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Well let me rephrase it @FlorianMargaine @SomeGuy Either do it all (or make an adapter for doing it), or don't do it.
why I get completely blanked for ?
@Mathematics Because your questions are ridiculously broad
how is this a broad question, I am simply having trouble with the syntax
@BenFortune about the regexp I kinda want to link the discussion of its creation, are there any libs in js that can make it cleaner on declaring huge regexps ?
doesn't even likes this,

src="(data:image/jpeg;base64,{{rc.Thumbnail}}) || http://placehold.it/400x300"
O_o wow
that needs better marketting
@Mathematics Well you haven't said what syntax it is.
@BenFortune why do you mean which syntax :|
@Mathematics {{}} isn't native anything.
@BenFortune my bad, thought it was well known for angularjs
Could've been angular, handlebars, many more
Try {{"data:image/jpeg;base64," + result.Thumbnail || "https://placehold.it/400x300"}}
> This stands out because this is exactly what linked in is not. Clean, sassy and useful.
Oh wait, that won't work because you've prefixed it with a base64 image
Linkedin is neither clean, sassy or useful.
in C#, 34 secs ago, by Roel van Uden
{{rc.Thumbnail ? 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + rc.Thumbnail : 'http://placehold.it/400x300'}}
@Mathematics Stop cross-posting questions? Srsly makes me want to ignore them.
@RoelvanUden God damn it xD
@RoelvanUden didn't cross posted it, was being ignored then switched to C# room
@MadaraUchiha He meant, "cv-maker is clean sassy and useful, which linkedin is not, so -1". IOW, he is an idiot and didn't understand what the PR aims at.
@Mathematics You asked it AT THE SAME DAMN TIME >_<'
poor shrek has lost his mind because of working with someone
and so will I, soon
@Abhishrek Fair enough
@RoelvanUden no I didn't do you want me to prove it ?
in JS I posted 16 minutes ago and in C# 5 minutes ago, :|
I just switched between chat window and boom, same question. It was still in the same damn screen. You're way too hasty. You're not "being ignored" if you're not getting an immediate answer, people work y'know.
anyway >_<'
@RoelvanUden yes anyway, thanks for the answer :)
@AwalGarg you can use Auth0
they are extremely SPA compatible and they are passportjs as a service (sorta), regarding your commiting keys to gh
now going to the doctor. /bye
@MadaraUchiha I think he was talking about the fact that his website is hosted at gh pages so in the gh-pages branch people can go and copy his api key.
[TypeError: Promise.all is not a function]
> typeof Promise.all
@Abhishrek Ah, right
Forgot it's a gh-pages hosted
@MadaraUchiha Doesn't really matter :P
Most client side sdk's use client id + origin + sane browser to verify that anyways
God fucking damnit node
@BenFortune ?
@Abhishrek See above
@BenFortune Oh i hate those errors, out of nowhere
can you use node-debugger ?
@Abhishrek nope
I think somewhere in your code its using some other Promise lib
@Abhishrek Also nope
full code ?
@BenFortune that should work
Does node support Native Promises ?
@Abhishrek Yup
@BenFortune Which node version? :-)
@RoelvanUden 5.6
And the REPL uses the same one, no nvm magic or anything right?
@RoelvanUden Yup
Mysterious :-D
Just saying try adding var Promise = require('bluebird'); on top.. If that fixes it, it will be even more intresting.
But Bluebird should not be necessary if you just want to use native promises.
@RoelvanUden Promise.all isn't native, is it?
It doesn't throw any errors if I remove the promise catch handler...
@FlorianMargaine It is.
Does map not do what I think it does?
@BenFortune Bluebird?

