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@Loktar what is your daily step goal
Well Man should be productive in any age that's matter :P
I wonder how standing desk will effect it. I'm constantly stepping but my wrist is glued to the keyboard
So, how old are you, rlemon?
I counted his circles
@rlemon i'm in my success ajax, i have to fetch through my 'response.arr' to get all the values in this array one by one... how can i do? i tried for(var x in response.arr) and get QueryString as answer...
You chopped him down o.O
@Cerbrus 28
That's not that old.
@Julo0sS no clue. console.log the response and check out what is under the hood
@Cerbrus seems to be on the chats
I'd hazard a guess that the average age in here is like 22-23
I seem to be pretty average then
i'm 8 years old... you're all dinosaurs...
don't joke about that : P
@Julo0sS: You are aware the minimum age is 13 here, right?
SO is 13+ and if you claim to be younger you have to prove you are older
Jokes about your age are troublesome
I've seen a mod on meta make a user do it
Trust me
We're not joking
Age of person is matter of his thinking and behaving :D
it is US law that social sites are 13+ .. SO doesn't fuck around with it
i feeling always younger :P
Sep 8 at 13:18, by balpha
@Cerbrus Just so you know, your little message cause quite a commotion internally. We're legally required to take the 13-year minimum very seriously, and your claim was this close to getting your account destroyed (we have no other choice in such a case). We have enough reason to believe that you were in fact joking that the decision was made to let it go, but be careful with such jokes in the future.
im much older than that! ;) but i'm 8 in my head.. :P soooo @rlemon still same answer in the log, that doesnt change anything
I feel like I'm 15!
wth @cerbrus if i was 8 i would be playing at school or something and i wouldnt be here^^ x)
@Julo0sS read the message @Cerbrus just posted. 'balpha' works for stack exchange.
I feel like I'm 10 years older than I am
Wait, I'm 15.
@rlemon i did read it
15th age candidate not allowed :P
@Julo0sS it is a law in the USA that accounts cannot exist for anyone under 13 . :P even joking about it can tie their hands.
Am I wrong in thinking this is an unreasonable answer to an assignment for people who have never written C before? pastie.org/9627719
I want to confirm before I go complain to someone
I've never written C, and I don't even know what I just looked at
!!youtube Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling
Right? the only reason I even understand it is because I spent a weekend swimming in C tutorials
@Cereal you're not wrong.
No, stop listening to everything, Weezer has a new album, guys...
bye guys i'm leaving see you
@Cereal So you learned a lot in a short amount of time?
What a terrible teacher you must have!
@HassanAlthaf probably not
Hi there!
@copy Due to self study. It's an operating systems course ._.
But I didn't hand in this assignment. This is the teacher's solution
May I ask you a small question about a dropdown menu?
@Cereal and yes, minimum estimated amount of time spent with C to get to the point of writing something like that would be measured in weeks :)
anyone contract with ember.js ?
@Cereal did you think studies would be only in class learning material?
I would've loved to have teachers like yours
@rlemon the var i put into "array" is a pdo executed statement like "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myTableId IN ("1,2,3")", then i do $query->execute(); and return $query... SO what i try to "json_encode" is this $query executed... maybe thats why it fails...
@FlorianMargaine Hardly, that's not true for any course. But from 0 -> that solution in 7 days, I dunno
@Julo0sS put the results in the array
@Julo0sS 8 years old, Legit!
@Cereal what kind of zero? No prior programming experience?
lol SuperUberDu i'm in the oldest people in here :P
@Cereal Are there any good Operating System courses online?
familiarity with pointers? any C-like languages?
@Jul don't return $query... Return $query->execute()
@GorgiKosev No C experience. The only reasonable expected knowledge would be Java, because that's the intro course they make you take in first year
I shudder to think of how the people in my class felt who have only that experience with programming
@FlorianMargaine if($query->execute()){return $query;}
this is what i'm doing
That's wrong
@Cereal It's definitely too much, but at least you learned it now :)
Ask @dievardump
@copy Nooooo, I couldn't write that.
@Julo0sS add a die(var_dump($query));, you'll see why it's wrong
@dievardump \o
What ask dievardump ?
