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is there a method that removes whitepsace?
What is it?
There are probably lots
trim comes to mind first
!!mdn trim
!!>" foo ".replace(/^\s+(\w+)\s+$/, '$1')
@crl "foo"
@darkyen00 What's your issue?
@Shmiddty for ?
oh okay
I replied to a message...
@Shmiddty .. well chartist has scss and material-ui has less
i don't wanna load all the css of both
and want to customize both !
and both ask you to declare the variables :-/
and then import the whole lib
Just roll your own, haha.
@Shmiddty nah
i built chartist for now
probably will run a css optimizer
over the complete unified css file
to remove garbage
fuck it, i removed material-ui altogether
any good, mobile ui library ? (follows either of 3 Windows/iOS/Android) design ?
just roll your own
@LOktar Zipper's Recoil runs like a dream on Windows 8.1
With nGlide or whatever. I fucking love this game.
hah nice, I never played it actually
last zipper game I played was Unit 13 for the PSVita
really solid fps
Most the older shit doesn't just work without any real effort lol I was surprised. It's meant for 98
and then they got shut down :(
Yeah :(
I was always waiting for Recoil 2..
Holy crap, I remember that game!
It was awesome
Up there with Balls of Steel as a classic must-have on windows
And Death Rally
anyone here
anyone active ?
@learner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey @CapricaSix, that is very good to know....
OK, I came here to clarify about javascript issue I have.
This code given in this Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com/questions/18189330/…) answer. The code is,
`<!-- HTML Code -->
<div class="upload-preview">
<img />
<input class="file" name="logo" type="file">

//JS File
var preview = $(".upload-preview img");

var input = $(event.currentTarget);
var file = input[0].files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e){
image_base64 = e.target.result;
preview.attr("src", image_base64);
Now I've written html code and js script in a different file (test2.html and test2.js). Additionally in the html file I've added this line <script src="test2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>. But the code doesn't seem to work. It should show the preview of a selected photo.
Anything more I have to add?
If it doesn't "work", what does it do then?
The mouse Icon show reloading icon, and just shows the filename selected....
any errors in the console?
No. just opened in a webbrowser... Not using console... But no errors shown on webpage...
Check the console
are there errors?
I thought of using it purely as html code and then integrate it with rails app... Where can I find console when running purely as html? - An unknown error has occurred
the developer console in your browser
oh ok.. i'll see now...
press F12
or any number of other things depending in which browser you're running
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined error is showing
google that error
there will probably be millions of hits
Oh gladly I had read about including jquery.js somewhere, and the same anwer provided here.
@KendallFrey thank you for suggesting me about console.... It did really helped me....
You're welcome. Don't forget to use it, it's useful. :)
Now I understand that :)
I have a question, when any new thing comes up, do you read like whole of the manual and then become very good at it? I get bored reading the manual, and where do I get to know the variety of problems and their solutions, from my end I have learnt the more you code the more you experience, but with the pace everything is growing I feel left behind.
If that's the case, hiw can you practice so much so quickly?
@argentum47 Typically, I'm goal oriented - I'm trying to figure out how to solve a problem.
once I've got something, I'll show the code to an expert and they'll give me advice on how to improve.
Why would you show your own code to yourself?
That's how I like it too, but isn't it like a lot of problem sets !!
@KendallFrey ?
@argentum47 Yep, one problem at a time.
Hey what is this monthly challenge?
@learner We don't have one this month, sorry.
If you're looking for some challenges: projecteuler.net
Thats ok but when next challenge comes(in JS room), how can I know what type of work I have to do in that challenge? Will that be notified just minutes before challenge starts?
@SomeKittens, here it has given the challenge starts in 5 hours.
guys whats difference between oaut implicit and explicit in context of reddit. (or script, installed, webapp :::tsenior.com/snoocore/oauth.html)
does anybody activated git for your server before ?
Now when i'm use git push it's asking for a password ?
what should i give to it ?
is anyone here?
@copy can you help me with this jsfiddle.net/nxfe7r29 everything is working but when you were to search the posts you have to scroll down to see the results
example search for music everything else hides but only music shows up but you have to scroll down to see the results
Probably a CSS problem
any help will be appreciated im using template theme from w3school
I don't know CSS
maybe use a id="search-results" and scrollIntoView it
I'm happy when I manage to display two boxes next to each other
That's harder than one would think, using CSS
guys, in if(x <= 0 || x >= 475){
@DeanDemona Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what do the two || mean?
@DeanDemona they mean 'or'
saying or wont work right? just ||
@DeanDemona correct
thanks alot. Im learning canvas thats why :). Sometimes I forget some javascript basics every now and then
Good luck!
Do you know any place where I can find what those numbers refer to? clearRect(0, 0, 500, 170);
or clearRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
I assume the first is X, Y, width, height
oh thanks
MDN is fantastic
How long did it take you to learn canvas? Im having trouble understanding the cos and sin. I watched a video in MDN I think about trigonometry for designers
@DeanDemona Yeah, I'm still struggling with the math concepts
Indeed. I understand the PI and concept of circles but triangles or the Cos Sin is really confusing when we try to apply them to different objectives
does this work for you? jsfiddle.net/bp0bxgbz/13
hey @SomeKittens any idea why my triangle seems rotated? jsfiddle.net/bp0bxgbz/49
I kind of got the hang of it now and wrote my own little moving triangle
@DeanDemona context.lineTo(x+105,y+25);
^ you're adding to y on this line
Heh, nice
@AwalGarg That would be amazing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Really? I've never heard about it before
hello guys, i have created a div with scrollbar and i want that when the page loads the scrollbar should be completely scrolled down. Is it possible with jquery?
check out scrollHeight and scrollTop @ShubhamNishad
those should get you what you need
1 hour later…
Is there a native way to know (in a NodeJS process) when the terminal is resized?
process.on('SIGWINCH', function() {
booo formatting
@IonicăBizău ^^
Wowow, awesome! Thanks!
What's in the works?
I create a bash session in a NodeJS process and I want to resize the bash session when real terminal is resized.
ah, cool.
a terminal-in-a-terminal!
Yes. And what's even cooler is that I already can create bash in nodejs in bash in nodejs in bash... :-)
Is this the correct way of passing the config to passport for usernamefield and passwordfield var config = {

