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I've played with OCaml and converted the thing to JavaScript using js_of_ocaml in the last days
Works quite well, although the result is not exactly fast
Not as cool as @rlemon but I'm happy with it for now...
nice dude. and here I am sitting today because my knee hurts
also, grab then pen on your floor
it is bugging me
So interesting, talking about the colours of the logo
@Loktar catch anything crazy on your dash cam lol
@rlemon That's my only pen lol
so pick it up!
also, my knees are hurting today too, but I'm gonna tough it out and just get better shoes
all the more reason to keep it safe and off the floor
yay, trev norris just mentioned my name on video :D
yea I slipped on some ice and twisted mine a couple weeks back
went to the gym yesterday so today need to sit
@NickDugger burn that chair >=(
@SterlingArcher they give us such terrible chairs. It's part of why I asked for a standing desk
Nexus can do NuGet and NPM repos? WTF?
@SterlingArcher BRO! I keep forgetting to bring my provari to work to send you :( I have given myself a reminder for tomorrow
@rlemon no worries buddy :) I've been super busy and forgot too lol
@KendallFrey I was running the 64 bit version again... Cause I'm kind of dumb sometimes. All is well I can make crazy stupid rockets haha
lol u derpface
They're getting rid of the 64-bit build apparently
@rlemon my buddy just got this insane rig... not harsh at all and blew a monster cloud like yours
@BenjaminGruenbaum baaaah
@SterlingArcher what is it? name brand or home made?
I now have a home made unit
To be honest I have no clue, lemme text him and find out. I think it's a mutt (mixed parts built by him)
I'm not really sure what happened with me though. At one point I would smoke cigs and my pen if it was too cold to go outside, now all of a sudden I haven't smoked a cig in like 3 weeks and I haven't even noticed
It's like I quit without trying
Not that I'm complaining of course
Aw man, I picked up a pack of lucky strikes before valentine's day to go with my overall classy look, and had forgotten how smooth they taste.
Rough when you breathe, but they taste so much better than anything else.
lol it's been so cold I don't even wanna think about going outside for a cig
@SterlingArcher home made stuff can be much better. my Sigelei 100W doesn't hit as hard @ 100W as my "Ripper" (Raptor 20a passthrough box) at 70W
all due to the ramp up time and the PWM on the Raptor chip
600hz vs a normal chip coming under half of that
Raptor chip? what? ._.
pulse width modulation
all of the regulated devices have a chip in them - depending on how the chip functions you can get better performance for the same power consumption
hi i like JS
@user1026110 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SterlingArcher You'll like this i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8445621760/h892C9415#.jpg
@user1026110 We all went through that phase. Just keep your chin up.
@SterlingArcher yeah, but picking up the lady friend wearing a white tie, wool coat, smoking a lucky, and opening the car door for her was totally worth it ;)
@SterlingArcher I went like 5 months without smoking, and I bought a pack and smoked it last week. It's weird, though, because now I have no cravings at all
what phase?
liking js
It's like I just needed to remind myself how much smoking sucked
we've all come to terms with our insanity
u dont like it?
oh LOL
Well, we like the idea of it
We like developing for the browser, but would prefer many other languages over JavaScript
has anyone here used less for ST3?
something platform independent?
sublime-less2css repo, less npm package.
Brackets has a good less extension... just saying
@Zirak teehee!
I'm not switching my editor for one extension which already exists in ST3
I just don't know how to use it :P
@ssube tha'ts fancy af ._.
ok bye
I've never felt literally traumatized by an image on the internet until today looking for something about my wisdom teeth.
@NickDugger that's kinda how I feel. I realized blowing non-harsh smoke that doesn't smell bad is much more satisfying
I wanted to get out of my chair and run away.
Plus no burn risks or weather prohibitations
@rlemon Dreamweaver has an amazing less extension, and it comes with jquery built in
@copy eh, so-so
@Zirak OMG!
Don't be passive-aggressive towards Brackets. That's offensive.
