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false, xhr
or websockets. close tie.
actually you're right about websockets
never had a reason to use xhr though so I wouldn't know about that
@SterlingArcher sorry
I love you
@nick xhr is ajax's true name
unless.. y u no ajax?!
@rlemon ahaha 0 results on reverse image search, you actually made that
@nick of course.
I make all of my own memes
I'm like the Jackie Chan of the internet
except canadian
so instead of kung fu... it's gravy on fries
jackie chan makes memes?
he does his own stunts. it was a joke.
oh i get it, cuz he does all his action scenes
@SterlingArcher probably the most appropriate use i've ever seen
Humans are slowly reverting back into hieroglyphics
@SterlingArcher never used ajax, i'm still kind of new to the whole server-side aspect
Except this time around, it will be doges, and jackie chan faces and trollguy
@nick oh I feel ya! If you need help we can assist
if i have a websocket connection is there ever a reason to use xhr/ajax?
Hello, could somebody help me with a small problem? I'm currently on a read more script but i have 2 small problems. 1. If i'm clicking on the link the first time the text is directly popping up instead of the toogle animation, why?                                                                                                                                      $(document).ready(function() {

    var readMoreText = "Read more..",
        readLessText = "Read less..";

    $(".entry-text").each(function() {
as a fallback
not really
2. How can i ensure that there is no html tag that is being "cutted"?
ah ok
if the websockets fail, you can fall back to long polling or w/e
but otherwise, no
@rlemon i use socket.io so I assume it handles all that for me
but it is (sometimes) important to understand what is happening under the hood
is long polling like.. an ajax request every x seconds or something?
@SterlingArcher I ask the server for some info.. the server waits then checks to see if the info has changed... if not the request happens again. if so you get data.
how do you do that? like a ping?
@Procos not sure, you might want to make a real question on SO
tbh I'm not sure what you mean by making sure an html tag isn't "cutted"
isn't that to "basic" stuff?
GET /info
if( checkForInfo() == true ) return info;
return null;
if( info == null ) ajax(info);
@SterlingArcher does that work for you?
@rlemon more or less thank you
best thing about being in the office alone is i can vape and work
best thing about having my own office, I always vape at work :D
@SterlingArcher i mean like a <br /> tag or something like that. Couldn't the tag actually being "cut" at <b ?
showoff D:
how's the provari working out? still using it?
everyday man!
good stuff.
@rlemon ahaha yeah the open floor plan is over-rated
coils I sent still kicking?
oh yeah! only been through like 3 or 4
sweet, those should last a while then.
I've been searching for new flavor juices though
I sent ten right?
ive had a couple bad ones recently :(
@monners I have about two dozen different things. Minecraft playset, stack of stickers, business cards, phone, a Mega Blocks car I found in a box of cereal, Nerf dart, keycap puller, phone charger, twist tie, and of course, my phone.
cool. if you have a bad juice and you wanna retain the coil. buy pure VG and drip that into the coil. then turn the thing upside down (after reassembly) and blow into the air hole while firing for a few seconds.
I can show you on hangouts if you want (not tonight, but one night)
oh I didn't know it was possible to do that
VG is very thick.
i wont be home for another 2 hours anyways
but it will essentially remove half or more of the flavour left
then tomorrow i leave for pittsburg so i'll be mia over the weekend too
@SomeKittens you got a mechanical keyboard? what type?
next weekend i aint doing SHIT man
@nick Das
yea, I will be busy for the next few days for reasons.
might not be on much
@SomeKittens oh nice one of my coworkers has a das 3 i believe
@rlemon i can't believe you can't get your wrist looked at for a month dude
Can you splint them yourself bear grylls style?
I got it bumped to the 19th
but I'm pretty sure there is a broken bone.
I felt it tonight. it hurt really bad and I pulled it up and over and felt something inside move. then no pain
wtf wow
you really might want to splint them until the 19th
@SomeKittens I also have a nerf dart, along with a deck of cards, my phone, a yoyo, a portal companion cube, minecraft torch, and lots of post-its
@SterlingArcher it isn't just like wrist movement
Oh, and a model pikachu, a solar-powered robot, and a model of the loche ness monster
the tendons pull and cause pain
I'll move my elbow. BAM! omgpain
i hope you feel better soon dude. i gotta run for a train now
!!afk running from rioters
ha later m8
I have to wake up in 5 hours
can't even sleep on the weekend
and I ran out of cocaine
sweet dreams
poor fellow
hope i never run out of cocaine myself
@Mosho just bug Benji
> hey boss man, you got any of the good stuff?
> I NEED IT!!!!!!
also @HatterisMad I left that script running
@rlemon ?
hi. i need a little help with a regex.
@Azevedo What's the problem?
see... "word1" will always be there. i need a regex to catch word1 AND word2 (if it exists)
will ctach only word2
i mean word1
what if word2 exists?
i need to catch word1 and word2 (if it exists)
but word1 will always exist
