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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@lix huh?
got a link? :D
@AwalGarg Does it make more sense if the algorithm is sort of:
AssignmentExpression := lhs = rhs
val = eval(rhs)
putVal(eval(lhs), rhs)
@Wes AVA is the new hot stuff, mocha is the taste of the good old stuff
Sorry I've got to stop typing and watching javascript videos and switching to atom in the middle
@lix you mean trolled.
Thats not what I meant to write
@Shmiddty I mean a framework called beer would sound meme'y as there's others named after coffee and food.. I mean cmon xD
i don't even know @lix i got a ping about beverages so i suggested beer
The two I suggested are both javascript unit testing framworks
@Wes stop talking to yourself please
or rather chai is an assertion libary for use with mocha
thats annoying
welcome to naming-strategies in the JS ecosystem
how about naming stratedgies in the Javascript room
thats also getting annoying. I'm getting pinged for replies to someone else.
Yeah, that's how chat works on SO
I think this has been the most active day in here for a while tbh
@Zirak You probably just meant to simplify things, but lhs isn't considered eval'able. It can either be an identifier reference, or a prop - both of which fetch a reference. So my question, whether the reference fetching part should happen before eval(rhs) or not.
Not the literal eval, the loose kind of eval
@ivarni at least it's better than Testacular (actual js testing framework)
Hand-wavy eval
Also, the reference fetching does happen before - lhs is evaluated, it's just not followed
dang they renamed it to karma. how disappointing
youtube.com/watch?v=6HfAdeoq97k didn't realise how bad youtubes captions were
@Zirak it is just not what now?
@AwalGarg Suppose you have a while loop that looks for a variable to be undefined and while it eval's as true it carrys on, this calls a method foo(); on the variable which attempts to get data, Once it's possible in a long polling situation the variable evals to true and it becomes useful.
@AwalGarg someHandWavyFakeEval(lhs) gives you a ref, and that ref's not resolved until PutValue is called later
Personally I think the naming conventions are fairly memorable
oh yeah, what if rhs is eval?
idontexist = eval('var idontexist = 4')
@Zirak Right - and in JS the resolution could change after evaling lhs, so it makes sense in JS to not do that. But, imagine if you were designing some new sort of language named orn which does not have stupid scope resolution rules, would you resolve the ref before evaling lhs?
@lix teach me
@AwalGarg First, consider if it's worth writing if it has no stupid scope resolution rules
@Zirak huh?
Second, sure, if variables need a declaration stage, you can throw a nice error like "Variable assigned before declaration" or something like that
If you want to get a deeper understanding of why things are in langauges I can't reccomend enough getting up to speed with CS design tutorialspoint.com/compiler_design/…
@Zirak Well, I can, but does it make sense to do that? :P
@lix I heard tutorialspoint.com is a great website, thanks
Either answer leads to confusion and weirdness, I don't think there's a right answer. Only a few dynamic languages split variable declaration and assignment though, so there's not much to go on based on past implementations
And static languages catch that before run time, so that's waaaay before rhs is eval'd
@lix dude, no
@littlepootis why not? :o
If you want to understand language concepts, study languages. Or read the book my Shriram Krishnamurthy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll come tomorrow
@lix that website is bad.
So I will do what JS doesn't, to spite JS devs.
@littlepootis I agree it isn't the best and by no means beats books for sure, but for a quick glance over it's not that bad :/
If you're already familiar with them, and got an exam on it tomorrow, sure.
@lix did you learn all this in a university?
@AwalGarg Yeah we had two terms of computer theory, Though I've taken a few extra modules with compiler design this year also
Goddamn it it's 2 am
@lix that explains. Which university is it, btw, if you don't mind sharing?
You got the wrong li
I go to Plymouth university UK, 4th year
Though if I'm being honest most of my degree hasn't really been learnt at university I can't really take information in well in lectures so I've done almost all of my work from home reading books and practicing developing random shitty things no one cares about lel
Most of the regs here are way more experienced than I am
buying a few good books on Amazon and reading them in one semester proper is comparable to the 4 years I flushed down the toilet
Programming perls and patterns are a good place to start book wise imo
That hole costed $100k? Geez..
I know a couple of thousand starving students who would of done it for free
I payed for the hole while digging it, at the cost of finishing with a 6.5 GPA, which isn't even enough to get a specialization via a MSc, another piece of paper they're telling me I should attain
I spent 6 years at uni, had a great time at it and then proceeded to work in a completely different field
my own fault for not going for architecture... I always wanted to learn how to draw and I'd probably get kicked after 3 semesters
that's why I MOOC today... chem class starts in 2 days
screw drawing
I got a B in drawing.
SWIM has some fats he wants to extract from Scheduled J oranges
or draw screwing
My first and only B. Yet.
you're a straight A?
Not anymore
there was a 10.0 girl on a generation after me, dajum how do you even get above 9.5
@FilipDupanović In the Uk it's bad practice to give out grades above 80%
it's true, you're not considered normal when you're in the 9.5 ballpark
After 70% you have the highest grade in the uk degree system a 1st
8.0 is damn you're good, 9.0 you're hot shit
anything in the 80's is considered wow your insane
90-100 is just unheard of unless your some freak genius
well this chick had a 10.0 at Buckingham University and now she's on a PhD with a fellowship on TU Delft
Anything below 70% here, and you're considered a useless piece of sh*t.
Private university
I bet she was at school with a bunch of toff bellends
@littlepootis Where do you study?
I think he's a freeter, travelling and studying indefinitely
the world is his study chamber, mess with it and he brings out the big guns
@lix wait, I thought you were obtruding on private affairs... at 8 AM look towards the sun, that's where everyone serves a penance for not being perfect
I am very confused haha
Monday is cybernetics and rocket propulsion, oh joy!
@lix you're somewhere where they're telling you you'll grow up to be successful; at EE you'll get a beating for being clumsy if you trip and it progressively gets worse
I worked before I went to university, I have RLW xp
it's not that, but something about the conditions and circumstances in some parts of the world, what they are and whether it is necessary that they be as bad as they are
I've read that in JPN the workers drove a train back when a student woke up after missing a stop, to make it in time for an exam o.O
@Zirak do me first!
@Shmiddty @BadgerCat
So a coworker gave me some files on a usb stick. Naturally, to repay him, I saved a duck picture to a folder on the usb. And then copied that folder over and over. And copied the folder containing *those* folder over and over. So forth and so forth.
Long story short, coworker tomorrow will have 6gb of duck.
@Zirak great, don't make too much fun of me :D
Will do
@Zirak ok
If in theory you were going on holidays this week, and happened to finish the following week's dev tasks over the weekend. Would you?

A) Tell them all dev tasks are finished on Monday and wait for them to give more tasks. Increasing the chance of you being in a bad mood before going on said holiday. Due to new unfinished tasks.


B) Don't tell them the tasks are finished and gradually release them over the course of the week. In order to reduce stress before going on holiday.
Can anyone suggest any good algorithms book?
Maybe algorithms + data structures
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