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@Loktar lag compensation
is the hardest thing for me :-/
345ms ping :P
I am deciding to kick clients with > 100ms ping
@Mr_Green Can you make it show the correct time without js?
<!-- scripts for aws api gateway -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/axios/dist/axios.standalone.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/CryptoJS/rollups/hmac-sha256.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/CryptoJS/rollups/sha256.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/CryptoJS/components/hmac.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/CryptoJS/components/enc-base64.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/moment/moment.js"></script>
^ WTF amazon, moment.js ? (Total 178Kb for calling 1 function, I guess it is safe to say here that Amazon crossed the mark set by jQuery!)
@Sheepy isn't it showing correct time now?
here it is showing correct time and I am stumbled on how he managed to get the current time using css
@Mr_Green No it is not. It always start with 23:10:20 when you reload the page.
How can i get tooltip which can move with cursor in bar chart using d3.js? Currently i am getting steady tooltip. which stays at same position. And graphs are done dynamically
that can be done with JavaScript as well
it is not necessary to handle that functionality with d3js
In JavaScript, you need to add mousemove and mouseleave events
It is ok if we create graphs using d3 and tooltip using javascript?
100% Ok
Q: Highcharts DrilledDown with async request does not render properly

SajeetharanI have a drilledown chart with Highcharts which works well. Here is the Working App with the Data Now i am trying to get data from an API, Initially i load the top level data and then for each legends i make an API call to get the drilled data. Here is the code, function setWidget() { ...

because d3 is build with JavaScript
i ahve already used those things and using that i am getting steady tooltip
i got one option in javascript that using track:true but dont know whether it will work or not
@Mr_Green thats in jQuery
@RonakBhatt I have no idea about that
I know to get a tooltip we need to write events like mousemove and mouseleave
!!use IAM or use JWT
@Abhishrek use JWT
fuck IAM then
mousemove to track the repositioning of tooltip and mouseleave to hide the tooltip
HI all, need help with this question, jsfiddle.net/tusharshuklaa/uu1807z4/18
@RonakBhatt anyway, also check d3 way on this blog.. bl.ocks.org/Caged/6476579
@Mr_Green i told you i have done movieenter and mouseout events
not moveenter, use mousemove
It will work
let me try thrn
@Mr_Green not working
Good morning
Good Afternoon
is accepted
yeah thanks :)
btw it's 08:22 here :(
its 12:53 here
Hi All
15:23 here
Can i use websockets in android webview without any cordova plugin?
not sure whether we are fast or you are slow :P
@Sivakumar should be possible
@Mr_Green You are fast :P
then I should slow down for you guys
will take break now :P
I tried sample code with socket.io in my desktop browser.. It is working fine.
But when i use the same code in my cordova app.. it is not working
my Android version is 5.0
I am getting this error...
GET http://chat.socket.io/socket.io/?EIO=2&transport=polling&t=1454484248719-125 net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
A: "net::ERR_CACHE_MISS" when loading an external URL in Cordova

czeryOh damn... sometimes you just need to step back... Beginner's mistake: it is android.permission. and not android.permissions. Resolved!

forgot to set permissions?
so it might be issue related to typo right?
it might be not just related to "permissions" typo
Might be.
@Sivakumar desktop apps are completely different to android apps.
You mean web apps? (desktop apps?)
oh, right, nevermind. It's too early here :D
yeah leave the bed first :P
web apps
Hi Guys, i am new to javascript.Could any one help me how to parse this array [["test1","true"],["test2","true"],["test3","true"]]
I need to get key and value like test1 value is true, test2 value is true like that
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ ?
A: Loop through array in JavaScript

Mark ReedIt depends. JavaScript has that capability, but only if your implementation includes the for...of feature from ECMAScript 2015, the sixth version of the ECMAScript specification (which was often referred to by its code name "Harmony" during development). If so, you can do this: // ONLY WORKS IN...