this regex (word1).*(word2)? will capture only word1
i need it to capture word2 also (if it exists)
hello? anybody here?
how do I get my name in italics?
i see
Another lover downvoted this funstuff ^^
I love that they dv the Q and not the A
they think you're a noob
@rlemon How many laps has it done now? also if im not mistaken that is a square track hahahaha
hi guys
@Procos create an example at jsfiddle.net
I paid USPS $27 not to listen to me. They were supposed to hold a package since I was in the hospital this morning. Tracking page says "Out for delivery." The place I paid (via their website) to hold it told me "this location doesn't do that".
in angular, why would ngClick work when developing locally, but then fail after deploying the code to another server - same browser, same code ??
can't recreate in a plunker or jsfiddle sadly
@NathanLoding not sure, have you cleared cache?
No errors in the console?
no errors in the console, cleared cache, tried chrome/firefox/ie/safari - i'm way lost
and, of course, it's a private site that i can't send to anyone to help me with
i know, right? the markup is simple: <i class="edit-prop-xs text-muted small glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-if="!ticket.isClosed" ng-click="edit.private.$show()"></i>
and it's using the angular-xeditable plugin: vitalets.github.io/angular-xeditable/#text-btn
but even if i replace the $show with a custom call in the controller, still goes boom
aaand it works now
i quit
g'night y'all
haha ok
good night
@NathanLoding maybe this tool will help ng-inspector.org
#f00 #bada55
@taco nice, wish i found that like 5 months ago
@rlemon I pushed the hex color underline thing
@nick I just found it now. I've been using Batarang, but don't like it as it doesn't always work
@taco - holy crap that is awesome
t=(n,m)=>(m=2*n+1,Array.from(Array(m),(d,i)=>Array.from(Array(m),(e,j)=>" /-\\ O"[(m-1==j+i)+2*(i==n)+3*(i==j)]).join("")).join("\n")) golfing with es6 has become way too much of an obsession codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/49781/…
@royhowie some dude beat you with 102 bytes
@royhowie never mind, looks like the leader is 37 bytes
I know
I also messed up my code
I need to add the other condition back in
@nick get an avatar!
your current one is giving me heart palpitations
i am proud to be of the glorious pink gravatar master race
It looks like a swastika. You should be banned >:d
godwin's law your argument is invalidated
I meant it looked like a Sanskrit svastika!
Also, I just discovered this today! angularjs.meteor.com
you're right it kind of does look like one
ill probably change it someday
Angular + Meteor? Yes, please
don't they do sort of the same thing?
Meteor also does stuff on the backend, Angular doesn't do that
just found that out
never really looked at meteor before
I've worked a bit with Angular, I started looking into Meteor and found this
This'll make it much easier to dockerize I think
@taco So Angular is a bit prude for your tastes?
does meteor include a server component? still trying to understand it
I think meteor wraps node for the backend stuff
@Shmiddty I don't know what ya mean :d
oh i get it now lol
oh haha i get it
took me a while
Meteor is meant to be used with frameworks, whereas Angular is a framework
wait so if im already using node for my app i can't use meteor?
I dunno
I think you would just yank out node references, and put "meteor" since it's wrapping node, but I'm still new to Meteor
@taco reddit.com/r/thebutton I still haven't clicked the button
I blocked reddit two days ago because I'm on it too much lol
I keep forgetting :/ .... I got 60s flare...
@royhowie i don't understand this at all haha
oh man.... there's this new reality show where restaurant owners face people who gave them bad online reviews. "Say it to my Face".... I can see a few more Crazy Amy's spawning from this show
they should call it "Fite me IRL"
u wot m8
being cheeky r u
haha exactly
This Food Factory show on FYI just shows how disgusting processed food is. I think it's supposed to be interesting, but it makes me not want to buy any frozen food anymore
nope, my scope issue from before is not fixed after all
totally stumped; locally, scope works as expected; deploy to the server, the ng-inspector shows a whole new scope being created ... same code
<span editable-checkbox="ticket.isPrivate"
{{ ticket.isPrivate ? 'Private' : 'Public' }}
<i class="edit-prop-xs text-muted small glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="edit.private.$show()"></i>
i tried to understand angular when i was updating a project a few months ago and failed miserably
tried w/ w/o $parent on the click and the e-form
@nick it's not that bad
why would the scope change after deploying to a server?
Maybe compare app dir structure? Maybe you're using bad path variables in controller config..? I can't think of anything solid
@Nathan how are you sharing the scopes? Are you injecting it? I've never used $parent. I always inject
has anyone ever had google music just stop working?
net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR is the error in the console
works in Safari but not chrome
nvm it just spontaneously started working again — idgi
@royhowie I've taken your golf to 124 characters. Keep at it
@Shmiddty did you use the string trick (the one I had before)?
did someone say golf?
Anybody wanna tell @Feeds the XKCD URL needs a trailing slash
@royhowie similar
A: Extendify the ASCII Sun