@Cereal its a bit too much, yes :)
@Cereal now you could
@florianmargaine ok, i see, but how can i get the "real" table then??
@Julo0sS learn pdo!
ask the php room if you have issues
@Cereal mostly because of the pointers hole
The what now
@Cereal I meant that Java doesn't have pointers and the C code you pasted makes liberal use of them
Ah, yeah.
@Loktar 'android wear crashed' :/ have to restart the watch to get it going again? that is balls.
I broke (again) my nexus 5 screen...
Can I put some jQuery thing in HTML code :
<a href="" onclick="$('blah').hide();">Blah</a>
I don't think I'll be getting a google bracelet.
@dievardump ouch
or something like this ?
@Basj no
you can, but people will hurt you
@rlemon never ever?
never ever (if you want to keep your legs)
@Basj yes, you can
@rlemon Shoulda just kept it at no
I don't have the 100 euros to change the screen :/
and do it
@rlemon what should I do instead
no because people like Florian will troll
what? I'm not trolling, he can
@Basj use JS in your JS files ;) give the link an id or a class and use that
@FlorianMargaine what's your point of view on this ?
@FlorianMargaine he shouldn't
@Basj do it and move on to the next task
@rlemon best way to learn why it's wrong is to see in 2 weeks why it's wrong
@FlorianMargaine don't suggest poor practice please.
@FlorianMargaine Unless you work with nuclear power plants
@NickDugger You're a designer, right?
@copy I guess so
@rlemon Ok then I'll do this in the JS file... But where in the JS file ?
@rlemon in the window.onload ? Somewhere else ?
@Basj you can do it, but it is generally regarded as bad practice to use js inline the html
@NickDugger one of us?
@Basj read about where to place your js script tags and what the advantages of that placement is.
!!google where should I put script tags
Design... not what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, so I switched career paths
developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#js_bottom is a linked resource in the second answer, I suggest reading it as well
@rlemon thanks for this answer and links
ok, so, finally @FlorianMargaine @rlemon i did this : from my $query->execute() i did a foreach($query as $q) and put the $q into an array variable which is called $myArray. Now when i console.log(myArray) i get [object Object],[object.... ... how do i fetch through this json object please?
ok I see I shouldn't use onclick="myfunction();" anymore, right ?
But then, should I have :
its bad practice to say that something is bad practice without at least giving a reference link to a resource explaining why :)
$('myid').click(function() {} );
element.addEventListener("click", function() { ... })
also, you probably should observer some container and not the element directly
Should I put such things at the beginning of my main JS file ? at the end ? in the window.onload ?
@rlemon hah lame
also my step goal is set at like 7k I think
@Basj well that is better, but i'm of the opinion you should use the .on('click' vs the aliases
but people seem to disagree with my reasoning
@Basj you should put them in separate JS file, which is included at the bottom of your HTML, right before </body>
I like .on as well.
^ (what Teresko said)
It makes more sense, semantically
@tereško ok sure, in a separate .js file but where in it ?
@darkyen00 (If you're ever around ever again) Currently, we use Twilio. They've had some issues lately, though.
@NickDugger .click aliases to .on
and then also makes sense to then use .off
in the window.onload ? somewhere else ?
so why make things work harder?
I know, I just prefer the way it looks
@GorgiKosev would you say that it's bad practice to do so?
@Basj dude... dude
you need to learn how the document is loaded
that question makes no sense
@RyanKinal i am always here my friend.
@rlemon why would it be bad to do this in the window.onload ?
@Basj when JS file is included, it also gets executes. If you include it a the bottom of HTML document, then the DOM has already completed to be generated
@darkyen00 ALWAYS.
@RyanKinal does twilio offer some trail ?
@Basj yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum try posting anything css i shall appear
@Basj the question in response to his statement just showed a lack of understanding
@darkyen00 twilio is sort of free while developing
I think
(basically, document.ready is way overused)
last time I checked
@darkyen00 Yep. They give you a certain dollar value for free.
