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Substring worked :)
A snippet that moves the ellipsis back a number of characters to see the last few characters of a long string
Once you get the hang of the bullshit, Spring isn't so bad.
Thymeleaf is cool, but there's so much underneath you need to understand before it clicks
@SterlingArcher Spring is much like Angular with a love-hate cycle, except you inevitably end up hating it because it's just so heavy.
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
You're telling me
That's not Spring.
That's just Java.
No but look at all the spring imports
look at them D:
@Retsam well
You're not writing those yourself, right?
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router';
import _ from 'lodash';
import LoginForm from './../partials/LoginForm';
import app from './../core/app';
import {Flux} from 'delorean';
import UserActor from '../ActionCreators/UserActor';
import Table from '../partials/TableRenderer';
import Moment from 'moment';
import ButtonWithSpinner from '../partials/ButtonWithSpinner';
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results writing your Java imports manually.
@SterlingArcher and thats not even the biggest import block i have.
and i don't have java like ides to write them for me :-(
Nobody ever reads the imports
var app = require('./lib/app');
Most editors autohide the imports.
and auto-import/auto-remove-import them
@rlemon i like the es6 syntax more
@ssube not in js yet afaik
@FlorianMargaine no, JS never has good tools :(
what i dislike is
Delorean chooses to export as an object
which has just a single value
Delorean.Flux. [the real namespace]
that's not bad practice at all.
react-router does it right.
Makes you pretty future-proof
because you didn't get it to 88miles per hour dude.
all the real happens there
@ssube @Retsam how so ?
@darkyen00 if they add another class later, it doesn't break your code
@darkyen00 What if, 6 months from now, they decide they want to export something else other than Flux?
they export like this
!!scrum or don't scrum
@rlemon don't scrum
I mean, obviously a library called "Delorean" is going to be concerned about the future.
if they were using export default, and you take that as let Flux = import(...), and they add a second object, it fails
if they export an object now, and add a second property to it later, no problem
If the sole responsibility of Delorean is to implement Flux
then why export Flux as a property?
@darkyen00 so they have the option of exporting another property later without breaking anyone
it has essentially no overhead and leaves you open to a lot of options
@Loktar @SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=kUL2kgmuLvg
fucking Ken Jennings man!
<3 that guy
Surprisingly (hate me I know) I'm enjoying Java. it's not that hard and so far there have only been a few tricky things.
It's verbose, though
@SterlingArcher java is not tricky, it's just very verbose
and actually encourages verboseness
something you could do in nodejs with 50 lines has to be done in 1000 lines and 30 files in java
I may exaggerate a bit, but I'm not far off the truth.
It depends so much on what you're doing...
@rlemon Wait, what was the correct answer?
a rake
some things that are easy and recommended in node are discouraged in Java, because they used to be slow
(a lot of them still are, you just can't tell with node)
hell, they just recently acknowledged that callbacks are a thing, because they're so damn slow
@ssube still, java's verbosity is a fact.
before that, you had to use functors
@FlorianMargaine absolutely.
IMO, it's usually manageable, but gets really bad when you run into an XY problem where Java says X is bad.
Also, got to love the score on that Jeopardy game: Ken Jennings $14,800, both opponents in the negative
I remember watching during his run
dude was outstanding
> 27 hours in five days doesn't make me an addict, right?
@JanDvorak I read "27 hours in 1 day..." at first, was confused
@JanDvorak sleep, no, sex, yes
@KendallFrey a game
@KendallFrey 5 hours of sex a day, for 5 days, would be hard to keep up
@ssube addictions can be extreme
@ssube yea, esp. because after 4 hours I have to go see my doctor
@rlemon that's 4 hours at a go
@rlemon nah, dude, just visit your local drugstore
I guess if you stayed creative with it and had sex 3 times a day, you could hit 5 hours
you'd go broke in lube costs
!!refactor or hacktillitworks
@rlemon refactor
@ssube or just once a week, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from ED
@rlemon I want a Ken vs. Watson rematch.