royhowie JavaScript (ES6), 139 135 140 + 1 bytes (+1 is for -p flag with node in the console) fixed: t=(n,m)=>(m=2*n+1,(A=Array).from(A(m),(d,i)=>A.from(A(m),(e,j)=>i==j?j==n?"O":"\\":m-1==j+i?"/":i==n?"-":j==n?"|":" ").join("")).join("\n")) usage: t(3) /* \ | / \ | / \|/ ---O--- /|\ ...

working on a solution right now :)
wrote a valid function
but I messed up the golfed version somehow
@monners +1 for the reference getting
@SomeGuy Wait...we read an article about it, right? Something about a VR experiment
@SomeGuy You can tell by the inner ear. Though you have to kill her to get to it.
@FlorianMargaine I always show that to vim-using friends ("friends")
@BenjaminGruenbaum And I know all that about your mom, but you don't see me bragging
@rlemon I switched your milk with hard drugs
@rlemon I don't know his name...
I first read it as "FireFox 4"
not sure how that happened
@Zirak Yeah, the VR one on New Yorker, I think
@Zirak I like the count the rings method better
@phenomnomnominal yo noms
I was just thinking about that fancy AST thing you were digging. I saw this JS object to CSS transpiler and made one I like better. It's not technical at all. I was thinking perhaps there's a more proper way of doing such a thing. What do you think? github.com/m59peacemaker/js-to-css/blob/master/index.js
Q: How do the bitwise operations work?

user1823I have come across strange operators such as &, |, ^ etc. How exactly do these operators work? >>> 10 | 7 15 >>> 10 ^ 7 13 >>> 10 & 7 2 >>> The pattern does seem quite odd, and most of the sources out there do not give answers that are easy to comprehend.

