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Good evening everyone.
Inquiring here on some methodology I'd like to understand more in depth.
I know that in NodeJS, all modules are supposed to be their own independent entities; but in a project I'm working on -- I would like to create one global instance of an object and access functions from this instanced object in the rest of my project.
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@neet_jn Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    So for example.


    class App {
      constructor() {}
      loadMethod() {}

    export App;


    // import all child specific scripts


    import { App } from 'master'

Main would have an instance of App, and Main would load child scripts that would include specifications for our main App.
@neet_jn How about a function which creates an App and runs the child specific scripts on the newly created one?
And instead of a single static App you'd have one passed around in function arguments
A: How can I listen to onclick event SpotLight Helper and attach the TransformControls to the light?

selvarajmasThe problem is raycaster. Add the second parameter of raycaster.intersectObjects() to true. So the final code is var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(objects, true); Here is the working sample for attach the transformControls to the light: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/PGJxBj I hope thi...

I've got the answer.
Let's celebrate this event. // This should be a part of the raycast docs on SO
@Abhishrek if ( returnValue instanceof Promise ) /* wait */; else /* non-async */;
2 hours later…
@Sushruth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
A quite day. Anyone watched Miss Peregrine's?
I have 25000 lines of code in my script that's in my html file, how do I put this function on a js file and have this script loaded when html loads?
^ Remove "How do I"
shut up
@AdanRamirez 1) Cut the js code and paste it in a js file 2) Add the file as "src" attribute to the now-empty script element. Done. Do not self-close the script, it must be open and close.
ok will try right now
wait, I'm using jquery for js
do I replace jquery src with my custom js?
@AdanRamirez No. Leave jQ as is.
ok, where do I put the 'src=custom js file'?
before / body>?
Good question. Do you know where you put the images and link to them with src attribute?
or in the head
along the body
@AdanRamirez Note that neither of my steps involve moving the script element. Keep it where it is would be safest.
ok thanks
Weird situation here.......span tag is taking inline background....any possible reasons ?
the element is part of HTML which is being appended
jQuery append
@Shashi unclear what you are asking
@Sheepy I am appending an div along with some span as its hild and text in it.....it is taking inline background color of black which is not defined any where in the css file.
is there a situation in which append does something weird like this ??
just in case there is a known issue like this
nothing serious though...... I have overrode that with jquery css but raw css wasn't affecting
@Shashi I'd use debugger to check where the colour come from. And if necessary, try another browser.
@Sheepy Sure I did! :D it was of now use...just showed that the design was inline property
anyways....jquery did the trick.... (y)
@Shashi If you can produce a minimally reproducible example you can put it on SO.
@Sheepy It is no that big I guess......will surely figure it out once I am done with initial functionalities of the app I am building :)
Yeah. I would be restlessness if it were me, though. Makes me feel like I don't know what is happening :p
@Sheepy Was in kind of same situation :p but then I picked myself up and said....."bro you need to finish this as well" ... :D :D haha
what's wrong with this? :(
@doug65536 Maybe the question is non-realistic :| , as for me It should not be downvoted......you have my condolences for real :D
[PUN Intended]
Hey guys.
BOT BOT ..... fire in the hole :D
the "what's faster" guys always do some horrible crap that they think is "faster", then turn around and cause 100 reflows and read back properties on elements after changing other properties, in a loop, redundantly looking up the same elements on every line.
@shad0wk no. use requestAnimationFrame, not setInterval!
Ahh, right, cool I'll change that. Anything else?
You should think about modularizing and having several files if you're going to make a game.
Okay, yeah, it would make everything clearer.
I also prefer to clearly separate the game state changes and the rendering.
Ahh okay, I'll keep that in mind.
Hmm guys. How can I find closest div based on the where the user clicked.
fix the indentation here: gist.github.com/shad0wk/…
@Paran0a bind the click event, look at the parents until it's a div
taitems.github.io/jQuery.Gantt I have this gantt chart and when someone clicks at the empty space I want to know the date where he clicked and which deparment he picked
@Paran0a you make a voronoi diagram and compare the mouse location with what area of the voronoi it is on
@DenysSéguret Done.
@towc that sounds like an efficient idea
(btw I loved to play with voronoi diagram but I could do something really useful for metallurgical industry ;) )
in your case it's just a matter of gridding
Towc there's no grid in this case, the grid is a background image?
It's all actuall an empty space
you make the grid up
@shad0wk It is probably fairly expensive to constantly read properties from the canvas, such as the width and height. Cache them in a variable.
with logic based on mouse position
there's no api for "find closest div"
