" but after this line - > esw webpack.config.* src tools --color
the build fails
if anyone can help me make sense of the debug log would be awesome
1 hour later…
hmm seems lint was breaking the build
adding || true to end of lint script ran the build successfully
"lint": "esw webpack.config.* src tools --color || true",
Hydraulic Press Channel joined the Hole's comment section
Imagine building the mexico wall like this
going there on Saturday
anyone had these mixed content errors before when publishing node site to Github pages?
I think I just need to change the cdn's to be https instead of http?
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://pages.github.hpe.com/TestSite/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
or I need to recompile index again with https references to cdn maybe
@BrianJ yeS
yes to recompile or just change https in the index.html file?
I don't really know, depends on your build process.
well my build is just running an npm run build script on the node site
then copying the files from the dist folder and adding them to my github pages repo where the files are pulled automatically from master and published
im looking for a fancy jquery menu, you know my website is about healthcare \
and bootstrap maybe
they make your website looks like 1000 others
bootstrap is meant to be customized.
it isn't comparable to jQuery UI
hmm so I deployed my build node site to gitpages.
But the console can't seem to find the main file although I see it there in the site's repo..
ailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I was so close to a clean publish :P
any ideas?
Noop :D
@Mosho oi
@BrianJ don't specify the protocol if you don't want to run SSL locally, just use //maxcdn.bootstrap.com
can windows understand sh yet?
I don't want to use cross platform gulp
git for windows comes with bash, you can try that
so I can asume users of my repo will be able to build?
for run scripts in package.json? yeah, I think everyone is running in a bash-like environment on Windows
If you need bash to build, they will too
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
I think node accepts paths with / even on windows.
meh, because CMD.exe doesn't support forward slashes, you need something like {scripts: {start: 'foo'}} and have a foo.sh and foo.bat placed in the root... no one is going to deface their repo like that :/
You said gulp (which accepts ./paths on all OSes) but now it's about batch files?
One of the points of gulp is that you don't need a batch file to run commands and copy files.
If you want to make bash a dependency, I don't think that's too unreasonable.
ohh, two different people talked. I attributed the foo.bat / foo.sh comment to Super, thinking that he contradicted himself.
@FilipDupanović figured out by specifying ssl script instead of http in the index.ejs file
His suggestion of just dropping the protocol would be even better.
I need something like clicktorelease.com/code/cruciform by tomorrow :|
better get to work, then
ok might go back again and drop it
yeah I hope Wagner works as advertised or I might as well find a rope to hang myself
at the moment my git page is giving a 404 on the main.js file I added from my dist compilation...
if that is the test.com url from earlier.. not sure how that is legit
@Luggage I edited the url as it contains my company name
it's a private company github
so when I load the page from the link given in the repo settings, it tells me
server responded with 404
ok, well, nothing I can do with that info..
I did notice that my site itself is called:
but the 404 is returned for:
ohh, so a 404 after the index.html loads?
sis you set the publicPath in webpack?
@BrianJ might want to look into github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin if your bundle name contains the build hash
that's what I use
@Luggage yep after it loads
I'm using hashHistory so shouldn't be an absoute path issue
prior to compilation
not sure why that matters for loading statis resources.
ok maybe not
looking at filip's link now
Have you tried putting /DDM/ in the path to see if the file is there?
Figure out yor problem before adding new plugins.
yes the file is there if I browse to - https://pages.github.mycompanyname.com/DDM/main.c5ec540e041525c6d312.js

but not rendered just a puke of the minified js
right.. that's correct.
14 mins ago, by Luggage
sis you set the publicPath in webpack?
or are you putting the path in your index.html manually?\
hmm let me check that first
ok so that step might be missing then..
don't see any definition of publicPath in there
then, um.. put it there.
I have an idea what the public path is but not how to declare it syntactically
well, if only webpack had some documentation
If only googling "webpack publicPath" would lead you right there
ohh right. it does.
I try to help by saying things like "did you set publicPath in webpack?" but you have to take that info and use it. I won't write your code/config for you.
yeah fair point, just started looking at my pro webpack config
and see that the path is set as this for pro
publicPath: '/', <---------
still looking at the docs, but seems my public path is currently '/' as you said
but it should be '/DDM'
end with a /
you mean '/DDM/'
ah hopefully that is the fix..and I can then enjoy my chicken :)
I wonder can I set the public path directly in the Index.html file? Saving time to recompile my dist folder again
that wouldn't really test the fix, now would it?
if course you can get it to work by hand-editing the index.html file..
Do you want to hand-write a file and make it work ONCE, or make sure the webpack change fixes it in the future?
yeah on second thought, editing webpack is better
I was thinking it wouldn't work local then, but I do i fact have a pro webpack so shouldn't matter
You already tested the new URL earlier, too.
if it doesn't work local, you can make the webpack config dynamic
make the publicPath different depending on an environment variable, or something.
