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@KendallFrey ... I fail to see the mom joke
@KendallFrey late as in preggo, or late as in dead?
I have read it @rlemon more than one time
and the only solution I think
Is to upvote and repair this question
it isn't a single question
A: What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”?

Robert HarveyWhy am I getting this message? As stated in the about links on every page, Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer sites, not help forums. This implies that all posts are expected to have some value for later visitors too. To enforce that, and to prevent help vampires making the answe...

had you read anything you claimed to have read, you would see that
> Your block was triggered automatically by the system because most of your posts have not been well-received by the community
!!urban late
@KendallFrey late Later, I'm out.
now I'm helping you again, and I said I wouldn't
well no
!!afk if this is still happening when I return I'll be annoyed
I am out never mind
Enjoy your ban, post better content please
oooooo express-ws
I'll take it!
ties ws (nodes websocket package) to express
I was a huge fan of express-io I'm sad that it isn't supported anymore
app.ws('/', (ws, req) => {
	ws.on('message', msg => {
		console.log('message', msg);
express is just a fad
real programmers buy their dress clothes from men's warehouse
real programmers don't wear dress clothes
I do :(
@rlemon real programmers don't wear clothes (source)
that's just ignorant
@SterlingArcher express.oi
@SterlingArcher you're not a real programmer though, so that's fine
@BenFortune but express-ws is so easy
@KendallFrey god dammit
@rlemon Didn't know it existed, looks nice.
Though I've moved onto hapi
check it out
Oh that's like express-io to the t
And here I am using session middleware like a jackass D:
I looked express.oi, but I don't need the built in rooms or anything
lets go
let us = go;
@SterlingArcher let it = go; (source)
omg I love that song
My daily clothing is a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a polo.
Im going to listen to it and be sad the whole time because its not the right song
working at someplace that required business clothes would suck
I love rocking the vans and leather jacket over a hoodie look
with a poofball hat in the winter
@Trasiva my daily clothing is jeans, tshirt, and a hoodie if it's cold
you would not believe how into a poofball hat some folks are
@ton.yeung No definition found for poofbal
@ton.yeung poofball Slang term for American football, due to its excessive use of padding and helmets, unseen in other codes of the game.
@ton.yeung No definition found for poofball hat
@ton.yeung it's a fucking hat with a pompom on top
have you never seen south park?
@KendallFrey Yea, I wear a hoodie when it's chilly here, not common though with how warm this place gets.
anything below about -15 and my furnace can't keep up
@KendallFrey you mean summer
@ton.yeung pretty much, but swear to god, I've gotten numbers because of the hat
@ton.yeung ...
jeans, boots, t, hoodie, pasties.
all I wear to work
@ton.yeung like for a telephone? The thing you use to call up people...
what the actual fuck are you smoking today?
I have a poofball beanie and people love it
@SterlingArcher that's what I'm saying. everybody
I had like three people comment on it last night alone
> nice hat loser
@rlemon why... why the last item?
@ton.yeung pasties glue-on nipple patches with or without tassles. some peole may consider tape patches over nipples as pasties, but that's debatable.
@KendallFrey ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
!!burrito or chicken burger
@rlemon burrito
Lemon wears pasties so his nipples don't get rubbed raw by his shirt.
@rlemon Is that even a question?
Hey guys need help
@Trasiva yes, they are both delicious
I want chinese food
now I want to know what's up with his shirt
I want food in general
My new Dell stuck on windows shutdown
I forgot to eat this morning
@SterlingArcher why the hell do you want a dog
@SterlingArcher I'd totally go for some chinese takeout. ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
The GPU and fans is all off
@Trasiva ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
Press and hold power doesn't help
@SterlingArcher could be both
@Abhishrek You might have to power cycle it.
@Abhishrek unplug it
Only the screen is up
@Abhishrek unplug it and let it cool off
It's on battery
@rlemon Oh god, I missed that opportunity.
take out the battery
power cycle it like Trasiva said
@Abhishrek how is the screen up if the gpu is off?
I have no clue how to take this out
Should work, but it's a pain in the ass
The GPU fan is off @KendallFrey
Disconnect the PSU then.
I have the thing open the screen is stuck on last buffer or something
I am uploading a picture of the battery I have no clue how to plug this out
I doubt very much that it's authentic china lol
authentic chinese food is fake soy sauce, rice, shredded cardboard, and half a cat
@Trasiva LOL
@Trasiva YES
@ssube lol only half the cat?
@ton.yeung north china eats snow
authentic Vietnamese food is delicious.
@SterlingArcher The other half gets slow boiled.
I have never seen one of those
@Abhishrek see that cable clearly labeled battery cable
I really miss this thai place in DC. It was super low key, but 10/10 best thai in the city
@Abhishrek pull easy on that piece of fabric
@Abhishrek ...pull the cable labeled battery cable?
It was on the second floor above this fried chicken joint that seemed super ghetto
It's kinda stuck
or just wait
@SterlingArcher we have so many good thai places around here
the battery will eventually die
and a tibetan place
Don't wanna break it
@Abhishrek kinda pull harder
@KendallFrey phrasing
it's just piles of chicken and nuts in weird sort of thai sauces
@Abhishrek You can probably slip a flathead in there to open it up.
tasty as hell though
@rlemon it was full charged it will take a day to cool off
