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thats too close to me!
posted on February 14, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

@Shmiddty Your theme is weird
my theme is awesome
@Shmiddty should fallback on the average of their avatar color
@Zirak Your .* is weird
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's all hardcoded CSS right now
Besides the bottom and right panels not fitting in, you also can't know how to respond to new people. Someone comes in the room and asks a question or says something stupid, how will you know how to respond to them?
I haven't finished/updated the gist yet
Messages are still nameless, you can't know people's names to ping them (which is an important thing)
I just direct reply
The names are truncated in the default theme anyways
Much slower than hitting @, starting to type, and tabbing.
@Shmiddty you really need to change that link color
Also, please bake in good keyboard shortcuts, vimium and places with text input don't play too nice.
Oh yeah, why are the names missing?
cause names shmames
@Shmiddty Now I want ff69b4
that's a lovely pink
you girly girl
haha 2.9
Now date, bye :)
It is bad that I'm now imagining your voice as being substantially gayer?
@Shmiddty #000000
quick question does anyone know a blog where multiple users can work at same time?
@darkyen00 taken

/*/ Caprica /*/
.user-container.user-1839506 .messages{
  font-family: courier, monospace;

/* shmiddty */
.user-container.user-1585400 .messages{
  border-top: solid .25em #E46B34;
/* somekittens */
.user-container.user-1216976 .messages{
  border-top: solid .25em #FDC702;
/* rlemon */
.user-container.user-829835 .messages{
  border-top: solid .25em #C1BCBD;
/* ssuubbee */
.user-container.user-129032 .messages{
  border-top: solid .25em #458;
@Steve Whadya mean?
@Shmiddty #f0694b
like collaboration blog group blog
A blog where multiple people can post stuff? Like almost every blog engine?
:3 @Shmiddty
@Zirak like each user will have permission for the blog one will be admin and other just regular users who can post stuff but can't edit
Most blog engines
@Shmiddty okay last option
#007 <- i wonder why isn't that taken xD
does anyone one of them support html support
All of them?
@darkyen00 that's a secret
you looking for standalone install-and-use, or some engine you put into your own app?
Seriously, just google for a blog engine fitting your hosting platform
Now its mine
> Bugs tend to be tracked on the zsh-workers mailing list; see the next section. Check the mailing list to see if a bug has been reported. (There is a bug tracker at the zsh development site at Sourceforge, but it's not in active use.)
@SomeGuy there is no hope for banks in India
lets make a new bank ! (PS even paytm sucks ass)
a mailing list for bug tracking...
Unix at its finest
thanks @zirak
Good luck
@Zirak: yeah... the "old" open source projects seem to have some kind of stockholm syndrome when it comes to using terrible tools/services
BSD using CVS, most of them not switching from SF to github, etc
@ThiefMaster and the new ones have a thanks you +1 parasite.
I wish there was something like GitHub that wasn't controlled by a single company. Like a GitHub like droplet that really worked.
So you can host your code on a GitHub like thing but also migrate it maintaining the UI and so on.
@Shmiddty why ask people. gist.github.com/rlemon/…
generate the colours
@rlemon Because I care!
ohh wow, border-top (like yours) looks much better
I think so too
@BenjaminGruenbaum like, gitweb?
google "git instaweb"
@FlorianMargaine will do
@FlorianMargaine oh no, I know that - that interface isn't fun at all :D
@twiz hehe
I don't understand what you want then
oh, maybe something like what fossil does? fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki
@BenjaminGruenbaum I kind of want to know if he also expected it to convert the content of word/excel documents to JSON.
I think he was looking for code that would magically do everything he wanted.
Regardless of language
I can't make this work jsbin.com/xudoyu/1/edit?html,js,output the first paragraph should update the second since it's using ng-model
seems like ng-model works with the value and ng-bind with the innerHTML
Studying in a college here is like cleaning a toilet with bare hands, you don't wanna do it and it will infect you for sure. @AwalGarg --
!!echo @shmiddty
!!tell shmiddty echo @Shmiddty
@shmiddty @Shmiddty
Oh my 4 shmiddty's in a row
!!tel @darkyen00 @darkyen00
@@darkyen00 @darkyen00
!!echo @rlemon wow we need to fix this
@rlemon wow we need to fix this
!!tell rlemon tel rlemon @rlemon
