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oh thats totally fine man
I don't care at all, that was the whole purpose behind the site
@Loktar ...?
@Loktar that dog looks so wise
@FlorianMargaine still around?
Dat web 2.0
damn thats ugly @NickDugger
fuck though id work for them
@rlemon yeah
@NickDugger So enterprise
regarding what we were talking about earlier. if I wanted to differentiate between two cases, app.get('/foo', foo.bind(null, 'a'), bar); app.get('/biz', foo, baz)
then just check to see if the first argument is null or not in the foo function?
or should I have two functions
one for each case
probably better to have 2 middlewares, don't you think?
(I think so, but then I second guess this stuff a lot :/ )
@NickDugger X-Powered-By:PHP/5.1.6 ;-;
if you want to do it your way, only do the bind once
good point
store and move on
@Zirak got this for the lycos chat ^
you are being bumped to different servers?
php 5.1.6 is on the homepage
I guess that's it
When doing a signup form, should the password + retype-password match test be done on client side, or done by the server (during an AJAX thing) ?
Chat is indeed asp.net
@Basj What do you think?
@Zirak client side
@Zirak because it's an easy verification that can be done on client side?
"because it's easy" is a good reason to do the opposite
Or you could just not have a "retype password" box...
if it is easy to write, it is easy to break (in this case)
@Basj So if I intercept the request and change the other retype field to be anything I want, that's an acceptable scenario?
@SomeKittens :) I really don't know. I have no experience on this, that's why I'll trust you !
@Basj did you know if you type your password into the so chat it knows it is your password and replaces it with ******
And actually I agree somewhat, as the retype field is really just there for the convenience of the user.
Say with a plugin like TamperData, or easier, just sending a raw http request
see, I'll type my password: ********
@rlemon haha
I see my password, you all see ********
Am I tripping balls or are a couple of those asterisks different looking than the others?
The former
@SterlingArcher Both
actually my password is eight asterisks
did it work?
yea man
all I see is ***********
@rlemon all I see is ******* personally
for the record, @SterlingArcher cannot participate in this joke.
That's so cute
he actually sent his password.
False, I sent you my development database password >=(
yea yea, now your backpedaling
you sent me your goddamn DB creds and you know it
@Zirak if you intercept the request, then you won't know which one of both passwords will be used for creating a new user... that's not a problem... because real users won't do this, and this you do this, you're lost
I didn't deny it :3 but it was a 3 table db that was easy to recreate xD
oh god my shoulders hurt :(
!!afk vape and stretch
no really, what should I do ? match password1 and password2 on client and then send to server ONLY password1 ? that's what I would do
inb4 goatse
@Basj The point is this: If it's a UI feature, do whatever you want. If it's important, do it on the server, plus whatever you want on the client.
i would think you should check the pass and retype-pass match and if they match, then encrypt and fire off to server. if they don't match, then let user know and do nothing
I am deciding how to filter devices to receive push notifications. My metric are venues and performers, these are stored in the database and have an incrementing integer ID for unique value on each row
Data sanitising, for instance, should never be done on the client, since it's important
@PatrickQ ok I'll do this
match on client, post to server, match on server, salt and hash -> store
@PatrickQ "then encrypt"?
I guess I could simply store these IDs as an array of "channels" in the devices collection? And filter from there?
@zirak the details are left as an exercise to the reader
He should be using SSL anyway. Encrypting on the client is stupid.
@Basj If you targeting mobile, its fairly common to just not have the retype or obfuscate the password.
@twiz ok
and passwords shouldn't have restrictions aside from maybe a lower limit
"must be at least 4 characters"
salt and hash sounds like a delicious dinner technique
@rlemon meh, matching passwords don't really matter - they're a client feature for clients, server doesn't care
i'm also not an expert, that's why i said 'i would think ... blah blah' :)
But you must include at least 7 exclamations points. A password is not secure without it.
@Zirak no, ultimately the server shouldn't care. but why not?
Because why do the extra work?
Is there a library / (or maybe standard jquery?) that you would use do to all the verifications ? ie check password length, password match, check if email contains @, etc. (usually lots of verifications are done)
@Zirak there might be an edge case?
at the end of the day, validate on the server and salt + hash passwords.
What edge case? Retyping passwords isn't data sanitisation, it's not critical, it's for people.
I guess if there was a false positive on the client somehow?
or a co-worker with a dickhole plugin that always swaps your pw'ds?
I have no clue how, just guessing.
(but validate all important shit there)
You can, I just think it's unnecessary
and @Basj because I fear you missed it
salt + hash passwords
just have the client send the username to the server. the server then sends the correct password to the client, which the client then compares with what the user entered. if correct, then the client contacts the server and requests the new page
@rlemon I'll ask you in (estimate time to implement other features before) 3 days again for that ;)
double rot13
^ totes secure
Plain hashing isn't good enough anymore, me afraid. scrypt or bcrypt are pretty much the minimum
parent-safe movie anyone?
