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is there a directive to set a page's ppi in print mode?
so that when printing, the page's css would be from a different set of media queries
fit this into a page as if it's 1200px
@SterlingArcher :D
@KendallFrey SterlingArcher is afk: vape
I have no idea what I'm gonna use it for lol
@Mosho no, you can't set this
@Mosho but you can test whether you're printing
@SterlingArcher YES YOU DO
lol oh right
i mean besides that
man I wish phone VR wasn't a thing :(
I use my Oculus Rift pretty much every day
it ruins the cooler experiences
@ssube yeah but I want an app to look a certain way while printing
and it's with bootstrap
Jesus... printing websites...
you can't control the PPI, though, the printer decides that
better than printing code
At least code is just text
printing websites is pure aids
What happened to using CSS for print?
It doesn't work, the support is terrible, and it's completely inconsistent
@Loktar yeah, if it wasn't free with my phone I wouldn't have gotten it
@Loktar also
CSS is terrible for print, you use (La)Tex instead
in C#, Jul 14 at 14:24, by MoonOwl22
Printing code is good for some scenarios
start here
@SterlingArcher well ok regardless free is good
unless it's herpes.
We're slowly moving away from supporting printing here at work; we just provide decent exports to PDF for our data instead
I'm so confused... bol.com/nl/index.html look at the source code for this page
just.. why?
god I hate dealing with print
we were actually doing what you are now @ndugger sending it to a backend service to format it
> would you have an option but to like it?
I'm already done
but then they wanted all this weird shit to save the users screenstate
so now we are using the standard browser print
what a legend
Using CSS to make a print friendly version will take you most of the way there. You just can't do things like margins and stuff reliably.
Jul 12 at 20:37, by Kendall Frey
ffs now I have "steve harvey penis" in my search history
oh my god
@Waxi No
probably has fallen out by now
@HatterisMad they often do
@ndugger Can you show what you want printed?
@Waxi Buy our software
looks like penisland.com is up for sale
@ndugger oh come on, you don't want to see his fix?
Holy shit, @Loktar did you know Jessie Leech's old band before killswitch?
People in here get whiny when CSS is involved so was curious to the complexity of his page.
and penisland.net is not a joke :/
@towc It clearly is
I was listening to Jessie in college before he was mainstream killswitch and I didn't even know it
This song was beast
@KendallFrey oh. It's so not explicit though :/
you have to look for it
@towc in the joke world that's called "good"
@SterlingArcher damn this isn't bad at all man
well, I'm stupid, so good jokes don't work on me ;)
Right dude? I'm running through my google music and all these old hardcore songs are coming back to me
Like Gwen Stacy, Emmure, Ten After Two, etc
dude loving this Last of Us music video you posted
totally reminds me of that game for some reason
Which one?
the Times of Grace one
Oh, the video doesn't make much sense to me lol
Post apocalyptic beat down
I can't believe I forgot about them. Hella good song
@Luggage what do you suggest to replace DataGrip with? It's my go-to sql editor atm, but i'd like to know of any improvements
@rlemon Grumpy JS god, you there ?
Oh my god I forgot Ice Nine Kills had a song called "Chris Brown's Latest Hit"
That's amazing
Is it called Rihanna ?
I'm gonna have to re-teach myself some basics of JS cause gaps in my knowledge are fucking things up for me.
@KarmaDoe that's the joke
who is chris brown
Got it
@KarmaDoe no, get off my lawn
@NathanJones you'd get smacked for that
@Waxi I'm really good with CSS; in fact better than most people in this room at CSS, but when you try to print websites, you're begging for trouble.
no fuk u nik
Kay, imma be leaving now.
@ndugger you channeling Towc?
who is Chr--OW
@Loktar not enough rainbows
@Loktar -_-
when did I ever say something like that?
ah shit I figured it would go unnoticed if I didn't ping ;p
@Loktar I'm making a point about how terrible CSS printing is; if a seasoned CSS dev says that it's shit, he should listen
but I see what you're saying
@rlemon baseless claims of grandeur are an acceptable substitute for rainbows
You're just jealous of how good I am
nah I'm jealous of @ZachSaucier :P
@Loktar what the shit the guitarist for Times of Grace is Adam D!
I wish I was saucy
No wonder Jessie is in Killswitch now lol
I love Adam. He won 2 freaking cars on the price is right. Amazing lead guitarist, most underrated singer/screamer out there
> Most underrated screamer out there - @SterlingArcher on Adam D
A promise chain, shouldn't be executed in order ?=
@KarmaDoe chains are ordered, yes
unless they would be in parallel
firstProm().then(secondProm()).then( etc ...
I never went to prom
@ndugger he's got you beat by at least two proms
Prom chain ndiggu
@KarmaDoe try firstPromp().then(secondProm).then( ...
Ah yes, "ndiggu"
@ndugger I went to three proms, not my own :D
all were fun
Did they call you, "ndiggu"?
you're calling secondProm right away, rather than waiting for firstProm to fire .then
@towc how do i pass arguments ?
