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When you go to your interview and they ask you what your best skills are. Please include "over generalizing everything."
Weaknesses: Talking to humans
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There's no need for direct personal attacks.
Plot twist: We're all Artificial Bots in here.
@Rigil feel free to put us down as references
feel free to fuck off
keep talking shit though
it makes u feel superior
No, I am superior.
you* < that made me feel superior.
play nice kids
Damn, I was gonna
@Dave zsh: no such file or directory: that
The type of person who interprets any disagreement as a personal attack is a strange creature indeed.
Im back
gonna play nice?
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no insults
@Rigil Hello.
@Rigil hello
I'm still curious as to why you thought the link posting was interesting.
Im not sure what I did to make you think that
I may have clicked on something accidentally
how do I undo it?
you told him it was an interesting post..
oh that book? because I read it a few months back
21 mins ago, by Rigil
interesting you post that link somekittens
@Rigil really ? Why?
@Rigil are you sure?
@Rigil What did you think?
@Rigil does it work ?
Its hard to put into words why I disagree with a good portion of it
Who needs words when you have your general demeanor?
@Rigil I'd love to hear your attempt. Did you disagree on the section "Seek first to understand, then to be understood"?
why is this test fail?
Winning friends and influencing people - the title itself is a euphemism
@Rigil How so?
assert.equal(matrix.minus(matrix1, matrix2), [0, 0, 0]);
@SuperUberDuper seriously?
It should have been titled "How to gain power and social status by bullshitting those around you and making them think you care about them or anyone else but yourself"
@Rigil does the book say to lie ?
var matrix1 = [1, 3, 4], matrix2 = [1, 3, 4]
Not directly
@SuperUberDuper most likely assert.equal is checking for strict equality.
but thats what youre doing
AssertionError: [0,0,0] == [0,0,0]
@SuperUberDuper you need deep equality, since they're not literals
@Rigil That's an interesting take, considering the cultural context it was written in. Let's look at the section I mentioned earlier ("Seek first to understand, then to be understood"). How does that play into the title?
@phenomnomnominal ok how should my test go?
@SuperUberDuper Which assertion library are you doing?
@SuperUberDuper assert.deepEqual
but why are you seeking to understand? Because ultimately it benefits yourself - not the other person
to understand so can see someone's point of view
why though? to what end?
@SuperUberDuper the two arrays aren't equal as far as JavaScript is concerned because they're looking at two different objects
so you can use it to further your own cause, thats why
@SuperUberDuper should.js, chai, etc?
In what way for example do i further my own cause by understanding why some people believe in their religion ? It doesn't but my understanding lets me accept it rather than persuade them to be atheist etc.
I don't see where you're getting the idea of furthering your own cause by understanding others.
@Rigil So you accept that seeking first to understand furthers one's cause?
because you are making that person think you accept them and their beliefs
@Rigil perhaps because you actually do
@Rigil So understanding is strictly equal to acceptance?
But if i do accept them... then whats the problem with that?
Wow, and I thought I was a complete fucking asshole.
because its ultimately not to their benefit, its to yours
So if I understand why Walter White started cooking meth, I also think his action is acceptable?
phen, you are, dont worry
How is it beneficial for me =/
i don't see how i benefit from it.
because that person feels understood by you!
And whats wrong with that ? If i do understand them ?
I benefit from understanding other people because I want to understand them. It's like wanting a sandwich, and then making that sandwich. except in this case I get to better my life through human interactions.
If I don't tell them, then as you said yourself that would be deceitful..
@Rigil if it makes you feel any better, none of us fucking understand you.
@phenomnomnominal I'm pretty sure I get his gist.
@Rigil So there's nothing wrong with understanding others.
I'm still confused by the benefit aspect of understanding others.
but dont fool yourself in thinking that you are helping others by understanding them
@Rigil if your argument is that everything is selfish, then you're right. But that doesn't mean that there aren't secondary beneficial effects for others.
@Rigil How am I not helping them?
you are, its mutually beneficial
your understanding of them ultimately benefits you most
@Rigil you just completely contradicted yourself.
@Rigil So what's morally wrong with doing something mutually beneficial?
But in some cases it does help others. Some people want to feel normal and understanding them can help them accept themselves. Gay people for example ... took a long time for society to understand and show compassion for it. Now its not shameful to be gay. I personally see no benefit there for me.
