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@tereško I've seen it but I don't think that I frequent and 'hate speech site'. What would that be?
Am I wrong for wanting to see a live stream of the battle for Mosul that is going on right now?
I have no argument to that article.
@rlemon Jeeze someone really took @ndugger criticisms to heart eh?
You're all wrong
how do you say in english that your code breaks?
like, when you have a JS error
your code fatally exited
"it causes my code to... [what goes here]"
Just like that
@Neoares break? crash? error out?
"stop executing"
"throw an error"
oh nice
"shit the bed"
"kick me in the kidney"
"went on fire"
"fuck kendall's mom"
high fives the code
now I can say to my CEO that the code fucks kendall's mom
where have all of the kendall's mom jokes gone?
we have a 1TB hard disk full of kendall's mom jokes
we're planning to move them to the cloud
are you going to open source them?
yes, we're maybe gonna publish them on github
or even better, we're going to make a kendall's mom jokes API
!!pizza 800 600
yes, now you can fill your test page with kendall's mom jokes and pizzas
and there goes my next nodejs fun project
I keep relapsing and writing terrible code. How can I break the habit?!
just because it's already been done you aren't going to do it?
I claim the 50% of income
mightaswell give up now
Amazon customer service was entirely unhelpful... Where the fuck is my workbench!?
@KevinB life is meaningless
@teresko I think its a form of academic debate.
@Waxi um.. don't? You were just praising your new function-writing ability this morning. It's too soon to 'relapse'.
I was going down this path, but decided to trash it and do it right...
"I stopped using heroin." ...(2 hours later)... "How do I stop using heroin?"
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($jobsA)-1; $i++) {
    	for ($s = 0; $s <= count($jobsB)-1; $s++) {
    		if ($jobsA[$i][0] === $jobsB[$s][0]) { // if it exists

php has === ?
i, s, jobsA, jobsB, count,
so descriptive
@rlemon Yes it does.
i and j are typical for loop indexes
@Waxi code, then read some articles/chapters from books, then code
also code with an open book next to you if you really want
@rlemon also code with an open bottle next to you if you really want (source)
Learn to appreciate looking at sexy code then replicate.
@rlemon well.. i can't lie, i just opened a bottle of ipa
Frequently I have to compare 2 sets of data and typically I just double loop for matching, but that feels so amateur, but it's easy. I shall learn some proper methods of finding in arrays.
ohh.. good idea. i have a 6-pack of ranger here in the fridge at work.
I'm at work, then after work I'm going to the gym
:( no beer for me
@Waxi You're creating global variables...
is this php?
@ndugger you assume js
What the fuck is php doing in here?
I'm allergic
@Luggage proost
Today I kill double loops, it's gotta stop!
a powerful roost
I should brew Sake
@Luggage er.. cheers
ahh, ty
Maybe I give up on PHP and just keep working on my JS skills. Probably doesn't make sense for me to be mediocre at both when I could be good at one.
@redfelix usually in a debate, when someone disagrees, the moderator does not jump up and demand that you apologize for saying that "black magic is not real"
You can be 'good' at as many languages as you like. Many skills are transferable.
... ya know ... it's those small things that I notice
@Waxi php is easy to get by in if you get into js
And, in time, shifting back and forth between languages will, itself, get easier. It's also a skill.
But if you insist on writing shit code in php, you'll probably continue to write shit code everywhere
@Waxi Just do things
@Waxi how long have you been coding, again?
And then ask people to tell you how much the things are bad
And then do that again
@Luggage We'll say on and off for 2 years.
people spend way too much time trying to figure out what they should learn. pick a project, what you need to learn will become clear real quick.
Try to understand the reason that the code is bad. the reasoning is often what transfers between languages.
It's also possible that it's not "bad"
@Waxi you're doing fine, then. I've been doing it (paid) for 15+ years and am still learning.