@PatrickQ wat
@towc the first stargate movie
@Basj Do you usually ask people before researching yourself
@towc Princess Bride
@towc "despicable me" "incredibles" "megamind"
@Zirak already seen
Watch it again
@PatrickQ too childish
@towc A Serbian film
@Zirak didn't really like it
You're dead inside
did you give Benny & Joon a chance?
@rlemon I assume they've already seen that hundreds of times, will watch it later on my own
seriously. excellent movie
@rlemon fell asleep while trying to
pft. kids these days
All my JS (and more generally all what I did in C, Python, etc.) is just self-taught + people who help me on chat / forums...
What I've learnt is that when googling, when you're autodidact, you cannot know what are the good things and what are the bad things (because I have no JS "culture" )... That's why i tend to ask for advice here.
Of course if this is really annoying... I'll go away... I'll understand...
Shawshank Redemption
oh well, my mother chose a film
god help me
@towc Wall-E was already seen, I reckon. How about "Groundhog Day"? Maybe some Chaplin?
ohh, what was that one with the alien..
hey guys
@NottyShinchan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon that movie was hilarious
@Zirak seen quite a few of chaplin. I really do enjoy him, but my parents don't seem to
@NottyShinchan sup
@rlemon already seen many times in family
not good man, extjs is kicking the sh** out of me
@towc Aliens
@Zirak groundhog day make them bore to death apparently
Office Space?
@SterlingArcher how about no?
@rlemon already seen
Dirty Work
How about it's a fucking classic!
anyway, going to watch my mother's movie
White Boyz
Go watch the later seasons of Family Guy on netflix
holy cow, language
> In December 1999, it was found that Netscape Communicator used ROT-13 as part of an insecure scheme to store email passwords
@SterlingArcher I feel like you would appreciate imdb.com/title/tt0178988
Can anyone help me with extjs?
@rlemon most definitely lol
Malibu's Most Wanted
!!youtube white boyz trailer
@copy For example for things like : doing lots of verifications before sending a <form>... I usually would try myself, then google, then find some answer which is just okay..... And after that (2 or 3 hours of work), while asking here, I would discover (hanks to someone) that a super-great ready-to-use library exists for this and would solve the problem in 10 minutes !
possibly nsfw language
@Basj you mean jQuery?
i have an extjs: model,store and a combobox but my url is not getting passed from store to my controller :(
@Basj You can find all of that by reading up on it
@SterlingArcher this is better
watch the trailer above
quick question - is there some restriction on how many the fields should be in a model of Extjs?
@copy my (small) experience in JS (but a little bigger experience in other languages) have shown me that when working 100% alone + google, often I don't have a wide view of the subject, and that I wouldn't see a great library, (and then reinvent the wheel), whereas when asking here, some of you do know great libraries !
@copy once again, if this is annoying for you, I'll stop to ask, no problem
What's an object literal notion?
@SterlingArcher yes
@Fuser97381 you mean notation?
google is powerful
@SterlingArcher. Yes. That's what I wrote.
@Basj Reinventing the wheel is awesome when you're learning.
@Fuser97381 notion != notation
Learn by yourself, don't rely on us.
@Zirak yes... i've done it a lot of time, and that's true that I learned a lot this way
Well that's why I want to know what it is.
Read the link
Google it man, it's so easy
!!google define "object literal notation"
hey fun
Wait. You other chat room participants keep saying object literal notation, but in my email it says object literal notion. You are all spelling it wrong.
@PatrickQ you can also !!tell commands, so you could do !!tell Fuser97381 google object literal notation
@Fuser97381 clearly we're all wrong
@SterlingArcher nice! thanks
@fuser97381 ok, "object literal notion" would be the concept of an object literal. the idea. "object literal notation" would be how it's implemented
A last question then : in order to check a <form> before sending to server, would you use : jqueryvalidation.org/reference (found thanks to google), or manual checking, or something else ?
No, from the context of my email it appears to be something about writing down an object.
"notation" is how you write things. "Notion" is how you think about them.
Ugh this is going nowhere. No one in this room understands that I'm writing notion, not notation. Why do people keep thinking I said notation.
Programmers are idiots.
!!tell fuser97381 google define notation
!!tell fuser97381 google define notion
That's it. I'm rage quitting.
@Fuser97381 i've address BOTH terms. stfu and read
@Fuser97381 Yes, we must all be idiots, keep repeating the same failed communication attempt and expect different outcomes.
@Fuser97381 stop and think for a moment that we MIGHT know what we're talking about
^Einstein' definition of insanity.
wtf just happened?
Also, definition of Hubris: assuming that because nobody knows what you are talking about, YOU are the smart one
That's why he was on ignore for me.
