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hi, All
I am working on email client so i am looking for email standard.
@Shailendrsingh full email standard?
oh boy
@Shailendrsingh oh boy
You mean POP, IMAP, SMTP and the likes ?
@BartekBanachewicz yes
Are there even full e-mail standards? Everyone deviates. Welcome to e-mail.
@Shailendrsingh Good for you. Don't forget spam filtering, MX record and layer compression, delivery and forwarding.
I'd rather just concentrate on mailbox and let other programs handle the rest...
@dystroy SMTP
I used attr instead
I've went through building a mail server (and never used it because it was crap) all myself, so I'd know. :P
@Unihedro you don't need spam filtering for a client
Can anyone tell me how to convert true to 1 ?
@dystroy Nah, better to have than not to.
@CustomizedName +
@CustomizedName +bool
!!> var foo = true; +foo
where can i find these standard ?
@Unihedro "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable foo"
@Unihedro 1
@CustomizedName see ^
$('<option></option>').attr("IsFruitCrateEmpty", item.IsFruitCrateEmpty +bool).html(item.Name)
!!tell Shailendrsingh google google
@dystroy Command !!google does not exist. Did you mean: google (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Shailendrsingh * Google ; Google Maps ; Gmail - Google
google does not exists :O
!!duckduckgo duckduckgo
@Unihedro That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
You people really need to improve the bot to use duckduckgo.com as well.
!! block @Unihedro
@CustomizedName That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Does the duck have an API with a reasonable rate limit ?
just joking xD
@dystroy I would look for one without any limits
@dystroy Yes, it also has a better algorithm than Google's - Google constantly changes the search algorithm, it never returns anything helpful without tracking
ddg doesn't
It's a better engine for programmatical usage.
it's not like google is a search engine company
> This API does not include all of our links, however. That is, it is not a full search results API or a way to get DuckDuckGo results into your applications beyond our instant answers. Because of the way we generate our search results, we unfortunately do not have the rights to fully syndicate our results. For the same reason, we cannot allow framing our results without our branding. Please see our partnerships page for more info on guidelines and getting in touch with us.
so, no duck for miaou
aww :(
Hum... in fact I'm unsure...
This looks OK at first sight : api.duckduckgo.com/?q=duck&format=json&pretty=1
@Unihedro Are you seriously saying that <random thingy here> has better search algorithms than Google? You can say a lot of bad things about Google, but their core business being searches and all makes it reasonable to assume they do better than others in that area. o_o
@RoelvanUden A reasonable assumption doesn't justify assuming. :p
While it's true that Google has better infrastructure and framework to deliver more experiments and potentially better searching, well, it does not
really, it doesn't - all they do is show you more relevant ads
And that's why I never find what I look for on Bing and others, but Google gives me the result without an issue. :-/
@dystroy Yay Trello boards!
Hello All.
@RoelvanUden That's only because Bing and Baidu and Yahoo sucks more. :p
Please help me on this..
can an array like this ["-- 139 --", "-- 53 --", "-- 68 --", "-- 80 --", "-- 98 --"] be sorted considering the element Integers?
@techie_28 There are no element integers.
I was trying to do so by JavaScript sort() function
@techie_28 hahahaha
ha ha ha ha //cc @BenjaminGruenbaum
Can't tell if you're trolling or not. :P
@techie_28 extract the integers, sort, map back
Or use quicksort, implement it yourself
I mean treat -- 139 --" etc as integer, like JS sort function can take a parameter to define the sorting
xs.map (substr(3, size-3)) ).map(Number).sort().map(x => "-- " + x + " --")
something like that, I can't js
I was wondering if I can pass something in that sort parameter
thanks @BartekBanachewicz
@techie_28 have you looked in the MDN?
!!mdn sort
@techie_28 You can't treat what's not an integer as an integer without extracting the integer. Even then your design is terrible, just use an integer array instead of strings on the first place.
Optional. Specifies a function that defines the sort order. If omitted, the array is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.
@techie_28 ^
Hello, can someone explain to me what line 8 does and why we need it? (last line). Isn't just storing a global method to bob locally?
// here we define our method using "this", before we even introduce bob
var setAge = function (newAge) {
  this.age = newAge;
// now we make bob
var bob = new Object();