@rlemon this sentence is too hard for my native-french speaking :)
could you explain ?
document.ready is way over-used
you can just as easily use setTimeout(0)
NO u cannot
@Basj window.onload does a few things.
once you understand what it does, and what placing the scripts at the end of the body does, you'll understand
@BenjaminGruenbaum How so?
@GeorgeJempty LOL
@rlemon so, to sum up the story, if I place the script at the end, I won't need the onload ?
there is a VERY good chance you will not
onload may be way too late, as it waits for things like images to load
@copy well its use case is widget, or external code that gets included in the page and needs to hook on the document being ready. Most people just want the DOM to be ready in which case they should include their script tag at the bottom of the body section instead.
@GorgiKosev yes, but often we do not need that. it is thrown into places where waiting doesn't make sense.
why wait needlessly.
@rlemon because life isn't a race.
sure it is
Oh by the way, spion if you're here there's something you have to know
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would argue that it's safer and the time difference is often negligible
@copy how is it safer?
I never understood why everyone and their dog wraps everything in DomContentLoaded
The script also works if it's included at the wrong plcae
@copy is it your script that's being included or is it a third party library or widget?
@Loktar I have mine set at 5. but I have no clue how many I will do. it was just a guess.
If it's your script, you know when you're including it. If it's not - then I already said I think that use case is justified.
by the way, there is only one good reason not to use inline JS and thats because it has to rely on the global namespace :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just wouldn't make that distinction and be safe about it
@GorgiKosev quirksmode.org/js/events_early.html there are many reasons not to use it
Unless the time difference is not negligible, of course
Q: Is checking for the readiness of the DOM overkill?

George JemptyI'm developing a platform for developing desktop apps with web technologies. In the course of doing so I've been trying to get some document/on-ready functionality working with the browser I will be integrating into the platform. That's why I'd previously asked this this question here on SO: ja...

And everything that doesn't use the DOM shouldn't be in there
@rlemon "It requires you to write JavaScript behavior code in your XHTML structure layer, where it doesn't belong" is not a valid argument, and the linked article doesn't present one either :)
harder to maintain, harder to read (imo), caveats with scoping, no separation of concerns, mixing logic (presumably) in your views, do I need to go on?
@GorgiKosev "has to"?
there is a magnitude of reasons not to use it
@copy that's not safe, that's not understanding something fundamental about how the DOM works. It's like wrapping your whole code in an IIFE when it's your site and your page.
!!afk coffee
@MauricioMorales Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what's wrong with wrapping my code in an IIFE?
@rlemon but look at angular, it has stuff like hide() in templates
@FlorianMargaine it's been well established Angular is a different way of thinking about the web (probably not the best phrasing)
@rlemon harder to maintain - I disagree, moving the JS away from the HTML and using selectors means you have to be careful when changing the document's structure - depending on the selectors, your JS may stop working. Harder to read isn't always true, e.g. if you just use a single function its not that hard. Scoping, yes. Separation of concerns I disagree as there are no clear concerns that need separating. And mixing logic in my views is another non-argument (needs to explain why thats bad)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not using it is just a source of potential, subtle (even though rare) bugs
@BenjaminGruenbaum if A and B combined cause a bug, you would usually avoid both if it doesn't cost anything
@GorgiKosev eh, I think you are wrong on all accounts there, but I don't have time to teach you all of this. have fun when people have to maintain your code. ;)
all I gotta say about that
@GorgiKosev wut?
> I disagree, moving the JS away from the HTML and using selectors means you have to be careful when changing the document's structure
hanging selectors is way easier than writing everything again.
I'm claiming that inline onclick provided that the "globalness" of the scope doesn't matter (not too much JS in the page) and that it calls a single function, is okay.
inline JS in your HTML is like making a really tasty peanutbutter/jelly sandwich, putting mustard on it, and then putting it in your pants. Nobody wants that shit.
Q: JavaScript only attach event to all links for ie5

r3plicaAs the title says, I need a way of adding an onclick event to every link on the page. I had it like this: var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].onclick = function () { alert(i); return false; } } but when I c...