Currently I created an empty div for every single day , but it can get resource heavy to have that many empty divs if I you have a lot of categories
@doug65536 But what if the page size changes?
and it wouldn't work in your case anyway, because you're looking for the div straight above, and the div straight left. You shouldn't be looking for a div at all
@shad0wk exactly, that's why it is expensive. use a window resize event handler
MVC: keep your controller separate from the view
Please all note that looking at a few hundreds elements to find the nearest one on click needs absolutely no optimization: your computer is fast enough
and feed into the model, not the view
It could work if my empty div contained information about current date and category , which it does:p . But I'd rather do what you said , find the div straight above, and straight left
@doug65536 I have that. window.addEventListener("resize", game.updateCanvasSize, false);
@DenysSéguret although completely pointless in this case
@shad0wk ok, cache the size there
@shad0wk does line 54 really need to constantly create new arrays and put pressure on the garbage collector? just update the existing array!
But then I it will change the canvas size and then cache the new size, or is that okay.
@doug65536 Okay.
normally it wouldn't matter, but that line will run thousands of times
@Paran0a also, don't force an apple slider onto my webpage :P
@doug65536 true, okay.
towc that too also ;P. How it currently looks , and youre not even seeing everything. i.imgur.com/hwyLoQI.png stuff gets pretty laggy
I never told you to get a different element for every cell
you should possibly use canvas
or svg
html for mostly-empty cells is stupid
Id be happiest with no elements at all for the empty cells
But I don't know whats the best approach
canvas or svg
svg probably makes most sense actually
@shad0wk the onload looks fishy. If the page isn't ready how are the selector lookups working?
@doug65536 What do you mean?
that script loads at the bottom of the html?
no. In the head.
ah... ok that makes more sense. If you put the script tag at the bottom, perhaps before </body> then you can just call game.load() right there instead of using onload
I avoid those archaic event properties like the plague
okay. I'll do that.
@shad0wk have you profiled it? you might want to break down the update function into a few separate pieces so you can see which part(s) are taking time. .save and .restore aren't very cheap
maybe not, it only does two things I guess
finally found the node project I want to work on :D It will decrease crime rate by half, anywhere where there's internet, guaranteed
Good luck!
@doug65536 What do you mean? And what d you mean by cheap? Also is this requestAnimationFrame code good gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671 if so I'll use it?
@shad0wk yeah, but I'd be surprised to find a browser with canvas that doesn't have requestAnimationFrame. I could be wrong
in other words, requestAnimationFrame should just be there nowadays
@doug65536 node usually has canvas but not rAF
@doug65536 Okay.
well, you can add it, but it's fairly pointless
@towc you joking? node is in text mode / console
@doug65536 -_- server-side rendering
you need it to serve specially-crafted images to the client
well yeah, it has nothing to synchronize with then
one of the ways to modify images is through canvas
in a browser requestAnimationFrame does the callback at the right moment, right before it does the render and stuff
using an interval, you suddenly start manipulating the page out of nowhere
So it's the safe option.
both are safe. requestAnimationFrame will almost certainly be more efficient
be warned that if the browser is minimized, it will not make the callbacks until the user can see the page. that is a feature
your code won't eat cpu drawing invisible window
cool, okay, I'll change the code.
Thank you for all the help.
Thanks guys, I'll be away for a while, updating the code, might come back tomorrow. Bye, cya. ;)
Is there anyway to know that a spawned process is up and running? Any alternative to making the child pass a message event to the parent proc?
Not interested in the state of the child proc as such...
@deostroll is it guaranteed to produce output? You could watch its stdout stream
sounds like an XY question. Maybe it would help if you said why you want to do that
Yes. It produces output...
And yeah I did a child.stdout.once('data', handler)
that worked actually
What is the workaround for logging a task (using grunt.log.writeln()), when the task is actually run by a grunt watch task? Currently I don't see the logs...
1 hour later…
@doug65536 IE 9, Safari 5, Opera Mobile 12, Blackberry 7, and if you want an up to date example then Opera mini.
Canvas is around one to two generation older than rAF, so most browsers from that generation has canvas but not rAF.
And as a result many libraries didn't use it for animation.
What would be the preferred way to fetch and display JSON data from a REST API on a web page?
@JacobWood The way you like best and fit your situation best.
Ah man. I've never done anything like this before. I moved away from my bad habit of using PHP to directly interface with the DB for this project and built a REST API in Node. But I'm stuck trying to decide on how to build the front end.
Do you have a personal preference?
Every one's requirement is different. I have a powershell script that simply dump the json string to database, where I read the data. I don't mind that, nor does my consumer script, but most users won't like that.
Okay I've got a problem , the error I get is
jquery.fn.gantt.js:386 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of null

