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I did once. It was a pita.
you can't even make a real hackintosh unless you have exactly the right hardware
@uselesschien u wot
!!urban pita
@monners [pita](http://pita.urbanup.com/635466) 1) Acronym for Pain In The Ass, a major annoyance.
2) Flat bread of Mediterranean origin, eaten as is or filled with small pieces of roasted meat, veggies, condiments, etc.
Set up hackintosh
thought you were talking about the bread stuff
It ran slow. And the OS set my resolution to 800x600
so worth it though
The only way to change that is to buy an app that costs $10 which was made specifically for that purpose
@nick no
soooo worth it
@Loktar codepen.io/webinnov_france/pen/oXqayp I fucking love his foliage
damn that is slick.
the trunk/branches suck
but that is some sexy foliage
yeah the leaves are really nice
I'll have to steal that
Wtf. My parents said they wouldn't send me to MIT even if get accepted because IITs are better! How the **** do I convince them? Nobody here knows what MIT is.. :/
Shit on the floor
That'll show them
So get a scholarship.
@copy Or that.
How did we survive without border-radius?
Those were the dark ages
With tables and pictures of corners
@uselesschien It's fine, you probably won't get accepted
With gifs of little men with shovels and h1s saying "under construction"
i used border-radius and it broke my 1px border wat do
@phenomnomnominal you don't say? :p
@copy we saved 73TB of data a month when we moved from pictures of rounded corners to border-radius.
border: 100px solid invisible
@phenomnomnominal It has a 7% accept ratio. Much higher than that of the IITs, which is around 0.5%
@phenomnomnominal do you host amazon.com or something
@nick nah, just biggest site in NZ
IIT is still better than w3schools, isn't it?
Just go there and study whatever you need by yourself
mdn > IIT
so: w3shools - still better than IIT?
@copy Qualifying isn't easy..
@uselesschien it is according to that arcticle
> This year, IITs will admit students with even 6% in entrance exam
@phenomnomnominal Qualifying for that exam isn't easy either
!!zalgo ngodin
@SomeKittens ñ͈̠̦̞̲̞̼͐̍̈́ͫͧ͡ͅg͍͍̼͚̰̙̠ͨ̑ͤ̀͒̇͋̂o͇̞̓̏͡d̹̜̻̩ͥ̉͊̄ͧ̇͐i͔̥̳̫̯̩̹ͬ̍̈̅̋̓̇n̷̮̫̍̏͑̏͜
my understanding of the Indian education system is that people memorize lots, but learn nothing.
something like medieval Europe?
@phenomnomnominal that's China
and I apologize for the generalization, but that's what I was told by Indian friends who have been in both the Indian and NZ education systems
@phenomnomnominal Oh, it varies. It depends on the geographical location.
most things do :)
night guys
I need to sleep but can't stop watching youtube videos :@@
same here
turning off the computer
my mom say that everyone has a beautiful side. so i guess im a circle.
pakalu for president pls
Installing the el capitan beta
Will let you guys know how innovative it is
@rlemon what about it?
read it
canvas api is cool and all, but sucks.
i tried, i have the attention span of a fly though
@rlemon very cool!
looks like it only works with one worker though
@nick tldr: keep using canvas as normal, but logic goes in a web worker (i.e. in parallel)
Note that there's github.com/calvinmetcalf/catiline which makes working with a worker much easier in general
> Formerly known as Communist.js, Catiline.js is the same great library with a less controversial name.
Also, you can pass the underlying ArrayBuffer of an image data object to a worker, modify it there and the changes will appear back in the main window
@phenomnomnominal Silly Americans
@copy are you in Germany right now?
why aren't you sleeping?
I usually go to sleep around 4 am
Why aren't you?
it's like the linux excuse. "When is the last time you had sex? Linux"
@uselesschien should be "mobius strip"
Hey all i need some advice
I was given an assessment for a job I am considering
The instructions said they recommend django
I followed up with a question asking if I could use angular instead of django
but these are radically two different things(?)
one is a server side MVC and the other is a client side MVC
did I shoot myself in the foot here?
Probably not
Does my question sound stupid?
I am a beginner and I am currently trying to understand the difference between the two
I don't think so
Client MVC vs Server Side MVC
Then try to understand the difference before the interview
I will I guess I am just stressing about it. This is for a technical assessment.
