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@Meredith Doubt it, fire away with whatcha got!
@Meredith I see nothing in there concerning.
I wanted to trigger somebody :(
hehe, a bit like me
@Meredith Chia seeds aren't going to do it.
That first one was pretty trypo tho
@rlemon Yeeeep
@Meredith The chia pudding? Not even.
They aren't HOLES.
Oh I got you then
@rlemon that looks pretty interesting
!!> ^
@FlorianMargaine ahem, you're sure?
( function() {
  "use strict";
  const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
  msg.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().filter( v => v.name == "Cellos" )[ 0 ];
  msg.text = Object.keys(window).join(' ');
  speechSynthesis.speak( msg );
} () );
try it
is the closure really needed tho,
@rlemon how do you make it stop?
but, don't tell anyone
I guess refreshing make it stop tho
oh, nasty hehe
hell, close the tab
ahh damn
that stops it now
wow, destructing objects in ES6 with default values in order to use it for default function parameter assignment can be done like this function* range({start:start = 0, stop, step:step = 1})
weird syntax, but it serves it's purpose
doesn't seem to be a destructuring
var {foo,bar} = {foo:1, bar:2}
but internally it does the same when you call it
range({stop:20, step:2}) for example
The syrup hunt was a fail
why not just function* range({start:0, stop, step: 1}) {...
meaning, shouldn't that work ^
Shouldn't a generator function yield something?
in firefox it throws an error: SyntaxError: missing variable name
!!> var {foo=6,bar=1} = {bar:2}; [foo, bar]
@crl "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
@crl "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
@Sterling of course but I just posted the function signiture
ahh I gotcha
1 message moved to Trash can
@SeDav Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
function* range({ start=0, stop, step=1 }) {
should work
1 message moved to Trash can
@SeDav Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@SeDav Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
backticks only work for single line snippets
full example function* range({start:start = 0, stop, step:step = 1}) { for(var i=start;i<stop;i+=step) yield i }
@SterlingArcher Ok sorry, I'm not used to the SO-markdown-comment syntax
@rlemon in firefox this doesn't work either stating SyntaxError: missing : after property id
oh I finally get it, it's an object (destructured) as parameter, why not 3 params though..
!!> Array.apply(null, Array(5)).map((_, i) => i);
@SterlingArcher [0,1,2,3,4]
I feel like there's a better way to apply a range than a for loop
It is just an example where 3 params would be enough, but what about setting tons of options, I often see this in libraries
And by better I mean a more ES6 way lol
var range = (n,start=0,step=1)=>Array.from({length:n}, (_,i)=>start+i*step)
@SeDav then blame ff, it's legal syntax afaik
most libraries i've seen use an object as parameter and then they mixin the default values
Seems to run ok in chrome
ok, thx
it runs in the fiddle, but not in FF console
who uses plivo here ?
@SterlingArcher booty trap
@crl this would work too. But I'm not interested in solving the task of iterating over a range but wonder about the concpt of destructering in general and how it could be used to avoid mixins of default parameters
read the 2ality article on destructuring
it is good
429: "Too Many Requests", didn't know that one
ok I'll take a look at it, thank you
so it seems to be a feature that is not yet fully implemented in firefox 44.0.2
can I just say how much I love working with ES6
not having to remember prototype syntax anymore makes me so happy
@SomeGuy @Abhishrek
The Freedom 251 has a 4-inch display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, and a 1,450 mAh battery. It comes with a 3.2-megapixel rear camera and a 0.3-megapixel front camera. The phone also comes with 8GB of internal storage, which can be expanded by another 32GB using a microSD card.

Surprisingly for its price, the Freedom 251 will run on Android Lollipop 5.1
@rlemon old news :P
awal beat you on that and our reaction was meh
then you fail to see the importance of a $4 smart phone
not just for India, the rest of the disconnected world needs this kind of device
@rlemon We had a 1 grand (INR) tablet / computer aswell
it didn't take over, because it sucked
yea because you are spoiled by good technology
although this will give android developers a terrible headache for sure
people who have nothing will love it
@rlemon I see that :-)
although i will have to see how it actually goes
Anyone have idea about mustache support expressions like {{val + 1}} ?
@rlemon That's more than I've ever paid for a phone. I need a new phone...
how to over ride require.resolve ?