1: Don't fool yourself in thinking that you are helping others by understanding them.
2: How am I not helping them?
1: You are
Gays are still looked down upon by straights
@Rigil maybe where you come from
@Rigil but a lot less than ever before and will continue going that way.
Religion how ever refuses to "understand" gay people as it goes against their own belief. So their lack of understanding is not beneficial.
1 min ago, by SomeKittens
@Rigil So what's morally wrong with doing something mutually beneficial?
again, nothing at all but you are operating under a bit of false pretense
@Rigil thats a gross generalization. I don't look down upon gay people.
@Rigil only if we refuse to acknowledge the selfish benefit, which none of us do.
@Rigil How am I operating under a false pretense? Am I giving the other person the impression that this is a selfless act?
I think so
at least thats the way it appears to that person
@Rigil How would I make it not appear that way?
you cant
but noone is going to contest something they feel is beneficial
@Rigil again, that's a huge fucking generalisation
What if they're doing the exact same thing? And you're both just trying to understand each other for mutual selfish and unselfish benefit.
bottom line is I dont there there is anything you can do that is not self-motivated
@Rigil So it is impossible for me to not operate under a false pretense? Is there any way to interact at all without false pretense?
@Rigil Correct. But that is completely separate to the circle of arguments you're trying to make.
Isn't everything self motivated unless held at gun point?
you're creating a situation where you cannot possibly be open to a real conversation about the subject because you view us as misguided and you as correct in your assumptions. I don't like these arguments.
@Dave that's when things are the most self motivated. Self-preservation is a pretty strong instinct.
@rlemon seconded. It stopped being a discussion the second he walked in
It seems Im not the only one making generalizations
did I ever say any of you were misguided?
5 mins ago, by Rigil
again, nothing at all but you are operating under a bit of false pretense
I still don't understand his assumptions, i feel like we're going in circles on trying to understand.
I paraphrased
I was speaking on society as a whole not individual people in this chat room
Which includes us. We're part of society.
the problem with my argument is its a taboo subject
@Rigil I don't think you even understand your argument.
I would agree if i understood the argument.
I do though
@Rigil So there's no way for me to interact with others without false pretenses? (i.e. everyone assumes I'm out for their good)
and even if you could fully understand it you wouldnt accept it
^ this is what I was talking about
I personally would accept it with enough evidence.
it isn't a discussion, it is you telling us we're not as good at understanding as you. which is ironic given the discussion we're having.
It's not taboo to say that society is selfish, because it is, we're genetically programmed to be selfish. What you refuse to see is that people can acknowledge that, continue to behave as such, and still create benefit for society as a whole, or for individuals.
@Rigil Didn't you say earlier that understanding is equal to acceptance?
@Rigil how is it you understand it... but us lot can't accept it ? What makes you special ?
phen thats it right there
Okay... and thats why you have issues with that book ?
Because you don't believe it can still create benefit for society as a whole?
so taking that knowledge and further my cause with the people who have no understanding of this priciple I feel is deceitful
@Rigil So it's not deceitful if the people understand this principle?
By that logic, doing anything that someone doesn't understand for any kind of gain is deceitful.
So I guess we should all stop programming then.
where does my 12 days fall into this?
just curious
no it still is, its just that then its mutually understood
I really do nothing but lose on that one.
Fuck science, my grandmother doesn't understand quantum mechanics, we shouldn't be deceitful.
No one understands Q.M lol
@rlemon Good question. @Rigil, how does rlemon's 12 days fit into your theory?
we just accept it :P
@rlemon the cynic in me would say that you feel some pleasure in giving.
what 12 days?
everyone does, but the feeling isn't as strong when it is to strangers.
Being generous makes us feel good
@rlemon of course not, and its an amazingly generous, mutually beneficial action.
@rlemon speaking of, it's down.
@SomeKittens yea, I didn't code for the 13th day ;)
I think you'd have a strong argument for it being more beneficial to others though
@rlemon off-by-12
in the spirit of the conversation, is being generous deceitful
Being generous is far better a feeling than receiving at Christmas time for sure.
Being generous is still self-motivated
It makes YOU feel good to give to others
So you're saying I do it for that feeling and not for the person ?
yes, but it's mutually beneficial
just because it feels good to give doesn't cancel out the consequence.