This guys wants to support IE5
Burn it with fire o.O
@NickDugger You win the worst analogy of the day award
I'm pretty good at those
I would have quote that
17 mins ago, by George Jempty
you can just as easily use setTimeout(0)
I just laught so hard
I think the key to successful Angular development is to use just the right amount of inline Javascript, no more, no less
@NickDugger do you have reasons for that claim, or is it just a belief based on current thought on "best practice"?
Best practice is usually decided by the masses, not just me.
getElementsByTagName is ie5.5 + use document.links(?) — rlemon 52 secs ago
and as rlemon said, maintainability is terrible with inline JS
@MauricioMorales why would you do it?
@copy no, it really doesn't - that's like saying using objects is a potential source of bugs because they're pass by reference value and not pass by value so you should avoid objects in JS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum (ftr, I've wrapped in IIFE's to deter people from hacking my js games)
@rlemon: Oh, I never knew about doc.links
yes but why is it terrible? I gave a reason that makes it a bit hard when JS is not inline - when you move elements around you might want to re-check all your selectors
@GorgiKosev you should only be using selectors at initialization anyway.
How'd you know what index to get, then? xD
@Cerbrus I'm assuming it is supported in ie5 (hence the (?) )
@rlemon lol, I can bypass that in a second :P
@GorgiKosev you must never work on teams.
@BenjaminGruenbaum deter
@NickDugger convention / consistency is a good reason.
@GorgiKosev you're asking why inline JS is bad? By inline JS do you mean event handlers too or just a <script> tag?
If someone has to edit two files just to edit one javascript method, I don't think he'll be very happy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can't seriously program without objects, you can if your main function is wrapped in 3 lines of code
@BenjaminGruenbaum event handlers that only call a single function
Plus, they now have to track down in which html file is the DOM element that has the onclick attribute
@BenjaminGruenbaum event listeners as element attributes <div onclick="" > crap +
It becomes a puzzle, just to change one function
@copy sure you can program without objects, point = {x:3,y:5} becomes point_x = 3, point_y = 5 - it's stupid, but then again so is not knowing the very basics of how the DOM works.
@GorgiKosev That's code in strings, which is bad
Hot to jQuery-select all elements having class logindropdown but NOT signup ?
@GorgiKosev dom events have horrible scoping issues, with dynamic scope.
17 mins ago, by rlemon
harder to maintain, harder to read (imo), caveats with scoping, no separation of concerns, mixing logic (presumably) in your views, do I need to go on?
was my reasoning
scoping, yes, thats unfortunate.
@copy arguably if there's a schema and you can step into it with a debugger it could be bearable, like in WPF - then again there it compiles your XML to a .NET class.
@GorgiKosev it's not just unfortunate, it's horrible. It has dynamic scoping and all sorts of weird stuff.
@BenjaminGruenbaum dynamic scope as in non-lexical, non-global?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know the very basics of how the DOM works (which is not a point anyway). Thing is, wrapping your main function into 3 lines of code comes at no cost. Not using objects comes at a cost
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can have your sql server then. I'm not such a big fan myself.
Hows it going guys
@GorgiKosev as in dynamic - you can search esdiscuss there are tons and tons of conversations about the problem with it.
@rlemon my first reaction when I saw React was: mixing logic with templates? Eww.
never used React, no comment.
and then I thought about it some more, and realized that I'm not thinking with reasons but based on common wisdom and conventions
@copy it comes at the cost of not knowing where to look for the main entry point - if you put it right before </body> you know it's there, if you put it in a .ready it can be anywhere hidden.
@GorgiKosev that's not the same thing, at all.
Views and templates are two very different things.
I've been doing this a while. when I stopped using inline crap I personally became more productive and introduced less bugs in my own code.
When I came across React, I was like: wtf? inline html?
(on top of the over whelming reasoning presented by the community)
A lot of fws in JS mix templates and views, but there is a fine line between mixing those and mixing views and the domain objects.
Darkyen your profile picture is scary now :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fair enough
!!afk I made the coffee, but never got a mug.
@rlemon good luck with that mug dude.
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting (the dynamic scope thing), I should look it up
France people, how do I dress for Paris? How cold is it there now?
It's cold
@GorgiKosev what's this in an inline event handler (no peeking)?
@copy how cold?
(As in how to dress, I can read the weather reports)

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