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it's fast enough to strobe fairly high-speed objects
I can make the light appear white but light up my case fans in a rainbow, for example
You can control 300 VCRs at once.
@KendallFrey if you like that effect, check out the stuff Lighttoys makes
hey @rlemon
I may make yet another 1D pong clone with it
@ssube All I see is really overpriced shit
they're probably overpriced, but their light sticks work really well and you can just load bitmaps in
anyone here do raspery pi?
@Dsafds Fair few of us, yeah.
@KendallFrey have you seen that fire-pong thing?
fire pong?
Man Android is a mess with file transfers...
Oh i just got raspery pi yesterday , was talking with rob the other day but he isnt on now it seems
a 1d pong with fire tubes
Anything I wrote to it from FTP isn't even visible to the device
I'll give you a link
Nor does it show up in MTP mode
you do FTP to your phone?
How else would I copy files to it
@Jhawins MTP
Can't use USB on Android 5+
Well I can
@KendallFrey You were here yesterday dude
You saw this whole convo
You know there is a problem with writing from the computer over MTP
No I don't
@ssube ever deal with lte to lan bridges?
It's documented, it exists the way it was designed to.
@Dsafds sup
I need a SD card if I want write access from the PC over MTP
I uploaded a huge file to my phone over USB less than a week ago
@rlemon not on their own (nothing more than plugging a router into a mifi).
Your old phone sure, or from Nix
I've done bridges in a bunch of other places
Can't do it on the new Nexus'
I have a customer who gets his internet with some mobile router deal.
I'm pretty positive they're blocking ssh
Or are you saying that this only applies to built-in storage, not SD cards?
@rlemon I used one of those for like 3 months
but I've never dealt with that shit before
@KendallFrey Yeah if I had an SD card it would be no problemo
@rlemon yeah man.. is this thing an OS?
@Dsafds no it is a computer
yeah I don't normally use device storage
you put an OS image on a SD card and plug it in
Because that seems confusing... I thought i could work on it like Arduino
@rlemon that's super common, yeah. SSH, IMAP/SMTP, FTP, all those ports.
the SD card is then the harddrive
Well I have like 128gb of internal storage...
So I figured I would just use it lol
@FlorianMargaine taking a step back just to sort out the term, from what I understood so far fuse is pretty much a kernel module for writing your own file system without touching the kernel, right?
@ssube manualslib.com/manual/938130/Bandluxe-D535u.html so first guess is to look in here?
@ssube I'm with you, hate this phone now.
or would they be blocked at an ISP level
@FlorianMargaine The read, getattr functions you have there, are they from it's API or your own? Also, I didn't realize the py code became the content of each file, but I see now. It's actually not that hard to follow up.
Also the last update broke the DAC fix app, so I can't even use the extra amp now anyway.
@rlemon Wait i can put BoneOS!!!??
you can put openbsd :D
@Dsafds if it supports the chip arch
@Ekin yes, fuse is "filesystem in userspace", you implement a few functions (in C, but I'm using a library doing the bindings), you run the program, and the kernel will call your functions
@rlemon It dosent :P . Might make that in TODO but .. eh idk
@rlemon I have the following problem:
@Dsafds get a NOOBs image and start there
@KarmaDoe neat
Can't stop thinking about you
why are you telling me about it
@towc bad ass
@rlemon so how do we actually program like arduino?
@Dsafds it is far from the same thing
I needed to
you treat it like a regular pc that has some IO
In ardiono you get this notepad thingy , and when you run in the run button it runs the machine
arduino flashes firmware with each 'change' you give it
rpi.. is a regular computer
Does it support TrumpScript ? :P
So yea I have a bunch of stuff the device itself can't even see now lol
Even in File Manager
@rlemon ISP level, I'd think.
@ssube fuck
It's port filtering to prevent outgoing email traffic and incoming telnet/SSH attacks, I believe.
But it's usually port-based rather than packet inspection.
can you use a backup port or something?
well I also use non standard ports
reverse ssh tunnel going and coming on 1507
over 1024?
yea ofc
and that tunnel is still broken?
is the file manager limited to downloads?
that tunnel won't establish
I got no logs because.. no connection
oh, crazy
how much testing can you do?
I can see 2gb worth of files over MTP that I can't see via FTP or on the device itself lmao
Problem is I am read-only over MTP
@ssube literally none
So these files are untouchable
I can check some indicator lights over the phone
And the device is convinced they are taking up space
fire up a shell and rm them.
Bah fuck it just going back to JS I need to work
@Luggage Phone's not rooted :/
@ndugger Butt fuck it just going back to JS I need to work (source)
you can use a temrinal without root
@rlemon huh, I don't know what to tell you. :( My usual routine is based on telnetting back, tcpdump, that lot.
When I say the device can't see the files I mean the main user can't
and should be able to modify files in the directories that normal apps can write to
So without root can't see them
ohh.. the users thing..
I'm restarting it and hoping they weren't ever actually there
And going to focus on work, maybe I can do it from Nix once I'm home since I can see sane permissions
Haha.... They weren't real
> What is another name for a computer virus?
> A terminal illness
@ssube the fact they list http and ipv4 but not ssh makes me think they explicitly do not allow ssh
Ok let me stop being childish
The Model seems to be CanaKit Rasperry Pi B+ Ultimate starter kit (Black Case)
@rlemon This is like a user running IE8
> Upgrade, problem is on your end
need a tutorial on that :/
@Dsafds figure out what you wanna make first.
@rlemon What do you mean?
@Jhawins yes but that is always easier if I can prove it
Why first?
