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yea this is fall to the ground painful. :/
and it seems to be getting worse.
I've had a broken clavicle, broken in 3 parts, I haven't had an operation, but now it's strangely consolidated and my shoulder is clearly shorter :/
I've broken so much :( I am a very clumsy person.
@BenFortune dammit. now I have to buy that
@rlemon I've had it pre-ordered for ages xD
I no longer pre-order
been burned with games that were not at all what they hyped it to be
The only games I don't pre-order are EA
And Steam's early-access crap
@rlemon :couch: destiny :cough:
yes, couch
never got destiny
I just wanted the white PS4, so it was worth it
Civ BE was.. meh.
felt like an expansion and not a new game
I just thought of a fun prank.
glitter in the vents?
In someone's host file, reroute google to rebecca.blackfriday
needs to be more subtle
I haven't gotten into GTA V mods yet
they look like a lot of fun
!!youtube gta v gravity gun
The script hook didn't take long to come out
There's also a modification called FiveM that should be out soon
That will be able to support 300ish people in a server
So is GTA online basically an MMOFPS?
@BenFortune omg
@rlemon suddenly, glitter allergies and lawsuits
I haven't played the online yet
just story mode
Online is just an absolute mess
Kill or be killed
The heists are great though
I played online briefly when it initially came out. It was alright; kinda boring
fuck, I'm too slow writing an answer xD
A: Adding rows to table using jquery

Neoares$(document).ready(function () { $("#addRowBtn").click(function () { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); var td = document.createElement("td"); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "text"; $("#tableForRows").append(tr); $(...

Postgres guys, could use a little help
at least you used document.createElement, instead of shoving HTML into strings and shittily concatting them
I'm writing an app that requires me to save a few days of the week in a database, like
@Neoares that should be closed as a typo
id | days
1  | [sunday, monday, wednesday]
@ssube well, I show him a better way to do it
What would be a good data type to use, assuming I need to use those days later to generate dates in the app level (Get me all of the sundays, mondays and wednesdays on month X)
@Neoares why aren't you using jQuery there?
The app itself is written in JS.
@BenFortune I could, but is that optimal for "Get me all of the sundays, mondays and wednesdays on month X"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum because I'm not used to :)
I usually use jQuery for the selectors
or int[] if you wan store day numbers
sup folks
sup ninja
I know I can create an enum type, but will I be able to easily translate them into something JS can use?
do you know ninjas don't like shotguns?
that sentence is bad
Don't*, not doesn't.
I don't want to make a silly map of {"sunday": 0, "monday": 1, ...}
why not?
Also, ninjas would have used shotguns if they were available, just not to shoot people.
thought sunday = 0 and monday = 1 is already used by libraries liek moment, js so you dn't have to
@Luggage Because I know how to do it in JS, and I'm almost sure that there's a better way I don't know about from Postgres's side
@ssube hahaha I see what you did there
well, you gotta choose a data type. string or integer are your best choices
@ssube It's the same but different append order
it's almost liek you are asking "how do i do this without writing any code at all"
@MadaraUchiha What about a mix of text[] and ANY?
@BenFortune Explain?
@Neoares it's not even vaguely the same
I've only used the basic stuff in postgres but I remeber being able to do something like WHERE {'monday','tuesday'} = ANY(days)
@Neoares you're creating a row, searching for the table, and appending it. Then you create a cell, search for the row you just had, and append. That creates the cell, then creates the row, then appends the cell to the row before it ever gets added to the visible DOM.
@ssube oh yes, I tried to do this but it threw me an error, maybe I did something wrong
oh ok, I used append instead of appendchild, and I created the element without using jQuery
that's why it didn't work
but my answer is still better than the most upvoted xD
Screens fall on face
@rlemon Only $50k for that model
never leaves home
@rlemon read the comments
> where's the hole in the chair for you to shit in? or the catheter for your piss? fucking casual shit right here
@Shmiddty Remove a 0
Q: how to make web page look like desktop application by html

alghwainmI want to design web-page look like desktop application, I found one site it is look like MS office 2007 , but i don't know how he did . Example of web page look like desktop application I found please if anyone have an idea about that i will be pleasure . hint : I need HTML template only T...

@NickDugger how did you do the quote?
> please if anyone have an idea about that i will be pleasure .
Catheters are fucking awful
sex for code
@patwoj98 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
A: how to make web page look like desktop application by html

patwoj98You need to have a web developer. He make it for you. If you know basics of HTML, CSS you can do it yourself if you have a graphic project.

