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btw, this is related apparently dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=358210
@towc If I'm not mistaken, that's the Ken Thompson article where he talks about how you can't truly trust software even if you write it, because you trust the compiler to not be malware. And you trust the assembler to not be malware. And then you trust the ELF/EXE loader to not be malware. etc etc
that's the one
It's an interesting concept, not entirely related to hardware tampering which is a bit of a hot topic these last few years, with Chinese network interfaces being weird and the NSA stopping some shipments.
the point is that now for performance, some compilers are hardware-based, I guess
But to my best knowledge there's been no pseudo-universal-super-generic hardware-level rootkit. The worldwide community would be very interested in ones.
@towc yeah, no. That's not a thing.
just a guess
it would kind of make sense, but now I guess I'm overlooking a lot of things?
What part of the compiler would be implemented in the hardware?
this is not what I've heard from the guys, I've just asked them what does it have to do with the hw. I just assumed that meant that compilers and hw are now closely linked
No, you've got a bunch of different compilers out there
I mean, the hw can filter specific bytes and transform them, right? That means that the hardware can modify some behaviours of compilers based on their patterns
And I don't see how you can hardware-ize the compiler
you just cover as many scenarios as you can maybe
@towc What do you mean by "hardware"? The NIC? CPU? Hard disk? Plus, on the hardware, circuit level, or the firmware?
> the kit overides irq's and interupts to inject new tables to redirect and reuse existing code - guy
But...what cases? What can you do?
> things like symbol lookup tables - guy
@Zirak I don't know..
@Zirak every combination of common compiler and other context changes? For each machine, the architecture is going to be the same, right? Does the OS change the behaviour of a compiler?
@towc oh, maybe he means something like running the host as a VM with some cool "new" CPU shit
doubt it
That's a concept that's been doing the circuits for a few years now since VTX
he's talking host machine
You don't really know you're running in a VM, I forgot the name of the technique...
oh! I think I see what you mean
supervisor level rootkit that runs the original OS in a VM?
@towc A compiler is just another piece of software, it translates a bunch of code in language A to language B
@Zirak that's why I said common
even gcc is enough to do a lot of damage
I don't get what you'd hardware-optimise
if everything that goes from a raw supervisor level gcc output to production is backdoored, all of us are in trouble
If for instance you're the CPU you can maybe put a signature on the bunch of opcodes the compiler runs when it translates a bunch of other opcodes
That's what Thompson talks about
@Zirak hardcode the asm instructions into some chips to run faster by skipping unneeded parts perhaps? I am really just guessing, and was also guessing when I said that the compiler can be greatly aided by the hardware
SUPER hard to pull off and (from my best knowledge) entirely theoretical. Interesting argument
@towc The compiler can optimise for a piece of hardware
Like some newer SIMD instructions or iwmmxt or some shit
I mean, the hardware HAS to be able detect an asm jump, right? That means that it can switch that to run through something else while keeping the original jump location somewhere to be jumped after the extra code has been ran. This can be done entirely on the hw as long as the compiler outputs asm ran on the machine directly ← now I'm talking just about backdooring, not enhancing perf
Again, I don't see how the hardware can help the compiler, besides being generally better
@Zirak I don't know much about compilers, it was just a guess. You know your stuff, so I'm probably wrong on that
@towc Yeah, that's one theoretical argument, but it's just so so low level and hard to pull off...it's either on the CPU level, or the HDD level where you somehow patch binaries before sending them off to the software, or as mentioned above running the host as a sort-of VM
@towc Heh, the you from 4 years ago would never have said I'm probably wrong. I'm so proud of you!
Maybe not impossible, but it goes beyond the bounds of what we know is happening right now in the malware community at large
/me disappears into the shadows again
@Zirak is it so hard though? I remember studying about something similar when I was learning for the CEH. It was definitely done before. I'll look the name up so we can look at examples
@monners thanks mom :D
Imagine that you're some malware company or agency and you had to invest time and resources into a project like that. It's costly and dangerous and doing it at a large scale is scary as fuck. You can instead invest that time to reap lower hanging fruit.
It's been done to some degrees in academia, just like how spying on people's monitors via heat and lasers is possible, but impractical.