bob.age = 30;
bob.setAge = setAge;
okay yea parseInt gives out NaN for those values
@Vader functions are first-class citizens in JS. Assigning a function works just like assigning any other value (caveat: closures)
thanks all
@BartekBanachewicz Thanks, but what does that mean?
@techie_28 clearly
@Unihedro yes thanks.. I got it now
So I can't just user the global method setAge?
@Vader you can, and that's what I personally would do.
@Vader not if you want to change the age on the bob object
I'd avoid using this at all and stick to functions
If you want to give window an age, sure
I am getting conflicting advice, which is best js practice?
with or without this
Actually neither is "best" IMHO
Note that using prototype usually comes with (slightly) better performances
@Vader define "best" for me, please.
(and of course slightly less memory wasted)
You can't just ask "how can I write good code" and expect to get a helpful answer.
@Unihedro most javascriptonic
most common exceptable js practice
@Vader Not a word...
@Vader there are idiomatic (that's the word you're lookin for) practices that are terrible (just so you know)
thinks Vader is mocking themselves
I prefer free functions because I'm an FP weenie, because I think scoping is absolutely counterintuitive and I don't believe in implicit context unification
well I am doing the code academy course on js. It tells me I have to do this every time I create a new person, but that seems like a waste.
name.setAge = setAge
@BartekBanachewicz you mean you prefer bob.setAge = setAge.bind(bob) ?
also when I update the global setAge will the name.setAge follow
@dystroy Isn't it better to change the constructor in prototype?
@Vader link to the course?
"better" ? I usually use a prototype for this, but not always... depends...
I don't trust anything that is suggesting var bob = new Object();
@dystroy I typically don't even bind this.
@BartekBanachewicz OK, I thought that was what you meant with free
var setAge = function (person, age) { person.age = age; }?
For me, a "better" method is one that's more applicable for optimal situations.
@dystroy I know there's no way to get nice composition syntax for contextless functions in JS, but I don't think binding a context just so you can compose is justified
I am currently at Introduction to Objects I part 17/33
by nice composition syntax I mean o.fnA().fnB()
which is really >>= in disguise
@dystroy I prefer function person() { var age; return { setAge(_age) { age = _age; } }; }
but then again, don't listen to me. I can't write good JS code.
I think I'll learn Haskell just to follow conversations here ^^
@Vader I would suggest just continuing with the tutorial
I'm sure it will explain better ways to do it after you've got the fundamentals
@phenomnomnominal Yes, I think I am going to do that.
@FlorianMargaine yes, that's the common alternative to prototype, but slightly slower (and very expensive if you have many objects)
@phenomnomnominal thing is that it never really says "this is common js practice"
@dystroy I think I'll expand my monad article with JS explanations
@dystroy never noticed any slowdown in my code due to this...
@FlorianMargaine I benchmarked
(not in jsperf)
@Vader If it doesn't say that it is, don't assume that it is.
because it was a bottleneck?
and there's also the bench in my bounded-cache library
Thanks for the help people
@FlorianMargaine memory increase can be important enough when you have many objects
hi i just asked a question in stackoverflow.com/q/28107633/1521562 and got three simulatious answer that were all downvoted.... they are all similar i guess..
But I never said you should frequently care
@bendecko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
any ideas?
hm right.
honestly though, I'm torn between using this or free functions...
.then takes a function
so . is more or less ;
Guys , Is it possible to personalize alerts in js.?
What's the problem with prototype (not the privacy I hope) ? I don't like OP abuse but some OP approach isn't always bad
I dont want normal boring alert!
did somebody in here make Elevator Saga?
dont believe so ShaU
@Lvia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ShaU no
@ShaU create your own div and show that instead
@ShaU a common way is to use something like modal boxes tho
div ? No i want it in JS
@dystroy I typically don't write code requiring OOP approach
alert("Right click not allowed");
@ShaU yes, create a div.
what did you want, pony magic?
like if there is any alert , the back screen should be blurred
slap position: absolute on it and you're good to go
@ShaU add that blur behind it too
i didnt get that
I am dead sure there's bazillion of tutorials on how to do that
<div id="attention></div>
// add witty style to make attention box awesome when visible