@Zirak don't fuck with the terminal man, get your own playground
stddbg/stddev ∈ stderr
:-/ gah
this doesn't like its gonna work
@KendallFrey CKAN is failing me all over the place :/ can't install realism overhaul
404's :/
kerbalstuff is down perm.
@KendallFrey ohh yes... ohhh yesss youtube.com/watch?v=ltfuS0WQXuQ
// counting pure uniques in an array
array.filter(el => array.indexOf(el) === array.lastIndexOf(el))
@rlemon I dont do any of the programming for it, I just play with the data it sends me
@Abhishrek new Set(array).size;
@Loktar neat
@Loktar won't be pure uniques
that will be union
@Abhishrek what do you mean?
!!tell loktar wiki set theory union
@loktar The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
:(, lol I'll look
In set theory, the union (denoted by ∪) of a collection of sets is the set of all distinct elements in the collection. It is one of the fundamental operations through which sets can be combined and related to each other. For explanation of the symbols used in this article, refer to the table of mathematical symbols. == Union of two setsEdit == The union of two sets A and B is the set of elements which are in A, in B, or in both A and B. In symbols, . For example, if A = {1, 3, 5, 7} and B = {1, 2, 4, 6} then A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. A more elaborate example (involving two infinite sets) is...
What i wanted was union - intersection as in purely unique
All I know is that tells me how many non duplicate items I have lol, the Set I mean
non duplicate != unique
I am doing some crazy stuff
if you follow me on gh :-|
@rlemon wow
I do actually, I should just pay more attention to what you're doing :p
not like I used it anyway
^ forked plivo (adding promise to that later today), Forked verquire(actually nifty) now adding real stuff to it, meanwhile building webtask-badge (which right now has webtask-forge) and a browserify module that will find if verquire already has the dependencies installed, and just use them (deep nested)
@Abhishrek intrigued...
@rlemon otherwise not sure what you mean by what I do with them
but the way @Loktar did it is perfectly acceptable
@BenCraig was more curious about workflow
creating bins and flashing it seems slow
sensors collect data, electron/photon relay to particle server, we sub to events, collect data, analyze
not the workflow I was curious about :P
but thanks :)
I have no idea what you mean then :)
!!define workflow
use smaller words, im tired from practice
@rlemon workflow The rate at which a flow of work takes place
eh, not helpful
but it is, that makes perfect sense
@BenCraig briefly detail the process you take while working :)
@Abhishrek Accidentally quadratic
@copy never said it was the fastest solution
@CSᵠ attempt to write tests, try not to cry, cry a lot
or the most efficient. Wanna golf ?
@BenCraig tissues
no that's Technology Issues :)
I feel like I think I understand a lot of what people say in here, but Im actually wrong
no that's just me
@BenCraig like right now my current workflow is create the file in sublime, use the stupid online compiler because I only started with it today, take the bin file and upload it via usb serial to the electron after first putting it into listen mode
which requires holding down the mode button for three seconds between flashes
Im not 100% sure, because I dont actually do the work with them, but I know we push new software (firmware? idk) without ever bringing the devices in from the field
yea that is ota (over the air), and costs data
@rlemon what is this electron you keep talking of (arduino/rPi thingie) link pls
hard to google that...
And you cant do that? or you dont want to do that?
why would I?
needlessly use data to upload code to a device sitting next to me
I guess if its beside you that wouldnt make sense
we dont have access anymore so it does for us
I can check tomorrow when the other guys come in
it is $0.99/1mb/mo
so yea, using it for uploading code locally is insane
they told me I could have one of each and I havent taken mine yet
realistically, for a lot of automation needs, you don't actually need a lot of data sent. just critical events.
so I'm really interested in using this for a low cost, easy to implement solution
yeah, you dont need to send lots of stuff
the one restriction I dislike is all return values are ints (from functions connected to the 'cloud')
all functions take a string as an argument and return an int. seems kinda lame. (again, for the 'public' facing front you expose)
@rlemon yeah, a lot of the stuff isnt great right now, I hear the other guys in the office angry at it almost daily
or messaging the particle guys trying to get stuff fixed
Ill find out tomorrow what they do and let you know
imgur.com/a/l5ppq this is amazing
@rlemon if you will cleanup maybe ^^^
btw what do you plan to do with the electron
right now just fucking with them, gonna hook this one up to my bosses thermostat in his 'weekend home' which doesn't have internet access so he can monitor and control it from his main hosue
160 chars is plenty of data to set that thing up in detail for a whole week
@rlemon can I be ro for 10 minutes so that I can move my help vamping to proper room ?