Or reversing RSA operations by listening to CPUs
@Zirak which would then have to be aided by every manufacturer without public knowledge
even open source ones.
the ability to put hardware level shit secretly in the majority of pc's is impossible
@rlemon doesn't sound too farfetched
@rlemon That's just what they want you to think!
maybe it's government regulation
@towc in every country
not happening
-=puts on tinfoil hat=-
@Zirak I'm talking about documented blackhat practice, rather than studies
like, you're really getting into some hard core flat-earth level shit. :D the entire earth can't agree on anything, let alone one giant spy network.
you see the shit going on right now?
targeted attacks.. that's a new story and I'm sure some clever people can do some clever things
but mass targeted on a global scale... I can't buy it
@rlemon Well here's the problem. Pretty much all NICs are made in Taiwan and shipped through China. These governments have access to a lot of stuff.
@rlemon enter ussr
@towc what does that mean?
And what about CISCO routers? You've got the vendors in the US shipping all over the world.
please explain how this would work. Zirak has an idea at least
@rlemon is "meet USSR" any better?
no, because that doesn't prove your point
they fell apart
The NSA has been accused of tempering with cisco routers, I don't remember the reply but it was either "whoops" or "no dude we totally didn't"
@rlemon I find it really hard to believe that the gov doesn't have non-public contracts with major companies like google and microsoft
@Zirak yea, sure, a few people.. even a lot of people. probably mostly targeted attacks.
not some global, in every fucking pc, conspiracy :D
well, if the gov can, is there a good reason not to?
@towc that isn't going to effect my hardware
@towc the outstanding cost for very little gain
99% of people are boring.
@rlemon or dell or most laptop manufacturers
dell doesn't make their own hardware.. well, mostly.
@rlemon No no no, installing backdoors into an entire line of cisco equipment is batshit insane. Imagine a medium+ sized company, you'll need some fancy ass routers, and cisco is world class in doing that. Even if backdoors were only used for targeted attacks, the number of affected routers is 100% of the tampered line.
this is going to sound cheesy, but the snowden leaks showed that the NSA was effectively spying on everyone
like Zirak said chips are manufactured from other companies and sold
And that is world scale
@Zirak but not every router made by every company
getting in at that scale is impossible.
Oh no, that's crazy talk
imo (ofc)
@rlemon enough cases for it to be relevant tho
why? why would anyone want to look at what you do?
every tin hatter has some major ego issue if they think someone is actually looking at their logs. google scans my email
I know this
Anyway, hardware level tampering is a new player in the field. I don't personally know of many cases, and of those that I do know they were all on the networking level. NICs and routers and modems and ISPs.
no one is reading them, no one cares. algos look for spam or exes
@rlemon it's always worth it to have some algos parse it and flag some things to people. I don't see how is that not normal
CPU based tampering is scary, but I don't see it realistically happening at scale right now
@towc but isn't that the same type of intrusion? if they've put a back door to spy on your pc but never use it and google scans your emails but never reads them... (not that I'm believing this rootkit scenario)
(btw, NICs are a popular target because they have a lot of firmware, and you can burn firmware. CPUs you may be able to fuck around with the microcode, but that'll be hell)
@Zirak not to mention any actual data collection is now a point of outing yourself
@rlemon it is, that's my point
also, you're jocking when you say that google never reads your emails, right?
@towc but a global hardware level rootkit isn't an 'algo parsing and flagging things'
@rlemon Imagine implementing the fetch api in a stack based language!
@towc I can 100% promise you no google employee has sat down and read my emails.
look at the tos for google docs. They own and are going to use all of the data that you put through the. If that's not archiving loads of information to cloud-treat it, I don't know what is
@Zirak imagine doing it on a large scale and never being caught.
with all the security nutters today
@rlemon no employee, but algorithms have, and they can flag things
@towc yes, they do all the time.
I get virtually no spam
*in my inbox
@rlemon I shudder to think how much has snuck through via NPM modules
and if it's necessary, they can pick on a random citizen and turn him into a terrorist to go against, or similar
@rlemon what I'm saying is that that's not the only use
@towc but I'm not a terrorist or a high profile person of any kind, so I ask again, why would any one care :D
@rlemon Google is a bit scary and we are blurring the lines about personal privacy these days. Who do and don't we trust? Do we trust Google? Why? With what? Your medical records? Your sensitive photos? Your pending business patents?
the google docs tos convinced me well enough
And never mind if you trust Google, do you trust 3rd parties that Google talks to?
@GabrieleB-David Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon what if google used your data to predict the stock market? That's theoretically possible
@Zirak ohh yea that is all a slippery line, but then again we do rely on these services for little to no money
monetary gain has to happen somewhere
@rlemon good luck being on the common internet without using some kind of service by google
I'm just glad so far they're not too bad about it. targeted ads don't bother me, hell they're better than random ads.