How to test it , go to http://taitems.github.io/jQuery.Gantt/ , paste following script into console
$('.dataPanel').on('click', function(e) {
    var elm = $(this);
    $('.row.name').children().filter(function() {
        if ($(this).offset().top < e.pageY && ($(this).offset().top + 25) > e.pageY) {
    $('.row.date').filter(function() {
        if ($(this).offset().left < e.pageX  && $(this).offset().left + 25 > e.pageX ) {
@JacobWood And given that different sites has different layout and display very different data, there is no universal way.
I guess that's one way to do it
Now when you click on empty space in the gantt chart console will write the day that you clicked and the category. The problem arises once you scroll down to page to hide the date headers and then click on the empty space . It will throw an error , can anyone confirm this
Don't know whats causing it
@towc nice to hear, what's the project?
@Paran0a it's got something to do with how it gets the element using document.elementFromPoint
@Paran0a here: "If the specified point is outside the visible bounds of the document or either coordinate is negative, the result is null."
Thanks , I'll look into it
i would try and just change line 384 into var col = core.elementFromPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY);
i don't know what the code above it is doing, or if it's trying to solve a bug that may be reintroduced with that code, though
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@Paran0a Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@bitten I changed it into what you wrote, but then my first console.log return undefined (two time) , any idea why? It does stop throwing error :D
@Paran0a there could also be the click handler that's already present firing, the error may not be from your code
$('.dataPanel').unbind('click').on('click', ...)
@Paran0a undefined or empty? if just empty then it's probably logging out the html of an element that has no html in it
@Paran0a aw dang. then i don't know sorry, and i don't have the time anymore to dig through
good luck ^^
No problem,thanks for lookin'!
              var tax_amount = "0.00";
              tax_amount +=  this.round( 12 );
             //result 0.0012.00
              round: function(amount, p) {
		       p = p || 2;

		      return parseFloat( amount ).toFixed(p);
it does not sum up to 12.00 only
@bitten I've made a mistake ,that's why it was returning undefined 2 times. Anyway I did what you did and it works now, don't know if it broke anything but thanks!! If you want some easy rep answer it here stackoverflow.com/questions/39829019/…
@Paran0a heh alright
@bitten QUICK!! col = core.elementFromPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY); this actually solved the problem! :p
@Paran0a haha yeah i was getting around to that :p
@Paran0a someone downvoted your question, heh
Don't care about that :D
.filter('collect_ingredients', function() {
    return function(input) {
        if (!angular.isArray(input)) {
            return input;

        var result = {};
        angular.forEach(input, function(value){
            if (!result[value.code]) {
                result[value.code] = {
                    statement: value.statement,
                    code: value.code,
                    ingredients: [value.ingredient]
            } else {
Hi. Anyone know what's wrong with the following filter?
because the above one causes

ionic.bundle.js:21157 Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":184,"oldVal":183}
It's changing the state of an object that is bound while it's rendering
move that logic to a service and then just render the result
posted on October 03, 2016