// equivalent to

promise.then(arr => arr.map(fn))
@MadaraUchiha mongodb
@BenFortune .map() or $map:?
@MadaraUchiha .map()
@BenFortune Yeah, it does what you think it does.
let uploads = db.collection('uploads');
uploads.find({}).map((upload) => {
This returns nothing
Whereas db.uploads.find() in the mongo client returns results.
@BenFortune And when you don't pass an empty object?
@MadaraUchiha Still the same
find is an async method
@BenFortune With each?
@FlorianMargaine No, it isn't. It returns a Cursor object.
it's not going to return anything...
@MadaraUchiha uh?
oh, weird
@MadaraUchiha That's what I thought, which is passed to map
I didn't remember the API being like that
@BenFortune What happens when you replace .map() with .each()?
I expected map to do the actual querying
@MadaraUchiha Each works
Looking at the docs, the Cursor object doesn't have a .map() method.
Which is a shame because I'd totally want an Observable here.
You can use .toArray().map(...)
isn't .toArray() async?
const map = fn => arr => arr.map(fn);
Currying is fun.
(Totally unneeded here, but still fun)
yeah, this kind of thing is definitely fun as long as you don't overdo it :P
(what you've done is totally fine.)
partial application is more fun, though. and often suits better in everyday code too
!!urban workflow
@Mr_Green Workflow A bullshit managment word for a process in which they dont understand.
^ very true
@AwalGarg Yeah, but you can easily create a curry() function that combines the two
yep, that's a common utility of mine
const fn = curry((a,b,c) => a+b+c);
fn(1)(2,3); // 6
fn(1,2)(3); // 6
fn(1)(2)(3); // 6
fn(1, 2, 3); // 6
@MadaraUchiha welcome rest parameters and destructured arguments with defaults and all :D
But the power of currying really comes from properly ordering your arguments so that "config" is first and "data" is at the end
@AwalGarg Yeah, that's why stuff like Ramda exist, so I don't have to write it :D
Although TBF I don't know how well they support any of it.
@MadaraUchiha It most commonly breaks when babel converts your function with that long-ass signature to a function with no arguments, and refers to the arguments object based on indices to initialize variables instead.
@AwalGarg Yeah, but then, how do you even curry those?
you don't.
everything breaks and you keep thinking why da fuck JS tooling has to be so mindblowingly complicated
otoh, people are taking that cv maker too seriously... I have got about 20 emails till now about "I wanna contribute" or "Great but how do I do this too?". thank goodness they don't open issues because that allows rest to pile on -_-
I can't disable enclosing Ps with ckeditor version 4.7.7 using autoParagraph = false; any ideas?
@AwalGarg The downside of popularity? :-)
@RoelvanUden with no upsides at all :(
You have screenshots of trending at the top so there is that
yeah I initially expected it would attract employers. seems like nobody cares vOv
4.4.7 *
@AwalGarg Just go on LinkedIn and put "Developer" on your account. Instant recruitment spam guaranteed ;p
@RoelvanUden are those any good, though? I did receive a lot from linkedin when I joined initially but all of them were literally spam crap so I unsub'ed.
There are good ones in there. I've had approaches via GitHub and LinkedIn, but most were on LinkedIn. The ones you get through GitHub are often better in terms of quality, but more rare (in my case, anyway). But doesn't your country have a booming supply of dev positions? :o
We can literally go on a site and hand pick what we find interesting here
my country doesn't have anything for people like me who hate formal education
@AwalGarg Work remotely or think about relocating
India is a really rapidly expanding market, but rapidly expanding also == highly volatile,
@MadaraUchiha trying...
@AwalGarg Find an employer in the US or in Europe that can help you with your visa
How about SO jobs?
@MadaraUchiha It doesn't work >:(
@AwalGarg I recently got an offer from someone in Spain that also offered me help with a visa, they seem legit. I'm not interested in the offer, but I can refer them to you if you'd like.
@MadaraUchiha sure, awalgarg at gmail
$.grep(fruits, function (e) { return e.ID == Id; })[0]
can I improve above ? I just need 1 object
can I use filter or map instead ?
@AwalGarg Sent
Lemme know how it goes :)
@MadaraUchiha /me screenshots what you wrote after my email and blushes
guys, git, I'm John and working on branch john, and Jane is working on branch jane, now I want master to be a merge of both branches, should I go on master and pull/merge from both? is there an order to make sure a branch gets overwritten by another
@MadaraUchiha he will need to do nslookup for that, but most likely it will go through 10 - 20 routers to reach him at least :)
@crl Pull both branches, checkout master, and merge from one then the other
Seems the most straightforward way
@AwalGarg @Abhishrek any of you at drupalcon asia? :P
If there are no conflicts, the order doesn't matter.
@MadaraUchiha ok
@FlorianMargaine not me. also, eww drupal
var notEqualsArray=(a1,a2)=>a1<a2 || a1>a2; // useful
but doesn't work if one of them is null
Hello all
@crl Or if the arrays contain different objects with same toString result.
notEqualsArray( [Array.toString], [String.toString] ) // false
someone has an idea ?
I'm just trying to use a javascript library in a JSP file
I learnt that resize event does not bubble. But, in this code, resize event handler is invoked on window object.
why 'But' I don't see a contradiction
(1) You should link to your question, not other's comment. (2) Learn to use browsers' developer tools. They can tell you what is wrong - e.g. 404, 403, 500, or js errors. (3) Until you can confirm it is not 404 / 403 / 500 errors, it doesn't look like a JS problem to me. More like basic HTML + JSP path problem. Which the answer is trying to explain to you.
@Neo see above
I know @Sheepy , but I tried all the paths proposed and it still doesn't work :/
I put the .js file in js folder located in WebContent
@Neo Learn to use browsers' developer tools. They can tell you what is wrong.
Can you access the js directly by address? For example if you browse to ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js you will see some js code.
Can you view your own js code like this?
@overexchange And where do you expect the resize event to be triggered? window.screen? It is not even DOM.
!!invite 139
@MadaraUchiha That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@MadaraUchiha summon
@MadaraUchiha help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf, asians, awesome, aw
@FlorianMargaine Right
I always forget XD
!!summon 139
var cmpArrays = (a, b) => !a&&b || a&&!b || a<b || a>b ; // return false when arrays are the same, true if different

