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I like Apple phones because they're sandboxed. Developers shouldn't have free reign of my device
Does Windows 7/8/10 sandbox? I haven't used Windows in a while? Windows 10 sounds kind of cool
I like apple phones, because I like apples; Terminator scares me.
@taco hell no
processes are not sandboxed from one another, but they are pretty well firewalled from the system itself
layering ASLR, S0 isolation, UAC, and everything else has been pretty effective
there's way too much software that relies on shared memory access to actually split everything up
app store stuff for w8+ has restrictions against that, so those apps don't need it
They should've just moved to POSIX
Thank god for OVH's rescue system and chroot
Apple had Rosetta for OS9, Microsoft could've done something like that for backwards compatability to allow dev's time to migrate
!!afk lunches
@BenFortune almost makes up for their awful network configuration
thanks to whoever posted that bugzilla link about firefox 13 dropping effect prefixes. really fun, schadenfreude-filled read
function LemonError(message,val) {
    this.name = "LemonError";
    this.message = (message || "");
    this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
    this.val = val;
LemonError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
how would you guys include this in node?
just at the top of the file that needs that error type?
is there an elegant way to include it with the module system?
you mean, instead of doing require('path/to/module/lemonerror')?
can you use babel?
that wouldn't expose it @NickDugger ?
export class LemonError extends Error { constructor ...
@rlemon then do module.exports
I'm confused about what you need
Yeah, I'd just do module.exports = LemonError?
module.exports = LemonError:
var LemonError = require('error.js');
I'm asking if there is a better way to include it besides this
but then I realize there is not
ignore me
module.exports.LemonError = LemonError
if you want to have errors.js contain all your error classes
@ssube that is the idea, I'll just have to include them kinda funny like.
var fooError = require('errors').Foo;
I mean... technically GLOBAL.LemonError = LemonError is an option... (don't hate me)
let {LemonError, OrangeError} = require('errors');
module.exports = {LemonError, OrangeError};
sadly not using es6
next version ;)
What are you, ascared?
var errors = require('errors'); var LemonError = errors.LemonError; ... & module.exports = {LemonError: LemonError, ...} :(
its hard to not use destructuring assignments now
even though I just started using them 2 months or so ago
its just so damn natural
@NickDugger if he can't use es6, then he's still synchronously scared
@NickDugger existing project
not written in es6
why not? No excuse
feel bad
you can come spend the next 4 months converting the project to es6 then
@Loktar you could've had them for years :P
If only CS didn't mix a tablespoon of bad with its teaspoon of good.
@Retsam what bits didn't you like?
can anybody help me here:
ajax call not working
@rlemon How large?
TBF you can just include babel and not convert anything, just start writing ES6 and convert as you go
@phenomnomnominal Not a fan of indentation-based syntax; no parens around function arguments, no braces around objects, mostly.
Fair enough
the last two are optional though
True, though I've yet to see a CS project that doesn't omit them, so for consistency I follow the convention, even if I don't like it.
@ssube If you're already using ES6
import {LemonError, OrangeError} from 'errors';
export {LemonError, OrangeError};
@SecondRikudo 12000 LoC
give or take
took me ~1 year to author it all
@phenomnomnominal Also, stuff like this:
grade = (student) ->
  if student.excellentWork
  else if student.okayStuff
    if student.triedHard then "B" else "B-"
  #"D" #commenting or uncommenting this line completely changes the meaning of the above code
@rlemon Like I said, best way is to convert on the fly.
ES6 is compatible with ES5
I'm not concerned
As you write features and fix bugs, doo eet
@NickDugger is just a ES6 Hipster now
@rlemon I'm just enthused about being ahead of the curve, for once in my life lol
@Retsam of course it does, that D is unreachable (if you don't have it)
But just think of the dozens of keystrokes you could be saving! Dozens!
ugh words. you know what i mean.
Well, I do... but that's sort of what I mean. The "infer what to return from a function" thing works until it doesn't work.
But it does push you towards a particular style
@phenomnomnominal Your D is unreachable? I feel sorry for you man.
