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@NickDugger this dude beat out my talk?
@SomeKittens It was the keynote, but yeah... indirectly, I guess so lol
You did a talk?
link link link
@Meredith I submitted a talk proposal
Someday I hope to do a talk but that's unlikely
You should start your own conference
I submitted a meetup suggestion about 'Getting Started in Node, without a framework'... if I go talk at a small meetup, it can help warm me up for bigger talks in the future
@NickDugger best way to get started!
@SomeKittens just start with a Meetup talk or something
@taco Right now I'm working on finding good meetups
> knowledge of JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, Angular, Backbone, NodeJS, Closure, etc
Who even writes these?
Is that in a job app?
Just ignore it pretty much
@NickDugger dude, just use Hired
But in your cover letter make sure you mention your framework experience
also, use it with my referral link join.hired.com/x/pChYBG
@Meredith It's in a job description
Yeah that's what I meant
Or Starships.io, whenever that comes out.
They don't have many cities on Hired :(
Is dice still popular for tech jobs
@taco HA
Everything I've heard about Dice suggests it's swarmed with scummy recruiters
I'm on my work laptop so not about to check
Idea: tinder for jobs
Hackathons are basically Tinder for jobs
Tinder for Tinder-clone startups
Does anyone else find testing node code in the terminal really annoying?
Testing is annoying no matter what
To clarify, I don't mean like "writing test cases", I just mean fiddling around to see if something works
Or debugging, I suppose.
yeah, that's all the hard parts of coding
I'm finding that I'm tempted to add browserify to my project just so I can do my testing in a browser console, not the terminal, and I can't decide if that's crazy or not.
I've considered it too dw
@Retsam yeah that sounds crazy
Node has a built-in debugger
as well as a webkit one
Hello, has anyone in here ever built a safari extension?
Yeah, I don't mean breakpoint debugging, just REPL stuff, but the actual using of the node repl is fairly painful, for some reason.
Hi @SomeKittens
Coup iOS clone not going well?
Hahah it's on the queue I started this first so I have to finish it
I am close but I am having permissions issues with safari.
@tjmehta oh, good luck with that
or you could do what I do and never finish anythi
haha that's what i like to avoid
@tjmehta that's an interesting extension idea
Yah safari first, but it should be an easy port to chrome. I've kept cross-browser compatibility in mind, and from what I've seen from the API docs so far they seem verrry similar.
@SomeKittens if I get a job through hired, I expect you to buy me beer, with that $4k... lol
@NickDugger come out here and I'll buy you two
I have no desire to step foot in CA
When a company lists jQuery 1.6 as a neccesary skill to have for a job, I immediately close the window
Well, maybe it's a job requirement. I'd be more concerned with the benefits and pay
If you don't want to be stuck with jQuery though, fair enough. I could see how that might get dull
@Retsam you'll end up with subtle bugs that way
@phenomnomnominal Like?
@Retsam oh I didn't read this
But maybe, some things in browserify are wrong.
For instance the path module that it pulls in is always the unix one
Yeah, in my current project that's not too important; this is just a for fun project that doesn't have to work cross-systems or anything like that
(I'm working through these crypto challenges in JS)
looks cool!
But I think my main problem is that I just need to use the REPL less and write actual script files more.
@Retsam use Sublime Text or NotePad++
Yeah, I use Sublime.
oh okay, i thought you were typing in node REPL cli
I was, but that's to test the code not to write it. My stereotypical workflow (that I need to get better about fixing) is to write Foo.js in ST, then open the REPL, and do stuff like Foo = require("./Foo"); foo = new Foo(); foo.bar(), and if that doesn't come out right, I make the changes in Sublime and then do the whole REPL thing again.
And I get tired of typing all the boilerplate over and over just to test "foo.bar()", (Especially when the boilerplate is more than an require and a constructor) since there's no autocomplete on the RELP.
maybe use a livereload tool
Well, livereload would imply browser-based, right?
That node-inspector tool @SomeKittens mentioned would work
just use "--save-live-edit" flag
It'll run on port 8080 of the browser
Hey guys, consider this simple image loader:
var file = files[i],
img = new Image();
img.onload = app.preloader.fileLoaded;
img.onerror = app.fileFailed;
img.src = file.src;
Is there a way I can poll for progress to get a smooth loading bar?
Q: JavaScript loading progress of an image

LightIs there a way in JS to get the progress of a loading image while the image is being loaded? I want to use the new Progress tag of HTML5 to show the progress of loading images. I wish there was something like: var someImage = new Image() someImage.onloadprogress = function(e) { progressBar.valu...