@KendallFrey to spend 27 hours in 5 days and go at it once a week, you'd have to have a 27 hour marathon
which is probably impossible, would definitely involve a lot of people, and generally be pretty disgusting
@rlemon sponsored by durex
@JanDvorak I bought a game friday night... 31 hrs on record
@SomeKittens / all: To add a little context, we ended up having 3 rounds of tequila shots. It was a blast!
what's the best way to represent an arbitrary "time duration" in javascript? Eg, one month
@ssube like I said, ED
@rlemon what game?
@corvid that's not really a time duration, is it?
@corvid moment.js
@KendallFrey BloodLust
@JanDvorak what is it then?
@corvid long
long is always the best way to represent duration
long is also the best way to represent a moment in time
in fact, long is the best datatype, always. Just use long.
long long; // time ago
@rlemon Not Bloodborne?
@SomeKittens Holds his liquor pretty well for such a small guy. He was sober before I was! That pesky metabolism.
@Retsam no
Huh, never heard of Bloodlust.
@KendallFrey I'd say it's a semi-arbitrary mapping start-date -> time-duration
came out a month ago
in early access
@JanDvorak length of time doesn't imply date
42 secs ago, by rlemon
came out a month ago
@Shmiddty Good times!
timespan, right there
> i explored a dungeon with my pet hobo and we found an ancient enchanted dog collar. then he brought me a bottle of wine he got out of the garbage. 10/10.
this review is what made me buy the game
@KendallFrey without dates a month is not only not a time interval, it's not even defined.
@SomeKittens invalid. long long time; // ago is better :P
Huh, interesting.
graphics are a bit janky
@JanDvorak yeah, I sorta see what you mean
but the game play is terrific
I've heard great things about Pillars of Eternity; that's probably the next game on my "to buy" list.
@SomeKittens Great oldies, KOOL105
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean by verboseness?
Though I'm trying to be responsible and finish the last game I bought first. So I started Valkeria Chronicles this weekend.
17 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
something you could do in nodejs with 50 lines has to be done in 1000 lines and 30 files in java
If you ever played a WWII strategy game and thought "this is good, but there it's just not anime enough", Valkeria Chronicles is your game. (But seriously, it's pretty fun)
like creating a server listener?
@SterlingArcher it's 3 lines in nodejs
yeah it is <3
and 50 in java
Does Java have advantages over other languages that makes it so popular?
runs everywhere
@i7nvd edited because your js was ugly
the JVM is stan
The type system makes having a lot of people working on a project less error prone, for one.
@crl - Thanks. Still learning. Can you tell me what was ugly about it, why, and what I should look at doing differently next time?
@SterlingArcher simple, great tools, acceptably fast, corporate support
@SterlingArcher Yes, it's popular
particularly in schools
@i7nvd a useless for loop, and you can do $(".ellipsify").each(function(index, element) {} in this each loop to get the variables iterated
@rlemon a HO
I hope C# starts catching on more, now that .NET has been open-sourced. C# is a lot like java, just a bit... nicer.
@Loktar he's so proud of his answer as well
that smug smirk on his face
@crl - Thanks. I appreciate the advice.
Last night $200 in video gaming saved me more than 10x that much on my car, the way I figure it.
I was driving sideways, took some work to stay out of the ditch
@Retsam s/a bit/millions of times/
@rlemon did you get a snowstorm yesterday?
@KendallFrey Lol
games are love, games are life
so is drifting in a straight line
@KendallFrey nope
maybe a cm
fucking snow
@Loktar damn dirty hippy
@KendallFrey what have I told you about fucking snow
@KendallFrey Yeah, but obviously games also make you a serial killer.
@rlemon ah, we had like 4 maybe, then it turned to slush an hour later
@SterlingArcher bring a sock?