@darkyen00 Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@rlemon @@rlemon
@rlemon @rlemon @rlemon
and this
not really.
!!ban darkyen00
@rlemon darkyen00 added to mindjail.
we already have one.
abusers get mindjailed
!!unban darkyen00
@rlemon darkyen00 freed from mindjail!
@rlemon i was talking about the double ping warning on !!tell being non-existent on !!tel
!!tel @rlemeon
!!tell @rlemon
@darkyen00 Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
!tel is a user command
!!info tel
@rlemon Command tel, created by rlemon on Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:12:56 GMT, invoked 4 times
ah makes sense
used only 4 times ?
wow !
that resets when she does
!!info tel
@rlemon Command tel, created by rlemon on Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:12:56 GMT but hasn't been used yet
:-( isn;t that a bug ?
talk to Zirak
fr make the stats persistent
Yeap we need it.
@zirak fix me
wow she wants herself fixed.
@crl you can't ng-model <p> like that
I have forgotten angular all along..
Fix the bot how? What's the probs? YOU GOT A PROBLEM?
(besides telling me, raise an issue or I'll forget)
no I'm sorry I didn't mean it
!!echo @shmiddty
plot twist he is your 6th stepmother
yeah well at least she didn't rape you like the 6th
@Shmiddty hrm?
@Zirak Styling against the ping indicator
So no bug?
6th... sith... me made a funny
I saw that too, but let go ... not funny.
@Zirak the "bug" is that the counter counting the number of times a command was called is reset every time the bot is refreshed
There is a simple bug in storing the user generated command, it won't serialize the number times they were used
ps shouldn't cap now be using INDEXED Db ?
no... cap should be running on a server
@FlorianMargaine oh
^ Until that happens
@darkyen00 why?
@Zirak idb can store arbitary files as blobs
so your new commands and all the stuff can be stored securely (securely as in they won't be lost completely)
plus the api is non-blocking you can also implement caprica powered analytics
and make money out of this room
Right after the bot gets into telemarketing
@Zirak she is already in telemarketting.
USSD is pain.... darnit the national unified ussd portal is down -_-
@FlorianMargaine Can you (or whoever) open an issue to guilt me?
@darkyen00 ^
I don't give the slightest shit about this feature
@Zirak yes sir.
@FlorianMargaine Writing it to db ? I don't either
@crl this will work: jsbin.com/xutozevisi/1/edit
read about ngModelController if you want to do that
1 message moved to Trash can
!!tell darkyen test
@darkyen00 7
@darkyen00 Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
@darkyen00 Command test does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
!!tel darkyen sandbox
@darkyen sandbox
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh
fuck .tt
@BenjaminGruenbaum Coocoonjs Canvas to OpenGL + React-Canvas === boom
@BenjaminGruenbaum still looking for an issue to work on
@Mosho thanks a lot, starting to learn angular
well, ngModelController is a bit on the more advanced side of angular
so you probably shouldn't worry about and stick to using ng-model on input elements
Another System Definition Facility, yes
@Shmiddty why was i pink ?
Another Sucker Detection Failure?
@darkyen00 You were pink?
in rlemons screenshot
me | benji == pink
He auto-generated everyone's colors
if hey aren't single colored give them <cycle> :3
What am I?
for the love of satan, remove the border-radius
@SomeKittens a shade of yellow
woo, space centre is fully upgraded
oh, I got my dollar!
@SomeKittens You picked it :P
@SomeKittens I do not understand
@darkyen00 Nah. I like it
^ Classic
What I want to figure out now: When hovering over a reply, fade out any messages that are not part of that reply-chain
Not sure it's possible with the class names they provide
.@StackExchange is amazing! Just got my dollar. http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/02/podcast-62-delete-this-whole-episode/ http://t.co/MHU3xvmW3x
@SomeKittens hahaha
@Shmiddty Update the gist (btw, you can use a gist like a regular git repo)
@Zirak I'm pretty much done at this point.
gist updated
too many of my colours are similar :(
	function colorCode(i) {
		return '#' + (Math.min((i >> 24) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) +
					 Math.min((i >> 16) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) +
					 Math.min((i >> 8) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) +
					 Math.min(i & 0xFF, 175).toString(16)).slice(0, 6);
seeded with your name + your user-{{id}}
Hello all! Might I ask a quick question? If I only want jQuery's:


