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@sripriya just a guess! Are you from hyderabad?
@udaysagar why would that happen? That's sad.
My friend left Poland 4 years ago and he still speaks perfect Polish.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's wrong with backbone?
Everything :D It's pointless
It's an event emitter that's very weak - it wraps all your objects and it really gives you nothing in return
It's ancient too
I like my libraries better when they dont try to solve every perceivable problem
backbone doesn't solve anything though
out of curiosity, are there any libs/frameworks you do like or is it a general dislike of frameworks?
It's just a bunch of ES3 anti-patterns shoved at each other
I think something is wrong with browser or something. because a demo application working on the internet(hosted) but the sourc code when I run from my terminal shows same errors.
@ivarni I like a lot of libraries and frameworks, backbone is a library though - it doesn't invert control so it's not a framework.
coupled with Marionette it does a decent job cleaning up views and eventlisteners, plus it provides some structure to work with
No, it's just cruft with all the business logic removed
It's like deliberately introducing cruft to your app for the sake of cruft
wow, you weren't kidding when you said you disliked it :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum No suicides in here!
It was a good idea 5 years ago - we've gotten a lot better since as an ecosystem
lol, I kind of like backbone, it's a great way to filter people in interviews who are excited about it.
just like PHP
It's like a giant sign of "I don't know how to structure ui so I'll just use this thing - thinking is so hard"
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's exactly why we use it, 80% of the team are java devs ;)
Backbone has such awesome abstractions like turning every get/set operation into a string property access.
Also - wrapping every single object so you can't use it with other libraries.
Also, a very weak event emitter and imperative event bindings.
@BartekBanachewicz From childhood we were taught english and the whole environment which might include TV, friends, schools, colleges. Almost every place we see english. Some instances we see an exception is with our elders who didn't have formal english education.
Also it is no surprise to say that we don't know what's somethings are called in mothertongue which we know them only in english. haha
Such a great framework.
@udaysagar that still doesn't justify forgetting your mother tongue
@ivarni that's like admitting defeat :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Java or Backbone? :)
Backbone has no redeeming properties like a lot of languages and libraries do.
We moved from Angular, so I'm fairly happy with it given that context
It's not good in some areas and bad in others - it's just plain bad.
that's a redeeming point, it's not angular
let me guess, you've found Angular confusing or hard?
not really, most of my SO rep is from answering angular questions
I'd say I have pretty good knowledge on how it works and how to use it, which is why I dont like it
most people who like angular haven't really used it in my experience
I like Angular but I wouldn't really use it for too many things :D
Personally I really appreciate things like React and one directional data binding in the last year or two.
It's just a much much saner direction.
maybe 2.0 will be good
Yes, React is sweet
hey TIL about "create app shortcuts" in Chrome
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, It's high time that we have to start speaking in our mother tongue as much as we can to save our future generations from totally forgetting it.
If you actually know JavaScript why would you use backbone? It's pointless, do you have to support really old IE?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't get to decide, I'm working for a customer who wanted a framework and Backbone seemed the least bad
> a customer who wanted a framework
yup, like I said it's a java-shop
@ivarni customers want business results - not frameworks. Why would a customer make a technical choice?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ask their architects :)
@ivarni Amazingly bad attitude (sorry)
reminds me about that article about Haskell programmers
@ivarni then why use backbone, you can still just mixin an event emitter in your objects that have to emit events and stuff.
@BartekBanachewicz well, they don't know much about frontend, I'm not saying that they're bad people because they use Java, they just don't know much about the state of javascript
Backbone is just so crufty, I didn't enjoy working with it at all.
@ivarni great! So they shouldn't be making the calls!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed
but they still do
Doing obj.get("foo") instead of obj.foo and then manually hooking the events for re-rendering which is slow as hell unless you wire things in or use something like marionette or chaplin which has its own issues is just insane.
lmao I forgot how funny this article was
> all that nonsense can go fucking die in a taint fire. The lack of taste in the corporate Java culture is astonishing. It generates ugly code with no personality and that falls apart rapidly because no decent engineer wants to maintain it
Hello All
@HarshadNasit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BartekBanachewicz what article?
@BenjaminGruenbaum we're using marionette
Thanks Caprica
@ivarni that's better than just plain backbone but it's still insanely pointless.
If you want reusable views you can just use web components or something.
> one could do worse (on language fundamentals) than Java. It’s not PHP or Javascript or Visual Basic
giggling hysterically
@BartekBanachewicz meh, I think people who are fixated on a language have an attitude problem that is detrimental to a business.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's more or less what he criticizes
@BenjaminGruenbaum I tried to suggest looking at Polymer, but that idea sort of fizzled out
and he focuses on Java because, I think, it makes that fixation kinda justified
@BartekBanachewicz yes, but if I remember that article correctly his criticism is very stupid - it's like "FP people are smarter and care about what they do" or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well he said something along the lines of "if you cared enough to learn an obscure FP language, then there's a high chance you're not a stupid java code monkey"
@RahulDesai And I would appreciate you didn't interrupt my conversations with linkdumps
@ivarni lol :D It sounds to me like you sort of agree on Backbone
@BartekBanachewicz My apologies.
There, so it doesn't get any more downvotes.
@RahulDesai Inline links are much less annoying.
ok, will do
@BartekBanachewicz most developers you hire aren't code monkeys if you get to pick them - you can get people who aren't code monkeys and don't specialise in a specific technology.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I suppose he also pointed out that there are companies that don't look for such developers
Look at me - I learned Haskell and I use it, and I did some Clojure (admittedly after @FlorianMargaine pushed me to learn a lisp for a while) and I did some Erlang and I read a bunch of OCaml. I think I'm at a much better position than most FP people I know.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not as opposed to it as you, but I'm not hailing it as the solution to every problem either. In the situation we're in I think it was a better choice than the alternatives that was available to us (basically Angular)
@ivarni I'd take Angular over backbone every day since with Angular I can just use plain JS+directives for components and avoid Angular altogether for the most part.
I was mainly interrested in what you didn't like about it, I wasn't looking to defend it
I think I have a post on how I write my Angular code somewhere in SO - lemme find it.
Basically - the framework should do as little as possible to things it is not concerned with - of course today the MyAPI would be a class which would be exported out and the binding would be in another file altogether.
I dont mean to interrupt again, but now that the question has been removed from this chatroom, I would appreciate if you guys remove the downvote.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's good advice for any framework
@RahulDesai I removed mine
@ivarni in general keeping your code base as framework agnostic as possible is a good idea - imagine how simple a transition from Angular becomes :)
There's one more.
> The back-end web framework designed to make (Angular|Ember|Backbone)JS web apps easy to create and manage.
/cc @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BartekBanachewicz what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Synth
@BartekBanachewicz I wonder how soon promises will no longer be a feature but just an obvious thing to have :D
!! s/promises/monads/
@BartekBanachewicz @BartekBanachewicz I wonder how soon monads will no longer be a feature but just an obvious thing to have :D (source)
Yay, it's running bluebird.
1.2.4 though, hmm
a bit offtopic , but is there any chrome extension for Reddit.com that shows(enlarges) the images when you hover it ? I know that a lot of people here use reddit so I only ask :-) ( please don't shoot me)
(I can built one like I did here - but if there's already something ready then....)
Wow thank you....( testing....)
(I hope it does what i'm loooking for)
WTF mocha?
> $ mocha --version

