if your code was running in the script, it couldn't access variables from other scripts (and it can, which is why we have the whole module pattern in the first place)
@Luggage don't use backbone. The documentation is missing a ton of bugs/gotchas, the automagic ajax doesn't work unless you follow their API recommendations exactly (which don't follow REST), and in general the only useful part is the routers and event binding.
a) Backbone's Models are essentially worthless, since they provide only the sync stuff, and that needs replaced in any real app anyway. b) If you have ViewModels, you're screwed anyway. :P
Right now I use my own objects for my models. They work fine but I want them to have events and I want to be able to call myObject.save() instead of api.myObject.save(data). That feels liek backbone's organization
Yea.. ok.
Why an I screwed with a viewmodel? I sometimes need view-spcific logic andproperties.
yea, about the getters and setters.. One of the things I have in my viewModels that I'd like in my models is some 'virtual properties'. Like a lastNameFirstName virtual.
@Luggage activerecord couples storage logic with app logic, if you want to create an object from several other objects on the server, or store it in different ways or later compose objects you lose with ActiveRecord. Repository isn't the best but it's way way better.
@Luggage Your object's shouldn't be concerned with their storage - any in either case backbone doesn't help you. It's very easy to have your object's have a prototypical Record that has a save method they delegate to with this.constructor.name.
@tereško I've never seen a bad 14" fan - but I haven't really used either of these so I can't tel. It's hard to make a bad choice with that sort of thing and like you said - fans aren't really expensive.
@Luggage one says that the logic belongs to the user and the other does not. The user itself should not be concerned with how it is stored - it's just very bad OOP. Not to mention testing etc.
If you don't want to participae, fine but the "tired of explainaing the basics" is directly telling me that i'm stupid for not coming to the same conclusion you have and that I'm a worthless programmer
Well, I'll reinvestigate repository pattern but I still have my concerned separated with both methods. I don't see a difference besides the public api.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am getting the feeling that you are trying to warn newbies away from doing retarded shit, and they are batting you away with marketing bullshit
One of the few things Java got right, and something you realize after a while (but usually too late). Splitting the data access, data model, and business logic is super important.
So i considered the parse() and sync() to be where i can deal with transforming data for the server and doing the io to be fairly separated form the rest of the model.
@Luggage parse and sync perhaps, in the "take a string, return an object" sense. But in the "go across the network to this address and get some data" sense? Nowai.
All you want to wrap every single domain object with a wrapper that fundamentally changes how objects are accessed so it's no longer just a JS object just for ActiveRecord which can be implemented in 8 LoC?
You need to write down how the different parts of your app communicate - what the concerns of each are (draw it) and then figure what's the most sensible way to organize them.
You need a form of components, and a form of routing and state management, and a clear place where app state is stored, and separation between where the state is stored and where it's not.
Knockout (assuming 3) already has components and partials, so that's a nice start.
Then why backbone? If you have a clear place where the data is stored and separation between view data and app logic - if all you need is persistence and already have change detection - why backbone?
just for the common place, outside of specific page's ViewModel's, to have model-spefici code. A replacement for my own model classes I already use. backbone would have given me a pattern to deal with a model as a non-view bound object or base a knockout ViewModel on it and get observable versions of any virtuals I put on it.
So we are (talking you out of it) - because we honestly believe it's a horrible horrible abstraction that solves no problems. People like to think frameworks and libraries can abstract architecture away from them where in fact backbone is all the assumptions with all the business logic removed.
@Luggage well - the problem is we care enough to talk you out of it but I had the "why backbone is bad" and "why mongo is bad" discussions at least 100 times in the room so I hope you can relate to why it's not my favorite topic.
@Luggage I really don't like saying stuff is bad. It's one of my least favorite things to do. I have nothing but admiration and appreciation to Jeremy Ashkenas and I think he rocks. I appreciate people who build stuff and I appreciate their creations since it's how we move forward.
db.build(); // check if the db object needs to update based on DB structure/tables/etc
db.myUsers.filter(x => x.isAdmin).map(x => x.name).promise(); // promise for all admins' names