@ssube I love chicken fried rice, but I love soft rice. Most places make their rice burnt and hard and gross. This was the best fried rice I've ever had
omg, I'm so hungry now
that looks so good
!!afk food
@SterlingArcher make your own, it's super easy
@ton.yeung 2.9 chicken pad thai
@SterlingArcher Ohh, are you talking about Nana Thai?
I kind of want to go get chinese for lunch, but i've been living off chinese, nyquil, and alcohol for the last week :\
I also could eat pho every day
fucking love pho
Okay that worked
Now let's see if it boots
@KendallFrey fish sauce smells bad
Btw wow
you smell bad
I just make my own chinese.
fish sauce smells like delicious
chinese make their own chinese
but only one
@KendallFrey not anymore
@KendallFrey That law was repealed.
@rlemon it smells kind of like genitals
not repealed, changed to 2
not well-washed ones, mind
@ssube don't ... umm .. I feel sorry for you if you've experienced that
@ssube sooo, like fish
I otoh have not :P so fish sauce doesn't make me think of stinky cooch
I make Korean too!@
oh god
you guys make me so hungry
@Abhishrek ....did you take the hard drive out?
@FlorianMargaine we make ourselves hungry too
No it came with a free HDD and RAM slot
fuck man. none of this is around me
@BenCraig yeah but it's 5:30pm for me
@KendallFrey yeah :(
Dinner for you, lunch for me
That's sexy !
@FlorianMargaine pssst.
@rlemon Where are you right now?
Boy this is acting weird now
@BenCraig kitchener. ardelt ave
probably going to get a burrito for lunch
It gets stuck on bootscreen for 2-3 seconds
@rlemon If I make the trip up with Jordan, I'll make us some Chinese.
@Trasiva I cook good food too, I just don't take pictures of it :P
my ego is more reasonable
@Trasiva thanks :) but I'm a fully capable cook
Chinese food is easy
@rlemon Never been down there, no idea
@rlemon Pho is just poor man's Ramen
(I enjoy cooking)
@FlorianMargaine It's not an ego thing, I put it with the recipes I work with.
@corvid pho is 100x better than Ramen
Ramen is the poor mans staple
why do people want things from me today?
It doesn't have them sweet, sweet, shiitake mushrooms
don't they understand how late I was up?
@corvid You can add them.
There's no like hard set items that go into either Ramen or Pho.
@corvid rice noodle > wheat noodle every day of the week
@rlemon rice noodles are much harder to cook right
I always overcook them by like a minute, every single time, and they turn into a giant glue ball
which is why I don't make pho at home :( I have made it three time, fucked it up once.
Okay let's see if it shuts down
but spaghetti is made of wheat noodles, therefore, wheat > rice
66% is not a good enough success rate to not just buy it
@corvid spaghetti noodles suck
Fuck Dell
spaghetti is the worst
@ssube you heathen
literally every other kind of pasta is better
...don't use spaghetti noodles in ramen...
@zirak I shouldn't be the grammar nazi officer, but...
@Abhishrek Is it dead 'Shrek?
of what he said:
spaghetti sauce is delicious, spaghetti noodles are terrible.
but... what do you eat if not spaghetti? I think I eat Italian and Mexican food as the staples of my diet
It's acting really weird on shut down s
@corvid penne >>> spaghetti
@rlemon You make your own sauce, or do you buy the shit in a jar?
But only with Windows
Risotto is probably the best pasta
Moral to me fuck windows
@Trasiva shit in the jar is too saucy
it's tomato paste with seasoning
@rlemon That, it's the correct answer.
@rlemon I made tomato soup out of it once, it was actually really good.
@ssube You just thin it out with some broth?
You get a jar of spaghetti sauce, a can of stewed tomatoes, some tortollini, sausage, spinach, and maybe broth
throw it in a pot for a half hour
I just crush a handful of tomatoes from the garden, add some onions and spices, and some other crap I have laying around
lots of mushrooms
reduce the entire thing on the stove with a 1/4 cup of white vinegar
done and done
Ugh, this spring I'm putting in a garden with some tomatoes and herbs.
@crl we should just make our own filled with shitloads of ads
@Loktar and if we detect an ad blocker we can purposely fuck with their results
2+2=5 kinda shit
console.log = window.alert.bind(window);
@rlemon KarelG profile pic?
@Neoares Wrong countries man.
!!afk 2lb burrito
that's what I call my dingus
@rlemon LOL
@Loktar rlemon is afk: 2lb burrito
ok, so interviewing another guy today.. but I think our recruiter may have precoached them to our questions
so I need to make one in less than 30 mins.. yay
Why do you think that?
@BenCraig she sat in on the last call
we didn't know she was there.. until she said something over halfway through
was weird. I asked her to not do that anymore.
Oh - That makes sense
Recruiters suck
I've grown to dislike linkedin. can't seem to filter based on stack, spoiled by SO
@ton.yeung not dice apparently
I have no control over that stuff though, which is annoying
I'm the hiring manager
maybe I could add it myself
but shit.. I have too much work work to do on top of trying to vet candidates :/
@Loktar hiring for?
@JoshuaLonganecker Front end developer position
i'm shopping around, as it happens
but i'm in MN
no sry
@JoshuaLonganecker it's an in-house position in NE
at least initially for the first few months
then the person could go remote
just like to have them in house to learn the culture/setup environment initially
i couldn't relocate, unfortunately
is there a conflict between jquery css method and plugin ?
@Phoenix you've been kicked from this chat multiple times -- be constructive or you'll be kicked on site for trolling
I kinda just wanna kick him right now
Whatever lol
is there a conflict between jquery css method and plugin ?
both work
there can be
i tried css method does not work
YOu just literally aske...thanks whoever did that.
Kicked for spamming question multiple times, and help-vamping
t-minus 1 minute

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