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Were you asking for an answer that's primarily opinionated, or an off-site resource? — undefined behaviour 1 min ago
Classy. Bothering me on an old question of mine after a discussion that went nowhere.
Looks like a valid question to me.
(Yours, not his)
It's my best voted question. And alsmost the oldest
He's just digging through my profile, it seems
My highest question is on codereview haha, unless you count meta
Meta: +31 as highest voted question. (Apparently yesterday's meta question is my best so far)
Same, +31. Though it wasn't technically a question
If anyone has a code-review Account you may feel free to have a look at and critique this: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/97106/56873
/Thanks in advance from the n00b
@Gemtastic Needs more Math.random()
@OliverSalzburg Here, have a random number: 71
Looks pseudo-random to me!
It's random allright. Noone could have guessed I would type it. Here's another one: 3
I don't trust your source of entropy
The Potato Paradox is a mathematical calculation that has a counter-intuitive result. The "paradox" involves dehydrating potatoes by a seemingly minuscule amount, and then calculating a change in mass which is larger than expected. This is not to be confused for the Potato-Effect, which is sometimes known as the Potato Paradox, and is actually an economical paradox that was discovered in the potato-famine in Ireland in the 1840s. == Description == The paradox has been described as: You have 100 lbs of Martian potatoes, which are 99 percent water by weight. You let them dehydrate until they're...
@OliverSalzburg brain.random()
More random than Math.random().
I just had a nasty application crash due to "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND" (stackoverflow.com/questions/17690803/…) and I have no clue where that originated from
That is pretty damn annoying
@OliverSalzburg you're missing E, duh
And, of course, I can't reproduce the issue!
@Mr_Green thank you very much
really thank you
how can I say you.
u just saved me
always happy to help :)
2/3 success rate at not botching "you" in one monologue. Nice ;-)
You mean 3/4
oh. right.
missed one
Well, he did ask about it
3 mins ago, by Aparna
how can I say you.
@shmiddty haha thanks for getting me to sleep last night
Guys, I need some feedback. I'm currently trying to install a userscript on tampermonkey. It works fine for me, but not for other users. I can write 'alert("test")' and it executes it on their computer, but not the rest of the script. Let me show you the problem part.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    document.getElementById("LogOnForm").innerHTML = "<h3>&#9760 Skeletman will log you in shortly...</h3>" + document.getElementById("LogOnForm").innerHTML;
        document.getElementById("UserName").value = usr;
        document.getElementById("Password").value = pword;
        document.querySelectorAll("#LogOnForm > button")[0].click();
    }, 3000);
before it gets mentioned, yes the username and passwords are encrypted, yes there are better ways than changing the script than innerHTML, but why would it only work for me and not other people?
I am using the native-monodb-driver on node, is there a way to define custom methods like User#nameOrEmail that will fetch username || email
@argentum47 Sorry, friend - I'm not too knoweldgeable about Node or back end stuff :C
well then you didn't have to say that :D .. if anyone knows he/she "would" tell , that's the rule.. anyway thanks for ur concern
hello all, can someone tell me that how can I resize the buttons inside a dialog? i am using JqueryUi.
@Amit Son do you even google
yes but i did not get my desired solution
@Amit it says to use CSS to override the default
@Polyducks, there is many solutions using css. but i do not understand how i can do it through css? i have tried a way . but i failed. see my pastie.
Alright. @Amit I'm sorry I was a bit combatative
Is it not possible to change those widths and height? I must say I've never used JqueryUi.
The other option is to right click the buttons in the document and inspect them, getting their class or ID and targeting them with CSS
Morning catgocat :)
@catgocat you're a smart guy. Could you give me some feedback on my very minor, idiot-check-required issue? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/24483667#24483667
I'm smart? that's new
Hey, there's a time for everything
@Polyducks I am not very familiar with tampermonkey, but try inserting small chunks of code till it doesn't work. That way you'll know exactly what piece of code doesn't work.
wow, Polyducks ... I like that name
I should make Polycats
there's enough cats already
@catgocat it's never enough
hello to you too
@octavian Thank you very much :) I'm so glad!