Thanks, not sure how I couldn't manage to find that on Google o.O
your google fu is weak
First word has the greatest weight; plus sign requires a word minus sign excludes a word, and put quotes around a phrase
if I'm loading a lot of files, would it be wise to load say, 3, at a time maximum?
There's a bunch of other tricks, but those help the most imo
also use site:stackoverflow.com
Thanks, that's useful
I thought using quotes required the contents.. no wonder it never worked!
@Billy are you using HTTP 1 or 2?
TIL there's an HTTP2 spec in the wild...
@SomeKittens Huh?
He's asking if you're using HTTP 1.1, which is the default
You would probably know if you're using HTTP 2 I'd imagine
Preloading is useless
@SomeKittens is HTTP/2 the same as SPDY caniuse.com/#feat=spdy
@taco SPDY is the predecessor to HTTP2
@copy I've seen a use-case for medical images for terabyte images that worked kind of like Google Maps
It makes sense for certain very specialised applications
@Billy I'd say it really depends on analytics information you'd gather about your user base. In our office the marketing department might use "A-B testing" to find out which is better, but I don't know much about it
I'm just building a simple game I suppose it's not really necessary
nah, you probably just want to use a CDN
@Billy Yeah. Worry about scaling and perf about 10 seconds after you hit problems.
just create a media.example.com domain, create a DNS record for the domain, use the cloudflare DNS, and tell cloudflare to cache using that DNS record. They then serve the image from their closest node
Same thing applies, though. If you don't plan on having many concurrent users, then don't bother
it's more a learning exercise / proof of concept than anything intended for production :)
Should you always put a tbody element inside a table element? Is there any good reason not to?
Chrome will do it for you automatically
@lv0gun9 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thank you @Caprica Six
@NickDugger I know chrome does it automatically but If I try to get the children of a table ( thinking I'm getting the rows ) it just gives me one element: the tbody...., even if i didn't declare it. This has led to hours of suicidal thoughts in the past.
everybody luvs a kung foool fight'n
yeahhh a dem boyz a as fast as a lightn'n
Hi, guys
can anybody give me a clue about this question?
Q: ELK stack cluster health yellow and Kibana doesn't work

EnglishMasterI am trying-out installing and setting up ELK stack on AWS. However I'm having trouble with Logstash and Kibana. I currently have 2 Elastic search instances and they are load balanced and working well. However, when I hit http://load_balance_url:9200/_plugin/head/, I get the following result: ...

