So in other news, I've got a meeting with my tech director today to pitch something my colleague and I have been working in in our own time for the past six months. Excited and nervous
@Mauro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm working on an angular project. I have a tabbed form that now edits "products" well. I now looking to extend it to create new "products" and I wanted some feedback on how'd you do it from the routing perspective. I'm using ui-router.
@SomeKittens i mean why is the event overListener function in the event handler not document.getElementById("top").addEventListener("mouseover", overListener(event)); and instead is document.getElementById("top").addEventListener("mouseover", overListener);
@SomeKittens , why is overListener not attached as overListener(event) and instead is attached as just overListener , why is the event argument not passed explicitly ??
@AlexanderSolonik try this: define a function in the console called foo. Now put in the console foo and hit enter, then put foo() and hit enter. What difference do you see and what do you infer from it?
I've got 5 tabs with views like this ui-sref="products.edit.pricing", "products.edit.{tab}" is a route name. So my new routes are called "{tab}", but I want the same view files to the edit routes to be used. and of course, the tabs should show active using ui-sref-active, but now two routes will trigger the active staate.
@mangulom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I´ve got a user´s list. I want to redirect to my route. But I didn´t get it
My form is
<form id='form-user' role='form' class='form-horizontal' action='{{ URL::route('delete') }}' method='post'>
@if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->admin)
<a id="link-modal" class='btn btn-primary...
@SomeKittens You've done the math, but do you disagree with the statement that equity (especially tiny amounts like half a percent) might just be a small addition to salary?
That's what I'd think equity is for. 0.5% obviously doesn't motivate anyone