module.exports = function(passport)
console.log("Setting up signup strategy");
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(config,'signup',cb));
ok,unknown strategy signup error keeps coming up for some reason,all my social strategies are working,it is the local strategy that's failing
Will this work given that these are my inputs <input class="form-control" id="register-email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required=""

<input class="form-control" id="register-password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required="" type="password">
Hey, can anyone tell me the best way to modify a parent's state from a child in ReactJS?
For example, clicking a list item and making it delete from the parents state
any hints, suggestions ?
Hello ! :) Has anyone ever written a browser extension? i would like it to communicate with a non-browser related software running in the background. i probably dont have access to the file-system, what are other options i can use?
@OferHaber Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OferHaber I have done for firefox
firefox extensions can do anything.
ok, so firefox can write for FS
i need to have this plugin run on all browsers
internet explorer is goin to be tough :D
do you know any other methods of speaking with background software ? (im taking into account maybe the background software would run a web browser and the extension would xmlhttprequest it)
yeah, it too is doable, but then you'd have to know the port...
and it is still limited to those with cors
I mean the hard part is not writing to a file
the hard part is writing an extension for ie
IE would need an activeX component right? i mean it IS doable
Who could tell me why the jQuery-answer ✓ @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28520724/ isn't working when implemented on my site.

The Togglers themselves still work as usual.