First i set it up right? And then i learn comands like normal C++ Langauge
why could it be that /\r?\n|\r/
is not working
as expected ?
@FlorianMargaine pretty neat, thanks a bunch for clarifying
@KarmaDoe Could be because you're expecting the wrong thing
@Dsafds because that would be tedious and why?
go learn the entire spec, have fun with that
:D or, pick a project and have fun and learn at the same time
var stdout = '123\n'
stdout = stdout.replace(/\r?n|\r/, "");

Output: '123\n'
@rlemon I want to build a ... ROBOT!!
Like a
Idk thats way to big for me now xD
that's what she said
Um i want to build a car where you can control via terminal :D
@ndugger dude.. im a guy
canakit.com/raspberry-pi-starter-ultimate-kit.html ohh god I hope you didn't pay $120 for this kit. that is a total ripoff (cc @BenFortune, you see this shit)
@Dsafds so?
and I'm a jQuery plugin; what's your point?
@KarmaDoe That's not the same regex you posted the first time
@Loktar "she" != Guy
@rlemon I didnt pay
it's a shit kit
My Dad CoWorker gave him as a gift
you can't do much with it
@Dsafds twss
@Dsafds it's a joke, google "that's what she said"
@KendallFrey You are correct, thanks.
@Loktar Nuhuh, she's a guy apparently
@Dsafds like, you would need a lot more to do anything useful
right now you have a mini pc and a couple leds
so.. uhh.. you could turn them on and off
@rlemon Oh :-(
Or sell them?
turning leds on and off can be quite fun
And get a better raspery pi?
the pi is fine
Um .. you said
the additional hardware you're missing if you want to build a robot
Like Eyes.
2 mins ago, by rlemon
https://www.canakit.com/raspberry-pi-starter-ultimate-kit.html ohh god I hope you didn't pay $120 for this kit. that is a total ripoff (cc @BenFortune, you see this shit)
@rlemon Whats the most i can do with this then
lol dont tell me turn on LED And turn of LED
make a clock.
Anything you can do with a computer.
get invited ot the whitehouse.
@Dsafds That is the most you can do, except for normal computing
There are no robot parts in the kit, so there's no way you could make a robot
@KendallFrey Ik not a robot.. something like
@Dsafds it is a mini pc, so you can make things you can do with a pc. you can also make those leds do stuff... but nothing really cool because you have no analog
@Loktar I made a clock with my LED strip
@KendallFrey you need to make images now with a fan + led light strip
rpi has no analog outs?
you mean swinging the led strip around?
no way
@Luggage Not even Arduino does
@rlemon oh :(
Well i can have my own stuff
Can i make it move?
@KendallFrey have you already done that?
@KendallFrey certain models have pwm and decent analog inputs tho
@Dsafds with a motor, yes.
not fast enough to make images
ah damn
which I assume would also be fast enough to destroy the strip
Although I don't have my workbench, I'm going to pick up brewing supplies today
@Dsafds Start with making the lights work. Walk before you run.
yea I have timing issues with my MEGA
I'd need a different bit of hardware (the LED tech is mostly valid though)
@Luggage Yes ok
Can you guys point me to a tutorial
i gotta make this thing work quick before dad comes
@Dsafds buy a four phase stepper
@Dsafds yes
@rlemon okok i can maybe ask my dad for that
So , can i like do it?
Nothing is worse than dad coming unexpectedly
wire them up
LMAO @KendallFrey
that's how you get new brothers and sisters.
or half-brothers
@KendallFrey Preach brother
or a short on your brand new microcomputer
@Luggage ooh....
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(18, True) # on
GPIO.output(18, False) # off
I forget what comments are in python
I think they are #
and its hard to open the case where the LED's are.. feck
Man, you are gonna go far
shet. did they glue them with Super Super Gorilla glue?
da da da da daaaa
Hory sheet, honey is expensive
Orange Blossom honey to be specific
@ndugger ah, well, taht sounds like something you need to import
36 gallons of it cost $200+
Stopped watching at "here's my keyboard"
Sorry, 36lbs
not gallons
that would be a steal if it was gallons
please use the scientific units
make me
Nicole is going to steal your fucking organs https://t.co/Zweegm7PBS
holy shieeeeet
I might just make 5gallons of mead instead of 10
and 5gallons of cider
clove honey is my goto
heather honey
@rlemon ok im gonna start it again tommorow.. i gotta get organized next time , set which tutorial ima watch to get the most basic things , and get the light on and off
Amazon prime is a total failure for me
about 30% of the time the 'two day delivery' isn't two days
it's the entire purpose behind me buying prime
@rlemon Wtf!
It's not even worth half that
yea pretty bad
Maybe this one , but it dosent really show how he set it up.. anways cya later
!!afk gym
the right words should have been "I'm going to start selling an identical v2 for twice"
@ndugger How much does a gallon of honey weigh? Bout 36lb? lol
no idea
I know gasoline weighs about 6lb/gal
Does that help us
holy shit, honey is damn near 1lbs/cup
I mean that's not that much
it's like 20% heavier than water by volume
Oh... 50%
I thought water was heavier
Well, I'm off to Northern Brewer to spend a shit ton of money...
l8r sk8r bois
cya l8r boi
can anyone tell me how to hide the url parameters in <a> tag href attribute
@bangBang Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm facing a peculiar problem, and would appreciate it if anyone could help me: stackoverflow.com/questions/40118215/…
@bangBang uhm. hide it from what?
displaying in address bar
well... if you did that they wouldn't be url parameters.
does anyone know how to do the scroll effect from promo.lolesports.com/en_US/worlds/history#!/2011?

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