@Cinch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anybody know about CanaryMod + ScriptCraft for Minecraft here? Walter Higgins?
What's the popular testing framework around these days?
@Unihedro Mocha and/or Jasmine
@Unihedro I've heard good things about tape
Is there any good framework for embedded JS in another program?
I'm a C++ programmer who is looking at JS as a scripting language but am unsure where to find a good header-only implementation.
How do Spidermonkey or V8 fit your needs??
@JanDvorak I don't know.
How are they?
Guys, can anybody answer my above question?
@EnglishMaster Oh, you again.
BTW, Samsung is allegedly going to buy AMD and compete with Intel
what do you think?
@EnglishMaster I ... guess not
@EnglishMaster gg no re
@JanDvorak What do you mean?
Are you ready for Samsung products ruling your household electronics?
@EnglishMaster Otherwise they would have answered
@EnglishMaster ...And they already don't?
You do realize that Samsung's foundry is already #1 right?
I've realised it long time ago
Then what's the problem?
Samsung already has a large grip on phones as well.
@EnglishMaster ...
You sound like somebody that would be in /r/conspiracy.
Yeah okay, delete that.
@Cinch I know, are you trying to verbally fight me?
There's a breed of chat room denizen that says things to sound impressive but completely fails due to their lack of thinking it through. EnglishMaster is one such person.
I'm working ATM, but I can still beat you while my half-consciousness is focused on my work
> "And it's going to come right into all over your place and make you its slave. Like in 50 shades of grey" - EnglishMaster
So this is 17 after midnight
@EnglishMaster yes, yes, you're mad swole
I'm just not going to say anything lol
I'm sure physical threats of violence make you seem oh so mature.
Right, you look like a rejected Sesame Street character, do you realise that or not?
@EnglishMaster What are these insults, man? lol
I've been here 1 minute and I'm already about to kick-ban somebody
@EnglishMaster bye
I'm not insulting you, I'd be banned if I do so
Was that a ban?
He can't talk for a minute
@phenomnomnominal <3
Mmm. I see.
Archer is love, Archer is life.
Well hello!
@EnglishMaster How is that even an insult? Did you run out of ideas halfway through?
I'm Cinch from Lounge<C++> how do you do?
@phenomnomnominal Thanks
what does that mean?
@Cinch oh, it's a joke that Lounge<C++> is always the source of flags (people saying "Hey, this message is offensive")
@ApathyBear hai!
Ok I'm really sorry guys
@EnglishMaster HA! Finally you've said something actually funny.
hello guys
"Gholtsman" is a pretty sweet surname
Oh I see.
@SomeKittens Did I do it right?
@Cinch very much so
I need help. I got jquery ajax request on client side and asp mvc on server side.
I send this to the server
But I didn't get temperatureRanges
Do somebody know why?
Why would somebody write a test to prove something fails but in order to write a test, the person already need to know how it fails?
@EnglishMaster Where do these questions come from lol
I made it up
I just want to know why
If I have a backbone collection that has models with attributes (name, id, age, height), how would I give it a method to return a 2d array with each element being (name, age)
@jtc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jtc You loop each model and make JSON objects of name and age, then put them in an array
I wish Javascript supported tuples
ill give it a shot thanks
by JSON objects, do you mean JSON, or objects?
Aren't they same?
JSON is a string
string is object
uhh... no
sorry, please enlighten me then.
#sidenote, BTW, I'm not referring to the quote from 50 shades of grey
its a primitive naturally
but i believe in js you can make a string object
correct me if im wrong
Like in 50SoG, you have primitives and you have objects
His antics tire me
SomeKittens, did you just ban me?
I believe I did.
Why would somebody write a test to prove something fails but in order to write a test, the person already need to know how it fails?
@EnglishMaster Example?
Well, I'm talking about testing in general
For example, you've wrote a piece of code for password validation and you want to write a test for it.
But you must be aware of what will fail in order to write it in first place, so why would you write a test in programming?
You don't write tests to discover what will fail.
You write tests so that you can change the code in question, re-run the tests, and confirm that nothing broke.
Well, you have to write a new test if code changes
Nope. Look up "refactoring"
Here is a prediction for your future in 15 years
No more network engineers or DB admin
I predict I kickban you after whatever you say next.
ok sorry
@SomeKittens whatup. Trolls have seeped into js room eh?
That's really just stupid.
Of course you.
@ApathyBear Yep. Never ending flood.
It's true, you don't need network / DB engineers / admin once everything is automated
Admins should start a log of the craziest stuff the trolls say. We can make a book of it! That could be exciting.
and has its good infrastructure
@ApathyBear alas, we don't get exciting trolls very often.
Why would company pay someone 150k per year to setup and manage their internet if technology can replace him/her?
@SomeKittens Yea this one isn't very impressive.
Huh, todays xkcd is about the Ontological Argument... wow, wasn't expecting that bit of trivia to make an xkcd comic.
@Retsam vaguely remember that from philosophy class. I remember it wasn't a very strong argument. Or it was fuzzy. Anywho, link?
nvm, just realized you said it was todays
Yeah, as I remember the Onotological argument is the sort of argument that makes sense to a philosophy major, but not to anyone else.
Do they make sense to someone who majored in Computer Science?
Did they also major in philosophy?
Nah, but I'm all about "drama"
@Retsam I actually majored in Philosophy and I didn't get it. Neither did the professor who explained it to me. shrug
Huh, sounds like a mediocre professor.
@ApathyBear What do they teach you in Philosophy?
I'd rather spend 2 years in Marine corps instead of spending 4 years studying stupid Philosophy. Both of them teach you equally valuable lessons and first option even pays you
and gives you abs
@EnglishMaster have you done either of them?
@EnglishMaster Yeah, be sure to tell them to bury you topless ;)
1 hour later…
Q: Use android "headless"

darkyen00I have an unrooted nexus 5 (Big mistake I should off root it), due to some unfortunate circumstances my phone screen ripped off from the phone leaving the phone functional but "headless". I have already ordered another phone, so buying a new one is out of question plus I want to scrape off data ...

