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if your code was running in the script, it couldn't access variables from other scripts (and it can, which is why we have the whole module pattern in the first place)
Someone talk me out of using Backbone. I only want it's Models and Collections for a n ActiveRecord like interface to my REST api.
the script is run in the context of the page
@Luggage don't use backbone. The documentation is missing a ton of bugs/gotchas, the automagic ajax doesn't work unless you follow their API recommendations exactly (which don't follow REST), and in general the only useful part is the routers and event binding.
Quick angular question...
Well, I like it as a starting point for a pattern. I'm OK with overriding it's sync behavior (and already have turn it into a Promise.
But I'm open to alternatives.
What does scope = { '='} do in custom directives?
@Luggage In the last app I wrote, we just used the View (for events) and Router, that's it. Skip the Models and Collections and it's sort of useful.
And then what if you're trying to implement an ng-click within a directive?
I think of backbone as a convention, really.
I already have views and viewModels
I only need models
a) Backbone's Models are essentially worthless, since they provide only the sync stuff, and that needs replaced in any real app anyway.
b) If you have ViewModels, you're screwed anyway. :P
Right now I use my own objects for my models. They work fine but I want them to have events and I want to be able to call myObject.save() instead of api.myObject.save(data). That feels liek backbone's organization
Yea.. ok.
Why an I screwed with a viewmodel? I sometimes need view-spcific logic andproperties.
@Luggage don't use backbone
It's pointless - it doesn't give you structure or anything
I'm open to reasons but "don't use" is a bit vague
It's just a poorly implemented library - it doesn't solve you any problems.
You're planning on overriding the one thing models/collections actually do.
Backbone sounds like a good idea because it promises structure or a workflow or something like that. In fact it doesn't do much.
Otherwise, they'll just introduce a few subtle scoping bugs here and there.
All it does it make you use strange property getter syntax and unclear event binding.
Also - ActiveRecord is a very poor pattern and should generally be discouraged.
in favor of?
Repository, for instance.
Even if you want active record (not sure why but ok) - like @ssube said you'll end up reimplementing it.
So just put save on the object's prototype if you really want that.
Backbone again doesn't give you anything here.
I don't have a strong prefernce between those two choices
they seem like slightly different ways of doign the same things.
I'd define my own Model class with save, and extend that.
guys, I have a hardware question: should I use Phanteks or Noctua fans (for the case)?
Skip all the other random nonsense Backbone throws in.
That's nearly what I have now.
Just go with that. Like @BenjaminGruenbaum said, the getter/setter stuff isn't great.
yea, about the getters and setters.. One of the things I have in my viewModels that I'd like in my models is some 'virtual properties'. Like a lastNameFirstName virtual.
@Luggage what two choices?
activerecord and repository
@tereško to be fair both are overkill.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not like they are expensive
@Luggage activerecord couples storage logic with app logic, if you want to create an object from several other objects on the server, or store it in different ways or later compose objects you lose with ActiveRecord. Repository isn't the best but it's way way better.
I don't see a point in saving 5€
@tereško what specific fans were you thinking?
NF-P14 FLX and PH-F140XP PWM
@Luggage Your object's shouldn't be concerned with their storage - any in either case backbone doesn't help you. It's very easy to have your object's have a prototypical Record that has a save method they delegate to with this.constructor.name.
@tereško I've never seen a bad 14" fan - but I haven't really used either of these so I can't tel. It's hard to make a bad choice with that sort of thing and like you said - fans aren't really expensive.
OK. I just think that userRespository.save(user) and user.save() are both equally and differently organized.
I don't think one give you some power the other lacks.
I'm surprised @tereško is here and we're having an ActiveRecord vs data mapper/repository discussion and he's not chiming in :D
I am tired of trying to explain basics to people
As someone who rebases probably excessively, it hurts me to see a coworkers branch that has more merges than commits...
ActiveRecord mixes your data access logic with your model logic, and with Backbone, you usually end up throwing the business logic in there too
@tereško what is PDO?
@Luggage one says that the logic belongs to the user and the other does not. The user itself should not be concerned with how it is stored - it's just very bad OOP. Not to mention testing etc.
@rlemon DB connection abstraction, kinda like JDBC
so not basic enough to incite rage?
If you don't want to participae, fine but the "tired of explainaing the basics" is directly telling me that i'm stupid for not coming to the same conclusion you have and that I'm a worthless programmer
So.. fuck you.
@tereško isn't it the equivalent of JDO/JPA?
I... what...
@Luggage that was in response to @BenjaminGruenbaum's question about why @tereško wasn't chiming in, not directed at you so much
not sure .. I'm not too familiar with Java infrastructure
@tereško persistence, but lighter than ORM
@SterlingArcher FALSE
my nephew loves fish tank swims
@Luggage here's ActiveRecord without backbone btw babeljs.io/repl/…
@SterlingArcher if your baby can't breath underwater, you should get a better one
@ssube no, PDO is what you use when you are creating a connection to a database. I has nothing to do with ORMs
I liked 6to5
Can also call JSON stringify on the properties or something if you'd like.
don't like the new name
> Hi hospital, I need a new baby this one doesn't appear to have the gills I ordered.
