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@BadgerGirl send me brownie, plz.
I don't think you can send them, otherwise I would :(
Dupehammer that thing \o/
Also ohai room 17
So there is this guy who has rlemon on twitter. I never thought about the email address.. And apparently no one can find my very public email address.
Dude, I have been getting a shit ton of your emails...

-Remington Lemon
Just got this email...
He has rlemon@gmail I'm rob.lemon@gmail
Fun fact.. Periods are optional. Roblemon and rob.lemon both goto me
Roble mon
@rlemon Yeah, it's a good way to trick services that require emails for trials.
You can also add a + after the username
And anything after it is ignored
Ohh well. Sucks that hes getting my emails. But I list my address publicly. I can't control idiots
I am curious what it was tho. Any of you email me dick pics recently?
Yes. Weekly
I totally forgot to send those, sorry bro.
You wouldn't think it is like it is but it do.
There are a lot of r.lemon's out there it seems
Jack (died 1890) was a chacma baboon, who attained a measure of fame for acting as an assistant to a disabled railroad signalman in South Africa. == History == Jack was the pet and assistant of paraplegic signalman James Wide, who worked for the Cape Government Railways. James "Jumper" Wide had been known for jumping between railcars prior to an accident where he fell and lost both of his legs. To assist in performing his duties, Wide purchased the baboon named "Jack" and trained him to push his wheelchair and to operate the railways signals under supervision. An official investigation w...
There's a FB group for people with the same name as me
I made a group for my name when I had fb
I also made a group for people with the last name of lemon.
liz lemon
There were like 28 rob lemons and like 300 lemons
CAn anyone tell me how can i do a post to an url with node js in a GET route?
i can't find anything on how to create a post request to an external url in my get route
@MikeBoutin client POSTs to your server express app which then GETs an external resource?
client get an url
So you're basically asking how to send a post request?
this url post json data to an external ressource
@MikeBoutin so client GETs, app POSTs?
app.get('/push/:to/:message', routes.pushHook);
what i must do in my routes.pushHook to post data?
Before rendering my view, I'm querying the database twice, and I'm trying to set the results of one as a property of the first one... like so:
    categories.forEach(function(category) {
    	Forum.find({ category: ObjectId(category.id) }, function(error, forums) {
    		category.forums = forums;
the post request is easily done in Postman Chrome App, but in node i don't know how to create it
however, in my view, category.forums is still undefined
anyone have any ideas?
@phenomnomnominal but how can i send one with the req?
@MikeBoutin I have no idea what you're asking
^ use that, make POST
@NickDugger Usually when something like that happens, I check what this is
It's probably not what you think it is
will do
@Meredith this is never used, won't make a difference,
@phenomnomnominal can i do it with the req attribute within my function(req, res) ?
@MikeBoutin that's already a request. You need to make a new one.
@phenomnomnominal It's good at hinting what the object has access to
@phenomnomnominal ok ty, i'll try it
@KendallFrey wisdomm
checking what this is didn't really seem to yield anything helpful
@Meredith It's completely irrelevant in this case.
Man, I was just trying to help
@Meredith Yep, and I'm just saying that won't be helpful
@NickDugger is the response returned before the queries are finished?
uhh, possibly, but how is that possible?
sentence made no sense, but you get what I mean
categories.forEach(function(category) {
	Forum.find({ category: ObjectId(category.id) }, function(error, forums) {
		category.forums = forums;
			res.render("index", {
				categories: categories
the DB query will be async.
Yet you render your response synchronously
how can I change that?
@NickDugger in general, when you pass a callback, it means its asynch
makes sense
categories.forEach(function(category) {
    Forum.find({ category: ObjectId(category.id) }, function(error, forums) {
        category.forums = forums;
        res.render("index", {
            categories: categories
Eventually you should look into Promises.
I know about promises. I just wasn't even aware that the query was async, because I'm a noooooob
See, I can't do that code, because there's more than one category. Won't yours try to render the view every time it iterates?
which is why you need promises
Yeah, I'm about to redo it with them
Use a promise.all
are promises native in node, or do I need a package?
what version of node?
Just use bluebird
I've used promises client side many times, just never actually in node
thing #1 done!
so my gf got me a chewbacca house coat and a sword for christmas
and now is annoyed I'm chasing her with the sword yelling like a wookie
I feel like she deserves that
Also, you should wear that next time we do Hangouts
And nothing else
I may already be wearing it
she also got me a tardis mini-fridge
she's a keeper
Whoo, got it working without having tested it half way through writing it. I'm getting slightly better... maybe
@rlemon Isn't that the Microsoft Console?
Welp, that's painfully true.
I'm an introvert, but I appreciate my coworkers working in the same office. Easier to communicate when you can just point at your screen
@SomeKittens There's a difference between being an extrovert/introvert and having a spine.
A professional who is an introvert knows when to speak up, a professional who is an extrovert knows when to shut up.
Guys, how is my answer here? How can I improve it? stackoverflow.com/questions/27692733/…
lies, there is never a time to shut up
@RahulDesai pardon my ignorance, but why not just JSON.stringify
@monners Good dicotomy.
@rlemon That would stringify the keys of the object too.
protip: they already are strings
in 99% of applications (including, as it seems, his)
@rlemon Your momma's a string
@rlemon I think they want the result to be an object though right?
@phenomnomnominal maybe?
the question is a shit question
@RahulKhosla use Object.keys and forEach
@rlemon agreed
@phenomnomnominal Was that for me?
@RahulDesai ha yes
@phenomnomnominal Sorry, how is it better?
If you have to ask, you'll never know
so who's up for a hangouts?
I wish. Stupid work.