In loop if i given array[i] like this only i get "test1". i am unable to get its value
you want an object.
key: value
!!> [["test1","true"],["test2","true"],["test3","true"]].reduce((m,v) => m.set(v[0], v[1]==="true"),new Map)
@DenysSéguret {}
@CapricaSix you're retarded, stop using JSON to give us the result
1 message moved to Trash can
@user3454479 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
for(var i=0;i<string.length;i++)
	console.log(array[i]); // Here i get only "test1". I need its value also like "true"
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++)
console.log(string[i] + ":" + string[i + 1]);
Ok. got it. Thanks @Maurice
no problem. Normally you should use an object for this.:)
or a map... look at the code I posted ^^
how to use an object? I mean need to convert into JSON.stringfify() ?
nope. var data = { "test1": true}; console.log(data["test1"]);
Hi all, i need help with this question
@TusharShukla you linked to an answer
@Kitler Ohh, m sorry
!!> var list = [["test1","true"],["test2","true"],["test3","true"]]; for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ console.log('key: ' + list[i][0] + ' value ' + list[i][1]) }
@Cerbrus "undefined" Logged: "key: test1 value true","key: test2 value true","key: test3 value true"
@user3454479 ^
Can also do for(let [a,b] of array), assuming support for of.
And assuming support for ES6
And assuming I got some coffee.
If you're using for(;;), then you need coffee.
!!> for(;;) console.log('.')
@maowtm Maximum execution time exceeded
!!should I drink a coffee before discussing random stuff?
@Maurice Not at all
Then I'll drink a coke.
for (let {k: v} of {a:1, b:2}) would be fun
@crl iirc you can do that with Map
var a = {a: 1, b: 2};
Object.keys(a).forEach(e => {e: a[e]})
var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set(0, "zero");
myMap.set(1, "one");
for (var [key, value] of myMap) {
  console.log(key + " = " + value);
@crl ^ Thats how you do it
Nicest one I've seen yet
If only I can use vim keymaps in normal text box ( like this chat box ), my life will be a little easier.
@BenFortune yes, but doesn't seem really different from the many other ones
(and still totally useless)
@maowtm there are chrome extensions for that
Let me find some..
@DenysSéguret have any recommendation?
@maowtm No, I didn't test any one. Using a vim mode in a complex application is often disappointing because of the problems it brings
@DenysSéguret Oh.. What problems?
But if you find one to be very good in Chrome, I'll be happy to read about it
@maowtm shortcuts...
like... ctrl-R ?
I tried the VIM mode in IDEA... Not worth the pain
It would probably be easier in a simple browser, but didn't try
@DenysSéguret Oh I see.. It will reload. But I think there should be a way to .preventDefault()..
@maowtm of course an extension may manage that. Tell me if it's OK ;)
Actually I never used ctrl+r to reload.. All I need is F5
escape ?
Sorry.. I means F5
and ctrl + f5
for the "no-cache refresh"
does cordova count as "application developing" experience?
Maybe I will use it in answering SO questions. Easy for editing code.
@BenFortune Well.. I don't mean something that. Inline editing.
I am going with a server, there is no way in hell this is happening without a real server :-(
hi - i'd like to know if it's possible to call a scroll function within a click function
@AgniScribe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neoares spotted!
@AgniScribe Sure.
@Maurice D:
I'm not here
I'd like to test for `$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(this). > 80){` within a .click(function()
it's your imagination
oh, right. :D
@CapricaSix got it
is it possible to call a scroll function within a click function
Within a click function, how does one check whether the user has scrolled 80px from the top of the window?
if you save the value into a variable on scroll event.
window.addEventListener("scroll", function(e){ console.log(e); });
try this. You will see several values in the console :)
@AgniScribe if($(window).scrollTop() > 80)
/** */                                     <<---- will make JSDoc pick it up
function testApp(options) {
@BenFortune yes, that it - thanks
is there any way to skip inserting this silly comment and just tell jsdoc to outline every symbol?
@ Maurice will try it - thanks
no problem. This work with all other events, too. If you are not sure simply console.log(e);
@Maurice - sure, will keep in mind
Guys, we are living in 1984. The tracking is real. And it's scary.
@Maurice That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@FlorianMargaine That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@rlemon halp
@KarelG That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!to be or not to be
@KarelG to be
@rlemon halp
@FlorianMargaine help, afk, ban, coffee, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, glitterbomb
@rlemon didn't import the localstorage yet
forgot to*
hey everyone...
anyone here with kendo ui experience?
i have create a question, could someone give me a help?
Q: Kendo ui grid - Change row template content dinamically

