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don't worry jordan, you beat bj in my mind
delete that
joking about less has got people banned for months
thank you sir
srsly, stop being idiots about it
you may not like him, that's fine
I nearly got suspended for joking about my age once
I'm shocked I haven't been suspended
"You can't be 13!!"
In relation to minsweeper convo, I got bored, jsfiddle.net/loktar/zz74c0ht
How I would place them
@SterlingArcher: want a reason to behave worthy of being suspended?
with perlin noise duh
This. What the fuck.
@nick not entirely a bad idea
@ssube I know right?
eh it is wrong anyway on my end lol.
I've been holding in a fart for the past few hours; I bet it's gonna be really raunchy
use a threshold and have the number of iterations based on the difficulty
higher difficulty = noisier placement
I should be hired just for that idea
@SterlingArcher : not nominated for final phase ?
@Loktar looks over code..... hrm, new Array... passes over to next candidate /s
I was doing psuedo code initially
@KarelG apparently not
so my solution doesn't even actually work anyway
@SomeKittens I sent an invite to write something nice on my profile
If you like :)
my idea is there, but not the implmentation.
Then again, neither was that other guy
@nick "nick is a gr8 coder, pwns bugs and doesn't afraid of anything"
@SomeKittens thx m8
@Loktar would a matrix not more sufficient ?
Welp, I lost by 3 votes
Gonna go vape n cry
you tried buddy
@Cerbrus jesus
That woman is cray cray
@ton.yeung so Vaultah got no vote from you?
(That is a JOKE)
the guy with a blank pic
@SterlingArcher damn thats it?
Seriously though, that answer is rediculous
@ton.yeung I voted for undo cuz he seems cool
Basically anybody I talked to and I liked got a vote from me
there is even someone with 1 year membership
still "green behind ears" IMO
nah I didn't vote either way for rekire
seems alright though
Alright everyone, go vote again for the top 3
make sure to not vote for Madara
@Cerbrus I don't think she realizes that men can be ostracized just as much
Ed is pretty cool too
a small question, how reliable are the dll's from dll files dot com
IMO, jokes are jokes. If I make a booby joke, does that mean I'm opressing women? To me.. no. I love and respect women. I say the exact same jokes at dudes.
@ton.yeung there's only one :P
i need one dll, not going to get a whole package ... if i find out from which package it is ...
how do you gain points in area 51?
@SterlingArcher The thing is that I just took that joke as a example of people being too easility offended
crazy how not having an internet connection makes one productive
so true
And there she is, being offended I used that as an example
i need fmod_event.dll but my pc doesn't have it :|
Hello, i got a fast question, how does beforeunload work? Because my beforeunload fires onload aswell or something i dont realize the error :S
Besides, that joke can also be interpreted as "Men are sexist pigs" (Which is true, but just as offensive)
What did you just call me
It's A Unix System
quotes on point today
I know sexism is a real issue, but in my personal experience, I've been oppressed in life more than any woman I know.
But I surround myself with strong women :D
@Cerbrus why, does it offend you? — MrsEd 11 mins ago
@Cerbrus urg, that irks me.
@Tommy you can check the standard or mdn doc about it. I suspect that it got fired when the resources of that particular page are ready to be unloaded. Then it fires onload ?
@SterlingArcher She immediately assumes I'm offended
jordan likes to be opressed by strong women, if you know what I mean
While I'm just giving her a chance to review what she just posted...
@SterlingArcher is that not a matter of subject and/or perspective ?
a woman can be offended if i hold the door open for her eg
(happened to me once ...)
Damn, are you serious?
My mother raised me to hold doors open for people
Then that woman can go screw herself
@Cereal I like how searching for "March 1997", the first result is ExplainXKCD for that comic
Chivalry isn't offensive.
@Loktar jsfiddle.net/rlemon/y4u64bau/1 blah, kinda works
It is to some.
Chivalry is mostly about how to fight
Real chivalry is a joust to the death.
Then those "some" are idiots
@KarelG that can be something, but can i still go with the $.post if i take unload, or could i get the same error there?
My testes make me rude!
@SterlingArcher she interpret that as "being weak", that "she couldn't open the door". I replied like this
Being offended releases dopamine (the chemical that your brain gives you as a reward). So yes, it's entirely possible to be chemically addicted to getting offended.
you're joking atm ? i hope :p
@SomeKittens addicting to getting triggered
@KarelG Slam the door in her face, see is she's strong enough to keep it open.
@Tommy i cannot follow. When do you want to send a POST request ?
@KarelG Sadly, nope.
My brother is a psychologist, and I forgot what he said exactly, but he said that everyone being so offended lately is due to an evolutionary construct. Our civilizations evolved faster than our brains, and blah blah blah, but it basically comes down to emotional immaturity.
Before unload, im building a chat so it will say Username left the chat
pick up the websocket disconnect?
I dont use websocket, i use jQuery
> I use jQuery
Tommy for president 420
people may use jQuery but you probably don't understand what a websocket is
what's a nice throttling delay for e.g. "instant search"?
jQuery and websockets are not mutually exclusive
500 ms maybe
250ms imo
@ChrisFremgen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Haha sorry just read the whole sentence -.-
@FlorianMargaine over ninethousand .... milleseconds
@Tommy how do you do your chat -> server connection. do you use websockets?? or just long-polling
@nick @ChrisFremgen are you just throwing random numbers?
pretty much
@KarelG 10s is a long time.
i was just joking :|
it's a UX question really
You better don't joke with me.