@rlemon You know the adage, if it's free, you're the product
@Zirak yup, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
google (so far) hasn't been doing it badly. other than NOT KNOWING WHEN I ALREADY BOUGHT IT!!!! :D
they really need to get a contract with amazon
@towc people do it, I wouldn't, I don't care too
And we've been okay with being the product. We may be giving up too much with that. On the other hand, personal privacy is a relatively modern concept, so who's to say it's as important as a lot of people are making it to be?
my biggest issue with privacy intrusions is that whoever is on top of the chain, has personal interests, and they can use my information to feed into their wanting for power
It's a complex issue
@Zirak I have tonnes of personal privacy, but I wouldn't consider what I put on a public domain personal. hell even email isn't personal.. physical mail hasn't been personal in a while either.
er, replace the latter personals with privacy
if I was convinced that the government has noone corrupt in it, and is really only making sure I'm safe, then I wouldn't have a problem with them looking into my things
not sure what brain fart happened there
@towc but realistically they are not. no one is paying someone money to actually look at your shit unless you become someone they fear, or think they should fear. (or maybe make money on?)
google is definitely using my data for personal gain of the higher-ups and not much more
the fact that I have an easy to use email system is just a byproduct
I agree that isn't a perfect world, but do you have a choice? and in not having a choice if you want to remain an online presence means that you should just be cautious of what you do online
@rlemon I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the fact that they could know everything I spend on, all of my hobbies and passions, anything really, and they can completely annihilate me with it. Even just a fairly clever text parsing algorithm can legally destroy most people's lives
you still never answered that
@rlemon I don't, but I look for one. That involves looking into stuff like this possible rootkit
I could theoretically fly to where you live based on a geo lookup and slash your tires
but why
@rlemon because it would give them more money and power
how would that give them more money or power? how would destroying some kid from italy do anything for them?
@rlemon eh, I dunno. Take The Fappening. On the one hand, sure, people shouldn't put sensitive pictures online. On the other, to the majority of people, these kind of services are like a wallet: If you put something in your wallet, you're fairly certain nobody's going to take it from you, and if you entrusted someone with your wallet, you'll be downright pissed if they let someone steal it.
that was another byproduct (and I'm in the UK)
@rlemon That's a rational argument, but parts of the Snowden leaks showed people raking through people's private data for the lulz
anyway, last time I looked at the clocked it was too late. That was an hour ago. Cyall tomorrow :)
Because it's fun to read celebrities text one another, and it's fun to see a couple sexting each other
I hope people were raking through my shit. that would mean someone noticed me.
@Zirak just random ass people? randomly for luls? outside of the US wiretaps?
(I'm really asking, I have no knowledge of that)
@rlemon Let's say your a Muhammad who recently took flying lessons. US citizen. You just wanna soar the skies. Does that mean your emails to your mom are fair play?
@rlemon btw, the CEH required us to know about lawful wiretapping agreements. The gov can issue any sort of wiretap to be the used in everything a manufacturer makes, whether speared or not. They need to accept it by law. The USA gov also has the right to take private keys from most pgp servers
7 mins ago, by rlemon
@towc but realistically they are not. no one is paying someone money to actually look at your shit unless you become someone they fear, or think they should fear. (or maybe make money on?)
Also, only recently the NSA changed their position from "we collect everything" to "we collect metadata"
not saying it isn't completely shitty
@rlemon people are people, imagine you're a single dude and you have a hot neighbor, with all of her information at your disposal, it takes a very highly ethical individual to not go through information.
so global-level wiretapping is definitely a thing that can happen, and probably is
but lets go back to where this started, there isn't some global level hardware tampering conspiracy
@Loktar wow now
Exactly @Loktar. Companies and agencies are made of people.
and if any algos are looking at towc emails, unless he's like some big time terrorist, why would anything be worthy outside of marketing
why the tinfoil hats!
@Loktar but that is targeted
you know shes hot already
@rlemon as if marketing wasn't worthy. Power is everything, by definition
and how do they exactly gain power over you?
unless you are doing criminal activity
@rlemon you run everyone through a hotness kernel NN, now you have your targets :P
@rlemon But when you're making this argument you're not just thinking about towc, you're thinking about Benedict Cumberbatch and a random Muhammad and some Russian guy who's a tank efficienado
@towc size of the executable depends on a lot of things..