JapaI came across this, and i really don´t know how to change it. I have column field like this: { field: "nome", title: "Nome", width: "20px", template: '<span><img id=idIconRowFolder src="icon_rowFolder.png" style="float: left;width: 20%;height: 16px;width: 16px;margin-top: 2%;"/></span><a href="\...

you asked this question 8 minutes ago. Let some time pass.
Hey guys, does anyone have an opinion whether ES6 classes are supposed to be reported as "functions" in code coverage?
@Abhishrek Am watching this. I like it.
I ended up writing a server.
:P (too much time saved)
Although now two players control a single ship and have intercom over RTCAudioChannel :-)
I would rather create a top down multiplayer shooter :)
socket.io makes it possible!
1 hour ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
is there any way to skip inserting this silly comment and just tell jsdoc to outline every symbol?
this is still open
any idea why jsdoc lists everything I exports as "inner"?
@BartekBanachewicz stop vamping
nobody cares about jsdoc
@BartekBanachewicz I got an answer
@FlorianMargaine shitty JS ecosystem
@FlorianMargaine What do people care about?
you can't even use the broken toys of tools you have, gosh
@BartekBanachewicz your mom is shitty
@Maurice the guy kind of looks like you.
@Oleg @KendallFrey's mom
@Oleg also, hi, long time no see :)
@Abhishrek You mean Mario Gonzalez?
Is he italian?
Because I actually am :D
I'm going to move this codebase to typescript I guess
JS is just too primitive
@Maurice That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
28 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@rlemon didn't import the localstorage yet
TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.
Typescript is Javascript for dummies :D
shots were fired
The only reason why I hate writing a server is the obvious problem
faced after the server has been written
Where the hell am I going to deploy it ? And how the fuck will I pay for it (which is why my game was using RTCDataChannel so far)
it's free..
@Maurice I am really curious as to how you've reached that conclusion basing on the quote above
@FlorianMargaine game server
= more load.
@Abhishrek = not free
you get what you pay for, bla bla bla
@BartekBanachewicz You don't need to interpret this seriously.
@FlorianMargaine relative to my question...how could i put this :<span><img id=idIconRowFolder src="icon_rowFolder.png" style="float: left;width: 20%;height: 16px;width: 16px;margin-top: 2%;"/></span> in a css class? my problem is that img
span img{float: left;width: 20%;height: 16px;width: 16px;margin-top: 2%;} ?
In an object, is it possible to have multiple properties pointing to the same value?
but i need that img
the src
oh uno momento
I think: img [src="icon_rowFolder.png"]{ ... }
@Abhishrek You want a VPS? I got some free resources and an IP on my server.
let me explain, i want that img to be dinamic...so...if "something" the span class would be with a img...but if "something else" i would change the span class that would have another img
i´m sorry...i´m having a hard time to explain
@BenFortune My game uses box2d and has 20% CPU on my i7 6th gen
The server accounts for like 10% of it
@Abhishrek There's basically no load on my server
Can someone help Japa? I'm doing break.
@BenFortune :o wow!
I am going to give Heroku a shot first, also @BenFortune IP ?
(wanna test ping)
@Maurice are you seeing my problem?
    Minimum = 226ms, Maximum = 237ms, Average = 231ms
@Quill hahahahahaha
@Abhishrek Ouch lmao
India.... Incredible India!
(PS this is cable)
@BenFortune My game used RTCDataChannel to remove this by making a flock of near clients (GeoLocation)
and one of them used to host the game.
But I realized that client can just refresh when shot down. :-|
Oo, nice
So Idk what to do now :P
@Abhishrek get a better internet connection
Use a better DNS provider
@littlepootis, Airtel 8mbps fastest I can get in here.
@Abhishrek 8 mbps? Airtel? Where do you live?
@littlepootis right in the center of the country.
@Japa if you want dynamic img src you should use javascript
@Abhishrek Take it you don't want it?
If I apply for a job is it allowed to explain my projects in other companies?
depends on your contracts with "other companies" I guess
if you signed non-disclosure agreements for instance, you're breaking the law