> $ node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --version
@argentum47 wassup dude
When I test with mocha it fails, when I test with node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha it passes
One specific test
@SecondRikudo npm -g much?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum problem was an older version of 6to5
halp !!1
is there a way to prevent browser from auto-filling a saved password in a form field?
having pre-filled password in "change password" form is really missing the damned point
any ideas ?
@tereško there should be
that's .. not .. really .. helping
Try autocomplete="off" on the input.
hey, ScreenToGif is great
@SecondRikudo no effect
@tereško Google might be filling it up if you have it saved, I guess.
@RahulDesai I am using firefox as my "development browser"
please stop assuming that everyone else is using the same browser as you
@tereško I didnt mean to offend you in any way.
I am just trying to help you.
@tereško Yes, I can see that this technique works everywhere but firefox
@tereško You're jumpy today, chillax ^_^
I am really annoyed
The other possibility could be that the browser saved the password, maybe?
@OliverSalzburg Kendalls -- all of my code is appended
@tereško another option is to give it a non obvious name=. Not sure if it would work though, you can try
@tereško If you are annoyed, you dont have to annoy others. Just saying.
@RahulDesai Yeah, let's drop the subject please.
I already asked him to relax, you don't need to add fuel to the fire.
.. another user in the ignore-list .. yay
@SecondRikudo Dropped already.
@SecondRikudo naah, the name-thing was the first one I tried
hi guyz
need some advice about the best way to build a chat (with several rooms) with jquery/php/mysql...
@Julo0sS The best way is to not use those
how would you do this then?
@KendallFrey #rekt
@Julo0sS I made my chat in node
mysql is probably ok, but php should be avoided
@KendallFrey MySQL is not OK either.
I actually did a small chat to check where i was goin with this kind of project... that has a small mysql structure, and trick is just to retrieve new messages with ajax calls every x ms... problem, for me, is that it calls db even if there are no new msgs... so with many users/many rooms that is crap
Postgres or some nosql
@Julo0sS Correct
That is where WebSockets come into play.
Not a JS question, but, can you split off a comment on GitHub to a new issue?
@RoelvanUden Don't think there's a way automatically
@SecondRikudo could you tell me a bit more?
@SecondRikudo So I'd have to delete the comment, and make a new issue myself?
(I'm admin/owner of this proj)
Copy paste and edit the original comment to refer to the new issue
Oh, comment isn't yours
Then either ask OP to open a new issue (and close this one)
Or open it yourself.
No need to delete his comment
Just add one of your own that a new issue was opened and that's it.
No point in losing information.
Alright! I was hoping for a 'split comment to new issue'-option. This will do, thanks!@
@Julo0sS a websocket is a persistent connection between the client and the server
You can have a two way communication over a websocket (i.e. client sends messages to server, but also server sending (pushing) messages to client).
So with a websocket, you can push new messages to all of your clients as they come.
Quote with reference.
Is that the 'appropriate' way?
@SecondRikudo websocket is just an object in javascript, right? (even if "obj" isnt the good word) but how do you manage it server side?
server on apache atm
@Julo0sS Google PHP websockets, I'm sure there are libraries.
But you'd really be better off with node
That's practically what it was made to do.
@RoelvanUden Seems like a good idea
@SecondRikudo node.js?
@Julo0sS Yup
@SecondRikudo ok, i'll google that. Then, I'd like to keep things saved and maybe archive this later. Mysql would be ok for that? (why would postgresql be better?)
@Julo0sS Because postgres is generally just better than mysql
It's faster, it's more consistent, it's not whacky.
The downside is a slightly sharper learning curve
But it's worth it.
@sankar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i need clarity for the below question stackoverflow.com/questions/28105097/…
anybody there?
@jAndy just saw the result of your last photoshooting, holy hell. As we would say in Austria... "Der Hund steht her"
@sankar Firefox is known to be a bitch about context menus and right clicks
@Zirak is there any possibility to fix that issue?
lol, the inability of Swing to scroll past the end of file is ridiculous
In addition to preventing default, you'll also have to disable propagation and nonesense like that
I don't exactly recall what needs to be done, but basically do everything in the book and pray it works.
@SecondRikudo I'm reading about socket.io
@Julo0sS Great :)
@SecondRikudo this is just a js file?
It seems you can't get very fair treatment here. I suggest to try unix.stackexchange.com - sometimes they answer mingw questions, too, and they are much more friendly as these wonderful people here. — peterh 2 hours ago
@Zirak: okay man.Thanks for your reply
@Julo0sS Socket.io is a library
Anyone in here familiar with c3.js?
@Zirak where is the user information in chat? it used to be in window.users, right?
I know that CHAT is in window
that's all I know
yep, but no user info
CHAT.RoomUsers -- though, you're right, even in there, there isn't any user info, besides their ID
hi guys
@KendallFrey CHAT.RoomUsers.all().toArray()
is it possible to perform operation if user clicks on okay button of alert("good bye"); ?
oh, I didn't know rep was in there too
@Zirak ahxellent
@SecondRikudo i'm f*cked
@SecondRikudo i have a local server, and another one hosted @ one
one does not allow use of websockets, so -> end of story
@Julo0sS Time to change servers
@SecondRikudo yep
@SecondRikudo heard about "long polling", is that an alternate solution?
@Julo0sS It was. But everything is considered crappy in comparison to websockets.
Really they're made for the job.
no one?
darn.. the last 700 reps before I can go die with satisfaction seem to last forever
@GNi33 Danke Bursche !! :-P
@jAndy I just hit 1k rep... I don't think I care enough to reach your level of rep lol
thanks php team as I dont find this room friendly