Is it a junior role?
then don't worry about it
take it as a huge learning opportunity
if they've advertised for a junior role, they should be expecting to teach you a lot
they will be mostly wanting to see how you go about solving a problem, and hopefully not expecting a perfect solution
Ok cool. Yeah the reason I emailed was because I asked if I should learn Django for the project since its preferred or if I should work in the technologies I know.
And that's a totally reasonable question
awesome thanks @phernomnom
i am so effed ... I suck so much at understanding codes ... I have been trying to read and understand libraries so that I can contribute something or atleast progress to the next level .. and every-time I am sitting with a blank face looking at the code :( ..
duh.. eff the feeling .. I am going to go back and read some javascript from the scratch ... I think that's the problem , lack of basic understanding
Have you considered just writing stuff
Anyone have experience with GitLab?
guys can you please evaluate my site: arabiaue.x10.bz/activities/playlist.html
@argentum47 Have you tried codewars.com ?
@user3783598 what part of it do you want evaluated?
One Direction is in your top ten? ಠ_ಠ
el capitan safari still doesn't support es6
It does have a new console though
haha I just want to ask if it's ok
That's very subjective
Ou neat, every output is stored in a variable in safari console
@user3783598 too loud
also using a terrible font
er the loud I mean is due to the rainbow background
@user3783598 if it's your first site, well done. If you're a professional developer, I have some notes...
I'm a backend developer, please give me notes
Explain how to UI
I don't get when people say "I'm a front-end developer" or "I'm a backend developer"
I mean whatever I work on, I usually have to do the UI design, the front-end stuff and the back-end stuff.
@DemCodeLines that's "Full stack"
@SomeKittens I know that...but why specialize in one thing when you can take over the entire process ;)
because specialization is a thing
@DemCodeLines yeah because why be great at one thing when you can be okay at lots.
you know, ";)" means it was a joke...
you're an asshole ;)
/r/AskReddit mods trolling
@Luggage @phenomnomnominal @AwalGarg I asked for help with the problem at the jquery forum: forum.jquery.com/topic/errors-between-ajax-and-accordian
ask again
in spanish
^ @SomeKittens @monners @KendallFrey @rlemon @SomeGuy
@NickDugger lol, i don't speak spanish
Stop pinging everyone
That's really rude and annoying
and against the rules
Someone beat me to the kick
He's really irritating and his code is terrible
Can we perma-ban users?
Not currently, no
We could bring back the room lock but I don't think anyone wants that
Nah, better to just keep kicking him
sorry, i just thought i should share you my solution to the kicking out constantly
how common is writing for the DOM now?
Your question makes no sense
He's gone
I think he genuinely might be a little bit special
Well, he is a php purest...
50/50 he's a bot written by the PHP room to get their revenge
That's possible
Interesting thought
Wait, revenge for what?
In actuality, even the PHP room hates him
He has some of the worst code that I've ever seen, and he does it intentionally
Do you have an example? I gotta see what someone who names themselves "php_purest" comes up with.
i use javascript just for front end work, and process everything on the back end with php
and I'm Payton Manning
@NickDugger I doubt Payton Manning the athleet could do programming
I don't know what an "athleet" is
Peyton Williams Manning (born March 24, 1976) is an American football quarterback for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL). A five-time league MVP, he played for the Indianapolis Colts for 14 seasons between 1998 and 2011. He is a son of former NFL quarterback Archie Manning and an elder brother of New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning. Manning played college football for the University of Tennessee, leading the Volunteers to the 1997 SEC Championship in his senior season. However, No. 3 Tennessee lost to the No. 2 Nebraska Cornhuskers 42–17 in the Orange Bowl, giving Nebraska...
@NickDugger Wow you were correct. github.com/phpPluginMaster/php_form_modal/blob/master/… speaks for itself.
@Lalaland i corrected it, just haven't pushed it yet
He wraps javascript in php... like, why the fuck?
i understand div targeting A LOT BETTER NOW
You still don't understand javascript at all, though. If you did, you wouldn't be wrapping it in php
Are there any free node js hosting providers or is that too much to ask?
too much to ask
i use javascript for requesting html for the server, and plan to as soon as i figure it out have the javascript send stuff back to the server
define "free"
what the heck
that's all i see its worth using for
you can have no-cost instances on Heroku but they won't be up 24/7
@ivarni a web hosting that gives me a shared server and for which I don't have to pay, kinda like one of those "free php/MySQL hosting" websites
DigitalOcean is pretty cheap.
