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@Meredith would be so confusing
lol, it's good in short notation but come longer and more complex functions I don't need anymore parens
You don't even need parens
All you need to know is how many arguments each function requires
hello all
− × ÷ 15 − 7 + 1 1 3 + 2 + 1 1
anybody got any experiance with angularJS
I'm trying to watch a value attribute that get's updated by a function outside of angularJS
any idea?
@meredith was that question to me?
why watch the value?
Why are you "trying to watch a value attribute that get's updated by a function outside of angularJS"
wtf angular
umm I'm submitting a form and i have a plugin that deals with a signature field on a canvas which it then applyes the base64 encoded data as a hidden form field value I've tried ng-model ng-change $scope.$watch();
tried a directive
but no luck
<input ng-if="useHTML5" ng-model="temp" />
does work
scope.temp = angular.copy( scope.val );
element.on('change', 'input', function(){   scope.val = this.value; scope.$apply();   });
no ng-model does not work this is the 4th form i've done today I know my way around ng-model but it doesn't get updated neither does the form data $viewValue or $modelValue
<input ng-if="useHTML5" ng-model="val" /> doesnt work
could be that ng-if though :-/
<body ng-hide="IE8">...</body>
oh so it was the fucking ng-if
@AbhishekHingnikar are you talking to me?
@vimes1984 well its a tip .. ng-if kills a lot of things
and certain times u can't have anything other then ng-if
or perhaps fuck it i will do something better then this angular // inject my own html
ngIf seems like an anti-pattern to begin with. Logic in the DOM and all that...
@monners well yeah
but here is my problem
Speaking of ie, are there any sites like browserstack that let you test ie9+?
i want a generic input element which works on friken everything, from colors to image to data sources
@meredith saucelabs?
so i did it nicely with code style
Thanks I'll try that
if( text || some old ass value  || number ){

if( color ){

if( source ){
basically that in dom
didn't knew it would be something like
Oh duh
if( text || some old ass value  || number ){
Couldn't select anything above ie8 in browserstack cuz I had it set to windows xp
@meredith that does not help!
@AbhishekHingnikar Can't you abstract that into the controller? (I honestly don't know, I'm still pretty green with Angular)
this is not controller stuff
this is the purely directive part
ps still even that way i'd need something in dom to not add other bullshit
@someKittens Help? ^^^
i am now thinking hte proper angular way to do it :-(
the best way that comes to my mind is
input type="whatEverDataType"
and then writing multiple input directives
each that corresponds to a single type and handles its cases :-(
How about including all the necessary input types and using ngShow on the appropriate one?
I can't make it work
@monners i care sanity
ng-show will insert it in dom
add all the listeners
throw errors too
I have a wrapper for 3 side-by-side divs. the middle div increases in height and I want the other 2 to increase as well
wat do?
@AbhishekHingnikar what's the problem?
its insane, and creating more problems then its solving
what are you trying to do
making an editor with angularjs
trivial things that work like bliss with polymerjs work like a castle of cards here
@AbhishekHingnikar What?
@AbhishekHingnikar also, bennadel.com/blog/…
@AbhishekHingnikar for example?
take this, from angular itself.
ng-if and ng-repeat should be similar right ?
<input ng-repeat="input in inputs" ng-model="input" /> works
<input ng-if="x" ng-model="input" /> doesn't
if they both create child scopes
why ng-if messes up working of ng-model, but repeat doesnt ?
now.. the reason for that turns out ng-if makes an isolated scope
@monners wat?
Also @AbhishekHingnikar is wrong about everything ever.
@SomeKittensUx2666 well could be that
but why does ng-if creating an isoalted scope ?
@SomeKittensUx2666 @AbhishekHingnikar's issue. Thought you were the resident Angular guru
Benji and m59 are
I'm moving up the ranks
I played with that to try and see what you mean, so it's kinda messy
@AbhishekHingnikar it doesn't?
> The scope created within ngIf inherits from its parent scope using prototypal inheritance.
but I can't see what you mean
also, what @SomeKittensUx2666 said
so your problem is something else
make a code? :X
@SomeKittensUx2666 doesn't seems so though
Hey everyone, I need some help. In the past days I was trying various jQuery plugins and other solutions to have a table with fixed columns and headers. I even isolated a JSFiddle for the case.
@AbhishekHingnikar look at my plunker, it clearly isn't an isolate scope
Here comes the interesting part: I don't know any more what provides the fixed header functionality in my JSFiddle! jsfiddle.net/csabatoth/g5m4E/272
i have no clue what creates that then :-/ but meh am making sub-directives, better then using ng-if
I realized that when I started to integrate it into my application. And then I started to chop off everything from the JSFiddle, and it still provides
Anybody who can help me would be great, I don't want to open an SO question for that
@CsabaToth Whatever plugin you're using is inserting a whole bunch of inline styles to fix the header.
The only one which left in there is the DataTables. It does that by default? It has a separate FixedHeader plugin, I don't use it. I thought maybe JSFiddle itself includes something which could interfere?
I'll go on that trace
jsFiddle doesn't change your markup.
hey anyone use Closure Compiler here?
how come it cant automatically detect when a function is defined in a 3rd party library?
Because CC doesn't know the library
hmm, but if CC can't find the definition for the function, why doesnt it assume its defined in some other js file?
That's a pretty good question
You have to choose: 1. Don't use advanced optimisations 2. Define all externs
It sucks, but that's the status quo
ok ill just define them all then :c
just for curiosity: has anyone here ever used indexedDB for a purpose different than 'derping around'?
@towc Not me
Only localStorage
@copy at least you've heard about it
For entirely self-enclosed SVG icons, is it a bad practice to include their path-specific style rules as a style tag nested within the SVG itself?
<svg>...<style></style>...</svg> ?
@BadgerGirl I should sleep
But we're in love
my wrists are so sore
uhh... why doesn't this do anything? codepen.io/Cicada3301/pen/KCyIE
it's supposed to change smoothly the background-color of the body
Q: How does Bluebird's util.toFastProperties function make its properties "fast"?

