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doesn't Object also inherit from Function
so Function.arguments gets placed on Object which gets placed on Array
But still, what does it represent?
Function.arguments represents the arguments passed to the function
God dammit these docs suck
When I refresh, after navigating to an item in the menu, the page only shows the mnu item's content, so no styling on the page, only the text supposed to be inside one div is visible on the page
Oh thanks I didn't find it
@sunto So you're able to load the correct template?
hm, only if I enter via the menu, if I refresh, or send you a link, you wont see anything but text.. Like here
Unexpected error running Liquibase: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find database driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
what shit
I see the problem
Store your templates in /templates/whatever.php
Then have /whatever.php redirect to /
@SterlingArcher I had to add it as a dependency in the test scope, I think
Same way you would treat junit, just don't shell out of your build tool
ah, so all my text files are not on my domain, but in a subfolder?
So I have to be inside my project?
I guess I'll fiuigure out redirecting then :)
There are a bunch of ways to solve this problem, but that seems the most intuitive to me
so good ^
looks very relaxing ^^
I'll be on a beach like that soon :)
Where are you going?
all inclusive, including alcohol <3
Some Oasis resort or something iunno
Read that as Canada for a second
Was about to say you're gunna be very disappointed
I wanted to go to canada
You should, we have beer
and maple
I have beer
I don't syrup?
We have poutine though
@SterlingArcher yes, you have to be inside
why is it so hard to find a chrome extension that can both take screenshots without some fucked up zoom and copy to clipboard..
@Luggage does it need to be an extension? app.prntscr.com/en/index.html
@ssube sorry this is very confusing to me. Does my liquibase.jar file have to be in the project, or just the scope of my terminal? I tried using the intellij terminal but that didn't work
no it doesn't need to be an extension
Lightshot is the best
You press prntscr, select what you want to print, and click the upload button and it gives you a link.
I like puush for screenshots
Can you just add the jar as a project dependency for your build tool?
Then write a goal/target to run it
I don't know how to do that :(
okay so my filesystem is 50% used and shouldn't be
no logs are over 3meg
is there an easy way to determine what is taking up so much space?
@rlemon du -hc --max-depth 2
from /?
@SterlingArcher just normal test deps
Yeah, from /
@rlemon if windows, then windirstat
Angstrom linux
du is textual windirstat
/usr is 900meg
then gdmap
ls -l --block-size=M shows everything is 1M
yea, du is fine, but the graphical one you can browse is really nice
and there isn't 900 items
Fuck this i'm just gonna write the XML mself
ls -l doesn't really work does it?
too stupid to figure out command scopes and shit
not avail for my distro
start with: sudo du -h -d 1 /
maybe drop the sudo
-d = depth, -h = human readable sizes
Is anyone here very familiar with PhantomJS and/or CasperJS used for web scraping?
@OllieQ casper will annoy the fashizzle out of you, nightmare is nicer.
at first I thought that was a movie critique
@Zirak So what you're saying is...... Nightmare won't be a nightmare for me compared to Casper>
@OllieQ Yes, with PhantomJS. Albeit I rarely use PhantomJS directly, just to get generated page content. I use cheerio mostly.
cheerio is my herio
Damn, how to regex herio to heroin ._.
Your mind is too feeble
word replacing is no fun if you have to type the whole world
Your mom is too feeble
That's not what you mama said
Our moms are...
oh jesus ._.
This is weird now
Don't touch me
hug me bro
let it out
Go away
its ok to cry
I'll hit you repeatedly
you only say that because you're scared
Not scared of hitting you repeatedly
let the feels out man
don't make it weird
It's already weird
10/10 expecting fist through monitor
inb4 phrasing
brb vomiting
release the beast, bro
in PHP, 3 mins ago, by Sajad
there is any script on stackoverflow ? I want to create a website like stack.
there are twelve scripts
all guarded by the dragons of Alumér
one script to rule them all
I'm downloading some torrent, and one of the peers is uploading at 1mb/s
Is it impressive or is the internet around here just shit?
@Zirak @RoelvanUden or anyone that does web scraping, do you know of ways to switch to a new window when it pops up ? Example is doing a click() on the code...
<a class ="seeMore" href="http://www.google.com" target = "_blank">Test Link</a>
I cannot seem to get to that page no matter what using Casper and Phantom.
fortran: the elder script
@OllieQ iframe.contentWindow.focus();?
@towc I read about that on the elder scrolls.
@Loktar ?
is it actually a thing?
game related joke :p
mine was a joke
so was mine
I don't get it then
I love ESO, just havent had gametime recently
I can't believe you don't know about Elder Scrolls man
you need to stay inside and play more games! :p
what are you? some kind of extrovert? >=(
I know about them, hence the joke. I still don't get yours
/me is so confused at your confusion
@Loktar but staying outside is so good! You're constantly exposed to dangerous bacteria that can kill you or kidnappers looking for kids just like me! Why won't you let me stay outside???