@patwoj98 no
just no.
Ok, thanks ;)
it is a very low quality answer, if you can even argue that it answers the question.
also, SO takes the stance that we shouldn't answer questions we're closing.
it makes the asker think they can still ask said questions, because they were answered.
!!learn its_a_trap i.imgur.com/aEIepW3.gif
@crl Command its_a_trap learned
$('my app').makeLikeADesktopApp();
@crl drop the ""
@crl Please enter some output
now the space
@crl Command its_a_trap learned
!!learn its_a_trap <>http://i.imgur.com/aEIepW3.gifv
@rlemon Command its_a_trap learned
do I have to do everything myself?!
Rat stew
!!learn its_a_trap <>http://i.imgur.com/aEIepW3.gif
@crl Command its_a_trap learned
my theme does it as well.
your eyes are not open the same
makes you look funny
also I'll be gimping that one
let me fix the eye first.
I didn't link to the conf, I linked to the challenge. Also yeah that's a bad picture :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum FTFY
it must be friday
i.sstatic.net/A61X1.png @BenjaminGruenbaum there we go
Now fix the color and the hair :D
if I cared enough I'll fix the lighting on the eyes
@BenjaminGruenbaum what is wrong with the colour?
not white, mainly
you are not white?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I always expected you to have brown eyes. I have no idea why
@rlemon Impossible, he's not of the Slaven
Benji has beautiful eyes <3
btw you can fix those eye shadows with some tea bags
to relieve those tired eyes
Your eyes look a little red
He's high af
(plot twist: that's a joke)
Q: Gulp command opens gulp.js in notepad instead of running it

topleftI did install it correctly i think. My package.json { "name": "my-project", "version": "0.1.0", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^3.8.11", "gulp-concat": "^2.5.2" } } my gulp.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); ...

okay, eye and hair is fixed.
what else?
Needs more jquery
!!afk and stuff
Seems pretty accurate
leaveing work
see you guys :)
@ziGi Cool:)
@Zirak jBeard
Thinking outloud: if I have an ajax request when the user posts a message, will pinging a chat refresh every 10 or so seconds cause conflictions?
user image
here's some supersian
@Loktar omg
haha isn't that so crazy?!
that guy is so lucky
he barely missed that telephone pole
and then almost went into oncomming traffic lol
do es6 importa support any asynronous requires?
@Loktar did he faint or something?
yeah he passed out I guess
@Luggage depends on your module loader
for a moment I was like.. huh.. i didn't know hipsters went off roading
then i saw the title and I was like dang
i'm using amd-style defines right now for async
well, i get to use both right now..
and i know i can still use them, es6 doesn't take tha away
why doesn't $slice work in $addToSet? Is there some similar operation that would work?
@Loktar do you have the full video?
@ziGi no just saw that on r/wtf
Yeah i thought he was going to get intimate with the telephone pole
@Loktar something similar happened to me once. I hit the railings in the middle of the highway which returned me again in the lane and I returned to consciousness
it's good that there wasn't anyone around me
yeah lucky man
My dad drives like that all the time on long trips
So it's acceptable to supply ironic answers that may mislead newbies? — Ben Aston 3 mins ago
@Zirak @SomeGuy look ^ :/
He will fall asleep and slowly drift over and hit the rumble stip and it will wake him up and then he will slowly drift over to the other side of the highway and hit the other rumble strip
@BenjaminGruenbaum I still hate the dispatcher in flux
I like how reflux does away with that
Did that for like 3 hours on the way to oklahoma once at like 4 am.... I would occasionally make small corrections into the steering wheel so we didnt go off the road lol
@Loktar I just use Rx and that takes care of that for me
I need to check that out
I was going to try it a while back for the js room challenge, never got around to it
@Loktar FUCK YOU LOKTAR I was really excited if you were going to bash his head in with a koala or something.
@HatterisMad :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum The internet is srs bsns, sir.
Original example had a BuilderFactory
ES6, can you import a default and export as a key?
export * from './app' works, but doesn't seem to export 'app', so I want something like 'export * as app from './app`
@RoelvanUden yes, you can export default
Oh wait, I see what you mean hmm.
I say nah
An upvote counts as getting it? More likely people from the stackexchange JS chatroom piled in on the joke. — Ben Aston 49 secs ago
@SterlingArcher iffy, I wish I could see more
@BenjaminGruenbaum bah!
aw common my last comment was to close the discussion don't open it again - it'll make it get to meta and shit :D
You literally start your answer off with "Here's an alternative approach"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh, seriously shouldn't have upvotes though
Deleted :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you 27 years young?
gfycat.com/OpulentLoathsomeAiredale soccer needs to look more like this
import providers from './providers';

export default {
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum ^ that's how it works I guess
He should have started it off with. "Im gonna make ya mad."
@BenjaminGruenbaum such vision
A: How can i use other function variables?

user1823Just access it, it is already defined as long as colNum() has been called: function colNum() { a = prompt(' The number of rows?'); if (!parseInt(a)) { console.log("Not number") } } function genTable() { alert(a); } <body onload='colNum()'> <button on...