I haven't written any CS in a while though tbh. ES6 makes it fairly obsolete.
@SecondRikudo thank you, it's a daily struggle.
inference is usually a bad choice, but you can probably figure out when
always return the last result of the last expression isn't really inference though
@SecondRikudo Bahaha. That Tyler guy is so easy to troll.
@phenomnomnominal :( yeah, better late than never though
@phenomnomnominal you get Bloodborne?
@Loktar nope gonna grab it for the long weekend though!
nice, yeah its a great game
is it good?
its HARD though
if you are easily frustrated don't get it
nah I'm chill as fuck :P
but if you like any of the dark souls/demon souls games you'll like it
what is taters
@NickDugger baby don't hurt me
Watch this if you're interested in VR, The Matrix, illusions, or just the future in general: developers.facebooklive.com/videos/530/…
star this message if you love obama. 1 star = 1 prayer
star this message if you think Nicks newfound humour could use some work
i'll bite
what do I win?
I beat you to it
I was first I know it to be true
No! Not you @rlemon
/nick rlime
damn SO chat!
@KendallFrey so I took the top off my tims cup to microwave it and someone saw it sitting on the microwave and threw it out
@rlemon you were microwaving coffee?
@KendallFrey reheating
cold coffee is the worst
I've never had reheated coffee, not sure I want to
it isn't the greatest, but it isn't as bad as instant
I wish single-cup coffee was better
What are you using to make single-cup coffee?
A coffee machine
Like a Keurig or Flavia or Tassimo or...?
Ah, I've only had a few Tassimo cups, so I don't really know where it lies on quality. Flavia > Keurig (though Keurigs are way more common in the states) in terms of quality, though.
Though if you really want quality; you should look into either a French Press or an Aeropress.
French press is quite good, although they have a habit of surrendering to particularly blonde beans.
@KendallFrey keurig tims k cups are not bad
Fresh from Tims > all
well ofc
but if it is cold or too early, or i just don't feel like putting on pants... tims at home > anything else.
drive thru does not require pants
pants are required to get to the car
not where I live :)
my neighbours are not 10km away like yours.
speaking of small towns, my mom just bought a property in roseville.
some nice houses out there
!!start new branch or modify existing branch
@rlemon start new branch
... but I already started the latter :(
@rlemon git checkout -b new-branch; git checkout original-branch; git reset --hard HEAD~2; git checkout new-branch and you're set
instructions unclear, started WWIII
@FlorianMargaine yea problem is backing out the commits and re-entering them ... I really don't care. I'm just starting a new branch with the existing changes.
@rlemon cherry-pick before you reset
hey guys, messing with custom SVG map. Can I scale a path of the map on hover?
i.imgur.com/eT5Rk4G.gif .. that took way too long to figure out
Lol. but, I'm in really trouble ;(
@rlemon is there something I'm missing?
Yea, what do you need to figure out?
@KendallFrey it all wraps.
ohhhh tiled?
dang son
and if you take the time to follow it -> dude gets teleported and then crushed.
my head...
@rlemon starting where?
wherever you want
it is just where I think it ends.
the amount of time spent on that boggles my mind
ah yeah, not too long after the teleoprting dude it goes back to the top left
@KendallFrey the donkey bottom-left :)
it starts everything
@crl no, I don't think anything starts it
evening all!, I got a question, is there a way I could use virtual dom to monitor an existing web page?
one that I'm not manipulating, just want to keep track of changes.
I could use MutObservers but that won't help me keep track of the whole state...
I wonder if the author intentionally used blue balls...
git add *
git commit -am 'yadda'
git push origin branchName
Counting objects: 196, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (188/188), done.
Writing objects: 100% (195/195), 857.90 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 195 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
(been hanging here for a good 5 minutes now)
@FlorianMargaine hey man, are you around?
@GNi33 yeah
so, what would i basically need to do to get miaou to run?
Can anyone see my fiddle jsfiddle.net/gadb13gs and tell me what is wrong?? It seems the array is not being copied and it is being passed as a reference. The function just loops through a multi-dimensional array and changes the 0 values to random digits.