@SterlingArcher she didn't believe I would actually wear a tie, and I react well to being told I can't or won't do things. :p
@Zirak lame. Lemme know when it supports jQuarry
@FlorianMargaine You're using that?
mostly developing for it, waiting for something the author has to do right now though
Lisp is not a language I want to learn
@Jhawins :( no not yet
my luck the only thing itll catch is my death
and Ill be in the middle of the chorus for soem Ke$ha song or something lol
> wow that dudes death scream was better than his singing
this isn't Russia, I don't know what you expect to see
> Canada isn't Russia - Some Canadian Guy
@rlemon hah true you never know though
I saw a semi that was too tall to make it under the traffic lights get caught up on em but he kept driving and the entire thing broke off and was balanced on top of his trailer so the stop light was goin down the highway. Wish I had a cam for that
My feet are starting to hurt sooooooooo bad
@NickDugger why don't you have a seat... you know you want to!
And I saw a box truck run into a bridge that was too short... But that was my brother
@NickDugger heels or near the toes?
my guess is heels
Buys business -> runs business box truck into bridge 3 hours later
Both, now, but heels are worse
my shoes are garbage
yea better shoes are a must
I'll order them tonight
tonight you will appreciate your sofa 10X more
Well, that's the thing. I actually felt justified in just laying down all evening yesterday lol
for now, if you can get some good insoles those might help. for a little bit I was working in slippers
after like 3 weeks you don't even notice standing all day
your feet never hurt any longer
I'll just cut off my feet and levitate
and it ofc gets better over that period. it isn't 3 weeks of agony
I just wear my boots... So comfy
yea now I wear lugz
Well, I will say that even just after yesterday, I had a lot more energy at work, just because I was standing up
I love it already
not my style, but damn are they ever comfortable for all day standing
lol my one friend loves those
@NickDugger and that is why It isn't hard to understand why they boast a productivity gain
I'm gonna get a pair, since you recommended it
@Jhawins damn they are like pillows for my feet. but (imo) ugly as sin
Yeah they're fugly af
so I leave em at work. wear some chucks to and from
That's ok. I come into work with wrinkly shirts. I don't care that much how I look when all I do is stare at my computer and write code all day
I wear my steel toes everywhere. After all that farm work I don't think I'll ever outgrow this phase. Plus if you treat em nice leather boots actually look really really nice.
@NickDugger You da man!!
I'm a raccoon
lol last year I would usually take my shoes off at the door and work in socks.
@Jhawins I used to wear steel toe everywhere (I should wear them at work if I ever enter the shop) but they would wear out quicker than I would like and are like double the cost
so now I just keep a pair for IF I need to work in the shop
Boss did it too so it wasn't strange.
@Jhawins half of yesterday I was in just socks
half of today too, but it started to really hurt
@rlemon Yeah? I pay about $100 for Wolverine brand ones. My first pair lasted 2 years and then was demoted to shit boots. My second pair is my nice pair so they should last a hell of a lot longer. I tear my shoes up when I'm doing auto work I always end up using my feet to hold things right or hold a tire still or something
Oh and well I get composite toes not steel. Not that it makes much difference..
I had a pair of rain boots once
And I have agressive soled ones for my work ones lol. They look identical from the top tho
@Jhawins I've had two pairs of Bates over the last 8 years.
and a pair of GSG9s that I have somewhere, those are comfy as hell but not as sturdy
@ssube Super high topped right? I can't deal with that
I have flat feet too tho and an ankle that I baby. So I like the support
@ssube blegh I just don't like em. I like my dark brown leather
why the fuck would you buy boots based on color?
first pair I had of those lasted well over some k miles of walking before the soles came apart
Huh? You don't care about the way your shoes/boots look? It's kind of like any other clothing.
yeah, and black shoes go with almost anything
But mostly the leather part I like
brown go with approximately nothing
Dark brown goes with anything but black pants
most comfortable boots I've had, tho, were: adidas.com/us/gsg-9.2-high-boots/807295.html
YEah I like leather. Bates are way too much nylon for me I would destroy them
I can just treat my leather boots when I do the saddles lol same treatment 100% of the boot
@Jhawins that's... not how that works.
I didn't even know that adidas made boots, but damn are they ugly
@ssube Actually it is. All the time I'll get caught on something or something jagged will clip my boot in a way that nylon would grab/potentially tear. It is how that works.

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