@octavian Polycats is cute too!
@catgocat makes sense I guess, but I tried putting in alert('test') all over the place, and they worked no matter the scope. There just seems to be something blocking it from working on other computers.
why New Horizons will take 16 months to send us all the information about Pluto?
They have a 1kb download speed with the probe
ok nvm
exactly, there's never enough cats
and some of the pictures are fucking huge
I'm the crazy cat lady gentlegoon in real life
When do we get the first batch of data?
@Octavian and @JanDvorak, two of the greatest minds on this chan - can you do me a major favour and sense-check my code issue above? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/24483667#24483667
!!welcome Polyducks
@Polyducks Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
haha @Cebrus
rule number 1 - reduce repetition of code.
Please don't ping people asking them to look at an issue.
FF developer edition's humour
Yes boss.
If someone wants to help, he will.
And don't call me "boss" -.-
Yes ma'am.
@Cerbrus Whatever you say, boss
Wait wat
FF DE has some serious memory leak issue at the moment
ran the browser for a little while yesterday, open a bunch of tabs and closed them but it never freed the memory for the closed tabs
made my computer a sad panda
chrome, as much as I like chrome, tends to do things like decide you didn't really want to close that window
What's with chrome opening a new process for every fricking tab?
Chrome, despite its per-tab process, groups multiple tabs in the same process
@Polyducks so that one tab crashing doesn't crash the other tabs
@Florian huh! So it turns out to be a good thing!
From an user perspective, sure. From a resource management perspective, no, not really.
Yeap, it was a big selling point for chrome back in the day
Not that they actually sold chrome
@FlorianMargaine that is screaming "oxymoron". "per-tab process" "group multiple tabs in the same process". How does that match?
AFAIK, it links multiple processes, not multiple tabs in the same processes.
!!welcome Neoares
@Neoares Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!are you kidding me?
@Neoares Certainly not
@Maurize what happened to your github account
@Neoares closed it to open it with other acc :D
cause the other has business option to make private projects
@Maurize which other
@BenFortune 1024 commits, stop commiting
for the company where I work. We want to use it for our works.
> ... are currently downlinking New Horizons’ data at a plodding 2,000 bits per second.
Will give you name later
Kewl, we can now use [mcve] in SO comments
I wonder
@BenFortune PGSQL FTW!
Joke's on them, I don't use PHP
guys, going back to work now. Catch you on the flip side
that always makes me laugh
whats mapReduce in databases
but, it's not a database
@argentum47 It's a key-value store!
As a heavy CouchDB user I approve of that.
@argentum47 LISTEN! IT IS NOT A DATABASE OK?!?!?!
@OctavianDamiean hey man! how are things?
I like CouchDB, especially when paired with PouchDB
@BenFortune I like you
@BenFortune: In combination with TVDB and BoozeDB?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
!!tel argentum47 it is not a database
@GNi33 good good, doing ~thangs~
@argentum47 it is not a database
does anyone know the best way to check a valid date?
like new Date("31 Feb 1996"); returns Sat Mar 02 1996 and is valid
which is not right because there are never that many days in February
!!mdn Date
@AaronHarding Date
!date.toString().equals("Invalid Date")
but var d = new Date("31 Feb 1996"); d.toString(); returns "Sat Mar 02 1996 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)"
@Neil Java go home
Oops, habit
but it's not a valid date?
If it's not valid, toString() will return "Invalid Date"
otherwise it could be interpretted as a correct date I assume
@Neil no, it doesn't
it probably does when you pass a invalid format to it
it's not for me
yeah, it's when you pass foobar to it it does
but 31 Feb, which really should be invalid, just gets translated to Mar 02 in this case
!!>console.log(new Date('lala').toString() === 'Invalid Date' ? 'Yes' : 'No')
Is this question stupid or what ?
Q: Creating functions that have side effects (in-place) from prototype functions that don't

Leif WillertsI want to wrap some prototype functionality without using return values. The following code returns a sorted list in modern browser developer consoles: Array.prototype.sor = function() { Array.prototype.sort.apply(this); }; var t = [2,3,1] t.sor() t As does the variation below: sor = fun...

