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@FlorianMargaine Huh, my grandad died when another officer fell on him
guys, any idea why I have a string with length 0, but foo == "" gives false?
or ===
You sure it's a string?
typeof foo is string
Hi guys
foo.length is 0
I am getting NetworkError: A network error occurred. in firebug. What does it mean?
console.log("Location?: " + location);
console.log("Location?: " + location == undefined);
console.log("Location?: " + typeof location);
console.log("Location?: " + location.length);
console.log("Location?: " + location == "");
Location?: string
Location?: 0
not sure why the Location? disappear in the output :)
location might be an empty string means ""
or null
or undefined
@Busata logging truthy/falsy values like that is odd
I have checked the network. NO problem with the network
or false
@PeeHaa that's what I'm checking now
That's just stupidity / assumptions waiting to happen
I'd have expected for javascript to just concatenate it there, but seems it to do otherwise
Which is even worse
console.log("foo " + false) should just print "foo false" no?
You are trying to debug values, yet you wanting to cast said values you are trying to debug
@Busata No idea in what broken way JS does that
It's just a odd thing to do when debugging values
I know, but you'd expect javascript to do nothing funny in casting true/false
@Busata location isn't really a string, it has a bunch of properties like href and pathname and origin. Assigning values to those properties also has meaning (navigation)
Oh you were serious...
no need to get sassy
@Zirak maybe that then
Why not?
What is a string is, for instance, location.href
I already told you you are debugging wrong
That make sense?
maybe, it's not my code, and I didn't think of it, but location in this case was a local variable
Then take all that I said and throw it out the window
but it could be babel that is converting it to something that messes up the (wrong way, I get it!) logging
Then look at the final js
Hi everyone ...! I want to know How to include jar file , class file in a webpage and then how to call java methods within the jar file from javascript?
@Abhijit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix yes... ok.
Travel back in time to when that was common practice, and don't forget to bring back a few Hubba Bubbas
(deleted): meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/336452/… OP rants about his "honest meta feedback" getting deleted, gets downvoted, deletes meta post...
@Zirak I'm pretty sure they are still a t hing over here
Maybe petty, but I voted to un-delete that.
@PeeHaa Where you at?
I don't see any surprises in the final code, same console as I logged
anyway, doesn't matter
@Busata How are you logging?
Hi everyone ...! I want to know How to include jar file , class file in a webpage and then how to call java methods within the jar file from javascript?
still in the same wrong way :)
console.log("Location?: " + location == ""); I don't understand how that arrives to a simple "false"
@Abhijit You already said that 1 minute ago? :P
and I had coffee!
@Busata yeah I am going to bail. gl
@PeeHaa yes.. but do you know how to?
@Zirak I think I have seen them at the gas station
@Busata What would you have expected it to be?
so, @Zirak, how was the conservative propoganda video?
@tereško It was pretty good
Do you know any of his other material? Seems like this kind of thing is his forte
some, but I havent watched all of his uploads
@Zirak where does the "location?: " go? :p
I assume you see why I asked the guy "do you know what a cult is"
but I see what I'm doing wrong :)
it concatenates the two strings first & then checks if == ""
mobile first vs desktop first. why we says mobile first is better. image a situation when you want to display a block in desktop like slidershow but don't want to show it in mobile. that would be a disaster in html and css design.
if that arrives to the same conclusion, yer :p
console.log("Location?: " + (location == "")); would be as expected
You can also provide multiple arguments to console.log
@Sandro So then don't show it on mobile.
yea, I do need more coffee :)
Hi Does any one have idea about this?
“A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly”
@copy Happy birthday, bro.
@asr some script blocking the thread too much by doing expensive operations? :) long running while loops etc?
(I just couldn't bring myself to star the "handsome" ... ggaayyyy)
@Busata I am including many external scripts , how to know which script taking too long? any solution for it?
@ASR I presume by using the profiling tool in chrome or firefox? but never had to use that myself
@copy Happy birthday, handsome!
posted on October 18, 2016 by Nicholas C. Zakas

Compared to ECMAScript 6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015), ECMAScript 2016 was a minor update to the language specification for JavaScript. This was due to the decision that ECMAScript editions would now move to a yearly release cycle, effectively just a snapshot of all the features that were ready. As such, most resources list only...