@Loktar I joked about the thing. You told me about the reference, then thought I didn't get my own joke after I told you I had it. 0.o
hope I'm not missing something, but one of us is either under drugs or alcohol :P
I know it's not me, soo......
@rlemon Dammit; I even hovered the link to double-check first because I just knew it'd be something like that...
it's @CapricaSix's fault obviously
@Retsam it's cheating bc thursday
Yeah, I'm surprised I even thought to check since it's Thursday... but I guess I'm just getting cynical and distrustful of links here...
When my children turn 5, I'm going to turn them loose in the wild.
@FlorianMargaine Do you know of any package manager whose interface is the filesystem?
The ones that make it back get to go to college with a nature made 6-pack and a rock solid survival skillset
@Loktar hey
hey @catgocat
@SterlingArcher you need at least 20 samples. Get to work!
btw, that's kind of how the spartans grew their children up
@Loktar where them new blog posts at?
@towc my brother thinks I already have 2 =X
@SterlingArcher what's that?
!!afk dinner
@catgocat heh there are none :/
I need to get back to writing
The women are insistant they're not mine, but I will admit, one has my eyebrows, and it was VERY close to 9 months that we done it before baby..
@Loktar have you finished that JS game Grapple Hero?
So here I am, baby free with 2 friends (very good looking moms) who still hit me up :D
I know that was a long time ago
Why doesn't querySelector support :contains :( ?
anyone know a good alternative to MagicSuggest that supports some kinda crud?
@CuddleBunny Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
am i derping of am i using this incorrectly? i'm binding a function with an object, so that the context of this function becomes that object. but trying to do this = newObj and it's giving me an invalid left hand side in assignment
will i have to do this.prop = newObj.prop and so on?
@AaronHarding Yeah, you can't change this. If you really want to make this match the state of newObj, then, yeah, you're going to need to do something like that, but I'd question why you'd want to.
# @FlorianMargaine
# pacman -Ss
ls /packages
# pacman -Si vim | grep Depends
ls /packages/vim/dependencies
# gives a directory of symlinks
# no comparison that I know of, maybe `-Si | grep Desc`
cat /packages/vim/README
# pacman -S vim
@SterlingArcher hmm no, sadly I think you can only search on attributes with div[attribute*=value] for example
not content (but jquery can..)
@Retsam well, we have Api which is called with a callback
and the callback is bound with the data coming back from the Api
querySelector accepts CSS selectors, I don't see why a psuedo-element would be excluded
something like: Api.call('/user/' + name', function(response) { //. response });
@catgocat no :(
stop rubbing in my failures
the object is also being watched for changes which triggers dom layout hanges
@SterlingArcher because they don't actually exist?
Pseudo elements are not part of the content. They don't have any existence in DOM so you basicly can't manipulate something that doesn't exist — user28470 Sep 29 '14 at 8:05
so i just want to do this = response since the dom layout parser expects exactly the values
so now instead i have to do this.name = response.name; this.email = response.email etc.
@SterlingArcher which is true, apart from adding classes to the object to change the pseudo elements through css
@AaronHarding I'd argue that, as a general principle, depending on that sort of mutability is not great design. It's really implicit, hard to debug, etc.
@Retsam okay, fair point. so the best approach is the way i was doing it originally? this.name = response.name; and so on?
Basically. You could put that logic all into a method to make it reusable and less ugly this.copyFrom(response).
@Retsam which would just loop around the response object and attach it to this?
Or you could use something like _.merge(this, response), if you're using a library like lodash or underscore.
@AaronHarding Loop, or explicitly move properties, so you don't copy anything you don't want to.
noo i'm not using any libraries, just vanilla js at the moment but libraries can be considered
most importantly is the idea behind it, like you said, keeping it mutable and sane :p
i guess i should have asked that originally :c
rm -rf /var/log/*
impressive cv
Yeah, it looks like it probably cost like $4000 to make.
@SterlingArcher can't tell if trolling or saying the maybe-not-so-sad story of his life
@Zirak I see. I don't know of anything like this, no. Nix is close, somehow, in that you get a single folder that reproduces all the packages installed, with lots of symlinks everywhere (the idea of nix is awesome, immutable et al, the implementation is quite messy). Another close thing would be freebsd's pkg
Hm, ignore my pkg suggestion
With pkg you get the whole index of packages in a folder, and you can go to any folder and run bmake to install the package... not what you want
@Polyducks np :)
@JanDvorak hi, mind checking the haskell room?
Right. So socket.io does P2P over WebRTC now. socket.io/blog/socket.io-p2p
@FlorianMargaine Whadya mean? So it fits the first and last rule (sort of), of being able to ls packages, and install from the package directory?