@Retsam I like C# a lot. LINQ made creating DALs a breeze
@Loktar omg lol
@SterlingArcher never fuck yellow snow?
@Loktar check out BloodLust
it is early access still, but I'm enjoying it very much
In Canada, the only thing to fuck within dogsled distance is a snowbank.
@rlemon WILL DO
he's on cruise control for awesome now
@Loktar graphics are not the best, read the reviews and watch some gameplay before you judge
graphics are not 2015 graphics :(
but hopefully that is part of the 'working on'
that one right?
@Loktar did you ever play VTMR?
I want my rift so I can play ETS2 properly
@rlemon nope
I wanna make a game called Your Mom just for the puns
@KendallFrey you see the vive?
heard of it, not sure what to make of all these new things
@SterlingArcher but... I already play your mom all the time.
wait wut ._.
@KendallFrey wow so you're saying you're playing my mom as well?
My mom is getting played, she thought she was the only one :(
@KendallFrey remember that time I showed up and thought you actually were @SterlingArcher 's mom?
You're brothers?
it gets so confusing when you're always dressing up in her clothes
@ssube don't remind me
@KendallFrey no man you're playing my mom because you have other moms on the side
after all the things you told her, and she shared with you
this is getting too deep freaking me out, im done lol
@KendallFrey aka you dun play yourself all the time
@Loktar lol too deep
must resist
@Loktar No, I'm momogamous, didn't she tell you about Sterling?
That my father is head of KayJuhBee?
@KendallFrey she thought that meant you give mammograms
That's what I tell people
everyone knows that mammogram is short for mammothgramma
My mother is a hamster
your father smelled of elderberries
yknow what you get when you put a hamster in a box? a hampster
@KendallFrey I always assumed those smelled good
is that not true?
they're all right
I'll take lemons any day
@ssube that is the point. think of the 'time' that insult was meant for.
I discovered I quite like eating raw lemons not too long ago
smelling sweet would indicate your father is less manly than mine
@rlemon oooooh
it's the 1500's version of "your dad is a fairy"
that makes total sense now
"Hey laser lips! Your momma was a snowblower!"
> You'll never be half the man your mother was.
one of the best
That is a good one.
@Retsam ... I was just looking at github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five
Aww man, I want to find a reason to need that library now.
@rlemon I have that starred for some reason
I do like IoT arduino projects... maybe that's why...
"node-issasemble Johnny Five", lol.
I'd highly recommend buying into this kickstarter if you want to have a hobby project kickstarter.com/projects/sparkdevices/… They've shipped on Kickstarter before
Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a global data plan
Only 51 hours left! I'm gonna make my own homemade Lo-Jack with it
I got 5
Im just gonna Hi-Jack your Lo-Jack
Maybe I'll call it Whoa-Jack
@taco wire it into the throttle
if you go outside a gps region, it opens the throttle all the way and holds it there
@ssube why
The device can send SMS to me, so I'll just have it message me. Don't wanna destroy my car...
It's also got GPS
I don't think insurance would cover "I rigged it to go full throttle"
On purpose
@Jhawins Diplomacy check: You roll 1
@taco we're evaluating them as a cheap solution for problems in the field with our product
I chose the 3G instead of 2G device, it's a bit more but I wanted to be sure I'd have a better chance of recovering my car
with a 2d6
@JanDvorak Yeah weed might help in that situation
Otherwise idk what that message actually means :P haha
Also, it'd be cool to plot my drive to work and around town every day
@taco You have a phone with you anyway lol
@rlemon You have 51 hours to do it :o
@taco bro..
5 mins ago, by rlemon
I got 5
lol yeah use kickstarter for your commercial needs
@SterlingArcher holy fuck that snowboard kid
@rlemon oh ok
I got 5 on it
@Jhawins Yeah, but it's not as cool as saying my car is on the Internet of Things
@KendallFrey inorite, painfullll
@taco did the 275 pledge
@SterlingArcher LOL
@taco buy this it'll be cooler
that is hilarious @SterlingArcher omg
hahahaha, forgot the parking brake noob
Then you can upload your fuel trims at the same time as your trip..