@Neil "undefined" Logged: "Yes"
@Neil that's not the question
!!>console.log(new Date('31 Feb 1996').toString() === 'Invalid Date' ? 'Yes' : 'No')
@AaronHarding "undefined" Logged: "No"

       function getDate(time) {
            // Refer: stackoverflow.com/a/10589791/1577396
            // Refer: stackoverflow.com/a/1353711/1577396
            var dateTime = new Date(time);
            // Valid date
            if(Object.prototype.toString.call(dateTime) === "[object Date]" && !isNaN(dateTime.getTime())){
                return dateTime;
            // Invalid date
                // Refer: stackoverflow.com/a/3075893/1577396
@Neil the specification instructs to return "Invalid Date" if, and only if, ToNumber of the date is NaN.
@GNi33 Then you should say that, not "No"
@Neil did you even read the question, dude?
@GNi33 do you even lift?
it's not about an invalid string passed to the Date constructor
@Mr_Green Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
the string in it's format is valid, the date just doesn't exist and returns something completely different, yet valid
it seems like it overflows from february into march
oh, in that case it will carry forward the extra numbers to make a valid date.
@AwalGarg which is absolutely horrible behaviour
@AwalGarg yeah, that's an odd behaviour
You could just output what you input and verify that the date strings match to see if there was no overflow
Uh... you are JS people. You shouldn't be surprised at such horrible behaviors.
@Neil that's a good solution
Hey all!
I have had problems with my ajax, but have now solved the problem with the broken back/forward navigation.
My last part of this issue, is when a user refreshes the page, or shraes the link to a friend.
My page then only loads in the content from my ajaxRequest, and no styling, no header,logo, footer, no nothing.
How can I "force" the page header and styling etc, to not be removed on page reload etc?
@Neil btw, I didn't want to come across rude
var date = new Date("31 Feb 1996"); if(date.getDay() !== 31) { console.log('Error'); }
Working example, only missing the refresh and sharing to work as wanted..
What if February had 31 days and they were lying to us all the time?
engages tinfoil hat mode
@OctavianDamiean fucking magnets, how do they work?
@OctavianDamiean omgs
to have time, dates etc be a constant, when that constatnt is a sun that is burning up, it is no surpice they need to throw in a day or two here and there ;)
@AwalGarg sure.. its a key value store...
@argentum47 AwalGarg is afk.
@GNi33 No offense taken
magnets are opposites that attract, in this case the most simplest, electrons and neutrons or something like that
@GNi33 Nice ICP reference there
What if magnets are also a lie and it's just glue holding them together?
Haha, put a piece of sink, and a piece of led into a potato, and plug them into + and - on your watch, and it will work ;)
@GNi33 pelicans
Then I say, what if, you would use your great mind, to solve my problem xD
What if problems were actually opportunities?
Oh but they are, that one weren't so far fetched ;p
So, anyone able, and willing, to help with my refresh button problem? :D
press the butan
wut butan
Like, why is it removing all my styling when users refresh the page? :P
all of them
me see no butans
look in your lighter ;p
me no smoke weed
no = need
user image
The fuck chrome?
Got it working first part of it at least! :)
Not I am missing the pager to handlke the reload button, and url sharing correctly.
@BenFortune the fuck are you doing there? You're leaking your JSON to the internewbz!
the braces can't contain, OMG!
Why is it not throwing a syntax error!
Great, now there's JSON all over the floor, hope you're happy.
The butan is a lie
so @sunto just link me your issue again?
thoughts on using react with angular?
@BenFortune wat
@BenFortune Pfft
@DenysSéguret "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '}'"
yea, Caprica is a smart gurl
she knows things
It just gets better.
just }+{
I checked, Firefox sees a syntax error
@BenFortune Are you going to ask SO ?
Chrome devtools must be wrapping it
@BenFortune Yes, but in what and why ?
better file a bug
or search for a bug report
I'm not sure it's a bug
There's no case I want to see a syntax error, so it might be a side effect of a smart feature
side effect ... smart feature, spot the mistake
I want to know. Either @BenFortune asks SO or I do it.

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