to work on a certain element with id "page", how would I go about?

Like such, right?

@VincentVerheyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Did you test it?
Yea, I tested it. But it seems not to be working. In fact, it doesn't even seem to be working inside #page-id anymore, it doesn't work ANYWHERE.

However, when I remove the #page, then it works EVERYWHERE on the webpage.

... :)
quick question is there way to force desktop browser to open mobile site?
Thanks a lot! I'll try to understand your help in code, I'll be back in a couple of min.
I didn't do anything, your example works
@Steve, I am very under-experienced, but is there any kind of platform where you are referring to, or some kind of a specific web content? What is the browser version of your site like?
@Steve Just serve the mobile site instead of the desktop site?
@MvcProgrammer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty yes example like youtube
@Zirak :) Thanks for your help. Indeed, it seems exactly the same thing. However on my site (http://vincent-verheyen.ga/Helical_tomotherapy_for_the_treatment_of_head_and_neck_cancer), I have GREEN higlighting specified as such:
However, I would only like to confine the GREEN higlighting to the id-#page
In a manner that the "Home" on top of the page would not have GREEN higlighting =).
When I inspect the page (made with Drupal) with Firefox-inspector, the part of my website where I do want GREEN highlighting on seems to be located inside either #page or #content, which seems pretty much the same.
--- And that "Home" seems located inside the id-#branding,

However, even


doesn't fixes the issue. I am thining this is maybe some kind of Drupal-setting?
Dunno what this has to do with Javascript... sounds like a CSS problem.
> and this belief is reinforced throughout their dating lives as they get shot down more often than the Egyptian Air Force ( time.com/3030375/dave-barry-50-shades-of-grey )
Dave Barry has still got it!
@taco - You are actually right, I apologize. I just tested whether to see if I can access a#branding{color:...} ---> and the CSS can't reach there, for some reason...

Even though


DOES reaches the whole page... It's so strange
The same strange thing happens when I simply write