However: they are not automatically opened when clicking on a link with a destination inside them, as was the goal of this question.
Works great in JSFiddle (jsfiddle.net/dk8uhh4y/1) though...
I do not know how to fix this stackoverflow.com/questions/28524787/…
How can I figure out where the bug occurs?
Hey, guys...
http://i.imgur.com/RKg8NlA.jpg hehehe
What was she actually saying?
No idea!
I love this dog.
2 hours later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/
Good Morning
@BenjaminGruenbaum Java.
@SomeKittens haha this is awesome!
@SecondRikudo ew, I've done Java all morning - it was hell :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm still in hell -_-
I have done java for past 3 days
and i am sharing hell with you @SecondRikudo
@BenjaminGruenbaum the coffee, right? You're talking about coffee. Tell me you're talking about coffee.
Mostly Scala :D
Purely Android :-(
and ANDROID is a joke it seems. Android One targets India and Africca
where most of the existing architecture is built using USSD and SMS
and since 8 years with a hanging ticket, there is no USSD support in android what - so - ever.
I have to literally use accesibility service, and this just feels wrong.
does heroku support socket io ?
it's seems not
you mean websocket
see the console.log of my app
it says 404 not found
how to get element's.outerHeight() as if css({width:25%}) were applied, but not actually applying the css yet???
!!> [Array(2).map(()=>1), Array.apply(null, Array(2)).map(()=>1)]
@crl [["undefined"],["undefined"]]
@crl [["undefined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined"]]
@crl [["undefined","undefined"],[1,1]]
@crl is this for me ?
no, I wonder why only the latter works with map
@crl first just sets the .length, latter actually seeds it
@Zirak @SomeGuy reddit.com/r/AntiAntiJokes I think I'm in love.
interesting, thanks
!!> Array.apply(null, {length:2}).map(()=>1)
@crl [1,1]
@AwalGarg your email id please
Is {length:2} a "pseudo-array" like Zirak call them? like DomLists
@Mosho But it breaks Firefox. Unfortunatly I don't currently have time to investigate a solution that works everywhere. If anyone wants to: Feel free to fix my answer. /cc @Tambo
@rlemon Hahaha
I'm quite confused by a lot of them
But that's the point, so hurray!
I need to know: why did nobody do anything noticeable to change the current system of writing operations?
It's so bad if you think about it
you have additions, written as "a+b", multiplications written as "ab", powers written as "a sup b", and radices, divisions and most things is different
It's actually quite pragmatic - it's just not tuned for your use cases :P
then you have 3 kinds of brackets meaning the same thing, which most of the people I know IRL still use...
The types of brackets is just to make nesting clear in hand writing
@BenjaminGruenbaum fuck hand writing: I feel like the only times I hand-write something it's just for me to read
Right, and most math is still - believe it or not - done this way
For every person typing a formula in lyx there are 1000 writing a formula on a piece of paper
first of all I'd remove all negative operations, like decrementation, subtraction, division, radices...
How would you represent "negative operations"
to prevent a single kind of operation to be able to be written out in more than 1 way: 1-1 is just 1+(-1), right?
What's a negative operation anyway? Do you mean inverse operations?
@towc yeah, in fact - isn't really math, it's actually useful shorthand for writing +(-x)
in my mind each operation has an order: o1 is incrementation, o2 is +, o3 is *, o4 is power...
I have a DB object in my main NodeJS module, and another module needs to use the DB object... should I use require('db') in the other module's file or pass the db object to it from the main file?
Minus in vector fields is always unary.
and then o-1 is decrementation, o-2 is subtraction and so on...
@towc in my mind no no operation has order. Ordering exists just to make things easier to read.
There is no mathematical reason to evaluate / before -, ()s can solve all that ambiguity anyway.
The only reason ordering exists is for pragmatic purposes.
Remember, code syntax had maybe 60 years to evolve. Math has evolved in syntax for thousands of years. Written math was very different 200 years ago.
if you think about it, you can always write "a o-N b" as "a oN (-b)"
@BenjaminGruenbaum I believe that in fact all of these imprecisions come from that world, and that nobody thought it was a practical idea to remodernize
Math was constantly "remodernized" actually.
also, we could write "a oN b" as "{a} o(N-1) b" where {} is a new way of saying par say epsilon, and the operation is the order specified later, and the number of times the thing is done is b
in this way we even took care of all of the summatory and multiplicatory categorization problem
so, ∑x is equal to {x}**o2**
∏x = {x}**o3**
I feel like this is much much better than what we actually write
now the fun stuff is: what's o2.5?
could you write factorial in an easier way?
is the only reason we treat operations differently so that children at elementary can understand them easier?
that seems like such a huge mistake from humanity
ESDiscuss is depressing today.
also, why are we indicating angle degrees still in 360 most of the times?? Radians seem like a much much better solution, that they don't seem to teach at school until highschool... and why don't we even use 1 as the biggest angle, so that 1/4 is a perpendicular angle, for example??
@towc everyone uses radians anyway in math.
@towc ! is pretty easy, although factorial generalizes into an interesting function quite nicely.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but if people started learning about radians not long after they learned about 360degrees the world would be a better place
@towc fractions are hard for people.
@BenjaminGruenbaum to me it looks more like they are made hard for people
No, fractions are fundamentally a hard concept. Just like limits for instance.
Once you understand them they seem trivial but until you do...
wait... you can have factorial of non-integers?
oh wait... it's actually just gamma(n+1)................................
just lost the GAMma
posted on February 15, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@Sebastian congrats on the new name!
@BenjaminGruenbaum More like "congrats on getting out of that huge bikeshedding mess :D"
Q: Dependency inject into Express route

Markus PintI need to inject my db object into the securityHandler object, but I can't seem to work out how to do it. In the securityHandler.authenticate method I want to have access to all: db, request and response. I've tried this: app.post('/api/login', securityHandler.authenticate(request, response, d...