@Waxi that sounds like "I had to write some code at school"
look at the old guy everyone
look at him
probably has wrinkles
who me? yea, i have grey hair on my testicles.
skittles away
I can't grow a beard but the patches are turning grey
so unfair
I have grey testicles in my hair
To me, the reason why my code is bad is because it's not elegant. I still use the most basic constructs to write code when there is probably some pre-built method that already does it. That's where I seem to be lacking...knowing what's available to me.
yea, my code was shitty at 2 years
@Luggage yeah, I while I too have 15+ experience in codeing, I have been paid for it only for the past .. dunnot .. 8-ish years
my code was shit two years ago
and that will be true in two years
@rlemon Your conventions got better...
@Waxi you're fine
@tereško I don't count unpaid. I've been dabbling forever. I did Z80 assembly in middle school.
@Zirak pft. you don't see what I commit to my other repos
@Waxi I still have the first real javascript I ever wrote if you wanna see it... It's fucking terrible.
paid programming.. umm, 13? years, maybe +- 1
on and off
so hard to remember
@ndugger doo it
my code is fantastic, it just never gets finished :(
i feel bad for you guys who had to work with png ie hacks
@Waxi proof that we're all shit when we start off github.com/ndugger/vorge_old/blob/master/public/js/map.js
coming up on 9 years now
@Waxi your code is shit, and if you start learning intensively, it probably will stop being shit in 3 years - deal with it
I remember watching the towers fall at my first programming job, so I remember the year pretty easily.
@bitten heh, we just didn't use png's
@ssube the idea I had in my head for the module is fantastic, what ends up being shipped....
@bitten pngs didn't have transparency back then
gifs baby
gifs all the way down
@Luggage lemme guess, you are ~38 now
oh my 720p laptop only allows me to see 3 starred messages
i meant all this _filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader stuff
@Luggage I remember thinking it was a joke (a student was running from classroom to classroom telling people)
and tables with spacer gifs
was in grade ten
@Neoares my 3440x1440 has a lot of white space under the stars
i remember them from when i was younger just being silly on the web but damn
@KevinB ..let's not go there
this is...
@ndugger Haha that's how I do it....so there is hope.
@Waxi Just don't pretend that you're any good right now. Accept that you suck so you can actually learn.
@tereško i'll be 38 on election day.
@ndugger What's up with the tileObjXs?
@Neoares gist.github.com/rlemon/b8d37b1d967d8ac1ddaf8699cf48de48 paste that into your console.
@Zirak I don't remember what most of that was for... It was a while back
@Luggage then I will be expressing my condolences to you twice then
I do know that it's shitty code, though
@rlemon Dude how don't we have a cookie API in the browser yet...that's just flippin insane
@Zirak cookies are dead, use headers
@rlemon nice
@Zirak man, I wrote that code in 2011
headers are dead, use localStorage
I'm adding that to my greasemonkey
@ndugger localStorage is dead, use indexedDB
indexedDB is dead, use WebTorrent
headers and localStorage don't solve the same problems.
@Luggage don't you just wish both RNC and DNC just decided: this isn't working, lets get a new batch of then 10 potential nominees each as start this whole thing over
@ndugger you're dead
dead is dead, use life
well played
@tereško there were over 10 for the RNC the people voted.
@tereško Too late. Also, to anyone that complains about the candidates: "Your fault for not caring until it was down to two people."
the DNC was crooked from the getgo
@ssube k
and Bernie never had a chance
@rlemon Which is crazy! How is this not a thing yet?
crooked trump
@Zirak because cookies are stupid
We've only recent got URLSearchParams
@rlemon They're still prevalent throughout the web and you have to interact with them from time to time
@ssube since sessions are still relatively new to me, how would you handle session id's without cookies?
has there been any other non-career politicians who have made it into office before? (to america)
@bitten ragen
whoever that other actor was
@rlemon oh that's why people hate him?
yea, it was Reagan
Ronald Wilson Reagan (/ˈrɒnəld ˈwɪlsən ˈreɪɡən/; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Prior to his presidency, he was the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975, following a career as a Hollywood actor and union leader. Raised in a poor family in small towns of northern Illinois, Ronald Reagan graduated from Eureka College in 1932 and worked as a sports announcer on several regional radio stations. After moving to Hollywood in 1937, he became an actor and starred in a few major productions...