This has to be a duplicate
@m59: Thanks!
Great handwriting though
@Shmiddty @royhowie 116 :)
there's a repeat function?
String.prototype.repeat yup
did not know about this
I used that as a hack to use for in loop. means I can avoid a for real loop, which would mean I would need a return statement and curly braces
I used a string solution before
but I forgot to add the pipe row
@nderscore noice
javascript/math geniuses, what's the easiest way to go from bitwise [1,2,4,8,16] to [0,1,2,3,5] ?
in a nice way
that's just the powers
!!> [1,2,4,8,16].map(Math.log2)
@Zirak [0,1,2,3,4]
did you mean [0,1,2,3,4]?
yeah, that ^
hmmm... is there a log2 in nodejs?
doesn't work, hold on
Test it and tell us
is [0,1,2,3,5] what (note the 5 at the end) you actually want?
or do you want [0,1,2,3,4]?
sorry, mistyped that
seems like this works: Math.log(8) / Math.log(2)
@Zirak I've never been a defendant before. How exciting.
thanks for log2 pointer
You have Math.log2
Why not use it
doesn't work in node console
Yes it does
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'log2'
Show me what you tried to run
it definitely does
huh? But Math object is part of v8; what node version are you possibly on?
so weird, maybe it's only in newer node versions?
I'm stuck on 0.10.36
That shouldn't matter, v8 had it since the beginning of time
I tried it exactly like royhowie

> [0,1,2,4,8].map(Math.log2)
TypeError: undefined is not a function
huh, you're right...
On an old machine with 0.10.31 there's no log2. That's...weird.
Oh yeah it's not part of ES5, only ES2015
Hey, could somebody May take a look at my post?stackoverflow.com/questions/30114026/read-more-script-problems
@Procos create a jsfiddle jsfiddle.net
cya guys
@Zirak that's so bizarre
can any one help me to make it collapse and expand codepen.io/agrayson/pen/aLpKB
@umerqureshi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 div 3 tables = 3 div with 1 table each
which one is better ?
3 div with 1 table
what the election ??
you can more customize table and div as you want if you take
so you mean 3 divs with 1 table each ?
i thought you want me to decrease the number of tables LOOOOL
@THE :)
@THE 1 div 0 tables
@royhowie y
what are you using the tables for?
populating data with rows
but is it actual tabular data?
Q: How to check whether child window exists if parent window redirects to some other page

railsnewOn clicking the button a child window is opened: <button id="btn" onclick="myWindow = window.open('http://www.example.com/index', '', 'toolbars=0,resizable,scrollbars')">Start</button> The parent window will redirect to another page on button click. $('#btn').click(function(){ parent.loc...

@railsnew Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Question: I am developing a wysiwyg editor here: http://jsfiddle.net/590tcmqz/5/ and I am unable to undo the effect that I applied earlier. Example: If I select text and boldify it, it works fine. But if I want to remove the bold effect on it, I am unable to get the classname applied to the selected text. (line # 6)
How do I get the className?
Hi guys. I want to build this stack overflow like chat. I have dedicated server. What platform you prefer. XMPP or node.js???
Asking this question on a JS room will definitely favor nodejs
Then again, XMPP is just a protocol and not a platform
So your question in its entirety is a bit pointless
You can very well use xmpp on top of node, because...uhm...why wouldn't you be able to
hallo virtual people
we are actually real ;)
except Caprica ofcourse
@Zirak I wrote a workaroundish comment to the open in sources thing, can you userscriptify that? Or tell me how to? Last I tried I had the same problem - unable to access the panels' object.
That's a lie. Most people here are fake, Caprica is the only true person!
@AwalGarg Write it as native devtools, not as an extension
@Zirak You mean in c++?
No, the devtools are in html/css/js, you know that. But I mean as part of the devtools.
@Zirak IIUC, you want me to modify the dev tools code and recompile?
@Zirak What's wrong with custom scripts?
Also, what is not wrong with modifying the dev tools code and recompiling??
@AwalGarg Because that's a feature which should be in the devtools, not only on yours or mine.
@Zirak So I modify dev tools code, test, and pull request or something?
I can see where that will end. Dev tools team: "Hey good feature but your code is ugly like hell and you work completely opposite to our style guide. We will do this ourselves, just wait for ~800 decades. ~Closed".
Then don't write ugly code, conform to guidelines, make it good, and they'll accept it.
You fantasize too much :P
Worry not, you are never the subject of my fantasies.
@Zirak what about php+xmpp for my real time chat app?
@Kannu Do whatever you want
bestest advice ever given.

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