Since it’s Geek Mental Help Week I thought I’d share the most serious mental breakdown I went through in my professional career. When I compare it to the other stories I don’t feel it’s particularly serious — but maybe that sheer common-ness is the reason I’d like to talk about it. Mental health problems are not necessarily about profound traumas and serious

It feels good getting to work early
you mean you're not still in bed?
No, I woke up before my alarm today at like 7:30
Hi guys
Shit I forgot my phone charger
what if i wanted to show a part of my form in a popup but keep the elements inside the form ?
does this exist ?
@SterlingArcher no worries, that phone should last the day
Like a modal window with form options?
@rlemon well, worst case, there's tons of micro usb cables here lol
oh my god
22 hours is good I take it?
My iphone in its prime lasted maybe 7 hours
It lasted maybe 45 minutes without the battery case keeping it alive, then it went for 12 hours with basically a double battery
I'm pissed when my phone is in the red by bedtime
@SterlingArcher yes but i want every thing i do in this window (filling a text field for example ) to be included in the parent form when the form is submitted.
this is the first real new juice I've had in over a year
it's delicious
I should start ordering juice
I need to save money though. I gots to get ~$2000 saved for moving by december
I haven't had any nicotine in a good while
I could really go for a really nice cigar
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/jzH34z2.gifv
@rlemon haters will say it's faked
@rlemon uuuh what's "water bottle flip"?
people flip water bottles
@FlorianMargaine Welcome to the internet. You must be new here.
the idea being that you flip a mostly empty water bottle and land it rightside up
kids everywhere are od'ing on it
Gravity is like magic to these young whipper snappers
I'm getting old...
nahh, just less cool
soon your kids going to be doing stupid shit and you'll be wondering what the fuck. don't worry
2028, the rise of the baguette flip.
@KendallFrey dank
Remember that it's this generation of teens that also created the knockout game
They're doomed
@SterlingArcher when I was younger kids were making themselves pass out
it isn't new. every generation has idiots
Pringles aren't good anyways
You shut your dirty whore legs nick
I mean mouth
shut up
no u
prove it
do you even?
why you disrespectin brah
This was cringey as fuck, dude
what makes you the brothaurity brah
Two dank memers exchanging euphoric memeries
Somewhere somehow, a singularity was just made
Black holes are made when two memes collide
Bruhhh you Powerman 5000'd that shit
this is brutal
please stop
listen brahs, I just came back from the gym where I was getting some wicked gains to see this bromance on the fritz? double-u tee eff bros. don't you know that's bad for your skin shine and respect gains? bros.. BROS.. lets get over this and go slam some bubble tea.
wtf is bubble tea
Iced tea with tapioca and jellies
It's weird
I haven't found a healthy tea I enjoy :(
I like tea, but it's easier to grab one of the free sugar-free monster's out of the fridge at work
Except my stomach is feeling iffy this morning, so I just downed some pepto
@rlemon you might like this song
The riff is sick as fuck
@SterlingArcher cancer
but the hipsters love it
@SterlingArcher why do you have a video of jfk
anybody using notify.js
@KendallFrey what
@KendallFrey that looks nothing like JFK... learn you some Murica.
"All American's look alike"
do you even freedom, fuckboi
ffs, I have to go reem out a data scientist because he promised me a document 3 days, ago, and I just checked on it, and it's barely been worked on
!!afk foots in asses
@SterlingArcher nice

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