document.getElementById('attention').hidden = true;
create two divs. One that will "blur", and one with the dialog
@ShaU: Native alerts can not be customized.
@Unihedro I dont want it to complete hide it. Just like Blur. Something when we are loading behind page should be little dark but not hidden
@ShaU That's what CSS is for.
#attention {
  opacity: 20%;
@BartekBanachewicz Awesome
But it is not blurring behind pages
@BartekBanachewicz zomg yet another alert library :D
@ShaU then add that duh
dunno if you need a "screenshot" of rendered page
what happens if you do opacity + blur? It will prolly just blur the solid color anyway
@BartekBanachewicz @Unihedro Just like when we are entering this chatroom. It will show Loading Please wait..and behind is little visible
@ShaU: Toastr is also nice:
@Cerbrus zomg even yet another alert library
@ShaU there's no blur there
@ShaU That's called css
it's just a solid color overlay that changes opacity
Q: Full Page Blur in CSS

SteveHow can I blur a whole page using CSS? Other elements such as images are allowed.

blur is way more complicated to achieve
@Cerbrus This is the Y solution to an XY Problem.
> They add the class thickbox-open to the body, when thickbox is open, and from there target and style a whole-content (except overlay and popup) containing element like so:
actually not
I forgot you can just apply blur to the body
That would blur the alert too
@BartekBanachewicz Recommend Deletion: This does not really answer the question. If you have a different question, you can...
@Cerbrus then wrap whole body in another tag and place alert in body directly, then apply blur to that tag
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't that only valid in XHTML?
@Unihedro what
the wrapping whole body thingy
  <div class="blurred">
    your page here
  <div class="alert"></div>
@BartekBanachewicz heretic
self-closed div?
Stack Exchange does that. There's a contentWrapper, a topbar wrapper, and a sidebar wrapper.
@FlorianMargaine hmpfh.
just for illustration purposes
Really love this --> fabien-d.github.io/alertify.js Thanks @BartekBanachewicz
it took me 3 seconds too google FTR
Who know here Spring for JS ?
shit he ruined it
@AbdennourTOUMI nice troll attempt, I approve
the perfect unreadability of that statement will remain in dark edit history
Q: How to personalize alert buttons - window.confirm() and window.alert()

pattydI have seen many websites that have personalized their alert and confirmation boxes with different button text. By default, this is what the JavaScript window.confirm() function would output: +-----------------------------+ |Message from webpage | +-----------------------------+ |Popup ...

NEWS : so , if one know this, he will be amzed with the new Js lib : RabeeJS ( linkedin.com/pulse/rabeejs-spring-javascript-abdennour-toumi )
What, no downvoting on linkedin?!
At least a "flag" button? no? wth?
but... nobody wants spring in js...
> t is the equivalent of Spring in Java
it is a software arch
Coding in Spring was nightmare to begin with, migrating the nightmare onto JS... kidding, no way
even java people hate spring...
@AbdennourTOUMI Spring is terrible, why would you want to rewrite it in JS
Exactly what i was looking for ::: i.sstatic.net/ZwBeF.png
in Java, yesterday, by Kylar
Programming in spring is just like riding a bicycle, except that the bicycle is on fire, and you're on fire, and everything is on fire and you're in hell.
^ that message has four stars; reclaim your sanity and ditch that library
200% sincere right now.
Tron: Legacy soundtrack remix on Spotify is pretty intense
I don't typically like remixes
There are never enough dubstep remixes.
it's not dubstep
more like hard electro
very similar still
@Vader um, not at all?
Welp, remixes are by people like Moby or The Crystal Method, so quite big names
Spotify wants to update along with all its dependencies. Here we go again...
bot are "wub wub Dubb Dubb Raat Raay Schart"
@Vader that's like saying Mozart is similar to Beethoven
@BartekBanachewicz which they kind of are
both are classical
@Vader I often wonder what kind of drugs does it take to enjoy that.
@Vader lol, what
@Vader and their music is extremely different
Unihedro posted i.sstatic.net/DK9Se.gif but it was moved to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/61037 because gifs get annoying fast.
car and bus are smiliar, aren't they?
@CapricaSix Thanks!
The car analogy is a common technique used by engineering textbooks to ease the understanding of abstract concepts. == Uses of car analogies == The efficiency of car analogies reside on their capacity to explain difficult concepts (usually due to their high abstraction level) on more mundane terms with which the target audience is comfortable, and with which many also have a special interest. Due to that, car analogies appear more often on works related to applied sciences and technology. In order to work, car analogies translate agents of action as the car driver, the seller, or police officers...
Handy bot you have here, well done, I like that feature :p
@Unihedro its a bot
@Vader ... I am well aware
@Unihedro I dunno, I kinda started liking Skrillex
Bangarang is actually a good piece imho
bleepstreet.bandcamp.com/album/a-for-amiga <- the kind of music I like
yeah, inspired by 8-bit tunes
I can't categorize music, I linked an electronic music as dark music once
I like them but imho they get annoying fast
A chiptune, also known as chip music or 8-bit music, is synthesized electronic music produced by the sound chips of vintage computers, video game consoles, and arcade machines, as well as with other methods such as emulation. In the early 1980s, personal computers became less expensive and more accessible than they had previously been. This led to a proliferation of outdated personal computers and game consoles that had been abandoned by consumers as they upgraded to newer machines. They were in low demand by consumers as a whole, and not difficult to find, making them a highly accessible a...
It's raining wiki links!
8-bit music started it all
but it got hell more advanced over the years. Artists like Celldweller are the prime example
i am fascinated about bot
about what bot
@BartekBanachewicz T2000
@Unihedro techno.
like Google BOT
(But I'm not an authority or anything. There are no well-defined tagging rules)
they crawl to every space in internet
@BartekBanachewicz isn't techno like trance.
> the style [of trance] is arguably derived from a combination of largely electronic music such as ambient music, techno, and house.
Ah right, thanks!
techno is very characteristic
it's a quite narrow genre actually
> Techno songs rely on heavy syncopation, and utilize the hard drum beats of hip-hop music. Techno beats have a distinct sound to them, and it is this distinction that produces a distinct techno dance. Multiple drum machines can be used to lay tracks over different tracks to create multi-layered beats. Most songs are in 4/4 time and feature time marked with bass drums on the quarter note and hi-hats every second eighth note.
what the difference between