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Leave, then
We didn't answer your question, and that somehow makes us unfriendly?
If only these ROTTEN Haskellers worked even half as hard and half as many hours as our Ruby developer. He pulls all-nighters regularly...
I'm literally in tears
@NickDugger well I never planned it.. but as it goes you just get more rep and at some point.. the 100k was a goal for me
1k was my goal... now I care even less, haha
Can anyone with windows help me?
@BenjaminGruenbaum shoot
@NickDugger 20k is delete stuff though :3
but frankly gold tag badges are also very powerful
that sounds so...ambiguous :P
Yeah, but that's gonna take forever
Si, benji
I have windows, I can help.. I can tell the sun is shining outside!
@BartekBanachewicz I need someone to clone Q from github.com/kriskowal/q and my PR from github.com/benjamingr/q and see that they pass the same tests (PR here: github.com/kriskowal/q/pull/643)
Run in as many browsers as possible - running is done by opening the spec/q_spec.html
I'm not willing to put in that much effort to help...
Should only take a short while - I want it tested in real windows too.
@NickDugger you don't have to help me if you don't want to :)
can't tell if passive-aggression, or sincerity...
Sincerity, I'm just asking for help with something I'm working on - none of you owe me that. It would be nice if you helped but I certainly wouldn't feel wronged or anything if you don't - I'm not your boss nor am I entitled to your free developer time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do I need node for that?
@BartekBanachewicz No, you do not.
Just git clone the first one, git clone the second one and open spec/q_spec.html for both in different browsers and versions of IE.
@BenjaminGruenbaum chrome 40.0.2214.111 m and IE 11.0.9600.17501 both the same
Thanks a ton, you don't happen to have old IE somewhere do you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have the one VS is using. It gives me 2 fails, compared to IE 11 1
Both in both libraries? Also - which one?
Q: Is advising unfairly-treated newbies to use other SE sites okay?

peterhFor example, I am thinking of this question. In my opinion, this question (and its answer) got a groundless unfair treatment. But everything happened normally - at least, in theory. I think, in a similar case, it would be a possible work-around of the problem if I would try to send the visitor...

yeah so slowly
Yeap, meta is still messy
results are the same across all 3 between both libraries
chrome passes everything, IE 11 fails one, VS2013-ie fails two
@Benj do you need the failing cases?
@BartekBanachewicz it'd help, yeah - as it fails in both versions it's not a regression but it'd still be nice to say it
so IE 11 fails:

unhandled rejection reporting reports a stack trace.
Expected [ '(no stack) [object Error]' ] to equal [ undefined

VS IE fails on the above and also:

computing sum of integers using promises should compute correct result without blowing stack.
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'reduce'
@BenjaminGruenbaum here
Thanks, you've literally just helped thousands of developers' debugging experience a little bit :)
sure, anytime.

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