@rlemon lol
@rlemon tell that to @Sebastian not us :P
@SterlingArcher there are hundreds of these, shirts etc.
@tereško Oh, so it down at the JDBC level or lower. Hm.
@Sebastian I don't like the name change. you got me stuck on 6to5 then change it?! what the shit man!
@ssube as I said initially ...
Well, I'll reinvestigate repository pattern but I still have my concerned separated with both methods. I don't see a difference besides the public api.
if 6to5 didn't 302 to babeljs I might have rage-quitted
@Luggage how do you test something that is in charge of i/o directly?
Anyway, you can read all about the patterns ups/downs in PoEAA. I'm just here to convince you not to use backbone.
mock the 'sync' object.
@Luggage It's all about separation of concerns. Your model shouldn't also handle the network/filesystem traffic to sync/update it.
laugh or cry? Cool article
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am getting the feeling that you are trying to warn newbies away from doing retarded shit, and they are batting you away with marketing bullshit
One of the few things Java got right, and something you realize after a while (but usually too late). Splitting the data access, data model, and business logic is super important.
@tereško @Luggage isn't a noobie from what I can tell and he isn't batting me. We're having a conversation.
@ssube Java actually got all that wrong - being the first popular language to couple the data and the logic :D
So i considered the parse() and sync() to be where i can deal with transforming data for the server and doing the io to be fairly separated form the rest of the model.
you can write shitty code in every language .. it's not java's fault, when every school teaches that "objects are smart data"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Java, at least nowadays, encourages DAOs and services split up, and a POJO model underlying both.
Well, best practices and libraries do. Java doesn't care.
Java never cares.
@ssube lol, pojo.
Pojo is a funny term :D
It is.
Also, JS "encourages" that too.
@Luggage if they're doing something logically different why do they belong on the object?
If you get Java developers too excited, I imagine they would jump up and down on a POJO stick until it went into GC hell.
so 'separation of concerns', to you, means it must be a different class / file / module?
@Luggage parse and sync perhaps, in the "take a string, return an object" sense. But in the "go across the network to this address and get some data" sense? Nowai.
@Luggage no, it means that putting the persistence of an object on an object is a bad idea though.
The model should be able to (de)serialize itself, but it shouldn't have anything to do with I/O.
well, i thnk backbone has a separate sync object that i can override so the IO will sitll be separte
and mockable
Why backbone though - really? I just posted 8 lines of vanilla that do this above and you get to still use your objects like objects.
No good reason other that a starting point of a commonly used pattern.
and the get() and set() bs may be fine for me. I use knockoutjs anyway and they map to observables well
You want to use backbone with knockout?
Why? Seriously, why would you use backbone for this?
You already have change detection with knockout.
If you have knockout, what could backbone possibly offer?
All you want to wrap every single domain object with a wrapper that fundamentally changes how objects are accessed so it's no longer just a JS object just for ActiveRecord which can be implemented in 8 LoC?
because i use the same models in mltiple views. my viewmodels are sometimes very similar, sometimes very differnt
What does that have to do with backbone though?
a backbone model would just be the common parts. but.. it's just an idea at this point. the overlap is also a concern.
then you should have a model somewhere to represent the data
Like a JS object representing the data.
but you don't need all the stuff backbone tries to push into models
You need an architecture not a library.
if anything, it's just going to get in the way and end up breaking knockout or everything
as of today, I have some common functions on my own non-backbone model, like getLastNameFirstName() that I just extend into my viewmodle as needed.
You need to write down how the different parts of your app communicate - what the concerns of each are (draw it) and then figure what's the most sensible way to organize them.
You need a form of components, and a form of routing and state management, and a clear place where app state is stored, and separation between where the state is stored and where it's not.
Knockout (assuming 3) already has components and partials, so that's a nice start.
I use all that.
What part(s) of Backbone do you actually want?
Then why backbone? If you have a clear place where the data is stored and separation between view data and app logic - if all you need is persistence and already have change detection - why backbone?
morning @somekittens
@GarrettKadillak Garrett!
How goes it?
oh jeez
my knees are starting to hurt now
@SomeKittens I take it you know each other?
just for the common place, outside of specific page's ViewModel's, to have model-spefici code. A replacement for my own model classes I already use. backbone would have given me a pattern to deal with a model as a non-view bound object or base a knockout ViewModel on it and get observable versions of any virtuals I put on it.
Well I spent the better part of an hour debugging javascript
@BenjaminGruenbaum He's one of my RocketU students
So.. I don't need backbone. I'm getting opinions. And I get the common opinion is 'we hate it'
@SomeKittens oh cool
@GarrettKadillak Sounds like fun!
so there is also difference between air-flow and static pressure fans .. for fuck sake, why is this all so complicated!
@SomeKittens how are things with you?
We can move on. :)
@Luggage well - if I told you I was going to build banking software with php I'd hope you'd try to talk me out of it.
Also - you started with "someone talk me out of using backbone"
@Luggage no, that's reserved for things that are really wrong. Backbone just... doesn't do anything good.