var family = new Array();


var family = []
why is this code formatting so hard
the first one is longer
@Vader because you're doing it wrong...
@Vader because it's badly written
how do I do it properly?
@Vader you can't format code in multiline messages in chat
@BartekBanachewicz seems like a weird restriction, but okay.
@BartekBanachewicz because of the uuid madness
gists used to have numeric IDs, now they don't, so it doesn't match the gist regex on master_chat.js
add FR to support UUID gists on meta.SO or MSE :P
Q: GitHub's Gist oneboxing is broken

Bartek Banachewicz gists used to have numeric IDs, now they don't, so it doesn't match the gist regex on master_chat.js - Unihedro, JavaScript Chat Could this be fixed so that Gists onebox properly again?

lol wut
silly mistake
I linked it on the Tavern on the Meta :p
they'll find it anyway
@BartekBanachewicz can you please help me in using these -->http://fabien-d.github.io/alertify.js/ in one of example
there's a lot of examples in that library
what else do you need
I downloaded that lib
what is this PATH_TO_FILE
It's the path to the file.
Some like this - > C:\Users\ShaU\Documents\Downloads\alertify.js-0.3.11\alertify.js-0.3.11
C: only if you use windows.
But yes.
don't use absolute paths in web pages jesus
you should read up on general development practices before you start using any libraries
Can you develop one simple HTML with alertify ?
and let me know please
@BartekBanachewicz s/start.+/code projects/
I am waiting for 3 years to pass really quickly - do you think its too much time to wait for ?
<!doctype html><html><head><title>Alertify</title></head><body></body></html> there
@BartekBanachewicz Put DOCTYPE in caps.
6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
don't use absolute paths in web pages jesus
@ShaU wrong
missing </head>
Geez, don't you have a text editor with HTML support?
see at least xHTML would tell you to go to hell with such a document
version 2.9.0 moment.js doesn't support datetimepicker it give error can anybody solve my problem please.
@SuhasKhulpe Please fix me website for me. It has error.
i want to use it in my project.
I want to show my website to my friends.
i m not getting u.
Yeah, me neither. You dropped in claiming to get errors from a dependency, without showing the error or the code causing it. Then you added your use case, which is totally not relevant.
I'm mimicking you. :P
@SuhasKhulpe I think s/he is trying to say that "solve my problem please" is not going to motivate anyone to help you
I am waiting for 3 years to pass really quickly - do you think its too much time to wait for ?
@CustomizedName What?
Is this a bot
<script src="PATH_TO_FILE/alertify.min.js">
somebody help me with this
lol who let down the defenses
I'm taking command now.
@Vader are you ?
Noob shields up.
Prepare newb lazor cannons.
$("#myDiv").attr("margin-left", "5px");
is this going to work
@CustomizedName SyntaxError
engines one-third ahead
@Vader I am a bot
@Unihedro how does it work?
@Unihedro wow, that site is laggy
@BartekBanachewicz it's a bot that plays the piano by reading from a midi file and playing thru sockets.
@Vader Sure is, runs on Java applets...
<script src="PATH_TO_FILE/alertify.min.js">
somebody help me with this
@Unihedro welp, and what's the use of it?
Can I hook up my keyboard to that?
not implying I can play Czajkowski's music
@BartekBanachewicz You can enter another room because the room of the bot is not free for all to play.
It supports MIDI keyboards or a regular keyboard from 1-0, Q-P, A-;, Z-/.
@Unihedro hmp
@BartekBanachewicz erm for listening purposes? :D
Why do printers suck, why are there 8 available drivers for my printer. who designed this
@Vader Let me gues... intel?
no Canon printer
I mean wtf
So this guy is trying to generate all possible combinations of 12 characters among 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'...
why would anyone do this
Q: Slowing Down JavaScript Loop

SpedwardsI have a piece of JavaScript that generates every possible combination of a charset for the length provided. Since I'm using it for a length of 12, it's a very long loop that freezes and crashes the browser. I've tried replacing the for loop with a setInterval() but it only seemed to break it. ...

<script src="PATH_TO_FILE/alertify.min.js">
somebody help me with this
@ShaU you already pasted this 3 times
@dystroy I know, I plan to let this run on another computer and give it as long as it needs. — Spedwards 46 secs ago
@ShaU no
@dystroy haha
@Unihedro bah, I can't play with my mouse or pc keyboard
muscle memory to stronk
@BartekBanachewicz Which room are you in?
@Unihedro Lounge, duh :D
dam,n it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!! bit.ly doesn't make it fair!

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