52 secs ago, by towc
@KarmaDoe try firstPromp().then(secondProm).then( ...
but they dont use the same arguments
first().then(_ => second(arg)).then(Ilikepickles);
return the inner promise in the middle then
My grandma makes pickles
you can pass arguments when you do
I made my own pickles. they were alright.
I'd like to make my own hot sauce
Been thinking about it for a while now
I wanted to make crushed chilli's but didn't end up with enough of a harvest
so just made spiced pickles
Do you add garlic ?
garlic, salt, dill, home grown hot peppers, vinegar
other random spices
I rate them a solid 6/10
@SterlingArcher why's everyone so happy? 0.o
Man i love pickles,
Eggplant pickles rock.
yea, we go through a jar a week at least.
@towc dude you don't know the price is right?
not really...
@KendallFrey they love them some pickles
@towc it's a game show and the people who usually go on those
consider your country's game shows and the sort of people who are drawn to them
@towc it's the best gameshow in america
How can Mozilla have such a good resource, but their browser is not that good anymore for development?
Rsa.decrypt(args).then(AccStateM.Code(that.Parameters, that.times)).then(
Should it be like that ?
ok, but why is everyone so happy?
even if they lost?
@Waxi a) FF isn't that bad, b) mdn is a wiki
they're just euforic
Because it's an exciting show
@Waxi Their browser is still good, it's just not as good as Chrome
@KarmaDoe no
Plus they're prolly told to go nuts and crazy
look at what my code did
introduced a function then returned the inner promise
@Waxi ff may not be very fast, but it's amazing feature and dev-wise
@towc because it's the only time in 6 months they've left their own house
@towc FF is one of the worst for features and dev tools
really it isn't tho
@rlemon but i can't use => / _ in older node -v
not sure where you get that, but it's lagging behind in most charts
someone back me up
in the browser game there is a fuckload of very crappy browsers
FF still being in the top of the browser list means something
of the big 3, FF is lagging
yes, but that doesn't make it "one of the worst"
MS Edge just needs to go away; they failed to gain any real market share and did too little too late to even stay relevant. They only just got extensions and stuff like that. I love that they tried to do it right this time, but they failed before they even started.
it's close to losing its spot, but there isn't anybody trying to replace it
the lowest of the best
FF development tools used to be 1, but looks like Chrome finally caught up.
FF has a lot of experimental features, while chrome just has all of the standard features all the time
the lowest of the ones that are actually viable
@Waxi chrome has had better dev tools for a while.
chrome dev tools > all
@Waxi If by finally you mean 5 years ago, then sure
@towc FF introduces their own APIs that get dropped right away because they aren't used/don't work/have security problems
@ssube yes, but to even be viable is an accomplishment
MDN is littered with "oh yeah, FF tried to change this standardized function to be broken, but then we rolled it back"
FTR, I hate FF
I think most of us do
@KarmaDoe so... use a regular function
I didn't realize MDN is a wiki...no wonder it's so good, was giving all the credit to Mozilla.
Cap runs on FF
what's the thoughts on opera though?
when cap was developed FF was more cutting edge than chrome
@rlemon true. It's easy to lose that, too, like Safari did.
@rlemon it still is
@towc lol [citation needed]
That says more about Cap than it does FF
@towc it's a mediocre reskin of Chrome
again, they're usually the first to implement experimental features so that devs can play around with them (ff), whether the names of the functions to call end up changing doesn't really matter
they still have the best support for plugins afaik
It matters greatly
^ reskin of chrome
if they change the name of built in functions, it breaks code
That's not good
@towc not only does it matter, they don't do that
FF has had a lot of FF-unique "features" added and very quickly removed
@ndugger it's secondary to innovation. Big companies aren't going to do something using the latest standard features anyway
@towc No? Tell me that I'm not doing exactly that, lol
@towc shit, Safari beats them in es2016 support
if anything, it's the only browser without backwards compatibility, because they keep dropping poorly though out features
@towc yes they will.
@towc bullshit
well, safari just got a huge update. it's been behind
because there is compilers to take care of that
the biggest companies are the only ones using some of those features, like MS and FB
@rlemon again, es6 is the standard. FF was one of the first to get quite a lot of support for it, before it became a standard
raise your hand if you've been programming in big companies for longer than @towc was alive
@towc they also led the way for browser prefixes iirc
@rlemon oh...
which was a terribad idea
@Luggage damn near
@towc they were on the leading edge of the curve, 3-4 years ago, maybe. They're well behind now.
@Luggage I'm not stating I'm right, I'm arguing and if I'm wrong I want to understand why
ohh, i don't know. I just hate FF for no good reason
@rlemon didn't they also end up proposing to remove browser prefixes?
I just plain don't like foxes.
@Luggage you're all stating good reasons, but I can argue against them anyway
I think foxes are cute
@towc so they solved part of a problem they caused?
that's like BP asking us to forgive them after letting all the oil escape
Those damn oils running away
FF is the BP of browsers
killing all of our sealkins
Firefox, the Blackberry of browsers.