Doesnt matter, if you got nothing from giving you wouldnt do it
so everything anyone does in life is self-motivated. and self-motivated people innovate our lives and make the entire world better. Even if this were true, I still don't see any issue in it. self-motivated doesn't necessarily mean selfish, and that is (imo) all that really matters.
@Rigil And what's wrong with that? rlemon feels good, I get a gift card. Who lost?
thats not the point
I don't buy my partner a present and think "thats going to feel damn good in the morning" i think more about how happy she will be. Unless your saying there is a deep sub concious doing it that we are not aware of.
@Rigil so? People are selfish, no shit. The fact is, you do get something from giving, and people do do it.
@Rigil If that isn't the point, what is?
yea I'm really lost on the "point of it all" here
I thought I understood it, but apparently I do not
argument for arguments sake.
the point is giving is still self-motivated
that isn't a point, well it is, but it is also an accepted truth. the point is still that we want to give. not everyone wants to give.
Doing any thing is self motivated.
Life is self-motivated.
so we agree then
just dont act like its not
hence the book link
and I still don't 100% agree that there isn't selfless people out there. I don't argue the majority of people are not selfless, but I can't make a statement so bold as to say no one is
that is just arrogant in itself.
What does a parent get if they risk their entire life to save a child? And some do die saving their child.
I don't see a mutual benefit of being dead..
@Rigil But you said earlier that it was impossible to do anything but "act like its [sic] not". How does that work?
It really should have been titled "Strategies for furthering your own cause by making people think you give a shit about anyone but yourself"
playing the other side: the parent sees the child as their future, their offspring. self preservation through a child isn't unheard of.
@Dave continuation of their genetic material
@phenomnomnominal ok but people can save their friend's life who are not genetically the same
@Dave better than the guilt of not having tried.
I argue no one thinks of that in the moment though.
If they did that would make a fair point.
You don't think "oh my friends going to get hit by a train... better do some thing - don't want to look like a douche"
that reminds me of the guy to took yuri gagarins place in the doomed mission
he knew he was going to die and stepped in
@Rigil What should he have done instead?
Ask his wife and kids
I mean you ask his wife and kids
ask them to go instead of him ?
thats quite harsh
@Dave Rigil misspoke.
I mean ask his wife and kids if he should have taken yuris place on that mission
I don't think he knew he was going to die..the mission was to return to Earth.
He knew the risk though for sure.
he knew full well yuri was going to die
How could he know that?
Feels like pure speculation
of course it was, noone can know the future with certainty
@Dave It's well documented - the mission was most likely going to be a catastrophic failure.
But did he himself know it was certain ?
@SomeKittens hangouts?
@rlemon Sure
there is risk flying in a plane, should we all ask permission to our loved ones... the risk is lower than the space flight of course but there is a risk all the same.
@SomeKittens you got a mic at least?
It wasn't risky as in the Challenger, it was known that the thing would fail.
@rlemon I'm still at work
nvm then
it's not fun when it's just me talking to myself.
@Rigil However, Komarov didn't take Yuri's place - he was the primary and Yuri was the second. He refused to back down.
"he knew he was about to die during the space mission in 1967"

Suggests to me, he did not know before he launched. He only knew once he was up there, by then its too late.
But the wording i not totally clear =/
Why do I always get pings for this...
because you've been in the room
it sucks
I get pings from SO MANY rooms
Oh jeese those charred remains...thats ....i can't think of the right word.
@Dave > prior to launch, Soyuz 1 engineers are said to have reported 203 design faults to party leaders, but their concerns "were overruled by political pressures for a series of space feats to mark the anniversary of Lenin's birthday."
And the astronauts were told ? Because why would he go on the mission then cuss them out on the way back.
Anyway if he knew and chose to go instead, it seems a selfless act to save a friend. Which contradicts the mutual benefit element.
Edge case
Or - maybe there was some other motivation Kamarov had that he felt was more important
@Rigil So far you've been liberal with your use of words that indicate "Without exception". How do edge cases fit in?
try { life(); } catch( selflessness ) { return false; }
You mean I think in terms of black and white
@Rigil I don't mean anything - I'm asking a clarifying question.

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