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I'm guessing they're using <video> tags with some CSS animations. I'd suspect very little javascript is required
u could probably do it using only css, except for playing the images
Nope there's a lot of javascript
15,000 lines of it
One of the ironies of being a JavaScript developer on the FE is that generally you want to write as little JS as possible/needed
I guess he's looking more than video
the css would be messy but it'd be possible, except it would be insane to get all the timing right
otherwise yep it can be done by little javascript and CSS
they are shifting a little here a little there in sequence
subtleties my quick glimpse didn't afford :(
probably an overflow hidden with some weird angle css thing.. maybe a rotated parent container, and a rotated the opposite way child with some offset to corret?
There are a lot of ways to do it
at least 5
@Funkodebat did that before on a project
rotating child/parent oppositely?
@Funkodebat yeah, worked out well
if they weren't square and you had to offset horizontal, you might need to apply some factor to x/y to get it to move straight like theirs does, not sure though
though we didn't have to support legacy browsers ;)
that's always nice
i'll be glad when there aren't legacy browsers
or it's not as noticeable
ie6 is dead
ie8 is pretty much dead
Most people who use ie aren't the kinds of people who go on cool sites
almost freeeee
yea but 15% need something
no clue what the actual % is
My rule is that if I'm not being paid to support a browser, that browser can go fuck itself
depends on the site i guess
i usually go for best user experience, and i can put more time into that if i'm not fixing crap that shouldn't be broke
If modernizr and prefixfree don't fix it, I don't really care
those rounded corners? yea they're square for you
ie ppl
@Funkodebat caniuse.com is reporting 3.18% for IE8
after thinking about it i figured closer to 5
and dropping
Ironic that just as IE added support for round corners, now everyone's all about flat design, and Microsoft released Metro themes.
oops, 4% battery
nothing to do here
I'm so done with rounded corners
@PixnBits just? IE9 came out, what, 3 years ago?
i like em, a little bootstrap input group here and there clean forms up
All about that small, light box shadow
i mean actually like 5 px pure black box shadow is the future
so much box shadow it makes you confused if theres another element
I'm all about that ugly design that the UI guy will come through and clean up later.
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 1px 3px;
youre welcome
@Retsam you mean bootstrap
box-shadow: 5px 5px 0 rgb(0,0,0); // no alpha needed
actually have you guys ever read google's material spec?
its pretty sweet and super in depth
It's really well made
i've started to use it a bit
elements that pop up and swap places instead of just teleport
when re-ordering with a click arrow
it looks sweet
All you really need is a good color palette and a good border
And your content will look decent
guys do you know any source to learn TDD in javascript. I trying to find in google, but mostly tutorial/article is all about 'Hello World'.

I'm trying to find out something like how to write and structure your tests in different modules
Guys, I cant seems to understand what is illegal in this simple code: jsfiddle.net/4a5gxx2r Any idea?
Looks like jsfiddle is just parsing it weirdly
@Meredith Right! jsBin does it correctly.
I'm creating a scrolling div with this guide: jqueryfordesigners.com/fixed-floating-elements but want to implement an && operator so the div stops scrolling at a particular spot above my footer (y >= X && y <= W), which is rather large. My question.. is there a way to find the position of the bottom of the div with jquery?
Position of the bottom = position of the top + height
Or, in fact, the height of a specific div.. since I've already found the top of the divs starting location..
I've got it close... it starts position:fixed somewhat further down the page.. but the entire div begins to overlap the footer until it passes the position I've used.