It is just JS, after all.
or put /ddm/ in your local setup
yep should work
so now my webpack pro config is:
output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    publicPath: '/DDM/',
    filename: '[name].[chunkhash].js'
more importantly.. does it work?
goign to try a deploy to git again
yep I have dev an pro webpacks depending on the build script ran
oh, production
just compiled now and it opened on local host, 404
expected that though
I use one config and just change some values with the NODE_ENV variable. Mine is linked above.
as you said I need to update the local setup to accomadate
wouldn't that be your 'dev'?
well the pro build script deploys the compiled files to a dev server
for some reason
maybe to validate compile worked
now this presents a question, since I changed the public path to /DDM/
and my localhost path is still localhost:300/
asked and answered already
like just a few minutes ago
1. You have two configs.. dev and production.. so I don't see ap problem
2. I proposed how to do it with 1 config and even provided an example.
yes need to take a min to review the configs
working on git pages now anyways :)
thanks think I can enjoy some of my weekend now
What are the odds of hitting a 6 with two dices?
isnt it 1/6 ?
You mean a sum of six on both dice or one of them being a 6?
malgorithms are bad, mmkay?
@Asperger t is just a ratio
it's a number between 0 and 1 if you're inside and smaller than 0 or larger than 1 otherwise
It's not that important to the code
Hi, in atom, I add a new file and write some content into it and save. I go on editing other files...I hit ctrl + p and type in the new file name...and find that its not there...i.e. atom hasn't indexed it for some reason...
best look on discuss.atom.io, I'm sure someone asked already
@KendallFrey KSP ranked high among difficult games goliath.com/gaming/… (y)
Discworld was difficult because it was so random and arbitrary. It wasn't really skill.
Hi I want to ask a Help Vampire kind of question, something far to vague and subjective to go on the main site. May I ask the question and if you don't want to answer it its fine.
I never finished any adventure game without a walkthrough >.>
You can ask, bu there aren't many people on.
chat is a great place for bad questions
So the probem is really basic. I know some JS and am a professional developer. I wanted to polish up on my JS skills which are several years out of date.
Use a 400 grit sandpaper.
How do I even start now a days in a new project. I wanted to use electron and some template framework
did you invest into a spacesuit?
Tried Yo but scaffolding doesn't help
I know it was too vampireish
You want to use electron to make a 'native' app?
Yeah I've got some js I wrote which I currently run through nashorn
wanted to put a gui on it
so the real question is where to go to learn
Some stuff in there. MDN is a good documentation site (avoid w3schools).
I don't know where to start, but without at least two dozen dependencies you aren't doing it right
Yeah this seems so much more complicated than 2005/2006
Thanks I'll go through that
Modern JS is nice(er), but it takes some tools to use it in all browsers. That stills hold true for electron, since it basically chrome.
yeah I mean I can do document.write functions prototypes all that stuff
its how to install theframeworks that screws me
I could maybe direct you to some more specific resources, but I'd need to know where you are needing help (tools, transpilers, front end tools, etc)
and some background wouldn't be bad... what are you usually into?
You are installing things with npm?
I tried using yo but all the generators were broken that I tried.
yea.. no idea how up-to-date they are. I do it by hand.
I got electron running but unless I'm solely going to use native js thats not actually helping
So you aren't wanting to use just electron?
Taking at random angular 2
or react
Like to learn one but everyone says I need a huge list of modules
which seems counter intuative
AFK for 10 mins
my boy wants me to go to the shop with him
there's really no way around it, you need a lot of supporting tools for development happiness
java maven seems simpler
@Wes Your skills are still relevant. I'd suggest avoiding "new and shiny" stuff until you need them.
Okay thanks
Considering how unstable most of these new stuff are, I'd recommend avoiding them until they're mature. Embrace standards (ES6, web components), and not workarounds. You might need to add a build step, but it doesn't really harm you in the long run. Your code will be future-proof, at the least.
Okay thats good advise.
@Wes you have got to be kidding me :P
What you are used to is alway simpler than what is new.
all those missing artifact errors that are hard to debug because the dependency can't be distributed through the main repo because of licensing restrictions >.>
@littlepootis No but its way simpler I guess because most of the components are old and I know which ones work better.
I thought you were going to play with your son.
screw the kids... INTERNET \o/
he just got his shoes on
hey guys, who do you guys use for little project sites. < $20/mo
must allow couchdb
Google Cloud. About $5 / month for a small instance
there might be better optins. I haven't tried a lot of the things out there.
That works for me.
but for a plain VM, it's nice.