@Busata In chrome its not giving any alerts regarding it, only problem with IE8
you could still use chrome to see what code takes long to run
java jars in the web? IE8? timetravelling things going on here indeed :-p
chrome could just not report on it, it's a bit of a useless message to a user :)
is tmux just like a tiling wm but restricted to terminals?
@towc no, it is more like "remote desktop for terminal"
welll ... the remote part is actually handled by ssh, but the rest of functionality is from tmux
@Busata I still unable to identify where its taking long time with profile tool, is changing the value in registry could fix it?
sorry guys I'm still failing to get this part of redux out of my head:

what does this {dispatch} actually mean?
@SuperUberDuper it's a default argument that destructures
destructures from what?
i.e. with function foo({bar}) { console.log(bar); }, you can call foo({bar: 'baz'}); and 'baz' will be logged
ah I see
still trying to workout what the benifit is
mostly readability
addTodo = function(obj) {
    const dispatch = obj.dispatch;
    // ...
instead of that ^
you just have:
addTodo = function({dispatch}) {
    // ...
Handy if you want to provide defaults for part of your options object as well.. function({ dispatch, foo = 'bar'}) {
Wasn't there some kind of agreement that you get murdered if you let GIFs play forever?
@ivarni yeah thats nice
@OliverSalzburg how can you get it to play once?
you edit your message
@ASR what do you mean by registry? to disable the message?
@OliverSalzburg Cap used to un-onebox them
coming back from lunch and having a new friend sitting in my office room
@ASR you do know that it only fixes it for you, and that the script will still be slow? :)
@Loktar Can't find the original video, closest uncut source I could find: youtu.be/kEzqosb2h3U?t=200
@Busata yes you are right
I can't help you with profiling, you could google for more information/guidance on that
@elsololobo cute
yes he is :)
@littlepootis u hax0r
@Loktar So I talked to this guy in the C# chat:
you have a ridiculously boring name
i don´t want to use php anymore and thought about using js for server. I would like to learn it while doing my projects... should i directly dig into a framework like express or would you say go just for node first?
wasn't that koa thing a sort of sucessor for expressjs?
or just different?
anyway, you could do node first, the basic hello world style introductions will not take that long I guess?, and then you can jump into a framework and learn as you go?
@elsololobo express is very barebones you can use it safely.
@KendallFrey so ... how was the "conservative propaganda" video?
ok perfect, thanks! :)
I haven't finished it yet, actually
@SomeKittens You've almost certainly read this, but in case you haven't danluu.com/wat
(Also danluu.com/hiring-lemons and basically all of that blog)
@copy Happy birthday! :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you recommend me a template engine to use when coming from html, jsx background? handelbars seems to be a good choice then or?
jade seems to be very different
@elsololobo react is pretty good, but if you can't use it (or something like Preact) I'd recommend something that does bindings like vue.
One way templating (like mustache) means you have to find the elements again and bind to them and I personally dislike that
React is very slow on the server though - we use ejs for really small stuff but it's part of the build process not something that runs for every request.
ah good, already working with react (client-side) want just to replace the serverside php crap with js
then i will just further use react
@BenjaminGruenbaum is express then still the correct choice, don´t want serverside rendering. Only replacing my php backend with database access to javascript
@SomeGuy wow. that's amazing.
Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows?
they're making all the headlines.
The articles on that site are really good.
you serious?
@elsololobo sure
@littlepootis Right? I'm going through this blog's archives. Tons of great articles
Me too
@SomeGuy this is why finding a job is so hard?
> X is a positive integer - Wow!
@rlemon Haha, should be easy for you. It's a Lemon's market
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I should probably google some shit to check whether someone has plagiarized my content
> people get promoted for heroism and putting out fires, not for preventing fires; and people get promoted for shipping features, not for doing critical maintenance work and bug fixing.
@SomeGuy Nice read, thanks.
@copy have a great year!
@tereško what? how?
Sure. I've bookmarked it to revisit every now and then. It's got a very handy description of pretty much everything to consider
@LearnHowToBeTransparent well, everyone over 10k should
