Besides the bottom and right panels not fitting in, you also can't know how to respond to new people. Someone comes in the room and asks a question or says something stupid, how will you know how to respond to them?
> Bugs tend to be tracked on the zsh-workers mailing list; see the next section. Check the mailing list to see if a bug has been reported. (There is a bug tracker at the zsh development site at Sourceforge, but it's not in active use.)
@VincentVerheyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Steve, I am very under-experienced, but is there any kind of platform where you are referring to, or some kind of a specific web content? What is the browser version of your site like?
@MvcProgrammer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak :) Thanks for your help. Indeed, it seems exactly the same thing. However on my site (, I have GREEN higlighting specified as such: a[href^=""].active{background:#blue} a:not([href^=""]).active{background:#green}
However, I would only like to confine the GREEN higlighting to the id-#page
In a manner that the "Home" on top of the page would not have GREEN higlighting =).
When I inspect the page (made with Drupal) with Firefox-inspector, the part of my website where I do want GREEN highlighting on seems to be located inside either #page or #content, which seems pretty much the same.
--- And that "Home" seems located inside the id-#branding,
@taco - You are actually right, I apologize. I just tested whether to see if I can access a#branding{color:...} ---> and the CSS can't reach there, for some reason...
The same strange thing happens when I simply write
a{color:red}, then it also DOES reaches the whole page...
--- However, I can't access a specific id (such as #branding) 1 at a time... I might go and ask at HTML/CSS, perhaps ...
Just for the record --- I think this has to do with me not finding the "id"'s of the webpage. I don't know a good method of doing this; I am basicly just inspecting with Firefox. --- Thanks anyway for the help already.
@taco 1 was a beautiful intro the the MCU - fantastic movie. 2 was solid but the Randian undercurrents didn't help it much. 3 managed to transcend the series - it was much more than just "Awesome superhero movie" and moved Stark's character beyond the one-dimensional genius/billionaire/playboy/philanthropist
@taco Oh, I'm a capitalist, very much so. I just believe the government has a part in it as well (unlike Rand portraying all Gov't intervention as evil)
That would make a good short story: a conspiracy surrounding coffee beans being used to turn people into Social Justice Warriors. The Democrats are behind it. It reacts with city smog
> In February 2011, Toyota asked the public to decide on what the most proper plural form of Prius should be, with choices including Prien, Prii, Prium, Prius, or Priuses.[16][17] The company said it would "use the most popular choice in its advertising"[18] and on February 20 announced that "Prii" was the most popular choice
@SomeKittens Well the government is the one who let utility companies "own" the utility poles in the first place. So reclassifying it as a utility will let Google fiber be hung from those poles as well
@taco Right - this is a good place for the government to ensure that there's competition and no sneaky business. True Randians would say that Comcast "won" and the government shouldn't interfere.
@taco I live in the frakking Bay Area and not a hoot about GF here.