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how old are you guys
im 32
> You got: 69
> Nice.
I got 19...
It's a flawed quiz cuz I don't usually get a drink or a side
Wait, it gave everyone a description. Except for me. It just said: "You got: 69. Nice"
I got 19 too..
I don't get people who say that hotdogs aren't sandwiches
welllll.... they're not sandwiches?
first, you have only one piece of bread
What do you call sausage sandwiches then
Since they're apparently not sandwiches
what's a sausage sandwich? I see what you did there
someone plese help
Q: $controller service throwing error while loading controller

dopatramanHere is my code: describe('My Controller', function() { var MyController; var $controller; var $rootScope; var $state; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(module('app.my.ctrl')); beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$state_) {...

meh I'm drunk, don't mind me
It's monday
In parts of the world.
does anyone know how to write unit tests for angular controllers?
Where is it not monday or tuesday right now
the $controller service is not working as documented
no where. i think it's just mon-tues at the moment, right?
This is why you should never make your own date time library lol
it's that moment between periods of my life when I need to be smart, where I can legitimately slack off ;)
What time is that?
that could be like.. because it's after 5pm.. or an age-range.
Maybe he got fired
And we should stop pushing it
nah, just after 5pm
i'm 19 again... dude they suck
kinda close
I couldn't figure it out, so I guess that means old.
yeah they lack some choices
ohh, missed a question. yea. can't find "none" for the first
How did I from from 69 to 19.
You're not even giving out candy?
And they aren't having a party at your retirement home?
It said '19'
stupid thing.. probably a random number generator
It's probably mostly based on the time of day part
You're either at school, college, or work.
Or you're unemployed, like @FélixGagnon-Grenier
you want me to try to convince you, don't you? ADMIT IT!!
ahem so yeah today at work the technological watch guy shared that survey about the state of js, which made me aware of vue. At first sight (french people may get it) it seems... like every other effing js thing out there. Still, I want to try it out. Any downsides experienced yet?
I get it and I know almost no french
I guess I underestimate general awareness of other languages :P
Cuz we also have the word view in english
whistles innocently
I've been looking at this for so long and don't see where the problem is, unreal.
jsfiddle.net/d81k1woh/1 My forEach in the function isn't working quite right. It's putting everyone's hours on everyone. Why is that?
Don't use foreach
Why is that?
It's for generating side effects for each member of the list
Save it for when you need to print a list or something
Yeah that's what it seemed like, but didn't know why. My line 30 is not contained to the iteration in the forEach, or I just don't understand how it works.
I should just do a regular for() loop then?
Figure it out using map/filter/reduce
Dang I'm gonna be pissed if the culprit is the forEach. Let me change it!
a for() loop is probably your best bet.
I changed it to a map and still had the same results. I guess that means the code inside my loop is bad.
Changing the function to map doesn't make it a map
You're still treating it like a foreach
Ah yeah I see that. I should have looked at what I did above.
OK let me think about this.
Maps shouldn't have side effects
You misunderstood map. It delivers, unlike Awal Garg.
It looks like I was missing a return inside the map, so I dropped one in, but I kept my day finding logic above it, because it seems like you can have functions inside the map. Not sure where it's stuck though.
Can I not do something like this...
	employees = employees.map(function(e){
		function isDay(row) { return row.day == e.when };
		var x = e.timeline.find(isDay); // what object has the when
		x = e.timeline.indexOf(x); // where is that object at
		e.timeline[x].labor = e.hours; // put the hours here
		return {
			who: e.who,
			timeline: e.timeline
You'll thank yourself if you don't have any side effects inside the map.
@Waxi You haven't defined employees, are you deliberately doing that to make it global?
It's defined higher up and yes it's global.