@rlemon so other browsers agreed to the initial proposal and thought it was a good idea. Now we all think they're bad ideas, and they were the first to decide that they weren't a good idea and do something about it between the browsers
I don't like using FF, but I don't think it is a bad browser. I don't think it is suited for my needs, but I don't think it is a bad browser at all.
@ssube FF didn't force it on the other browsers, they proposed it and they said it was reasonable
@towc that's not how it went down, though.
not hard to support, not hard to ignore
@ssube oh...
I'm in the same school of thought as bob
There was a brief period where FF was the browser deciding what would happen, after IE lost that and before Chrome was it.
@towc one vendor pushing a feature no one can agree how to implement causes problems.
That's when they destandardized a bunch of DOM functions and added browser prefixes.
the only reason I don't use FF as my main browser is because canvas is slow on it, I guess
FF fixed most of IE's problems, then created a bunch of others we're dealing with now. Mostly minor ones, but all stupid shit.
Apple just pooped out Canvas. Who knew Safari would be pushing things?
and IE gave us XmlHttpRequest
webkit led the way for a while
but then again, FF has very interesting edge canvas stuff, which other browsers haven't even started implementing it looks like
webkit was killing it, but it had a few backers
Apple stopped caring when Google split from webkit
now safari is garbage
@Luggage sure. That made them innovative browsers
i thought canvas was well supported across the board, now
it is afaik
@Luggage basic support, sure
@ndugger or Google was doing all of the work, which is why they took their marbles and went elsewhere
but canvas.filter and other newer things are not
the V8 folks talked about how JavaScriptCore was just broken a few times
Apple should take Charka.
and IE should take webkit (er.. blink?)
Apple and Microsoft should just stop trying to make shitty browsers that nobody even wants
@towc because they are not finalized
multiple competing browsers make sure that people care about compatibility. If there was only one browser, it'd be like the old IE 5.5 days
@rlemon but we can play around with them, and I love doing it. Although I do see how it doesn't have much value for businesses, which is what really matters
so then it isn't a point against non chrome/ff browsers for not supporting it
canvas apis are pretty well supported on all modern browsers afaik
@towc it doesn't just not have value, it has cost. Fairly high costs for some of the stupider choices, like prefixes.
well, I personally can't wait for the path constructors and the new path systems, and those are bound to help businesses a lot as soon as they come out. FF is closer to getting there than other browsers
@ssube I would agree with you, if they were the only ones to decide to do it
FF releases things that haven't even gotten to committee as if they were finalized standards, which confuses people and creates code that won't work anywhere else.
@towc until it is finalised, it doesn't matter because you can't use it.
They've become the IE6 team
outside of playing
@ssube no, they explicitly say it's experimental
there was a lot of cool shit I wish I could still do/use
@towc but they don't put it behind flags and often don't even prefix it or warn in the console
@ssube that would make it hard to play around with. You don't just stumble across a JS function and start using it, you usually read something about it anyway
so unless it's a security threat, there's no reason for it
what? read about it first? have you BEEN to this chat room?
@towc not really. Chrome properly flags all the experimental features.
hell, Babel uses flags for all the features, even ES6
they provide flag presets for people comfortable with the mainstream and the edgy kids who want to play around and it all works perfectly fine
@ssube and I personally find it annoying. Sure, I like it when it tells me depcrecated stuff and webgl issues, but other than that...
FF is the only one still running rough shod over the standards and actively confusing people
experimental is like deprecated. So if you like deprecatd warnings, you should like experimental warnings
if it's experimental, I probably know it is
unless you're towc and only use features that are experimental or deprecated
if it's deprecated but I'm using it, I prefer the browser to tell me about it
I prefer to just know that it's deprecated by staying up to date on information relevant to my job
But can you recall every feature you used? A warning still has value even if you are completely up-to-date.
I like warnings
they are not errors.
> build complete..
699 warnings.
0 errors.
ship it!
> I got 99 warnings but -moz-nonstandard-deprected: 0 ain't one.
have any of you taken their brand logo survey?
@Luggage I have javscriptographic memory, so yes
es-lint: −2,147,483,648 violations
that's the look of a company floundering
or they are so successful that they can afford to dick around with changing identity
they are success-signalling
cv-pls stackoverflow.com/questions/39861513/… (dupe of async return)
@ssube I can't even finish that survey; those are all so ugly
@ndugger right? My comment on #2 was along the lines of "did you steal this from a MS powerpoint in 2003?" and similar for the others.
@Luggage then the logos would embody the company and show their new direction. These are totally random.
and ugly. They look like fiverr rejects.
the first one was the best.
and the ones with all the lines in a circle.. man. horrible
That last one with the shitty fire was just hideous
They could hit the "random" button on codepen and do better
> I would expect to see this at an EDM festival, not a company making a browser.
I just clicked through. I have no idea how to rate how "opinionated" a logo is.
!!afk khom
@Luggage does it make you feel uncomfortable?
Comments: Triggered.

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