(never heard of "it is over 9000" meme ?)
@FlorianMargaine 300ms is generally a double click timeout (iirc)
so maybe that
@rlemon TIL
300 is what I currently have, yeah
@rlemon finally got it, jsfiddle.net/loktar/zz74c0ht
also what you might consider is not sending a request until the client has either reached the idle threshold OR finished a term
used a matrix instead, and an open list basically.
@Loktar now fix mine
what I was trying to do initially just had to turn pseudo code into reality lol
you know exactly what I tried to do (I learned it from you)
@nick not applicable in my case, but thanks
/me looks
I commented the broken line
my brain isn't working like that right now
@MrsEd "can I discuss and joke about men's sex organs" Have you ever been in chat? — bjb568 1 min ago
Well, he's not wrong xD
@rlemon i use php mysql db and $.get and $.post
We don't condone that kind of behavior in chat.
man I need to keep up what es2015 stuff can be used in chrome
I just assume none still lol
@Tommy so.. long polling
@Loktar most things
with the latest releases of course
@Loktar jsfiddle has a babel option now
That was the short answer.
OOoh I see now @rlemon, the babel option that is
@Tommy so when you stop getting the client polling, they disconnected
@Loktar yea super great
@rlemon Thanks i will check this up! Now time to run to work :)
long polling is nasty though
yea you should really consider websockets
but with php, idk, that might be messy
never tried
if you change your random amt they will be better distributed as well
like 0.1
@Loktar fuck.. yea, I was even looking at other examples you've given me for that equation and I still fucked it up
thanks :D
but you still don't always place them all
one day I'll figure it out
yeah np
@Loktar why don't you just replace the content of cell X,Y ? (you're using array.splice )
@KarelG I wanted an open list
so I remove already taken cells from the open list
I didn't want to have to loop over a value and check if it was 1 or 0 for example and then reroll the random
@Loktar yea I know why
all i do is pick a random index from the open list, and then remove that element from the open list
I need to reverse that equation now
@SterlingArcher That whole answer and the comments within are just...awful.
loop over cells and select x/y
I did it backwards
@FlorianMargaine ah
dependent of the array size, the chances are low that you will get same cell position
already knew about event reactors in php (even confused it with react before :))
@KarelG I was looking at the use case of 99 bombs on a 10x10 grid
also even using 9 bombs sometimes only 8 would be placed.
"Eggshells are not a suitable foundation on which to build." I'm glad we don't have any egg-laying animals around that could take offense to this statement. Otherwise we'd have to go out of our way to avoid using this metaphor in the future. — BoltClock ♦ 2 days ago
the number of bombs is always same right ?
the method I chose I know I will always have the exact number placed that is supposed to be there
(been a while that i played that game)
nope you can have custom games even where you set the grid size and bomb amount
@Mosho yeah thanks :) I think I want to work with you together on the build for a week after I get back from Amsterdam. A 15 seconds refresh to see the results of something you did does not sound like a good programming experience to me. Now to convince Gilad it's worth our time.
i mean if you set #bombs is a, that after the generation, you have a bombs
Either that or I'll just rewrite it
@KarelG hmm I'm confused what you mean
the bombs are placed before you begin playing
you have to find them
assume you set the number of bombs = 9. Then after the generation, you have always 9 bombs hidden in the matrix.
(so at the start of the game)
where's that bomb game you're talking about? :)
Why don't people in star trek simply "beam" instead of using turbolift ?
You need a data structure with fast deletion and fast random access
yea I just did it backwards
99 still aren't placed :p
@Abhishrek power requirements
turbolift saves a lot of power since you just have to move a solid capsule
@ShotgunNinja hmm
now it does for me as well
ooh your grid isn't 10x10
no, 12*12 :P
breaking down solid matter and projecting it through space, as well as the reassembly process, is prohibitively expensive
ooh, sony confirmed that you can play PS2 games on PS4 \o/
another argument to get one
One already has 360 games
... I literally just bought a ps2
and they're adding xbox games this winter
@KarelG via psnow right?
Not emulated I imagine.
youtube.com/watch?v=EkPXLPIbIQY GTA on a 100k simulator
Who's my third vote?
that's one of the nicest parts of the xbone running hyper-v
I got @MadaraUchiha and @Undo
oh crazy it is via emulation
@ShotgunNinja makes sense
And @SterlingArcher didn't make it
they can just set up an emulation profile for the 360's PPC
That is pretty awesome
> "We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation," a Sony representative told WIRED via email.
I imagine the PS4 is running some kind of hypervisor as well, since they were toying with something like that for the PS3
@BenjaminGruenbaum THANKS I DIDNT SEE THAT
runs off crying
Thats really awesome..... now let me go play my PC games from 2001 real quick.
Come on, you don't really want to be a mod anyway.
@SterlingArcher don't vape much since you cannot see a lot through the smoke
I could be a good mod
Though I would totes jump onto a chat mod position
i would still give my vote to sterling than to you, Nick
I would be a better mod than everyone
you tried to hurt my feelings but I remain unaffected
Nov 9 at 20:41, by Nick
Erect me as moderator 2015 and I will work hard for you
I thought I already did
You're not a crowmosexual?
you're like a politician, words but no deeds. IT IS NOT HARD ATM !
@corvid He's mocrowsexual: can't get off without an ever-increasing numbers of crows.
I know that feeling all too well :\
i'm off, playing a game. good night all....

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