I kicked him
He pinged me and it annoyed me.
@php_purest Like I said, you have absolutely no understanding of what javascript is
@DemCodeLines You can also run a nodejs application on your own computer for testing purposes.
I think OpenShift has some sort of free thing like Heroku
@DemCodeLines Heroku would be "free" in the sense that they can host node.js apps but the free tier requires that the node sleeps 6 hours each day. So it's good for playing around with stuff but you wouldn't host an open service on the free tier
Working on an app, and kinda want to use NodeJS (I'm new to it, so want to learn it while building). But that's too much.
well, for dev you'd run it locally
I have yet to do an app that communicates with localhost running on my PC.
I'd have to open the ports for that.
Aye, OpenShift has some free planage: openshift.com/products/pricing/plan-comparison
It's not as bad as you would think.
Much easier to debug locally as well.
Always build on localhost; how else have you done it?
I'm curious too, what kind of apps are this?
You don't need to open ports if you're developing on your own computer and are only communicating with yourself
When working with LAMP stack, I usually use XAMPP to build, free host to test and then production.
First time working on an app that uses MEAN stack as backend.
XAMPP runs on localhost; not understaning your issue
You asked me "how else have you done it?", so I was saying XAMPP (yes, running on localhost) is what I did with LAMP stack. But those were web apps. I could run the server and develop on the same computer. Assuming I am running nodejs and mongodb server on a Windows PC, writing code on a Mac and debugging on an iPhone, I am not too sure how the iPhone app would do its magic with the backend being on localhost on another machine.
You're probably connected to the internet via a router anyway so I don't see why opening a port locally would be a problem? Granted, I'm not exactly a networking guru either
It's not so much a problem as it is...I don't know the process
@monners PHP, mainly
I know with android, I can usb debug it and run a localhost website on my phone; can you do the same with an iphone?
Are all devices on the same network?
They write PHP, you can't really claim they make good life choices
I need some js history trivia...
@Somekittens i would write basic if someone paid me a decent amount.
@ivarni Yeah, both the iPhone and the Windows PC are on the same wifi.
were there any js libraries popular during the peroid of 1999 to 2005?!
@deostroll don't use the fact that JS was created by one person in a short time frame. That one is way over used.
point noted...
@DemCodeLines your phone should be able to talk to your PC then, just need to figure out the IP address which I usually do with windowskey+R=>cmd=>ipconfig
run the node server on :8080 or something and windows should prompt you for allowing it to use that port when you start the server
2005 was a time when ajax became popular...
If you run it on your mac, you might be able to hook your iphone into it and view it that way... Never done it, only with android
@deostroll No, no one wrote JS during that time period
It was a dark time
@deostroll just DHTML snippets
@HatterisMad psh, I get paid a "Decent amount" * 3 to do JS
any idea when prototype.js came about...?
@SomeKittens Well you know what.... If i got paid a decent amount to do JS i would be a very happy person.
Okay...then I have one assertion...
no libraries before 2005? lol
So it is true that js developers had to deal with problems such as cross-platform as well as older version of browsers that time...
Angular, Ember, Prototype, Dojo, jQuery and Backbone were all created during the great JS explosion of 2005, when Resig freed Eich from Gates' time vortex.
@deostroll It's not like we're not still dealing with that :p
in bluebird , does it finds the methods from the prototype chain and wraps it in methodsAsync .. stackoverflow.com/questions/23771853/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/23771853/… I can't find which part in the code deals with it
@HatterisMad haha. $$$ doesn't immediately make happy but it helps
Go for it man, you're young
@SomeKittens i might have to leave the girl i love and move continents for a job because i can't find one here.
@SomeKittens $$$ doesn't make you happy but you can use it to buy stuff that makes you happy
(I jest)
@HatterisMad oooh, ouch. That makes it tough.