@rlemon market is the biggest factor
And you're thinking of @Loktar who's being recruited to Al Qaeda via CoD
@littlepootis sure, gn :)
I took 2 CoDs last night
So you may not be affected, but the world at large is, and that makes it a worthwhile subject
@Zirak well that is a different part of the argument. the privacy issues I'm okay with because I realize they don't really effect me. I know that is a bias. the global conspiracy is batshit
@rlemon everything is batshit until it's not :p
the US gov spying on it's citizens was batshit 5 years ago
@Loktar did you read the beginning?
oh, the global hardware level rootkit is pretty insane and isn't likely to be pulled off. That's another argument though.
towc's boss? friend? thinks there is a hardware level rootkit that is on every computer globally.
not every, but the huge majority
fuck it, I can't sleep while this is going on
I bet $1000 that's not true
But even if the privacy issues don't affect you you're still part of a community who may be affected. Just like misogyny doesn't affect you, it still makes the world a worse place, so having a say in it matters.
Whether Google and the NSA are making the world a better or worse place is a different debate, though
the US gov is spying on everyone in Canada to crash their markets. Now that can affect you
there are just so many different manufacturers, and so many security freaks, I can't see how it would be possible to have a global level rootkit like that -- prove me wrong I say? I would love to see any papers or information once/if he publishes.
I actually really would love if you shoved this back in our faces with proof.
so if he does, please do
I shall ;)
If there were a global level rootkit we wouldnt have to do things like stuxnet
he's planning on publishing it
but I believe the United States gov has access to a ridiculous number of things
or the ability to access and monitor
@rlemon not that many. Surely not more than an eager government with unlimited resources can manage
@Zirak and that is where we could have a different discussion, at a later date (maybe a hangouts)
because I do have a say, but I think it might be more laxed than yours.
which doesn't make either wrong.
@Loktar my symbol table is not one of them
@littlepootis btw, I got some more detail while you were away. Firstly, he referred to a 1984 paper by Ken Thompson
about trusting software
then said this: "the kit overides irq's and interupts to inject new tables to redirect and reuse existing code \n things like symbol lookup tables"
that sounds like bullshit
overrides irqs...
He's providing everything but the technical details of it
1 hour ago, by towc
oh, turns out the rootkit was, and I quote, "a hw based polymorphic dos based rootkit delivering platform based binaries that are trojaned, in mostly any laptop". So it's irrelevant whether it was linux-kernel or not
Look man I don't agree with a lot, but I do agree that Christmas is in 11 weeks.
Typical US of A, overriding Iraq
@Loktar I hate you
like, insta stress.
@Loktar thought it was 9
shit it is 9
problem is I wanna make my gifts this year. not to be cheap, raw materials are probably more expensive.
Whoever posted the 11 week thing on FB was wrong!
but people keep buying me tools.. I feel like one if I don't use them
@littlepootis what's the literal question I should ask?
@towc "wtf are you talking about?"
^ lol
Explain me like I'm not 5
@littlepootis "a hw based polymorphic dos based rootkit delivering platform based binaries that are trojaned, in mostly any laptop"
It's easy, it interrupts the interrupt request.
and it's like woah you can't interrupt me!
and it's like fuck off not even a request
all your jpegs are mine
@towc fwiw, we're not ragging on you
@Loktar You should be, like, a teacher, man
@rlemon I understand, dw
The students are always interrupting me :(
so I changed my number to 3
it's hard not to shoot the messenger
but am now conflicted.
I agree with the guy, so you have every right to?
it's a wild ride without any proof.
I'm interested as well, mostly because I have no idea what we're talking about
But what's worrying is that you're agreeing with him without him providing any valid proof
but I know that this guy knows what he's doing
@littlepootis woah I'm not dude
I was just joking
I think that's insane, I came in half way through then read up lol
oh lol, wrong ping
I dont think there are global level rootkits, I just think that governments have and collect a fuckton of data anyway they can, and have access to a shitload of data
haha ok good, I was like jeeze man not even being serious!
/me goes to train for battle, er I mean play BF1
@littlepootis idk most of the things that my father does. But when he said something I could understand, it was mostly always right. That doesn't mean I have blind faith in my father, but I'm going to trust him if he says something I don't understand
@Loktar directly or indirectly? not that it is any better
like, does google hand over the data on a timed schedule? or does the NSA request it
I'd think the latter
anyway, I really really need to sleep
@towc have you read the 1984 BCE paper about trusting people?
sun is rising
@littlepootis that's what I was referencing you to
I've went through it quickly
because when I was given it I had planned to go to sleep half an hour earlier
You should probably go to sleep
Becaus this is a different paper
@Loktar 9, 11, who cares >_>
@KendallFrey every week closer to Christmas is closer to Rift touch as well
This means I get to create a rescue mission!
yea I have to do that
I launched a craft to pickup crew I left at my mun base... forgot chutes.
luckily there is docking ports :D
got the crew, it's sitting in orbit 200km above kerbin
I don't have enough delta-v to circularize around Kerbin
I may be able to get at least a captured orbit
if not, aerobraking!