jsfiddle.net/d81k1woh/1 Where exactly is it defined?
@Waxi No, you cannot do that in a map
Oh, this isn't the complete snippet...
Well not in the fiddle, sorry, was just trying to show the problem at hand.
Ugh, that's a mess anyway
Map should only be used to construct a new array, never to mutate an existing one
Same with filter and reduce
I guess I'll just give you a hint
I thought my problem was something else for the longest time, then traced it back to my forEach, which seemed like it would work how I had it, but it wasn't containing within each iteration or something. So now I'm trying the mapping approach.
Also, why are you defining the isDay function on every single iteration?
You could just have the equality check inline, or put the function in a higher scope and pass in all of its dependencies
Yeahhhh I know it's bad. I was more concerned with something that just works for now so I could have something usable.
Not even working though so lol.
Step one: reduce your problem down into the most simple working example of the issue
I have, that's this fiddle here.
@Waxi When you assign days to an employer, you did not create a copy. So all employers would share the same array, thus any change to any timeline will show up on everyone's timeline, because there is only one timeline shared by all.
Is that the problem?
The problem is that he's trying to use map & friends but isn't committing to it
It's not a hard problem to solve
You just gotta commit
Yeah that's the exact problem.
What do you mean commit? I've been on those for 8 hours, sad I know.
If I'm using forEach or the map, I thought the iteration I'm in or whatever is that and not shared by everything...
> emp.timeline[x].labor = emp.hours
You know you shouldn't be doing stuff like that
Why what's wrong with it?
You're mutating an existing object
I solved for x, then tried giving the hours, which worked, but I don't get why they are all having everyone's hours when I thought I was just working in the current one I'm in.
@Waxi You want it like this? jsfiddle.net/d81k1woh/12
@Meredith That's what I wanted to do.
OK, let me see Sheepy.
And it's why you're having problems
I bet you can solve this without using assignment at all
Yeah that's it Sheepy...damn. Let me see what I did wrong
lol findIndex. I'll have to remember that one.
@Waxi The main different is I cloned the days for employee's timelines. findIndex is just a minor optimisation. Yeah :)
I used ES6 syntax but it is pretty well supported and not hard to pickup or revert.
Why did days have to be cloned? I'm not understanding why it's bad I was mutating things or whatever?
...because mutating objects causes you to spend 8 hours on a 5 minute problem
Yeah feels bad man.
I think what I'm doing is referencing days and not actually making a copy into everyone? Is that it?
@Waxi Because objects are not numbers. They are not copied on assignment; they are referenced. Yes that's correct.
Ahhh fuck, that changes everything for me then. No wonder my stuff is behaving weird everywhere.
This is, um, pretty basic object oriented programming concept. Intermediate level tutorial should covers that, if not earlier.
Usually that's a good thing. OOP depends on the language not making copies everywhere. :p
I can't believe I wasted so much time on something so juvenile, that hurts a lot.
It's ok. I still make that mistake occasionally. That's how I spotted it immediately lol.
Damn, I forgot about the baby sheep.
@littlepootis Yes? I think he is sleeping.
Holy. Pics?
Not born yet. XD I'll start staying at home after this week. You should know he is born when I'm back :)
How old is that?
A month
old enough to break the ice
Yes! As of today, he can say hello world and not be classified as an early born.
setInterval(function(){if($(".monologue>.messages>.message").length>p){speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance($(".monologue>.messages>.message")[$(".monologue>.messages>.message").length-1].textContent));p=p=$(".monologue>.messages>.message").length}},1000)
speak all chat text
very interesting.
to run it, F12>Console
is js good to create mobile app?
I don't think it's the preferred language, but you could still do it.
1 hour later…
Good morning JS
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Android Studio - Java
HI All
@AnkurShah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Need to implement localization for html number box