You won't get much out of it, except for routers and events.
dont use backbone and dont use ember , period
So we are (talking you out of it) - because we honestly believe it's a horrible horrible abstraction that solves no problems. People like to think frameworks and libraries can abstract architecture away from them where in fact backbone is all the assumptions with all the business logic removed.
Yea, I got what I wanted, mostly.
I had a productive night last night: github.com/SomeKittens/ST-Hot-Dog-Stand
@SomeKittens jesus christ man
For me, the only big difference with my own model classes is the setter and getters.
@SomeKittens lol, I actually had a fun last night too - though it was mostly booze and parties :D
@GarrettKadillak Hacking away!
@ssube You should upvote it on HN to share the misery.
@SomeKittens my eyes! they burn!
@Luggage also the fact it's a hard dependency across everything.
which I hated until I realized the mapped so well to knockout. that's all
@SomeKittens dunno how to do that, don't HN
@SomeKittens linkies?
@BenjaminGruenbaum just one?
@SomeKittens good lord that is amazing
@Shmiddty two.
two funs?! Let's not get crazy
@SomeKittens well, there goes my eyes
> To Satisfy Demands of Skyscrapers, New Elevator Will Shoot People Up at 45MPH
So this is stuck in my head since reddit:
so when the elevator hits 45MPH, it shoots you?
@ssube full of heroin
Oh, I missed the up, good point.
"We get you up fast, and you keep coming back for more"
If it makes you feel better, you've successfully talked me out of backbone.
@Luggage a little bit, also - sorry for the aggressiveness - tried to keep it down as much as possible :D
But I'm still on the fence between activerecord style myObject.save() vs a repository.
No worries.
@Luggage activerecord falls down (in performance) real quick when you have dependencies between objects, or objects that are also parts of collections
I actually wanted to ask while you were here since I say you trash talk backbone a day or so ago. I wanted to hear why
it's also fairly hard to set up a cache and intercept those reqs, making it hard to fix the perf
@Luggage well, I talk trash because I used it for a while and didn't have fun.
But, while I also moved away from mongo, I was annoyed at the "don't use mongo" for a while.
So it's not unfounded like when Bartek talks about JS :D
s/about JS//
Please correct me if I'm wrong: an XMLHTTPRequest, when fails, will throw an error even if wrapped inside a try{} block.
@Luggage well - the problem is we care enough to talk you out of it but I had the "why backbone is bad" and "why mongo is bad" discussions at least 100 times in the room so I hope you can relate to why it's not my favorite topic.
Yea, I get it.
@Charly an XHR, when fails (assuming it's async) will not throw an error at all - instead if will fire an "error" event you can listen to.
@Charly browsers however will usually log failed XHRs, usually.
@Luggage On the other hand, this means you can search the logs for these conversations, and find them!
I have the mongo one bookmarked somewhere
:21626799 there's no exception
yeah i just realized
@Luggage I really don't like saying stuff is bad. It's one of my least favorite things to do. I have nothing but admiration and appreciation to Jeremy Ashkenas and I think he rocks. I appreciate people who build stuff and I appreciate their creations since it's how we move forward.
At the risk of getting eye rolling, I am happilly using a backbone-based ORM on the server side, bookshelf js and don't plan to switch
@Luggage woah bookshelf is backbone based?
no, no.
I'm off mongo
I have a postgres db, now.
I know bookshelf because bluebird - and I even got transaction syntax into it (or was it sequelize?)
Yeah, Bookshelf is Tim's library - nice guy, hangs a lot in #promises and talked to him a bit. Nothing but respect for him too.
yea.. when I started playing with backbone for the client the first thing i was doing is make the sync methods promises
I can see backbone not getting in the way for an ORM. It only really starts to fall down when you hook it up to the views.
and if you're always syncing everything individually (like an API might), activerecord won't be a huge problem
no views on the server. rest and sockes only.
To be honest I don't use JS ORMs, I think they're way way underpowered atm.
yea. it's working well onthe server and I don't plan to change. And that is the case, it's mosly single or small numbers of records
If I would walk the talk I talk we'd have much better ORMs now :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum give it a few years, they'll have as many features and bugs as hibernate, and you won't use them then either :D
They are. bookshelf is little more than a model class that has a query building, so it's bare enoguh that I can extend what is missing.
Sequelize felt to omuch like a black box and I wasn't comfrtable I could bend it to my will
The correct way to make JS ORMS is to use acorn :D
a-la linq.
acorn + knex.js would get you that.
knex is a query builder to handle the differnt sql flavors
db.build(); // check if the db object needs to update based on DB structure/tables/etc
db.myUsers.filter(x => x.isAdmin).map(x => x.name).promise(); // promise for all admins' names
code (cold) joke: Open console -> var up = 'vomit'; throw up;
@Luggage why does it use the awful backbone/underscore documentation format?
I don't trust it already
hehe. I don't mind that format.
oh gods, it's just builders for literal sql
Also bookshelf IS backbone based. soo..
@Luggage yes, Sequelize is a big bluebird client too so talked to those guys too.
True. all it does is handle some of the dialects. It's not much of an absctraction

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