So... I have this script where each time I run it I want a certain function to be different. I could go change the js file, but I really want to just have it prompt() me for the function each time. I tried var FUNC = eval(prompt("Enter function", "function () { return 'Hello'; }")); but that just runs the function immediately rather than setting it to the FUNC variable. Any ideas for this?
Wow... that was a little long.
@kaloncpu57 ...why?
@rlemon Can't, current altitude 35,968ft
@SomeKittens My script sends messages, and sometimes I want the message to be decided by a function (i.e. the message is a value from an array).
I figured it out. var MSG = eval(prompt("Enter function", "(function () { return 'Hello'; })")); works. To eval() an anonymous function, you need parentheses around it.
seems very dangerous and not a good idea
It's not running publicly. It's my personal bookmarklet for a site I use.
why not just open the console?
I do open the console to run it. I just don't want to have to type the script every time I want to use it.
Maybe bookmarklet was a poor word choice.
I'm curious for the context. Do you use this in the browser on different web pages? What's the function do?
I'm an admin on the site I use it on, and it sends messages. It allows me to send messages to multiple users quickly.
Sounds like something that should be added to the site.
Yeah, I'm just testing it for now. Eventually I will just add a button for the other Admins to use it.
you know what the best part about JavaScript is
it's the functions
functions are seriously the best
you know there are userscripts and snippets and stuff you can use
in fact, I'm pretty sure I wrote a userscript to allow you to make 'snippets' that save to localstorage
let me see if I can find it
actually, butts
@TehShrike Could you elaborate?
No, about functions being the best. haha
@kaloncpu57 lol. It's important to select the correct message when you're replying ;-P
one sec
@TehShrike Oh look at that... I haven't used this chat very much.
Functions are about the purest thing programming languages have
I just typed "@TehShrike"
but so many languages have artificially hamstrung functions
they're tied to objects, or you can't pass them in as arguments to other functions
JavaScript has better functions than most other mainstream languages
You can be much more expressive by putting little bits of code into functions, and then passing them around and stacking on other functions to change their behavior
it's the best thing about JavaScript
Unless we're talking about its more meta traits, in which case ubiquity and npm are the best things about JavaScript.
Yeah. That's true. Other languages have control over different things, but they could learn from JS. JS could learn from other languages as well.
Yeah, some other languages have function tricks that I wish JavaScript supported natively
man that is pretty old.
really, JavaScript has lots of jankety bits that I could complain about
most (if not all) languages do
But there are plenty of people willing to complain about JS without knowing any better, and I'm eternally indebted to JS for letting me learn about better functions in real-world apps
JavaScript is great, who would complain about such a wonderful language.
Yeah. Everybody else I know skipped over JavaScript. I may not be an expert, but I can wow them sometimes with what JS can do.
if JavaScript were a country it would be North Korea, because that is best Korea.
I don't know about all that. haha They can't seem to get very much right.
I need some food. -o- Later!
North Korea is a wasteland :-P
Some people think JavaScript is like North Korea
in fairness, js isn't that great of a language. but you can do incredible things with willingness and determination even with a crappier language. and it is very impressive what people have done with javascript. now with that said, it is getting better with each iteration. I look forward to ES6
also, I love JavaScript. f*ck the haters.
@rlemon It depends on your definition of "great language" - there's a great language in there, there's just a lot of distracting/difficult cruft too
I think javascript will just keep getting popular, it's easy to learn (hard to master) and all you need is a browser which everyone has
It has the functionality of a great language, but way too many footguns as well.
@Mohamed-Ted I quite agree
it was written in a rush without much long term forethought, it is getting better, but there are design flaws that cannot be removed at this point
it will never be a great language in that respect, however it is a great language in many others. (imo)
@rlemon word.
the fact that it was written in a rush and it's used more then a lot of other languages, makes this language great to me at least
114k modules on npm
@nickdugger yea that can happen when you have misfiring you have unburnt fuel passing to the exhaust from that cylinder(s).. Cats job is to burn it off and you may have killed your cat
Don't tell somekittens
adios amigos
I meant good morning
js is the good korea LOL
@rlemon Yeah, I've read about it. Thanks, though!
One of the Philosophy courses I took spoke about determinism and free will a bunch. I could link you to that if you'd like?
Folks, I've just watched this tutorial on AJAX: #85: Best Practices with Dynamic Content (31 min video). Inside the code uses just #, rather than #! . I wonder, what's the purpose of !, is it just for search engine to be able to tell dynamic loaded fragment from an anchor?
Hye guys!!
is there any way to execute expression from string without using eval
ie. '1+2+3'
Why don't you want to use eval?
i heard it's slow also not good to use
and i'm not sure we can use it in strict mode
Why isn't it good to use?
Because it actually evaluates code
Let him answer!
yes so it's not secure
So if you want to execute any code, you're going to have that problem no matter what
Writing a parser should also do the thing
Your only option is to restrict what the expression can do
By evaluating it yourself
And copy linked the right algorithm for that
It's not a fun one btw, I had to implement it for a project in school once :/
actually what i'm trying to do is add all values in array. I know i can add it by use of loop. but what i'm trying to do is
now i want to execute it if possible without eval
So you have a string with numbers that are always separated by a plus sign?
Yeah so just split it then iterate through that array
buddy it's already in array, that what i'm trying to do evaluate it without loop
@Meredith [1,2,3].reduce(function(p,c){ return p+c; }, 0);
reduce not support in old browsers even i can do it like