the EDIT section has the short problem, if anyone could help. Standard OOP JS, but oddly does not work
I search for a way to create single page application that send ajax to the server and get a data from sql db. I thought to use nodejs but I dont have the good server for this. their is a another way to do this? like PHP file that manage the requests and I will recieve the json with the data from the db? thanks!
@BenjaminGruenbaum the changes got pulled
in react-canvas :-> // me happy
@BenjaminGruenbaum why do you sound like me ?
How can i count the number of sign changes in an array? [1,1,0,-1,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1] -> 3
you kidding ? right ?
I just want a short expression
!!> var a= [1,1,0,-1,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1]; a.reduce(function(v, x){return v[1]==x&&x!=0?[v[0]+1,x]:[v[0],x]}, [0, a[0]])[0]
arr.reduce((obj, curr)=>{
    if( Math.sign(curr) !== Math.sign(obj.last) ){
    obj.last = curr;
},{ changes: 0, last: arr[0] }).changes;
@crl 3
same thing
ok thanks
mine is just slightly more readable
I prefer with Math.sign, yep
you will need to polyfill it btw
Math.sign = Math.sign || function(x) {
  x = +x; // convert to a number
  if (x === 0 || isNaN(x)) {
    return x;
  return x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
and then polyfill isNaN
well return x !== x
!!> NaN !== NaN
@darkyen00 true
!!> Object.is(NaN, NaN)
@underscore true
lol @Windows8 asks for administrative rights to change a desktop shortcut path..
Smh I don't need this I shoulda bought a macbook
Sets 9/10 things I create to read-only. Like settings or configuration files. So I have to go through and make things useable manually. Either my installation is borked from the warehouse or this shit got hilariously stupid since I last used Windows
@underscore even that needs a poly fill
@Jhawins what did i tell you ?
@Jhawins you can turn it off btw
but well that will make unsecure windows worse.
This is the longest I've been stuck without a direction I believe in facing an algorithmic problem in the last... 10 years or so.
Worst thing is, I don't really have anyone I can ask for help.
@darkyen00 I can turn off setting all my files to read-only?
Person to buy a laptop


  echo("I should of bought a mac");

case LINUX:
  echo ("WTF !");
  echo ("ERM NO GAMES");

case MAC:
  echo("I paid so much for this shit?");
  heart break;
dude I installed something off a legit DVD and it's like "This file came from another computer so it's blocked and read only" \
If there's a retarded mode switch please direct me there lol
@Jhawins are you sure you haven't bought WINDOWS 8.1 RACIST GRANDMA edition ?
You're a weird dude.
@Jhawins its in user controls
its the first thing i do when installing a windows pc
try to make permissions like linux
breaks ater like 7 days cause damn i can't keep doin it
but in short.
windows + f => UAC (search for UAC in unified search)
init there is a slider which tells when to ask or administrative privilages
set it to nevaah
Yeah @darkyen00 that's not even remotely related to what I said lol.
it does solve the "administrator needed" bs
Bitch is setting everything to read only.
Admin has read-write privilages on everything.
An app can't save it's own settings because the configuration file will be read only.
And people say immutability is good :)
@Jhawins well that never happend with me this is just too much
you have got windows 8.1 sick grandma edition (scan or viruses.. just in case)
And when I boot I get to hearthe "device connected" tone like ~15 times back to back
Day 2 with laptop: Factory reset // fucking bullshit
Day 1 with any windows device i obliterate the base installation
and re-install my version of windows.
or a bare minimum version
That would work if I bought old hardware sure.
it will still work
You can't just decide you want to run windows 7 when there aren't real drivers
No that's stupid.
install windows 8 without
addons by manufacturer
Can run VMs but you can't expect to just rollback when you bought brand new hardware.
Addons by manufacturer are sometimes pretty important...
install them 1 at a time
I'll do that on my way home from the "shoot yourself in the head" booth
no more windows ever in my life
First thing I do when I get a new laptop is to purge all manufacturer software with righteous fire and so far I've not had any problems because of that except I had to reinstall some shitty touch-pad thing to properly disable the touchpad
even i will not use windows for my newly build house
@darkyen00 so lame I want to cry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum xD
its reality though :-(
i am talking about users not power-users
is it possible to run Node.js interpreter as a module of C/C++ application?
Windows makes me wanna smoke pot and sit on the couch and forget I even have a computer.
@Jhawins sold.
@Jhawins please crash before hitting break;
@mrpyo what?
@underscore It would be useful if node.js interpreter would be available as a library. You could use it for porting node.js apps to mobile
@Jhawins things you should install on windows
I swapped all of the sprite icons with font icons
git-scm, gnuwin32utils, conEmu or console2, gcc, google-chrome, node.js
on mobile you don't need full developer environment, you only need interpreter
Hi, anyone familiar with Backbonejs?
@Kumaran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CharlieBrown @RoelvanUden Do either of you know of a clean implementation of the Unit Of Work or Repository Pattern with Dapper? Can't find any good examples.
hi there
I'm in the wrong room, haha.
any nodejs developper here ?
ask what do you want to know?
Don't ask to ask just ask. and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i'm actually working on a personnal nodejs project to learn it more depply. I use socketIO and express.
In a part, a socket can send wich perform an async httpRequest to youtube.com.
And i was testing something, if in the async request, i perform a very heavy loop, while this loop is running i can't access the server from another web page

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