$100 digitalocean credit through the Github student pack
/me is glad for wife with .edu address
damn thats a nice credit
I should use my kids addresses
Was anybody else disappointed when Fuser just quit, without the rage?
does anybody know ::How can items be removed from Woocommerce shopping cart via URL
I was expecting rage, and got none. :(
@RaviAllam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Lily has just informed me that it's a .org address
@CapricaSix sorry bro
:registers a .edu:
when all else fails. blame the ISP
wtf is with businees internet service being so much more expensive (and so much more shitty) than personal?
@RyanKinal because they can
my home internet is < cost and 10X better speeds
I like this
ONLY thing I don't have is static ip\
Home: 75/10 for $80
SlickText Office: 10/1 for $80
^ srsly wtf
lol, you pay $80 for internet
We pay $80 for tv alone :(
hardknocks.edu -- taken
Contractually oblligated through our lease
I pay $120 for internet
poor things
I pay jack for internet :3
I give you the internet for $120
you live in your parents attic
Also, once the SlickText office is finished, there will totally be pics.
ship it
It will be so "startuppy" you'll want to throw up.
@jAndy <3
@rlemon Yeah, but I pay jack for internet
@RyanKinal WAIT!
ST is getting an office?
Yep. We already have the office. Furnishings are coming this week.
dude, you need remote contractors?
I can do your 404 page
I'll make it all slick and shit
@FlorianMargaine I know I am
no, @rlemon, no poop
That poor, poor slide
nahh, I still visit
the slide?
keeping social connections. #justslidethings
zero mq is so darn cool
@darkyen00 I don't understand your name change D:
@SterlingArcher mother in law, stealth stratergy.
@SterlingArcher I almost wish I got this watch before I stopped smoking
She didn't want your real name out there?
@rlemon what watch?
smart watch
@SterlingArcher i don't want google to sniff what i do in this room.. never moar
15 mins vape raises my bpm from 80 to 105 - 115
ah, yes i agree, that's why I'm Duchess
ah, MIL saw the porn tab?
Please excuse my english. I am about to goto bed.
@FlorianMargaine nay the image :-/ .
@SterlingArcher She loved that dog
I wonder how cigs would have effected my bpm
@RyanKinal why is your chat offline ?
@riemon My heart rate does about the same thing when I vape.
@rlemon iirc my heart rate dropped when I smoked
@darkyen00 ?
But vape is different
~80bpm to about 115-120bpm.
@RyanKinal your ajaxy chat you wrote in 2005
nope, makes it go higher (or at least should)
@darkyen00 Oh. Ummm. Because the servers died?
@JessieA.Morris it isn't noticeable (unless measured)
No idea
I don't feel like my heart is racing
Talk about targetted advertising
@darkyen00 Do you have the link for that handy?
@SterlingArcher the nicotine is what increases your heart rate.
with vape you get sugar and lactic acids as well.
so i'm sure the sugar contributes
Has there been a study for long term vape use yet?
Health effects ,etc?
I think my alma-mater's Computer Science department finally died.
!!define alma-mater
@darkyen00 No definition found.
@riemon There actually isn't any (generally) sugar in ejuice.
@SterlingArcher no. but there has recently been studies from the american heart association
@darkyen00 College/University you went to.
@JessieA.Morris VG metabolizes as sugar
@darkyen00 Yeah... the CS department was shut down. Thus, there is no more Computer Science department. Thus there is no server. Thus there is no chat.
That is one of those pieces of code that has now disappeared.
@RyanKinal and you didn't saved a backup of it ?
The last time I had my pulse taken, the lady asked if I was alive
@rlemon ok how about this -- are the carcinogens in vaping?
Or does that depend on the juice?
depends on the juice flavour additive
@darkyen00 Meh. Why would I want that piece of crap?
in the nic, vg, and pg there are none
@SterlingArcher There are carcinogens in everything.
@RyanKinal for da luls
Fair enough, lol
!!s/everything/your mom/
@Shmiddty @SterlingArcher There are carcinogens in your mom. (source)
@SterlingArcher if you can get a juice that has been tested, get it
some people have paid for lab testing for contents.
The vape shop guys near my apartment will know, I'll ask them when I refill
I haven't needed a new juice bottle yet, and I've had this thing for weeks
I'm only halfway through my bottle too
@riemon Fair enough. I didn't realize it's basically an oil sugar. Do you DIY juice?
@JessieA.Morris I don't DIY really. I mix premade juice to the desired effect
and I add more VG to the mix because too much PG makes me cramp
(PG metabolizes as lactic acid)
I'm becoming concerned with the wire.
kanthal and nichrome both have aluminum in their alloy.
er, kanthal does
not nichrome
but kanthal holds up better under heat (and therefore is often what is used in coils)

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