"var bottom = $('#searchForm').offset().top + $('.search').innerHeight() - $('.searchForm').outerHeight();"
trying to subtract the divs outerHeight from the equation.. I suspect it isn't outputting the right information though.
Do anyone here have idea about javaScript unit testing?
use Karma or Protractor
yep i heard about that, but i'm trying to find a tutorial for that
i try to find lot in google. but mostly are very basic just hello world. i'm looking something. how can i structure my core js app with jasmine unit test in different module
Maybe someone has ideas how can i create fly through clouds effect? I can't use web Gl.
Or maybe there is some examples?
@underscore do you have any idea about any article something like a CRUD application with core JS with jamine,
Something similar to mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/webgl/clouds but not webgl.?
@underscore my main aim is to learn how to organize different spec in of different modules
what's the javascript api that allows you to "download" files locally, the one mega uses?
ah there's even a question
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think the article might be taking the distinction a little too literally, but it's onto something with respect to company culture. On the 'five biggest losers' table though, those all look like companies for whom it's a lot harder to make any more money from their respective markets, so attributing their performance to company culture might be unfair
I think it might be as simple as allowing people who don't have sufficient intelligence, creativity and motivation into positions of responsibility. Intelligent, creative and motivated people tend to devise solutions to problems of their own accord
Anybody else familiar with legions of extremely well-paid managers who don't seem to do anything? Me too.
The overriding point though I think is that businesses that perform well are the ones capable of gathering and reacting to input from the outside world, and businesses perform poorly when they stop doing that. Emphasis on the gathering and reacting is probably important. Old companies tend to gather a lot of information and then fail to do anything useful with it
Thanks :)
So I agree with the general thrust of the article
... "thrust"?
While I'm thinking about that kind of thing, question for others: I'm trying to articulate an idea that's been bothering me about project management, it's to do with change. We all should know by now that change in software is inevitable, but I still think there's a distinction to be drawn between essential change and...some other kind of change. Onerous change? Vexatious change? Trying to think of a good word for it
Evolving requirements are one thing, but having to rework because the information you were given by your own development team (or BAs or whatever) was simply wrong is not something that should just be accepted
Change due to laziness, disorganisation or lack of forethought. Do you try to stop that sort of thing happening in your workplace and if so how do you do it?
@GomatoX You could just do it with canvas, or even pure DOM elements
It'll just be a bit slow
in PHP, 1 min ago, by PeeHaa
                var my_src = eval(
                                type: "GET",
                                url: "<?php echo esc_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>",
                                cache : false,
                                async : false,
                                data: "ajax=photo_images&u=<?php echo urlencode($url); ?>",
                                dataType : "script"
@PeeHaa ^
more like: express your condolences
anyone done native webgl dev?
looks like a mix of default value and interface... weird
without a framework?
what does 'PR' mean in the following sentence ?!
"this was my own version patched for windows. I should send in a PR"
some one commented on my stackoverflow question ... and i don't know what does he mean by PR ?!
help english people , help !
ask @domenic
and report here :P
@phenomnomnominal maybe you have some examples? :)
@amin pull request
@FlorianMargaine thanks :)
@FlorianMargaine what does it look like though?
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
looks like a mix of default value and interface... weird
Oh, wait
It's just default parameters, it's not the actual function
It's destructuring the parameters object passed and the = {} is a default value.
oooh destructuring, right
The destructured params also have default values - I didn't realize that was legal
It's kind of odd that it is assigned a default empty object and then the values of close etc are deduced by the defaults.
Kind of backwards
Using MutationObserv there is any troubles with performance?
whats a good daily rate for uk js contract?
You can't expect anyone to answer that right?
well, yeah
Am I correct to assume that the ondrop event propagates ?
Generally yes, iirc there are edge cases though
well, I have code like this:
globals.on('dragstart', document, function (event, element) {
    if (element.classList.contains('dragable')) {
        event.dataTransfer.setData('package', JSON.stringify(element.dataset));

globals.on('drop', document, function (event, element) {
    if (element.classList.contains('droparea')) {
Oh, I never worked with drag and drop in jQuery, it's entirely possible that they do something odd with drag events.
it's not jquery
Something like dragover and dragleave
Ah, then assuming your on is just addEventListener with delegation it looks fine
globals.on() is a wrapper for addEventListener(), homebrewed
I remember reading that when I needed to work with drag and drop and I remember it being useful
all those examples loop through all the nodes and add an event listener to each one
thing is: first event gets triggered, and second (the "drop" one) doesn't
I don't see anything that says it doesn't propagate - here's the spec anyway html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd
I should really fix the MDN links pointing to the old spec, those are probably broken
gawds, every time I open a page with a spec, my brain just shuts down
I hardly feel like working in the office this week. I am just here on SO all the time.
Or playing ping pong.
Bitch aint accepting my answer ;(
Q: How do I print the contents of a DIV and also include <script> tags in it

jvcodesThe solution provided in Print the contents of a DIV works for me, but alongwside passing styles I also want to pass some jQuery code to the Print Preview page. How do I do that? I tried adding mywindow.document.write('$(document).ready(function(){ /* do this */ });'); but it is not working as...