@GNi33 did you run vagrant up?
@Catgocat JS only ever passes by ref (except primitives)
i just destroyed it to get back to the start ;)
running now
@ssube I did a slice
@GNi33 yep. Are you on windows?
GitHub Contributors. the +- next to your name. that is LoC or bytes?
no, ubuntu
@Catgocat woa. long time no see
@rlemn I've been occupied with school
@Catgocat not on the objects within the array
Nice to see you.
gotta do a slice on the arg and in the loop
@Catgocat did you make a new account?
@rlemn No why?
or a deep copy right at the start, which might be better
then I have confused you with someone else.
@ssube Oh so every array, within an array is passed by reference, still if I slice the outter most?
@Catgocat ayup
@FlorianMargaine alright it's up, gives me a message regarding "The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status" right on finishing though
@ssube Oo didn't know that
@GNi33 what's the output of the last lines before that?
!!> var foo = [{a: 1}]; var bar = foo.slice(); bar[0].a++; console.log(foo[0].a);
@ssube "undefined" Logged: 2
gave me a stdin: is not a tty
@Catgocat see?
rest are some puppet modules
yeah that's ok
ok let's assume it worked
could not tretrieve fact fqdn
vagrant ssh
before I jump off a cliff pastiebin.com/5519b5eaa6af6 this will never work - angular or not
undefined method " <<" for {}
@ssube TIL....
Hash on node precise32
angular can never access a DataBase (mysql)
@GNi33 can't you just put the whole log in a pastebin or something?
the rest looks good to me
sure, give me a sec
@juanvan why so much whitespace?
@ssube Yeah but had no idea about the nested arrays passed by reference aswell..
@Catgocat objects are always passed by ref
@rlemon the guy took most his "protected code'
arrays, contents of arrays, etc
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/s7XP2Ndk
Doing a kata in codewars.. nice website btw
bc code in JS is Protected like phone records
@juanvan protip (for 'the guy') front end coded is never 'protected'
@juanvan please don't have database queries on the client?!
Never going to work
@GNi33 ok that's weird
oh, there's some "insecure ssh key detected" in there
@phenomnomnominal never have a Table name in a JS file
to much info
5 mins ago, by rlemon
GitHub Contributors. the +- next to your name. that is LoC or bytes?
@GNi33 no that's fine
Dammit. Thymeleaf got me stuck again
@GNi33 ugh. Give up for tonight... I'll fix it
I am assuming LoC.
@FlorianMargaine doesn't matter, no need to get through all of this now
just wanted to give it a try again, but there's no rush at all
@rlemon LoC, iirc
git (& github & gitlab) don't deal with characters/bytes
all line-level
figured as much
Did someone here have the Razer Blackwidow Chroma keyboard?
Could swear I remember someone saying they had one
@Obvious Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone good with knockout?
@monners I have an older Blackwidow with real switches
wanted a clean branch for the new development I'm doing. kinda like a new starting point. history on the old ones were all messed up
2 commits / 35,248 ++ / 0 -- <- 1.5 years worth of work right thrrr
@Obvious I'm decent.
@ssube Real as in MX?
Q: Thymleaf Selected If Equals Number

Sterling ArcherI have a thymeleaf input like so: <input type="date" id="endDate" name="endDate" th:value="${#strings.substring(person.enddate, 0, 10)}" /> Now, this works fine and all, except for one issue: the enddate property of the person object can be null, since some people may not have ended yet. And t...

@monners yeah, not those awful Razer custom ones
@ssube I picked up one of the new ones last night to replace my Das at home (which has Blues, too clicky)
I know you can do loping like this
<!-- ko foreach: paggingArray() -->
but is there a way that i can define a new array inline?
like isntead of pagging array i can define a new array?
You can, though that's the sort of logic I probably would hesitate to put in a view.
KO is like Angular right? Logic and Views go hand in hand
But there's nothing stopping you from doing <!-- ko foreach: ["hodor", "hodor", "hodor"] --> if you want.

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