function avg(arrayOfScore) {

var length = arrayOfScopre.length;
var sum = 0;

for(var i=0; i<length; i++) {
sum += arrayOfScore[i];

return sum/length;
but i'm looking something better
@Tarun it'll be a loop
The mdn page gives a polyfill
yep reduce also run a loop
so it's same thing
building a parser is not advisable escape.alf.nu
i guess, correct me if m wrong
There's no way to do it without a loop, explicitly or implicitly
@Tarun no, you're right
Unless you want to do it recursively
ok cool
so what you guys think there is no way without loop
There's recursion
But this really isn't a recursion problem
@Meredith and you'll need to watch the call stack for large values of n
the [].join('+') is pretty clever, but too many attack vectors :(
@PixnBits yep :( that's the problem
Is this for homework?
I'd imagine there'd be a performance benefit to using .reduce where it's native code
If it's for homework and they say "Don't use a loop", that means use recursion
but that's pure speculation on my part
@PixnBits so you suggest to use .reduce and polyfill for legacy browsers?
if this is for production, yesh
I'd recommend that
cool, let me spend some more time if i find a better way. Otherwise as you guys suggest i'll use .reduce
.map and .reduce are great tools
@PixnBits Thanks buddy :)
I might be wrong on that performance business... jsperf.com/foreach-vs-loop/81
i consider recursion like an inward loop. there is a repeated process when summing, anything repeated loops through the same activity. this is not a problem for recursion lol
It's not a loop though
are we talkign about getting the average of something?
He was trying to sum an array
okay.. how you going to do that without looping through the array?
The only other way is through recursion
we discussing is it possible to do it like
Or through copying and pasting if you know the length of the array
Array.join('+') will return something like '1+2+3'
and evaluate with without eval()
is it's possible
Yeah, you gotta parse it
But you already have an array so it's pointless to parse it
You'd parse the string into an array and then sum the array
not a problem for recursion.. this is still a loop imo