a{color:red}, then it also DOES reaches the whole page...
--- However, I can't access a specific id (such as #branding) 1 at a time... I might go and ask at HTML/CSS, perhaps ...
Just for the record --- I think this has to do with me not finding the "id"'s of the webpage. I don't know a good method of doing this; I am basicly just inspecting with Firefox. --- Thanks anyway for the help already.
Do any of you guys regularly pay any attention to HATEOAS?
(And the award for 'most cumbersome acronym' goes to...)
read it as HATE OATS
almost started a heated argument, as I absolutely love oats
Oats suck, they're not meat so they're not real food.
I like oats as much as can be justified for a commodity vegetable product.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, don't tell people at work I said that
Oats are pretty good.
Do you want oats? Because this is how you get oats.
oats are one of the few things I can't ruin
Aaanyway. With that minor misunderstanding resolved...
there was no misunderstanding
oats are great
@BenjaminGruenbaum oats are what food eats.
a pokeball child?
hey folks
I really don't get polandball ...
@taco That's too bad, because it's hilarious
guys share your favourite movies
It's about as funny as f7u2
Favorite movie: "Your Friend The Rat" @YourFriend
@YourFriend Your Friend and Your Mom, a mystery.
it does exist lol. I thought you were joking but you are joking ^_^
ofcourse we are joking.
@YourFriend serious favorite movie : Iron Man 2
// on a side note I am wearing an Iron Man Tshirt, using an iron man usb drive
What about Iron Man 3? didn't like it much?
and have iron man cufflinks
@darkyen00 Ayn Rand fan?
@YourFriend 3 was the best in the series
now back to presentation. bye
Shawshank Redemption is also great
Iron Man 3? wat
Maybe if I was 9 years old
hehe lol
whats your favourite then?
#1) Memento #2) Abre Los Ojos #3) The Matrix #4) A Clockwork Orange #5) House of Fools
@taco 1 was a beautiful intro the the MCU - fantastic movie. 2 was solid but the Randian undercurrents didn't help it much. 3 managed to transcend the series - it was much more than just "Awesome superhero movie" and moved Stark's character beyond the one-dimensional genius/billionaire/playboy/philanthropist
@taco haven't seen any of them, I will start with Memento
Ooh, Clockwork Orange. It's ...different
but then again, it's Kubrick so you kinda expected that.
Dunno what Randian undercurrents are
@taco The movie was partially based on the philosophy of Ayn Rand
never read anything by Rand, but I've heard of 'em
my favorite books pretty much
Mine are farcical
despite the childish views
Shel Silverstein poems, Douglas Adams
@Mosho I may have lost some respect for you...
@SomeKittens don't let San Francisco seep into your blood. It's gonna turn you into a hipster
I hear it's in the Starbucks as well
@taco Oh, I'm a capitalist, very much so. I just believe the government has a part in it as well (unlike Rand portraying all Gov't intervention as evil)
See: Comcast
That would make a good short story: a conspiracy surrounding coffee beans being used to turn people into Social Justice Warriors. The Democrats are behind it. It reacts with city smog
Smog? We've got Teslas and Prii. We have a serious Smug problem.
Is Prii the plural of Prius?
under 'use strict' mode, is new Function() allowed?
@Charly Yes, but not recommended.
(in the future, you can use jsfiddle.net to test such things out)
btw if you haven't been to China, you don't know what is real smog.
It is not allowed when CSP is enabled
@taco Yes
> In February 2011, Toyota asked the public to decide on what the most proper plural form of Prius should be, with choices including Prien, Prii, Prium, Prius, or Priuses.[16][17] The company said it would "use the most popular choice in its advertising"[18] and on February 20 announced that "Prii" was the most popular choice
@Charly Smog is totes a dargon who lives in a castel
@SomeKittens I just liked the stories
@Mosho eh, fair enough
the ideology is nice too, but not outside of print
@Shmiddty I didn't get what you said
@Charly ikr? wikked m8!
the thing I did like about her ideology is the dismissal of religion and metaphysics
@SomeKittens Well the government is the one who let utility companies "own" the utility poles in the first place. So reclassifying it as a utility will let Google fiber be hung from those poles as well
ok im outa dis conversation
@darkyen00 cool.
We're on the shortlist for Google Fiber here! On the downside if I get it I will never move
@taco Right - this is a good place for the government to ensure that there's competition and no sneaky business. True Randians would say that Comcast "won" and the government shouldn't interfere.
@taco I live in the frakking Bay Area and not a hoot about GF here.
Yeah and Austin got it. >:|
To be fair, it's probably easier to lay fiber in Atlanta than in San Francisco
the problem with any ideology is that people are shit
@taco SF actually has fiber, and lots of it. It's a matter of getting around regulations, etc.
Modi should arrange for Google Fiber in here :/ cc @darkyen00 @SomeGuy @argentum47
the problem with any ideology is that people die and the next generation has to be educated yet again
@Mosho Terrible people will use ideologies to justify their terribleness, regardless of ideology.
yeah, problem of applying ideologies then
@AwalGarg agreed :P
hi bro!
how are things going

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