thank you for your response. Good to know.
@BenFortune I am actually thinking, please wait :D
I do want it :P, actually if you can keep the offer I will take it in future :-)
What's your email? I'll leave it up and send you the details
spam mails incoming
@Abhishrek Sent
I have a 100Mb/s connection at 2k/mo
@littlepootis Bangalore ? ATRIA ?
Oh makes sense :P
Atria it is :P
@littlepootis ping his server
Oh, Atria group.
@Abhishrek I did, ~80ms.
with atria you might get better ping if you use their own dns
~80ms ping is actually good.
we used it in office
@Abhishrek nope
we used to have 9 - 20ms to US
@Abhishrek That's not possible
@KendallFrey vOv
where from/to?
Bangalore to our own cloud deployment
afaik it was hosted in US
Not physically possible
not with a sub-50ms ping
what if signals goes at speed of light?
I have 10mb/s, but gonna have 300mb/s
you'll get 70-100ms ping
I don't think so
explain yourself
I'm doing maths
!!> 1000*(13592000/299792458)
@Neoares 45.338031819332826
@Neoares you forgot it has to do a round trip, so *2
you win this time
stupid and sensual http protocol...
@Neoares isn't it more like the internet itself.
@Abhishrek nah
just the way things are
@KendallFrey err I meant it has nothing to do with HTTP :P
and I just realized it should be a hosted center in Singapore :-> my bad
Anyone can get a 1ms one-way ping to anywhere
it's the round trip that's the important one
always refreshing
!!> (0.1+0.2).toString().slice(-1);
@jAndy "4"
@towc Close enough!
Solved my problem of the authentication with JWT and heroku
@KendallFrey what? No
@rlemon I like the desk! But with that angle, everyone can see you Redditing :P
The first lesson in networking class is that your pings are bound by the speed of light, you can't get a ping from Israel to the US in 10ms no matter what.
light just travels too slow.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum suddenly earth feels big ?
Hi all - newbie here. Hope I can contribute something meaningful to the forum!
@gavgrif Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
distance us->israel is about 10872 km, light travels with around 300.000 km/s
thanks @Caprica Sixwill do
that's above 10ms?
!!google 10872 km / c
Earth's equator is about 40,000 km
!!> 10872 / (301412 * 60 * 60);
@jAndy 0.000010019508181492442
@KendallFrey how do you get 1ms one-way if you can't travel faster than light?
Inter-continental communication (between Tier-1 ISPs) is probably wireless, satellite based. That explains the speed.
1ms one-way means Einstein was wrong.
and what about the ethernet cable?
what's the speed of it?
because I have a 2m long one
maybe it's irrelevant
You probably have a Gigabit Ethernet cable (upto 1gbps transfer rate). The speed depends on various factors.
@littlepootis Einstein wasn't necessarily wrong. Einstein calculated the speed of light in the vacuum. Doesn't mean that light can't be faster in other material
I guess it was.. beryllium or something? Where light has actually the speed x2.2 or something
In some media, there are stuff that travel faster than light.
@jAndy Light doesn't travel through beryllium
yea probably wrong. can't recall the name of it
Shadow travel faster than light :D
I don't think light travels faster than it does in vacuum.
@Abhishrek at home
@littlepootis definitely does
@jAndy in what medium?
let me google that for you
@jAndy If only you could find a medium with a refractive index less than one.
@Zirak old af
Which of course, violates the basic principle upon which the entire field of optics relies upon
ok it's not on the first page :P but I'm definitely know there is such material with index less than one. Except physics or theories changes since my study
@Abhishrek now you can finally buy a windows phone
Which talks about phase velocity
@littlepootis we all know tabs > spaces
bah I am gonna skip the rest
hello ppl.
that should be the medium where light travels faster than 299k km/h, Caesium
Can I get an answer about FireFox addon I am looking for?
i am looking for an addon to show me timestamp withing firefox window
anyone has one?
@BenjaminGruenbaum What I meant was that you can set your clock so that your one-way ping time is whatever you want
@SomeGuy interesting article

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