hi, i have a problem with Bootstrap datepicker. Could any one help me
Q: Bootstrap Datepicker onchange date issue in Jquery

user3454479i have a problem with Jquery Bootstrap Datepicker. i am using https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker/. My form like this. Order Date : <div class="input-group date order_datepicker" id ="order_assignment_order_date" > <input type="text" class="form-control" readonly size="16" name...

Guys here in the below code i can disable id="lspdd1" but not "lspdd"..pls check is it possible::: <td class="tbllbl" id="lspdd">Hungry</td>
<td class="data" id="lspdd1">
Guys here in the below code i can disable id="lspdd1" but not "lspdd"..pls check is it possible:: <td class="tbllbl" id="lspdd">Hungry</td>
<td class="data" id="lspdd1">
Guyz any one help me
Bootstrap Datepicker
in the first case im able to disable td id ='lspdd1' but not lspdd
y is it?
3 messages moved from Java
ok, why is this not working: jsbin.com/vedafuvihe/1/edit?console,output
there should be "drop" in console, when you drop the blue thing on the green
m not gud at js
can u try this
@tereško hello mama
* sorry madam
but firefox is still being a bitch
please stop sending me to various tutorials
It's not a tutorial, read it !
the npm package, "ejs-locals" is un-maintained, should I opt out of using it, then? Has anyone used github.com/baryshev/ect ?
@RahulDesai the question wasn't worth answering in the first place...
@tereško @RahulDesai pls help my sisue
oh joy, @adeneo, it's even worse: you liked me to a "bitching post"
@ShaU why should they?
Pinging random people is rude
@tereško - it does explain the issue rather well, and even suggest how you'd solve it
22 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
Are you drunk, or just missing a few fingers?
@JanDvorak ...or tell me how to write value within <td>
@ShaU why should I?
man....i did that
@adeneo my "issue" is that firefox is not firing the drop event. There is nothing about that problem
then your problem is solved
@NickDugger i want to disabled at some condition...so <td>value</td> has to be disabled
Your english is so broken, my bones could heal faster
@NickDugger it s ok never mind...i wull try meslkef
@ShaU it's not okay. We can't understand you.
@ShaU *it's, *I, *would (?), *myself (??)
i know english...just getting lazy while writing comments
@ShaU then we're lazy to answer. Lack of effort writing understandably = lack of respect towards us.
@JanDvorak hi :)
Guyz, could any one help me on Bootstrap Datepicker
@NickDugger I am.
Good, I was so worried
come on, don't belittle yourself
@JanDvorak ShaU just invited me to join the Java room
well, join him
Invited. declined.
inb4 he's annoying here and gets kicked
diff bw java and java-script
no shit
give 100 reason
@ShaU look them up
yay, I made it work
also I have no fucking idea now why it is working
@tereško - removing all the crap, and boiling it down helps -> jsbin.com/vaqafatala/1/edit?js,console,output
happens when working with the DOM
@tereško <#
@JanDvorak Honestly, I did it just for the reps.
@RahulDesai don't
@JanDvorak Why? Just curious.
@adeneo actually, the dragenter isnt necessary either
Help vampires, Help Werewolves, and Help Witches
@RahulDesai answering questions that should be closed instead will make us hate you eventually
@JanDvorak Gotcha. Will take care of that.
eventually = as soon as you admit you aren't willing to stop = now
@JanDvorak where...waht is there
@ShaU *what
@JanDvorak u asked me look up
@ShaU the difference between JS room and the Java room is that you haven't been kicked out of the Java room for being annoying with a question 3 times.
@JanDvorak I hear you. I will close it instead from now on.
Here's my offer: I won't answer your questions unless they're in english. "vaguely english" doesn't count.
@ShaU *you
@JanDvorak Please edit that to start with H
@NickDugger I think I might fit in the "help werewolf" category, because I tend to get easily annoyed nad/or angry .. it also might have something to do with asking help only after whole day being spent on googling and debugging