@SterlingArcher For instance, this guy, . He's drawing a breast cancer-surviver version of a video game character for a charity.
this was a ship I put into orbit with a mun lander and a detachable pod for recovery, but the rest of the craft with a mechjeb unit was to stay in orbit
There's also the fact that my engineer has no flight experience and I don't have any pilots to fly with him
none of them hate chutes :D
I planned it out fine, I just didn't know that I need an engi to repack the chutes
@Zirak I love watching people paint/draw
but in my head I'm always screaming "noooo it already looks good. stop touching it!"
I always want them to touch it more
@rlemon It kinda boggles me how he chooses what to focus and do next, how he jumps around
it's what his eyes see next
it's an insight into his process
it's what I love about it
I used to do digital painting. You tend to just jump around, even if you're not done with an area yet. You tend to group things mentally that don't really makes sense being grouped, just because it feels right
art is weird
@Shane oh my jesus christ I thought that was gone from my life
it's back now
@rlemon I subscribed to him a few minutes before linking, and he went all cats and LSD on me
...like what's happening now
okay I'm signing in and subbing
does he do it for everyone?
Subbing is giving him $5
In general it's a monthly $5, but you can cancel it anytime
ohhhhh yea that
subbing is different than just following
In his channel following shows your name in the top right for a few secs
It drives me insane though that he doesn't save every second
the hell is he smoking
Earlier he talked about working for the charity and why he thought of drawing this specifically. Dude's really cool.
$5 seemed appropriate
The shadows...how does he know
Why am I not sleeping
I think what's most impressive is he's holding a conversation
And he's still doing things
I'd be like, "fuckoff, I'm concentrating"
I needed it
Look how excited he is
oh my god
I watched it
He's the fucking best
AGGH sleep bye
he's Canadian?
Did you guys take advantage of that buy one get one at chipotle
the closest chipotle to me is like an hour and a half away
I live pretty close to one
does web token usually imply JWT? or are there other types of web tokens?
what the actual fuck
> One of our mostly harmless robots seems to think you are not a human.
> Because of that, it’s hidden your profile from the public. If you really are human, please contact support to have your profile reinstated. We promise we won’t require DNA proof of your humanity.
So you're a robot?
Can you access my profile? github.com/erikroyall
Or any of my projects? github.com/erikroyall/hilo
this is so stupid
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
This is actually a plot hole in a TOS episode, and it bugged me.
1 hour later…
@littlepootis feeling existential right about now?
What if GitHub is right? 8()
1 hour later…
@towc hello?
i was checking out your canvas geometry crystal and was wondering if the background can be changed
on codepen
it can
if you know how to
to transparent
you need to set the ctx.globalCompositeOperation to destination-out and then tweak a bit
when drawing the background. Set it back to source-over for the rest of the drawings
@rlemon I will totally use this as my new profile picture in a dating app. Woman here comes me!
okay thanks
hey guys
can someone tell me what is the meaning of "$" in angular
for example "$scope"
it's just a character in a variable
!!> var $lol = 3; console.log( $lol )
@towc "undefined" Logged: 3
btw @littlepootis for as long as I believe the global conspiracy thing, I don't need to get away from the linux kernel, so you don't have to cringe at me using OpenBSD
!!> var lol = 3; console.log(lol);
FYA: would also work
@Maurize "undefined" Logged: 3
Morning everyone
hey guys does any1 know how to make a subfolder in a folder ?? google drive api?
			 function createNewFolder(name) {

				var name =   $('[name=id]').val();
				var subfolders = ['apple','orangje','mango']

			    gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() {

			   	var request = gapi.client.request({
				   'path': '/drive/v2/files/',
				   'method': 'POST',
				   'headers': {
					   'Content-Type': 'application/json',

					   "title" : name,
					   "mimeType" : "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",
					   "parents": [{
							"kind": "drive#file",
with this code i can make a folder but how can i make fubfolders in it with var subfolders ?\
i know i need a loop
but that creating a folder in folder is where i got stuck
hey guys
Q: Add a field to existing MongoDB document (with Mongoose in Node.js)

GBCI have this existing document in a collection Article in MongoDB database: [ { site: 'www.atlantico.fr', date: '2014-05-27T11:10:19.000Z', link: 'http://www.atlantico.fr/example.html', _id: 538473817eb00f082f4803fc, __v: 0} ] I want to add a new field day with value 'example' to this document,...

this will work with findbyid and update as well right?

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