Qantas 94 HeavyIn Bluebird's util.js file, it has the following function: function toFastProperties(obj) { /*jshint -W027*/ function f() {} f.prototype = obj; ASSERT("%HasFastProperties", true, obj); return f; eval(obj); } For some reason, there's a statement after the return function...

works for me
@rlemon strange... your example works... I tried both changing the width and height of the body and adding -webkit- before animation...
but codepen has prefixfree, so I can't really see why it would have helped
anyway... it didn't work for me
did you html,body or just body
does it make a difference?
apparently the problem was something else...
inheritance and such
prefixfree turned @keyframes into -webkit-@keyframes
while it should have done @-webkit-keyframes
So it seems like there's al ot that can be done with just CSS
I need like a very beginner guide to keyframe animation and stuff
!!mdn css animations
is she down?
I just created an epilepsy exam using just CSS
Whats up guys
@rlemon is the tornado really coming?
What happens if someone doesn't pass the exam?
probably not
@Mosho so... it's 5 am, all of the lights are off other than the pc's one, I'm all relaxed and stuff and this appears... fy
but I got a warning on my phone
@rlemon oh, good
@AaronSiciliano they need to buy my CSS cure for epilepsy
still in development
does it happen often?
will it be out in time to cure? :D
Are you working on a CSS cure for aids?
@mrzepka it's actually really easy... just give a quick look at the examples and you'll surely get it, no need to read it later
@towc I'm playing league though
oh, ok
@monners hallo!
i think your having too much fun with animations lol
@Meredith so hardcore :0
Q: http call in backbone promise

Rick jonesHi I have a backbone web app using Jquery and NodeJs/mongo as the server side framework. I'm having problems with making a http get call with a foreah loop and the results of the get call being iteratively added to each row of the loop. var eventid = this.model.get("_id")...

