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!!google ajax request
I can say SPA too
Ken owns Spa-rama
@phpPluginMaster how do you spa?
kind of, but you only need to dump in some data, to make it say what you want it to
@phpPluginMaster you are a PHP plugin master?
!!youtube ken owns sparama
@monners I could not find such a video
i know that part, but i mean instead of writing a whole script for it
!!youtube strictly ballroom spa-rama
@AwalGarg prefered language
@phpPluginMaster you should go write a DSL for all this
@phpPluginMaster your preferred language is PHP plugins?
yep, but it's hard to find what you're looking for
@phpPluginMaster what are you looking for?
!!youtube still haven't found what I'm looking for
deadicated script library
@phpPluginMaster what book do you want from this library?
You can probably find an ebook version online
!!map deadicated script library
who is caprica 6?
there you go, a deadicated script library is there.
!!google: who is caprica six
@phpPluginMaster Impossible
!!google battlestar galactica cap six
!!why is that impossible?
@phpPluginMaster Certainly
@phpPluginMaster That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: bot
@Zirak When Cap switches to node are we still gonna rename her Zoe Graystone?
!! is caprica six a bot?
@phpPluginMaster Not a chance
@phpPluginMaster please use the sandbox
@SomeKittens who is caprica six?
I am.
She's the room's automated overlord
Obey or pay
overlord DIE!!!
!!tell php sandbox
@php I'm actually a bot, so don't reply to me.
@phpPluginMaster I kicked you, you're annoying.
@phpPluginMaster Are you drunk?
@php Please go and play in the Sandbox
@monners No, he's always like this
!!learn expertbeginner <>http://www.daedtech.com/how-developers-stop-learning-rise-of-the-expert-beginn‌​er
@SomeKittens Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
So in other news, I've got a meeting with my tech director today to pitch something my colleague and I have been working in in our own time for the past six months. Excited and nervous
But he is trying to do a good thing on github :(
keyword: trying
@CapricaSix bah
!!learn expertbeginner "<>http://www.daedtech.com/how-developers-stop-learning-rise-of-the-expert-begin‌​n‌​er"
@AwalGarg Command expertbeginner learned
there ya go!
oh, forgot the quotes. I blame Ruby.
hey guys
whts up ? hows u guys doing ?
@AlexanderSolonik Please use proper English
i meant whats up guys ? hows is your day today ?
how are you somekittens ? your name makes me curious , why the name ?
Hah, I've had it for years
First came up with it late one night playing video games
> SomeKittens killed you
and it stuck
but why ?
unique ! I Like it
your welcome
which part of the world are you from ?
I'm currently in San Francisco, CA, US
ohh i know that place !
do you know a park in san francisco , where there are really bug trees ? i friend lives next to that park , but i forgot the park name .
big* trees
My* friend
we have lots of parks and lots of big trees
By the way, you can edit messages by pressing the up arrow
hey, anyone can help me with a angular ui-router thing?
@Mauro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yes actually just checked wiki and there are a hell of alot of parks !
lol actually i had a question about JS , almost forgot
have a look at this fiddle jsfiddle.net/5gxzny6h
@Mauro lots of people here know angular and may be able to help if you are specific.. but.. sundays are not the most populated.
<- does NOT know angular
<- Is on the Angular team. What's up? @Mauro
see how the function overListener is being called in the event handler
document.getElementById("top").addEventListener("mouseover", overListener);
there event argument is not passed
I'm working on an angular project. I have a tabbed form that now edits "products" well. I now looking to extend it to create new "products" and I wanted some feedback on how'd you do it from the routing perspective. I'm using ui-router.
@AlexanderSolonik What do you mean "not passed"?
@SomeKittens check my question up here
edit and create tend to be pretty similar concepts.
so who is passing the event argument ??
@Mauro don't ping random people.
@Mauro In these situations, I'd use RESTful URLs: /products/:productId. Not sure how else I can help without knowing your codez
@SomeKittens i mean why is the event overListener function in the event handler not document.getElementById("top").addEventListener("mouseover", overListener(event)); and instead is document.getElementById("top").addEventListener("mouseover", overListener);
But I don't use the router for tabbed forms
@AlexanderSolonik the second argument to addEventListener is the function to be run when the event is triggered.
I've got 5 tabs with views like this ui-sref="products.edit.pricing"
LOL i know that my question is
Think of it like saying "Hey, element: Whenever you're mousedover, run this function and give it all the details of the event"
So I want this same views 'products.edit.X' to be available when new
@SomeKittens , why is overListener not attached as overListener(event) and instead is attached as just overListener , why is the event argument not passed explicitly ??
Any examples around?
@AlexanderSolonik What is overListener in this case? (Specifically, what type of variable is it?)
@AlexanderSolonik try this: define a function in the console called foo. Now put in the console foo and hit enter, then put foo() and hit enter. What difference do you see and what do you infer from it?
(this can be really confusing when coming from the Ruby world)
@AlexanderSolonik it's the difference between passing a function to be called later, and calling a function right now.
ur right !!!
yeah ! ...
Thanks guys
have a nice night !
Enjoy, glad we could help.
sure @SomeKittens , Enjoy ur video games ;) c ya
There has to be a canonical on the difference between function referencing and function invocation.
Hi everyone
@AwalGarg When you reference a function you don't necessarily have to invoke it, you can have a function pointer point to it.
@DonLarynx JavaScript doesn't have explicit pointers
> Objects are passed around by passing a copy of a reference. Editor's note: i.e. passing by value
If this is true then the canonical does not exist.
@DonLarynx not really
Unless there is some hack around WeakMaps which I don't know of, I don't think this is possible.
guys can node communicate to HTML & MySql ?
as in HTML to Node to MySql and viceversa ?
as in can i use nodejs as a replacement to php config
I've got 5 tabs with views like this ui-sref="products.edit.pricing", "products.edit.{tab}" is a route name. So my new routes are called "products.new.{tab}", but I want the same view files to the edit routes to be used. and of course, the tabs should show active using ui-sref-active, but now two routes will trigger the active staate.
@mangulom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone know laravel
Q: dont execute my form action to route in laravel

mangulomI´ve got a user´s list. I want to redirect to my route. But I didn´t get it My form is <form id='form-user' role='form' class='form-horizontal' action='{{ URL::route('delete') }}' method='post'> @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->admin) <a id="link-modal" class='btn btn-primary...

Is tthat a PHP thing?
php framework
then go away
… to the PHP room
I explained my case a bit better: stackoverflow.com/questions/30020366/…
why would someone get dropped from the sandbox?
You've been kicked from Sandbox.
!! why would someone get dropped from the sandbox?
@phpPluginMaster Indeed
@SomeKittens phpPluginMaster added to mindjail.
@phpPluginMaster You iz in mindjail
!!anyone around right now?
@SomeKittens you just want people to read for grammar?
@royhowie and content, etc
@SomeKittens I'll work for equity in your face!
@SomeKittens Take this: –
@SomeKittens You've done the math, but do you disagree with the statement that equity (especially tiny amounts like half a percent) might just be a small addition to salary?
That's what I'd think equity is for. 0.5% obviously doesn't motivate anyone
Isn't the whole driving factor of getting equity that 0.5% of 20 billion dollars is a lot?
Maybe, but the chance of the company making 20 billion is abysmal

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