@Loktar I love the chair smacking lol
@Jhawins I already have an external bluetooth module from Texas Instruments for my iPhone
the high pitch scream man, thats what got me lol
once fear takes over theres no more pretending you're a badass lol
omfg the stroller
@taco Oh yeah? Nice what software does it work with? That dongle most definitely will not pair with an Apple device, I've only ever used the Android/PC options
@SterlingArcher I have no audio does it say what game he's playing or anything? What happened?
@Jhawins Here's the API for the spark device docs.spark.io/api As for the blue tooth module, let me find it for you
@Loktar that was better than your kids reaction
@taco Sensor tag?
@Jhawins nah, something about a skeleton
So I'm assuming Skyrim draugrs xD
@Jhawins yeah that's what they call it. Mines an older revision
@taco Why does it need Spark? Was it a dev kit type dongle??
@Jhawins The Texas Instrument bluetooth thing is seperate / unrelated to Spark ... I only brought it up because you mentioned the one for Android
@taco play.google.com/store/apps/… this functionality is all I was talking about.. However I do have shell access over bluetooth and can do some more interesting things from my laptop
@Jhawins oic
That sensor tag you linked doesn't seem to be an OBD scanner of any kind ;P
That's because it's not
Maybe we were talking about different subjects haha
Yeah, nobody mentioned OBD scanners
6 mins ago, by Jhawins
@taco buy this it'll be cooler
Haha ok I understand what happened now. I did mention them but it didn't get across :P
yeah, so you did
Such confuse many idfk
what the qwerty? Amazon redesign? Maybe I'm just so used to the mobile app
I don't use mobile apps for shopping
looks like
I just ordered $200 in parts..
> I getted this app and never imagined such app it works perfectly // totally real reviews
Anyone get a chance to play with React Native?
Anyone wanna tell me how bad my resume looks (unless ^ is going to start an on-topic discussion of course)
@ApathyBear someone was, maybe @Loktar
not react native actually
I dont own any apple devices :/
once its on Android I will be for sure
@Loktar as it should be
I think it ports to Android
@ApathyBear not yet, thats the plan though
everyone thought thats why they delayed the release to the public
I ported my life to android, and then I died
Im going to get off of Android I think
<3 my Windows tablet
if MS keeps this up.. Ill get a Windows phone
Nah, I like my android phone
I used to have a Windows Mobile 3.1 phone, though
once they use an x86 or x64 processor ill get a Windows one
@Jhawins I am assuming you are in the UK? Mainly from the use of the word CV
having played with WP7 or 8, I didn't like it
because then I can install whatever the heck i want lol
tablet + 8, great
Those were the days
wp8, not so much
@Jhawins looks good
gif from Nick Dugger was moved
the resume
Apple is like "don't do anything".. Android is like "Do whatever the fuck you want to the extent that things start to suck and you can't ever figure out where things are." If Windows Phone can give me enough structure that I don't hate myself whenever I use it I'd totally switch
@ssube I purely like it from a gaming aspect
the tablet that is
I have installed so many old games on it that work.. its insane
I seriously can't see myself wanting to purchase another dedicated gaming handheld again
GUYS! my bird has been running since Thursday at noon.
@rlemon you should see a doctor
hahah nice @rlemon
Haha that's awesome
I've had to top off the water twice
Does it spill water
ran all weekend no problem
no spills
Why you have to top it off
it drinks it because it's alive because i named it because i love it
Oh yeah somethin about this still being the real world and such
can go probably about 3 days without topping off. I topped it off friday before I left and this morning it was still probably good for another day at least
I just topped it off to be sure
Seal the bird in a vacuum and see how long it goes for
Step 1... Create a vacuum box lol
!!afk smoke

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