function addToSum(){
if(set[n] !== null){ sum+= set[n++]; addToSum() }
i'd do the eval array joining in code golf, otherwise just a regular reduce
so recursion is better than .reduce, or simple for loop you wanna say
nonono lol
recursion solution is so clunky
sometimes you have to do something like that if you have db interactions and promises, but its not ideal especially for this type
ok we're doing it by loop is very simple
function sum(arr){
return arr.pop() + (arr.length ? sum(arr) : 0);
code golf even more
@Tarun .reduce or a for loop is the best way to do it
I prefer for loops over reduce/map most of the time, but they're basically the same
not for prod, but (new Function('return '+[1,2,3].join('+')+';'))()
@PixnBits it's look pretty small line code but i guess it'll take more time to execute, than .reduce
what do you think?
@Tarun depends on how the interpreter builds the array's string, I'd wager
Recursion is almost always slower
Compared to a simple for loop
It really only becomes better when the for loop gets really clunky
The performance difference of recursion vs for loop is almost always negligible.
Hey, he asked if it would take more time to execute
yea, evals should only be used with super trusted data. even this isn't safe.. it parses after executing
function sum(set) {
return eval( 'parseFloat(' + set.join(')+parseFloat(') + ')' );
@PixnBits Please don't use jsperf ever again
@Funkodebat God no
make performance an issue when you have to crunch data in a single thread.. a lot of data
@PixnBits That's awful
i'm giving bad examples here
@PixnBits FML
the original solution was like 20 minutes ago, use reduce
@Funkodebat Not sure if serious
_.reduce(function(n,m){ return n + m}, 0, set) or something like that
i always have to look up reduce args cuz i rarely use it
Your new years resolution is to use it more
well lets see if i got it right first
nope, set comes first
Tip: write out the names of the arguments, don't use 1-letter names
@copy wait, wut?
Makes it easier to memorize
it's really good to see there are other crazy guys like me, investing their time in small stuff mostly people not care about :)

Thanks guys :)
considering i only use reduce for sum, it doesn't matter lol
@PixnBits You're doing it completely wrong
if i ever have to use it for something where order matters, i'll look it up :)
probably, using someone else's setup
@copy Maybe explaining what they're doing wrong would be more helpful than "You're doing it wrong, don't ever use jsPerf again"?
@copy would create a new one (a better one) but why no use jsperf?
what about for without in?
@Tarun don't use for(...in...) on arrays
i thought he was being ironical, like someone saying "you're wrong" is obviously the wrong one.
it's wrong to tell someone they're wrong?
@Funkodebat you're wrong
@Retsam I think all hope is lost, but just for you: There's just a function declaration, no code is executed at all
so, @copy, are you saying the setup only is wrong (as I suspected but was trying to be fast) or jsperf's setup is bad entirely?
Both, but primarily the former
Makes sense, but why the latter?
skewed results from not reporting hardware specs, other load, etc?
Plus the fact that some functions have bad side-effects
And you shouldn't do such microoptimizations at all
unless its absolutely necessary
but the rule is kind of don't optimize until performance is the problem
there are bigger problems easier to fix
and maintainability is the biggest concern
i've only have performance be the problem once.. when i had a single thread and had to manipulate images
bitwise shifts instead of dividing, etc
Time between these two messages: 8 minutes
I'm playing a game
@Meredith And I'll just bug him 'till he answers ;)
o and have you guys ever used the quake square root hack?
need input
yea.. u need performance if ur using that
its magic
so guys final answer is reduce?
Hi I want to create a html page similar to this website... does anyone know which jQuery Library is used for this website... OR any other similar jquery library I can use to archive this... voisinschameran.com/#/home
Reduce, map, for loop, foreach loop, whatever
@Tarun Was this the homework question about "calculating sums without looping"?
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;
@Retsam i'm just doing some RND :)
@mkb archive or achieve?
@PixnBits archieve
roll your own

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