this is real bad
@ssube but it feels real good
@SterlingArcher what is soccer?
@ziGi tomorrow
americans call it soccer
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha I guess microsoft are really good then :D
They're a day early
still, pretty good
They think I am 44 and I am 2 years younger than you
hrmph. Does this seem like it should work? It's giving me an error.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :O is it?
@AwalGarg Nudge #1 registered.
var daysToString = function (days, formatString) {
  var formatString = formatString || "ddd";
  var arr = _.map(days, function (day) {
    return moment().day(day).format(formatString);
  return (arr.length === 7) ? "Every Day" : arr.join(', ');
Q: Please This is urgent Only one day left

ouss203First I am more than a noob in coding in javascript this is why I want a detailed explanation with screenshots if possible the only thing I know is ctrl+shift+i My mobile operator launched a game like a gambling 'roulette' which is free to play and peeople will win mobile recharge codes I saw som...

And gone
But it was urgent!
hit -23 before it was deleted
We urgently took care of it
aww I missed it
@SterlingArcher go get 350 rep
im working on it lol
no good questions lately
Hello, could somebody take a look at my post? stackoverflow.com/questions/30114026/read-more-script-problems
@taco i've added a js now.
@Procos Looks great.
what? ;)
I took a look at your post. It looked great.
you can pull the event handler function out so it's shared between all elements, which will be a little bit easier to maintain
Nevermind, too dry humour I suppose.
@Procos I looked at it. I will take cheque.
but otherwise, it works and seems pretty clean
@RoelvanUden XD
hm.. i'm trying to use babel's --optional bluebirdCoroutines but now webpack is complaining about the function* in the result. it's like it's outputing es6 instead of es5
I just managed to put 2 boxes side by side in CSS without googling anything!!! So. Much. Proud.
well I googled once.
@Luggage what's special about those?
@Luggage that's... odd, it shouldn't do that.
@Mosho they don't swallow errors.
Challenge: put two boxes side by side with vanilla CSS without Googling even once.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, yeah swallowing is a big selling point
@copy are there more bands like Rammstein ?
i mean not mainstream ones ---
@darkyen00 why are you asking him?
german :P
The irony of building a text message application and not having enough signal to test it is astounding
yay: just finished what probably is my most code-wise polished pen ever!
again, rainbows, particles, explosions
all you could ever wish
@BenjaminGruenbaum asking you would get our russian friend back :3
not enough cheese and unicorns, but still
just wait a few seconds for the "gathering cycle" to begin
@AwalGarg display: inline
@towc lol gravity on full is funny
@Zirak inline-block ?
@Zirak do it and we talk
well you will do it most likely :/
@SterlingArcher yeah, the thing might have a few problems, but the animation keeps going and you can still see the explosions
so, I'm happy with it :D

1.Why doesn't my "haha" button hide at the beginning
2.Why when you click "haha" does it run the code for the "Let's begin" button?
@darkyen00 Probably
> document.write is disallowed in JSFiddle envioriment and might break your fiddle.
You have multiple problems with your fiddle. Please read the error messages
@SterlingArcher It doesn't work in the browser also
can a JS function that takes 2 parameters be called with 0?
@JoJo yes, and you can even call it with 10 parameters
Gotta love that dynamic nature ;-)
@JoJo I dunno, try it out and tell us.
yep, it's real bad
Thankfully, I use TypeScript, and don't have to worry about crap like that.
I just heard about TypeScript yesterday
Is ECMAScript 6 better than JS?
@RoelvanUden And lots of other stuff, like a soul.
Souls are overrated.
@JoJo ES6 is JS
ok ty
@JoJo ES6 is JS. TypeScript is just JS with type annotations. Basically.
@Zirak If you tell TS to expect a soul, TS will make sure you have a soul. Otherwise, it doesn't care.
posted on May 08, 2015 by Alex R. Young

Earl Grey (GitHub: breuleux/earl-grey, License: MIT, npm: earlgrey) by Olivier Breuleux is a language that compiles to JavaScript. It's aware of ES6 features and actually compiles to ES6. It's built using great libraries like babel. Naturally Earl Grey supports sourcemaps. The syntax is Python inspired, but modern JavaScript shines

neat.. but why?
so many throwaway electronics now :/
the portable vs is neat too
why not
why have usb dongles
but not computer dongles
though with mobile devices nowadays idk
You can buy 100 of them and then you have a 100 Ghz cluster with 50 GB ram
Yes please.
that would be kind of neat to see a beowulf setup
@copy running linux, too, so you could actually use it
How is C.H.I.P. so cheap?
It is not a 9 dollar "computer" for what most people think of a computer. It is a $9 CPU for what most people think of a CPU.
"My storage is more expensive than my computer!" Haha.
@AwalGarg looks like a computer to me
@RoelvanUden Wow, that's awesome!
I don't know what use it'd be, though
Apart from what copy suggested
Build your own phone
Home automation without having to write C

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