cmpArrays([1,2], null),
cmpArrays(null, null),
seems good enough
Hi all
> We stand up for privacy, now gives us your name and email address
you can put Foo Bar if you want
Hey @rlemon this may look familiar to you: spacedock.info
@KendallFrey connection refused, which means it's a domain I blocked from my hosts file because ads.
lol really?
You've visited it in the past week?
There are no ads
@KendallFrey 503
Hello everybody
I am using some very simple javascript code
for paralax scrolling:
@KendallFrey Nope.
		function mijnParallaxFunc(){
			var backgroundContainer = document.getElementById('backgroundContainer');
			backgroundContainer.style.top= -(window.pageYOffset) + 'px';
but the issue is that my image is too small
so I'd like it to stay fixed while just the content of my page scrolls over the background

	background: url('../images/earth.jpg');
	/*background-attachment: fixed;*/
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	position: absolute;
	top: 100%;
how should I add this to my current code to obtain what I need?
any idea @MadaraUchiha, @Arjun, @BenFortune, @KendallFrey, @crl
(pingin u because idk if anybody is still present...)
@trilolil Can you not.
broadcast pings
Hi everyone
Q: Creating responsive container with particular element aligned at the center

Vinod B Dhupadthere are 3 ul container, ul.spread-price is sandwiched between ul.table-sell and ul.table-buy container, These three container are wrapped inside other containers(eg : div.order-view-container). At particular instance of time, the ul.spread-price container should be in the middle with the ul.tab...

I want this thing to be done.
"align" and "center" in the same sentence...
ya the 21.2 spread-price must be aligned and centered
@VinodBDhupad That post does not look nice :(
hey everyone...i´m using jquery tooltip but my tittle tag is being cut off, not showing all the title, here is my code:
                  content: function ()
                      return $(this).prop('title');
                    my: "center bottom-1",
                    at: "center top"
i have two words in each title...but only the first one is showned...why?!
Sorry for that that but did you get what exactly my question is?
@VinodBDhupad I didn't even read it
@OliverSalzburg ok i will format and repost it
Q: Was my edit rightfully rejected?

overactorI made an edit to a question today, but it was rejected, stating that the edit deviates from the original intent. However, all I did was remove an edit which included the answer into the body of the question, as well as add a tag and remove some unnecessary fluff. (Thanks in advance guys) Was my...

did I miss something there?
That was just awful edit review. More awful than usual.
that was very kind
just warning me in stead of kicking directly would be preferable
@trilolil The first kick is a warning (hence, only 1 minute timeout)
It's the further kicks that actually pack a punch
!!welcome trilolil
@trilolil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I just wanted to ask a question
@DenysSéguret apparently taking it to meta is the only way to contest an edit review
I implemented some parallax scrolling
like so:
but it s incredibly ugly
Or should I just do the same edit again?
the backkground image is too small
what workaround is there?
because in my case once i scroll till the bottom I just get a blanck space in stead of a fixed background (like I want and tried to program)
@KendallFrey yea but I wanna use CKAN or w/e it is called
half of the sources point to kerbalstuff still :/
yeah but it will get updated before too long
not fast enough :(
Note to self: Pinging random users with a questions is kickable.
@Cerbrus rightfully so
pinging randomly, and in mass, has always been an offence
@privetDruzia you can "stretch" it but it leads to quality problem. Or get a larger background (disadvantage: data size)
saw the movie Frontier(s) yesterday
a nice but bloody movie. a female friend was complaining of the waste
I need to go see Deadpool soon
saw it already. The humor style is almost same as in the comics :)
I need to go see Deadpool again soon
it's a good movie
@FlorianMargaine nop
I've been waiting for the initial rush to die
opening weekend would have been nice, but too crazy for me
@rlemon I agree. Never really considered kicking for it, though.
I'd rather see kicks for it than flags
which was the previous solution :P
but rlemon
i cannot kick an user if he start to pick me randomly to ping me a lot
in that situation, i just ignore. Which works so far
@KarelG no, you cannot. but you can complain to an RO and the RO can kick or warn the user
which (from what I see) often happens anyways.
we're glorified janitors
@OliverSalzburg yesi found that ironic aswell
janitors have lots of responsibilities

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