GCP, AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean
I can always move
heroku ftw.
dply.co is also < $20 I think
Ive been spoiled by working for webhosting ISP's. Haven't looked in 20 years
heroku and DigitalOcean use propietary applets or something, right
i know you do a "heroku push"
or is that like a lazy mans ftp for heroku
I just git pull
do people even use ftp anymore, seems outdated
He means some app container vs a full VM, I think
I know DO uses droplets, but I haven't looked into what that means
you only use custom tools for provisioning
it sounds like maybe heroku just has tools use you use to push your codebase i guess
I think digital ocean droplets are full VMs for you to screw with.
Heroku push probably just uses git
google cloude compute engine is full VMs
looks like DO dropslets are slightly cheaper
I had Google come talk to us during a cloud talk. App engine sounded interesting
so.. want a smallish VM for < $20? go almost anywhere. :)
he showed how you could access a users session in-memory....
yea, app engine is the more managed container thingy
never used it
App engine's free tier is pretty good
@Luggage yeah, it's gonna be a simple app to build movie lists essentially
A lot of services have hidden costs though, so read through that carefully
@Zirak Does App Engine support docker
@taco Dunno
I don't think so
i guess i could google that, sorry
container engine does.. or.. that other container thing
App Engine doesn't support everything.
Their compute engine may support it, or there was another one
probably going to start with GCP then maybe move if it's not suitable
Firebase has a good free tier too firebase.google.com/pricing
why does Firebase sound familiar....
firebase sounds better...
GAE and Firebase will partially lock you into Google's services... nothing that can't be technically worked around, but still
from my micro instance on google:
@Luggage nice
I think I'll get a minimum viable product working locally before I push to the cloud. Thanks guys
They're about to finish digging the holiday hole
peeps stopped paying?
holiday hole?
@FilipDupanović Someone donated 1.7k$
^ make you rethink every project you worked on in your LIFE
what the shit?
Why did they make the hole so wide instead of going deeper :(
safety and ease?
@BadgerCat I was mad at first too, but then I realised it's pretty difficult digging deep
To dig a deep hole, you either need a long hole creator machine, or you need to create a wide enough hole to fit in a nice slope to give you access. And digging a slope is difficult
fun fact: that money to a (good) charity would have saved a bunch of lives.
@BadgerCat they didn't want to end up like the dwarves
Plus, see all that white stone? It's hard-to-dig stone
@Zirak But they had the money!
For one day? Nah. The result would've been less impressive.
@Luggage Remember potato salad?
I'm not well experiences with estimating the price of holes.
Humanity's stupid
Remember it? I just ate it.
They should continue digging next year, but this time deeper
@Zirak I 'member
Hole got dug
@Luggage saving people's lives usually becomes illegal very fast
rule of thumb: all free food food is unsanitary, all shelters are inadequate
We should just execute the homeless and the poor
All charity is a scam after all, right? Right? It's how the lizard people get power
yeap and then we should put all the people with disabilities against the wall
Let the starving people eat the homeless
isn't that usaully the same group
What have I come back too pahaha
you're in it, it's called the age of man, where fruit trees kill pedestrians and pollutant thresholds need to be raised to provide more housing for them
and teenagers identify as Apache helicopters or a random alphanumerical.
and give me a gun so I can remove the Domino's student from the gene pool for being slow on the bike with my delivery
@FilipDupanović What?
@zirak deliver his pizza already m8
Are you going to call @Loktar a paedophile because he watches BBC?
Not sure if I already asked this here or not, but do you guys find it intuitive that unexistantVariable = foo() calls foo and then throws a reference error? Currently it makes sense in JS because of how scope is resolved with global props, but lets ignore that because nobody cares about that.
@AwalGarg Sounds intuitive as JS is different to say .net langauges which compile differently in the lexical analyser
I suppose it tries to get the value out of foo() before trying to assign it.. kinda makes sense to me
What do you guys use for unit testing?
@lix that makes 0 sense to me
@ivarni but it could easily verify if the variable exists or not before calling
@wes mocha and chai
you'd otherwise be testing whether the assignment is legal before evaluating the expression in a language with dynamic resolution
@lix not beer?
@AwalGarg That's an extra operation though, and it would have to do that for all assignments when just a fraction of them ends up failing
@AwalGarg Before your code is executed it undegoes lexical analysis which changes everything into a token based format, because the way js works anything you outline is given a portion of memory. This means when it follows the chain call a token is produced and sent to the corresponding memory reference before undergoing another phase which checks completeness.
tl;dr memory is outlined regadless which means it has a place it can be assigned unlike Java or c# where you must assign memory first.
@ivarni well, surely it does those checks regardless, right? Only that the check happens after the function call.
but expressions might have useful side-effects, whether they get assigned or not
Yeah, exactly, that's the part I am debating - should the engine care about them or not. It is easier to not care, so I guess that's one valid reason. Maybe there are others.
@AwalGarg I'm in deep water here but I always assumed it just tries to write it expecting it to be there and then throws an error when the write fails
@wes can't tell if I'm being meme'd or if there's a framework called beer
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