This is the problem
ot/su ?
whats that ?
boink even i think this belongs to super-user.
this question looks off--topic for stack overflow
yeap, deleted it
moving it to SU
Q: Use Android Headless

AbhishekI have an unrooted nexus 5 (Big mistake I should off root it), due to some unfortunate circumstances my phone screen ripped off from the phone leaving the phone functional but "headless". I want to scrape off data and move off things from my phone. I do have backups on but the last backup was ta...

@darkyen00 just use adb?
Download all the files with adb
Just adb pull whatever you need.
Please tell me some questions that needs good knowledge of FP to solve. Previous day I realized, I might be working too much, but I wasn't being fruitful enough. and perhaps my learning stopped altogether.
Functional programming?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Access Denied
@darkyen00 Sprinkle sudos.
unrooted device
@darkyen00 Use a hammer
You're pretty much buggered then
Though, I'm pretty sure you can root a device without seeing the screen
i.sstatic.net/BJoS3.jpg @SecondRikudo hammer won't do anything much
@BenFortune you can
but it will wipe off the partition
@darkyen00 Not enough hammer.
@darkyen00 I've rooted many phones without any data loss
when you do it via shell you have to disable oem lock via command line
the moment you do that, android 5 will reset
You don't need to flash a rom to gain root afaik
oh shit, forgot about the bootloader
told ya.
Was pretty simple with my G3, it used a brute-force method to root
bootloader is still locked
@JanDvorak yeah,, I mean relies on map, filter reduce. like yestarday's createQuery..
@argentum47 you can always do stuff without map/filter/reduce
but I need to get away from frameworks and start doing basic things.
Project Euler
@BenFortune which is ?
if i can root it then i can use airdroid to get a screen
then i can use the screen to do anything i want
infact i will use this phone till the new one comes in.
It's a G3-only method
Towelroot can do it without wiping, but you need to be able to see your screen >.<
Hello, is there a way to set some kind of flag so that the form only gets submitted, if i set this flag? I would like to use that for a login form, so that the page is not always reloading.
    var flag = false;

            User: "required",
            Password: "required"
    		User: "Please enter a Username!<br />",
    		Password: "Please enter a Password!",
        submitHandler: function(form)
Can anyone offer me any advice on scraping content from an iFrame? The data belongs to a client of mine but the 3rd party have no API, so as a last resort I need to get the data directly from the iFrame we have access to. This is rubbish, I know, but I don't think we have any other options. The request is obviously to a different domain, so I'm not sure how to get around this. Any help would be appreciated...
@Dan look up "same origin policy"
@JanDvorak I know, that's where I'm stuck. I can see why this exists, but this is a legit' case for scraping, so is this possible?
@Dan use internet explorer 6
or scrape on the server
your choice.
"I have a good reason to enter people's houses without notice, so... is there any good way to bypass the lock on a door?"
@JanDvorak What if it's your house but you lost the keys..? Never had to break a window to get back in? ; )
You're still asking us how to break into someone's house
Yeah, I get the point, but this isn't so easy. What would you do? The client wants the data and getting the project probably hinges on this.
scrape on the server, or at least (if the server needs to be dumb) proxy the response and scrape the proxied content
@Dan You might also want to ensure that if your actions break site's TOS, it's your client's fault.
How does proxied content work? Do I load the content onto my site and then scrap from that file?
look at how HTTP proxies work
It's a user log in, so I need to send a username and password via the URL query string.
have fun
do not do that
Passing via the query string?
@Dan wait, what? Are you sending a password in the URL??
Exactly, that's how the iframe works. Not my code, it's utter bullshit.
that's a terrible idea
oh god
There's a service to report sites that send you a password through email, but this is a new low.
It's a can of worms, what can I say.
I think I'm becoming vegetarian after having seen this can

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