So the names of environment variables in process.env are case-insensitive on win32 and case-sensitive on other OS?
Can someone confirm that for me? :P
@towc There is only one LVM. And no, I do not use it as of now on my personal machine. My server is partitioned with LVM though.
@towc Nothing that will interest you
@Zirak It was horrible - you still haven't apologized to me about that
@OliverSalzburg How is it not case-sensitive on win32?
@littlepootis process.env.foo === process.env.FOO
I was setting DEV in my environment and checking process.env.dev in my code and it worked great
...until I deployed to Linux
you should always use all caps
@SomeGuy I don't find that article useful at all.
The other one was great, but the hiring one - I don't even get what he says.
Do you also have process.env.Foo and the like?/
@OliverSalzburg How about process.env.foo === process.env.fOo
That's really weird.
You should stick to process.env.ALLCAPS
oh wow, wtf?
@SomeGuy also, I get more of a Spolsky feeling when interviewing - about 1 out of 200 people who come interview for web dev actually know enough web dev (or other dev) to be an effective part of the team.
@littlepootis Yeah, I realize that, now ;P
@OliverSalzburg yeah, that's just how environment variables work in different OSs
Node can't really normalize that well.
The part of the code also accepts --dev parsed as argv.dev. So I probably thought it would be cooler to have both in lower case. And it worked, so I used it, I guess :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum the reason for it is simple: it is easier to get a degree in IT, because it's often subsidized by government
@BenjaminGruenbaum Does node create properties for each of those cases on process.env on windows or is it a proxy object or something?
Depends on where you live, I guess.
@tereško about half the people I interview don't have degrees. About half my team doesn't have degrees.
@AwalGarg When I enumerate the properties, I only see the upper case version
@AwalGarg I don't remember, lemme check.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hell, in Latvia, 90% of students in IT, physics and math get free tuition + small stipend
@BenjaminGruenbaum Honestly, I just found it beneficial to read because it helps to consider multiple viewpoints when you have no experience. No idea about the validity of his claims, but it was interesting
@tereško we have that too, tuition is pretty cheap - a lot of people don't want to go through 3 years of unpaid studying of stuff that's hardly relevant to web development or similar jobs.
@SomeGuy I generally agree that it was interesting but I didn't get his point.
On linux atleast, process.env is a regular object and all the keys are writable, enumerable, configurable and simple values. no getter/setter proxy magic
The bit about "Great devs are generally retained" doesn't ring true to me - it makes sense that a lot of them go unrecognized simply because they aren't doing particularly heroic / flashy work. But that depends on the specifics of the relationship between the manager and dev, I guess
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think it may just have been, "There's more to it than just the absolutes Spolsky implies". To be fair, I haven't read Spolsky's post, so I'm not sure if that's a fair assumption
here we have the strange issue that finding manager is easy, but finding developers - hard
@SomeGuy go read it.
Guys can some1 help me with this problem

	 function createNewFolder() {
		var name = 'ThisIsATest';

    gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() {

       var request = gapi.client.request({
        'path': '/drive/v2/files',
        'method': 'POST',
            "title" : name,
            "mimeType" : "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",


      request.execute(function(resp) { console.log(resp); });
with this i create a file in the root folder
the path must be changed
@SomeGuy good devs don't go send CVs often, it's not about retainment it's about the market.
i want to create if user doesnt exist it must create folder with the users id
but i am gonna use this code for more things
If you're good you typically get the offers without having to send CVs.
Even to the bigger companies.
i need the path be changed to the current folder
You might (probably) still need to come interview, but you won't need to send the initial CV
with current folder i mean where it must be created
@BenjaminGruenbaum for last few places I have worked at, I went to the interview to check whether I like the company
@tereško that's what a lot of people do - they interview sometimes to get a feel of how they'd fit after getting contacted.
I went to a few interviews myself saying that I won't take the job but was curious about what they do. I didn't take the job but I had fun meeting the people.

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