@SomeKittens It doesn't make happiness but it certainly facilitates it if wielded correctly
The greatest contribution money has to happiness is removal of things that make you unhappy (stress, worry, etc)
the future of html is javascript the future of css is javascript the future of servers is javascript
Where are all of the punctuations omg pls why
I have an integer stored inside $scope.sectionID. I want to add 1 to the value but $scope.sectionID + 1 is concats the value.
What can I do?
convert $scope.sectionID to a number
Clearly $scope.sectionID is actually a string then. You can use parseInt to turn it into a number.
hello guys, I need some help here(stackoverflow.com/questions/31201420/…), so ... thanks in advance.
@Enniswen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix yes sir!!! :-P
@ivarni @Lalaland parseInt($scope.sectionID) is still doing string concatenation
Hmm, that's odd. Could you post a minimal code example?
!!> parseInt('1', 10) + 1
@ivarni 2
@Somekittens indeed it does..... i would take a minimum wage job if it offered programming.
@HatterisMad Where exactly do you live?
Wow i sent that message like 20 minutes ago lol why did it just go through now
It went through NSA screening
@SomeKittens Thailand.... although I am at the point i might have to move back to the states to get work :/
var number_for_test = '1';
console.log(parseInt(number_for_test + 1, 10));
@HatterisMad I know a guy in Thailand who's looking for an apprentice
@HatterisMad No chance of getting your GF a green card or something like that?
Returns 11 for me
@ivarni she is going to school at like the harvard law of Thai schools
@Mathemats ...really?
@SomeKittens you have to be kidding me.... that is way too specific to be true
@Mathemats the reason should be obvious
console.log(parseInt(number_for_test, 10)+1); would be correct
console.log( (+number_to_test) +1)
!!> parseInt(1, 10) + 1;
@uselesschien 2
srsly :D
@HatterisMad Pinged him, I'll let you know if he gets back to me
@uselesschien hi's
@argentum47 His
@uselesschien we heard you like ints so we put an int in your parseInt so you can parseInt while you int :p
do you miaos ?
@ivarni hahaha
@argentum47 Did once
and then
@ivarni lol
@argentum47 Using + instead of parseInt is quite unclear.
@argentum47 Left because bad UI
@Lalaland then I can Number('10') + 1 ..
@Lalaland There are use cases for both
ty lads
!!> parseInt(1.2, 10)
@uselesschien 1
!!> +1.2
@uselesschien but # privacy and no-auto-un-freeze feature + github integration + no rep
@uselesschien 1.2
@argentum47 Is it active enough, tho?
I don't know much about the main JS room .. but with Awal I talk a lot
@SomeKittens sure, Thanks.
How do I return an value from promise?
@Ant's do you promises bro
@Ant's If you are still having trouble, it might be helpful if you post some simple pseudo-code of what you are trying to do.
If you're trying to use promises to write synchronous code.. (n)
Heh, I got a downvote on that answer of mine that's passed all my other answers in 24 hours :P
That's cute
@JanDvorak @Lalaland: var getPromise = new Checks() // returns an promise
	//here checksObj will be obtained after inilization

Now the problem I'm facing is all Checks method are boolean, so for example:

	checkObj.hasAccess() //returns true/false

now I want to use the checkObj.hasAccess() in if loops. And thats where I'm getting struck
rewrite your loops to continuation passing style
@JanDvorak: Meaning ?
@Ant's if loops?
@Ant's Could you post an example of your loop?
lets say if loops looks like: if( someOtherCondition && //here need to checkObj.hasAccess())
something like this @Lalaland
that' not a loop
Why can't you do that inside your .then callback?

        	 if( someOtherCondition && checkObj.hasAccess()) { // blah}
if ES6 is an option, Bluebird lets you convert promises to async generators which you can yield from
function loop(){
Like that?
@Lalaland Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
@Lalaland Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
@CapricaSix hai
@JanDvorak: Not using bluebird, using Q promises.
@Lalaland: Yeah thats one way, but was wondering, any other way was available.
@Ant's No. You have to use checkObj inside the callback.
@JanDvorak: Switch to bluebird?
Anything wrong with Q promises?
nobody uses them
No. Q promises are fine. Theoretically bluebird has better performance and more features.
and more size
As a beginner with js, picking the tool was very hard! Thanks for suggestions though @JanDvorak
the right tool*

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