Ankur ShahI am working on Angular2 need to want to implement html number box which will accept decimal as "."(dot) or "," How can we achieve this functionality? Is there any built in component available for supporting localization.

can you please look in to this issue
i am stuck over here.
How to run a loop 8 times? any short hand?
nvm got it
no I didn't get
this is creating array of undefined elements
what I need is [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
@Mr_Green new Array(8).fill(0).map( (e,i) => ++i )
@Mr_Green Array.from({length:8}).map( (e,i) => ++i )
nice thanks
Note that this is likely slower than simple for loop, which is slower than static declaration.
Why would you need an identity array like that?
I mean it happens from time to time, but it is rare enough for me to be genuinely curious
I just noticed Ben's link on current state of JS. Nice read indeed.
For example, in "Front-end frameworks", 0% have never heard of React & Angular, but 9% have never heard of "None".
how are all of you
i have a situation here
i want to print my email using javascript function
let me know if anyone find an error in below angular filter..
.filter('collect_ingredients', function() {
    return function(input) {
        // if (!angular.isArray(input)) {
        //     return input;
        // }
        // filtered list
        var result_lst = [];
        var result_dict = {};

        // iterate over the input list
        angular.forEach(input, function(value){
            var dict = {}
            if (!result_dict[value.code]) {
                dict = {
                    statement: value.statement,
                    code: value.code,
value passed to this filter is a list... which looks like
    "code": "H303",
    "statement": "May be harmfulif swallowed",
    "ingredient": "sodium erythorbate"
<td><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="printemail();" style="font-size:0; background-image:url(<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-content/uploads/images/print.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:left center; height:15px; width:15px; display:inline-block; background-size:100% auto;">&nbsp;</a></td>
on this tag i want to print email (gmail inbox)
@Waqas_aamer And the problem is? You want to print part of the page instead of full page? Or that you want the printer to print immediately, not popup a print dialog?
no sir, i am sending email using php. in footer i have provided option for printing the email\
First line of this answer shows that the filter always accepts an list , do modifications, and returned the filtered list.
email that is send after registration
@Sheepy all the content of email is send in the body tag
@Waqas_aamer Most email client removes and disallow javascript from email, from linux mail to Outlook to GMail. Good luck with that.
But for me, after iterating the first item in the list, control transferred to this var result_lst = []; code not the last return statement.. I donno why..
then is there any other way
@Waqas_aamer Nope.
so we cant provide an option to print email? @Sheepy
@Waqas_aamer And your question has already been asked before on SO.
ok let me see it
@Waqas_aamer Try search before you ask. You may get your answer faster. I googled "put print button in email".
thanks, i have searched for it but has got no clue about it, that why i ask here
@Waqas_aamer Just curious, what terms did you try to search?
Got this snippet:

jQuery(".content.clearfix").css("height", jQuery(".content.clearfix").prop('scrollHeight'));

It got called by me Step-click handler. Every time a step got changed it got called. Whyever when the steps go back or the last step is reached it is not working...

Here is the handler: http://pastebin.com/DYdprtCu
can u help ?
!!welcome traxstar
@traxstar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Traxstar you're using a plugin that doesn't do what is advertised? Not a great start
@Neil its just a small fix. the plugin does exactly what it want. except the point that the genereatet iframe is scrollable and i want to get it to the full height
@Traxstar Perhaps stepping back does not trigger step click. How do you step back? Back button?
@Sheepy yeah. but it does. i put a console log in and this function got called every time a step changes
@Traxstar try to set the height of the iframe without any plugins active
@Traxstar How about try put the whole line in a timeout, so that it takes place after the event handler?
If it works, then the plugin is interfering somehow
@Neil yeah thats working. it is working as well in every step before the last step and before stepping back
@Sheepy how you mean ?
@Traxstar setTimeout ( function(){ /* Height setting code here */ }, 0 );
If that doesn't work I can only suggest a full debug like Neil imply.
@Sheepy setTimeout(function(){jQuery(".content.clearfix").css("height", jQuery(".content.clearfix").prop('scrollHeight'))},0); so ?
@Traxstar setTimeout(function { // code here }, 0)
not working
Too bad. Well, you'll learn more from a proper debug.
This is why I avoid third party libraries that aren't well known
If you have to debug it anyway, you might as well be writing the damn thing
oh wait. its working... :) thank you all :) i guess the problem is that the fetching data takes longer than the function got called and whole data is there after several times...
Ah good.
^ this
but its not working when step back..
Just stay really close to the screen then. ;)
@Neil wow okay ;D thats kinda funny :D
Hi all, i have some requirement like storing form data in google spreadsheet. Am created one contact form in angular2 application but i dont have any idea how to connect to google spreadsheet.
If anyone suggest its very helpful to me
thanks for the suggestion. I seen that for this i need to install python
actually am doing some application using angular2. in this am created one contact form. And i want to store this contact form details to google sheet on submitting the contact form
Hello World
I need help in fixing my ajax code
Problem is that I can't find problem
anyone interested ?
can anyone help me with a node.js problem im having?
@DaveDavidson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ramanuj whats the issue u r facing
is anyone intersted?
I am sending ajax call from client and Server is responding with OutputStream
I am expecting there should be file download at client machine
File is not using any storage or local file system of server
I am using In Memory File System so file being created and available as output stream
So how should i see that ajax response on success getting bytes and how to process it as downloaded file at client machine
@Rajni I hope you get the issue
My problem is how can i download file to client
since file as output stream not the file URL
As per my knowledge we should get the data from server in normal format. And in frontend we can create a file with BLOB and write the date to that file and will download the same file.
normal format means ?
@ramanuj Just build it on the server and serve it as you would a normal file.
No need to over-complicate things
I don't have access to File System of server
@BenFortune is there any way to write file on server and broadcast URL ?
You're contradicting yourself.
@BenFortune I need permission to write file on server and that is not available
@BenFortune how can you pls help me to understand ?
@DaveDavidson whats the problem?
@BenFortune i can't create File Object on server, what I am doing is using In Memory File System
so java.nio
I am in this JS room for ajax help
actually everything is working file at server side but i don't how to process bytes in ajax
I am not good in ajax or Jquery . I am java programmer so need your assistance
Q: Handle file download from ajax post

Pavle PredicI have a javascript app that sends ajax POST requests to a certain URL. Response might be a JSON string or it might be a file (as an attachment). I can easily detect Content-Type and Content-Disposition in my ajax call, but once I detect that the response contains a file, how do I offer the clien...