@ndugger you can technically do it all in the url
@bitten yes 4
Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
@rlemon who trump took the slogan from
@Loktar thanks
and then have the browser remember about it and add to the url. It would basically be cookies, but not called cookies
@Loktar You know your America
@rlemon Reagan was a Governer.
@bitten You got the order backwards
@towc that sounds like a massive security hole
@Zirak wikipedia haha
A Governator.
I didnt know that off the top of my head for sure
@Zirak haha yeah, but my intention was that
I did however know Reagan was a governer :P
@Loktar but also had a television and radio career
"http is stateless"
@Waxi you're state-less
@ndugger it's as much a security hole as cookies, except you can't accidentally paste your cookies to a site full of people
or you can keep at doing the session stuff at a lower level of the OSI model
@Loktar did they all cause such an.. uproar?
like using tcp sessions directly
@towc That's pretty stupid. Remember SESSID and PHPSESSID you sometimes saw in phpbb boards and the like?
no idea, I know Grant was considered a hero (from the Civil war ofc)
@towc the copy/pasting is what I was talking about... people aren't smart, some sales person will paste his session URL into some stupid place, and the system will be compromised
and ended up being a drunk in office.
@Luggage Let me see a code sample, if you're up to it. I wanna see what a vet can produce. I wanna see the light at the end of the tunnel.
@ndugger oh sure, ofc. I thought the assumption was how would you technically implement it
@Loktar lol
@ndugger cookies are an HTTP header, they just have some special behavior in the browser. There's nothing wrong with cookies (that was mostly sarcasm), but there might be better (more stateless) ways of handling it. My favorite is to take your "session" (the whole JSON object), serialize it to string, and encrypt and/or hash that. The encrypted string is your token(/session/cookie) and you can pass it around in the Authentication header that would have your basic auth.
He was one of the worst presidents ever
@towc It's actually less of a security hole than cookies. It's not in your history, it's not in the browser's Share button, it's not visible when you look over someone's shoulder.
@Waxi we all have messy code.. but.. lemma see
@towc no, it's a HUGE (fire-able) security hole. You never put the token in the URL, ever.
@Zirak wait wut. You mean cookies are less of a security hole than urls, surely
@ssube So you want to pass it around on each request rather than have the browser store it? Or do I not even understand cookies?
@towc erm, yeah
chill out all XD I'm just saying that technically that's a way to implement it, not that it would be practical
> it's as much a security hole as cookies
@ndugger cookies are just a Cookie: JSESSION_ID=abcdef01234 header, I prefer the Authentication: Token abcdef01234
it's just which header you use
Just use PHP and let it handle the session, case closed.
it's harder to leak the authentication header, though
@towc no, that's the one way you should never use.
@ssube simply because of the user factor. You can still technically implement it that way, which is what I was saying
two machines doing automated tasks, have no problem communicating via url "cookies"
@towc not always. URLs have length limits, among other things.
@teresko didn't watch the entire video, but it seemed like a preparation for a debate or just playing with ideas.
@ssube true
but it's also dangerous enough that it's not even worth mentioning
putting the session/token in the URL is not something you should ever consider doing, even for testing reasons
@ssube like a truckstop sandwich
@towc ok, you can technically do something. Have a cookie. Is it worth any further discussion?
can't you use a ticket-based system for cookies in the url? That would be secure, assuming that the guy behind you is not faster at typing and sending the request than your computer
technically you could start a war with NATO, but it's not worth talking about because it will ruin your life

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