weren't you at one point?
yes, and then i did stupid thing
opened the NSFW room as a joke
didn;t get what you did, but clearly a booboo
this is such bullshit. I just switched to a mod manager for ksp, and the major repo for mods shuts down
now everything is broken
and I am way too lazy to manage mods by hand AND with a manager
Do .edu domains have resell value? sedo.com doesn't even have a category?
edu's are restricted
think of them like .mil
!!summon 25767
@CSᵠ somebody has to own the domain. Yes I'm sure they are restricted. For profit universities even own domain names.
haha, anyway i'm sure they sell a link there for a price
npm client-side logging (debug, warning, error, info) ...
w/ colors ...
or, is this "not the right forum for questions like that"?
just embrace it
@rlemon Yeah, that's pretty cool! Got to wait and see how it goes, though, because as he said, we've had stuff like this before
chill winston, sticky bun come soon!
don't fret mi broda! stick bun come soon
@Loktar Your mom taught me, yes
but, what does that even mean?
npm is a package manager
client side logging is ?? console.log?
or do you mean some sort of transmit of client errors back to you?
FFS is a common misspelling of FPS
@SomeGuy hahah
@Loktar it's all in his documentary: @SomeGuy does Canada, eh?
@rlemon yes console.log wrapper
found it ...
leveraged bower's search to find the popular npm package
hacker hat
@CSᵠ yes, you're right. i meant to say FPS ...
> build: error
devDependencies: out of date
in the link you provided. look at the readme
i installed it, running fine in chrome
dev dependencies being out-of-date just means the modules' 1+ dependencies are out of date? deprecated?
Can anybody tell me why is Gulp is called Gulp?
I couldnt find it on Google.
!!> /^(@?[^@]+)@(\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:-[\da-z‌​\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?\b)[^/]*(.*)/
@Abhishrek "/^(@?[^@]+)@(\\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:-[\\da‌​-z\\-]+(?:\\.[\\da-z\\-]+)*)?(?:\\+[\\da-z\\-]+(?:\\.[\\da-z\\-]+)*)?\\b)[^/]*(.*)/"
!!> new RegExp("^(@?[^@]+)@(\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:‌​-[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?\b)[^/]*(.*)");
@Abhishrek "SyntaxError: nothing to repeat"
@crl whats the difference ?
why am I getting this error ? jsfiddle.net/de9v9Lt3/1
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function
I figured it out
Hi theres, !
{ target: 'qna',
[ '56c4628e6b9aeb180667db94',
'56c54dd6e011a644091f3849' ] }
How can I access documents's first element?
documents[0] not working.
Can you elaborate on what you mean?
And those names miss the point: The output isn't meant for debugging or development. It's meant for the user. It also doesn't solve stdin.
@Zirak o/
anyone can help me to resolve this issue? stackoverflow.com/questions/35147460/…
@VinoDang Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i have a canvas with black and white drawn on it. It's basically a signature pad preview is there a way to convert the white background to transparent ? and keep just the black colors "the signature"
@CapricaSix @cap
@Juntae "documents[]" should be plain documents so you can do object.documents[0] , in json you are showing now its object["documents[]"][0] .. work your array keys in server side..
hope this gets merged :D
@Abhishrek That regex though
freedom251.com/home @AwalGarg just me or the phone dropped.
I'm calling scam
@Abhishrek probably missing an escape in the second one
\. -> \\. same for \b
@CSᵠ github profile ?
@Abhishrek Their website was active in the morning
@Abhishrek hangouts you mf
@Abhishrek hangouts...
i have doctors appoinment in 10 minutes
so don't expect me to stay long
curl wttr.in/orange,france
@FlorianMargaine incredible
@FlorianMargaine oh... pretty
doesn't even always need the country
curl wttr.in/lyon
@DenysSéguret not always
(in the case of orange, it does)
@Abhishrek maybe you should think for a second before posting stupid stuff
just saying
@FlorianMargaine there changed it to minimalistic ?
@Abhishrek He's proposing automatically pulling the data in from LinkedIn and filling it
@SomeGuy you do that, then you will have requests from * source.
hired and others have apis too
 src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{result.Thumbnail}}" alt="http://placehold.it/400x300"
wonder why above doesn't work
result.Thumbnail may be empty

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