There is no certain URL
Check the answer with the bounty.
I have seen this post since URL is not certain that's why there is OutputStream is available
@BenFortune who is bounty ?
good morning all ^^
@bitten Good morning
@Rajni No you don't need Python. Web based API, like those that Google use, is relatively language independent. Look at their own example, simple GET request and get JSON back.
how does one rollback a branch back a few commits safely?
there are so many solutions, and i'm not familiar with rebase and i want to avoid "reset --hard"
ok @sheepy i will check
You can do reset --soft then commit once you're happy
@ramanuj The important thing is you get some data that you want to save as a file on client PC. How you get the data - from url or, from server memory, or even from client script - does not matter.
@BenFortune and reset soft doesn't touch the file system?
like there are files in the same dir that aren't in the git repo
library files and so on
@bitten No it won't.
i've just always tried to avoid reset, always
I reset a lot. Have lost a few files because of that, but I commit frequently so no big deal.
@Sheepy data is coming from server in bytes
@Sheepy good to know. what was the cause of your lost files?
@Sheepy how to process them as file to download
@ramanuj Have you read the answers?
i've never lost files with git, although i've never had to rollback a branch like this
Well, Git doesn't lost my files. My own mistakes lost them. :(
@Sheepy Going to go with a resounding "no"
@Sheepy well if you understand the issue see this is repo: github.com/ramanujd/KnowYourEMI.git
@Sheepy oh haha. just lost because you forgot to commit them?
if so then i understand
@Sheepy Project is live at knowyouremi.herokuapp.com
see you if you can help me to understand how to process bytes in ajax
@bitten I think I do reset a lot only when I'm trying to shift code changes (commited or otherwise) between branches. Do them enough times and accident happens sooner or later :p
@Sheepy I read your answers but Problem is there is no file system being used for server to make file available to download
@ramanuj I understand your question because I do that a lot. If you can't understand the answer that Ben posted above, go find some javascript file download library, with examples that you can understand.
@Sheepy I am using In Memory File System so File is being created on user request and output stream is available to write them and on server side I have written that files and works so fine but how to tackle at client side
Why are you using ajax?
@Sheepy i understand. thanks for explaining! i was just a bit nervous to use it c:
@BenFortune ajax what else I have ?
@BenFortune @Sheepy I am not so good in JS so that why I was looking for any help
is anyone interested in helping with my node.js issue?
@ramanuj Just submit your form normally, then let the browser handle the download.
@ramanuj You should get it by now, but we'd rather you find the question yourself with our links and pointers. We have given you answer with code and we have given you terms to ask google for. I won't repeat that we understand your question.
fucking hell
!!welcome DaveDavidson
@DaveDavidson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Sheepy He's had it
Q: Node Parsing Error: unexpected token when returning

DaveDavidsonI am trying to return a value to a mapped array, the name of this value is latestDeploymentDate, however, I receive a parsing error, as listed in the title. I am wanting to return the time of the latest deployment my using the ta.ago function however, I receive a parsing error because of this, I ...

you have response there already
return {appName: item.appName, ta.ago(latestDeploymentDate)};, invalid syntax.
i gathered that @BenFortune
I wish I can understand. Why does programming seems to be so hard?
@DaveDavidson Well then you already know your answer, why do you need help?
good lord...thanks for being so helpful.
@Sheepy @BenFortune Thanks for addressing my query ... Have a Good Day
thanks for not fixing simple syntax errors before posting on SO...
bye everyone have a lovely day!
@BenFortune @Sheepy I find this library useful github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js
@ramanuj Glad to see that you find something useful. Do understand that we'd like to help. But we should help you learn, rather than do your work for you (despite that it's often quicker). You not only need to solve your problem; you also need to learn other's problem and how they are solved.
@Sheepy cool sheepy you are great ...
@Neoares Help us close vote the typo question above?

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