Hi guys
@RoelvanUden so basically it does webrtc and they threw a p2p acronym on there
I just got a job offer I like woop woop :)
grats @taco
would you rather see a favorite icon only when you favorite something or a stroke for not favorited and solid filled for favorited icon consistently
Didn't know you were so sexy @Loktar. Nice avatar
hahah thanks
Gonna be working at Turner Broadcasting. Just gotta pass a background check
@taco Well, WebRTC is a form of P2P. So yeah, there is that.
And I still kinda get to be a dev plus work with Docker
Still, quite something.
@RoelvanUden yeah it makes sense. People know what P2P means
for a favorite icon would you rather see it only when you favorite something or all the time and show stroke for not favorited and solid filled for favorited?...
I started looking at webrtc early on for my photobooth for my wedding, but ended up wiring a big red button which fired my DSLR
@benlevywebdesign Does anybody call it a "favorite icon"? I call it a favicon....
That sounds cool though.... I didn't know you could do that with a favicon
not the tiny web browser icon, a favorite icon like a heart or a star
I'm used to the Twitter pattern on that. Outlined when not favorited yet
@benlevywebdesign A toggle button seems like a good choice.
It doubles as an indication whether something is or is not fav'd, as well as a control to actually toggle fav status on an item.
make the favicon mirror your webcam
^ I've done this, it is very laggy
well I am deciding weather or not to add toggles to each list item or just have you click on one to make that action
but then I've got to show if one is fav'd or not at which point the toggle could be there too...
lovely work
@rlemon you have too much time on your hands
lol I read the first one as legion of horror
@taco nahh man, just take the webcam -> paint to Canvas -> toDataURL() -> update favicon link
I bet you got beat up a lot in high school
I was on a lot of teams
we were a sports school
!!afk driving home
@taco Awesome dude!
@MadaraUchiha Not to mention communicating through images.
Six interviews. Six.
All in one day, though, so i guess that's good
That is a lot holy crap
@Retsam And writing stuff it takes 2000 years before anyone can comprehend
I got my severance yesterday, so I get to loaf for two weeks :p
I kind of want to visit Cali before I start, but my wife has to work
@Loktar you around?
Ant-Man comes out tonight. Already got my ticket
@Madara I just don't want the list screen to get cluttered with stuff. If I added a favorite icon that might over do it but how else would I show something is favorited.
@benlevywebdesign Does it make sense to favorite directly from the list?
If it does, you want a control there. If it does, you don't.
Oh gorrammit. I'm not a student anymore, I have to buy rubymine
@Madara but how do you know is something is favorited from the list screen?
lol somebody just left a threatening voicemail to my company on my phone xD
@benlevywebdesign You'll have to add an indication.
How do people not know who to contact but manage to find my office number??
Im just IT D:
@SterlingArcher How do you threaten a company
boycotting, slander, etc
"I'm boycotting your product!"

@Madara so that would be adding the icon to only the favorited ones
@benlevywebdesign Is this a UIView or HTML?
I'm designing this for native android currently.
Ah. Thought it was iOS
@taco Because of the arrows?
Look at how spotify adds tiny icons to their Top Charts. It doesn't have to be a huge fav icon
@Zirak on mobile, were you replying about pkg?
@FlorianMargaine Yep
@taco favorite icon on android?
lol favorite icon
@Zirak Debian also fits the rule of listing the installed packages in /usr/share, btw, with every package providing a readme.debian file, and also a changelog file
@taco where do they use a favorite icon on mobile. I am looking at both os versions and don't see one
@Zirak anyway yes, pkg fits this rule. The thing is, each folder has a file similar to arch's PKGBUILD, or a bunch of files, basically
@benlevywebdesign I'm wasting your time with my bad wording. sorry
no its ok
@Zirak but it doesn't let you list the installed packages
I just meant "whatever" icon you're talking about
I am talking about a "like" icon
@Zirak the pkg folder is also organized in categories, so you don't have a single folder with all the packages, more like a hierarchy
(well, a 2-levels hierarchy)
WTH is a "Stack Overflow Gold Account"?
where did you see that?
Benjamin's profile. I noted it was a joke when it redirected me here :P
Claim your free GOLD SO account by clicking on that coin
Its the same joke as that facebook image that says to see this photo you need a fb gold account
That kind of stuff shows me which one of my friends are a little thick in the head
It's usually the ones who spam me with candy crush
I'm going to find something to do. Later guys. Good luck on your thing @benlevywebdesign. looks cool
@FlorianMargaine Interesting. I'll look into what BSD does. Thanks.
@Zirak freebsd does that. Dunno about open/netbsd
@Zirak btw, you used gentoo, didn't you?
@FlorianMargaine lolno
@Zirak oh :>
@Zirak portage is similar to freebsd's ports/pkg
no need to go to the bsd side
if osx is your thing, macports is similar too
or homebrew
I like homebrewing
got some moonshine in my bathtub right now, soon it'll be ready for drinking
anytime you're in the area drop by and you can have some m80's
@catgocat not much

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