I don't think help werewolves are a real thing
neither are actual werewolves
I ask for help before googling
I'm a bitch
You should consider jQuery - it's great and does all things.
Me too, Kendall
All things!
@BenjaminGruenbaum then you could try to use it to fuck yourself
jQuery all the jQueries
.. because otherwise it is kinda technically improbable feat
@tereško already have, 100% success very satisfied with results after downloading the $.fn.selfFuck plugin.
@tereško - it's a SO joke !
in Java, 28 secs ago, by ShaU
ok.....i will speal in proper enghlish
I think you nailed it. :p
@tereško $.fn.dildo = ...
Apparently he hasn't started yet
@adeneo he's well aware
Also woohoo 59 more points for that friggin badge
Then why does he sound like a moron ......... oh wait !
@BenjaminGruenbaum promise?
And 12 more for bluebird
$.fn.masturbate = (function() { alert("came"); })();
Sorry for any trouble he's caused, just ignore him if you're not in the mood to help (me neither)
@Unihedro who?
@BenjaminGruenbaum soon
@FlorianMargaine yup
Why ignore if I can make fun of him and then kick him?
@JanDvorak unprofessional
What if I just kick him?
@adeneo it might surprise you, but I am not for the first time here, I know that it is a joke
@JanDvorak Enjoy yourself, then. Just make sure to keep mods from glaring at you. ;)
@tereško - it did suprise me, actually
@JanDvorak kick who?
We know, otherwise you'd say console.annoy("Hello World");
@JanDvorak - as long as you're doing it while he's down, it's okay
How do I select via an HTML5 attribute using Jquery? Let's say I want to select this element: <div foo></div> what should I put in my $('')?
@BenjaminGruenbaum There was a guy who deliberately refused to use proper english. He got kicked. Twice so far. Not by me.
@Starkers div should work
8 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@ShaU the difference between JS room and the Java room is that you haven't been kicked out of the Java room for being annoying with a question 3 times.
foo isn't a real attribute, though
I kicked him, didn't know it was a second time.
He invited two people (at least) to the Java room after his first kick.
@Starkers $('[foo]')
@JanDvorak ah, didn't realize that
Is it possible to hack anybodies system withoiut knowing his ip address?
@RahulDesai Thanks
1 hour ago, by ShaU
@tereško hello mama
kick/muted. trolling.
@ShaU that's not even funny
@tereško hahaha
.. he probably will end up with some surprises later in life
Everyone loves surprises.
@ShaU why u wanna do it?
Unless it's rape :/
1 min ago, by Jan Dvorak
kick/muted. trolling.
@MasNotsram ... such dry humor :P
@MasNotsram :(
@Unihedro Sorry, I don't speak from experience.
In case anyone hasn't seen it yet:
@MasNotsram Hahaha, I like you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum +50
Has anyone used templating besides jade/ejs? EJS removed some important features, and I hate jade's syntax, and it's also apparently slow.
@BenjaminGruenbaum WHAT?!
@SomeGuy Why thank-you
@SomeGuy exactly what it sounds like :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum no way. That's awesome.
Playing in 'wobbly mode' would be challenging:
@BenjaminGruenbaum Holy shit, that's incredible!
@BenjaminGruenbaum repost -1
Friend of mine has an original asteroids table. That's a vector monitor, similar to this
@KendallFrey it's all over HN and Reddit but it's still very cool.
@TomW nice
21 hours ago, by Florian Margaine
Is this the world from Neo's eyes?
no, the matrix is binary, not analog
The best thing about that renderer is that they didn't hack into some secret API of the scope, they just rendered to audio.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks
Has anyone used github.com/linkedin/dustjs ? I keep asking various questions about template systems and get ignored... lol
I started, but accidentally used github.com/hakanensari/hoover with it, and the code just went...
Because my node/templating questions keep getting ignored, here's the pope
He's had ribs... I always look like that after ribs...
Because Es are overrated, here's a pop:

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