@mrzepka a good thing about css animations is that the browser handles them much better than js, therefore the animations are a lot smoother and cleaner
@towc sorry about that, I changed it for you: codepen.io/anon/pen/CIAry
@Meredith didn't even know that there was something as marquee
@Mosho I like cheese
Because they are the worst things ever
@towc I didn't really realize css was so powerful
@towc You're young
@SomeKittensUx2666 :P
@towc ok I could have used 6 lines of css but I wanted to learn js stuff!
@SomeKittensUx2666 dat design :D I'm in love with it! (jk)
@mrzepka of course...
@towc that does look like something you would make
!!learn stop <>http://code.divshot.com/geo-bootstrap/img/test/mchammer.gif
I've only learn about css animations a month ago, and I've been using js for anymating for... 4 months? ok, my programming background really is young
young isn't bad.
@SomeKittensUx2666 she's down...
you are also young in general
@SomeKittensUx2666 What is this hell that you linked me to?!?!?!
Its responsive bahahahaha
Anyone here willing to answer a question about personal preference or opinion regarding php sql drivers and databases?
I only ask because i am more than aware this isnt the php chatroom, but i believe this might be the best place to ask to actually receive an opinion at this hour.
@AaronSiciliano Personal preference about PHP: don't.
Then i have to learn ASP :D
unless you know of a secure way to transact sql statements with javascript only running iis 8?
codepen.io/meredithz/full/lhxwC using css3 to its full potential
@Meredith Ok you made me laugh
Haven't used IIS since I started coding. Played with it a little in my IT days
well the only way i am aware of doing secure javascript sql transactions would be having it running on server and client side both unless i am mistaken?
You could use Node.js
What were you trying in PHP?
Havent touched php in years, trying to get back into it and relearn it correctly.
Specifically prepared statements
but i am using mssql and php5.5 and i cant find a driver for this combination
either way, is prepared statements the only way to securely transact sql data on the web
That's what I used
yeah PDO doesnt recognize the 5.5 php driver from what i can tell
PHP sadness++
@SterlingArcher Hey!
I guess i am switching to MySql lol
Why not LAMP?
Want access to ASP
asp isn't any better than php
and not run apache and iis both
iis can use both however
apache can not compile asp
to my knowledge :/
what am I missing now? the squares should be rotating...codepen.io/Cicada3301/pen/eqHJC
apparently I'm doing something completely wrong with transform property....
@towc is this a live editor or where is the run button? :)
@AaronSiciliano it's live
@Mosho still doesn't work for me
does for me
finally back home from the beach
@towc try it now
str+='<div class=cell style="top:'+(i*s*2)+'px; left:'+(j*s*2)+'px"></div>'
@Mosho codepen has prefixfree, you shouldn't worry about -webkit- and -moz-, they still work
I see
my browsr uses -webkit-
well, it works for me
@Meredith it's a workaround, but it works
It works with the prefix and doesn't work without it
@Meredith ok..
@Meredith for me it doesn't work with either of them
yeah, doesn't work for me without prefix too
@Meredith nope...
there's something with transform
I tried putting it outside the animation, but still doesn't work
chrome 35, I think
or more... the latest chrome
works for me on chrome
@Mosho then my pc is stupid...
@towc agreed because it works for me as well
where to find how eval is implemented in chromium or v8 sourc
@blackbee in the source?
yes, or maybe somewhere i can hope to find
I mean, have you tried the source?
i found the scriptElement https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp&sq=package:chromium
but in v8 i have no idea what to search
i am so upset
this slide is so powerful.
how use the same style
!!afk catching fish with eval
@blackbee if you download and build chromium/v8, then the IDE could find the definition
i can try that
how use lazyslide with combine bootstrap carousel..
see my question
@theinlwin Don't use jQuery
Don't use carousels
And look out for the Blintzkrieg
yes, sir
how use javascript..
please give advice
me has a question.. var foo = { 2: "hello" }; can be accessed with foo[2] or foo['2] but why not foo.2
because 2 cannot be a valid variable name?
@theinlwin as you see, most of them are dormant or in the main site maybe ... u can try a few hours later...
@Meredith dat pen you just posted XD
(almost blank)
also, rainbow on black 4 is out... probably the worst one I've created by now codepen.io/Cicada3301/pen/xpuKz
There I saved happy
@Meredith :P
hello, sir, not i mean that.
i wanted this exaple(hulu.com/watch/661615).
Can you see my question contains example fiddle.
i wanted lazy slider and loading progreess.
Those examples look easy but idk how to do any page positioning well
@theinlwin No one was interested the first (or second) time you asked, so please stop spamming the room with your question.
can i have that codeschool or some video tutorial link to js debugging
press F12
click on console
copy the red text into google
no, i know that, but there was a video link ... i know a few things on setting breakpoints or putting something in watch expression
didn't know dat
@rlemon would know perhaps, someone here posted the link
!!google discover dev tools
Oh, Cap6 is still dead?
i have to build something , i feel so down ... bored to hell..
build a machine that logs a message insulting the user
Then get hundreds of people to download it
that is a luring proposal
or build some slick canvas demos: codepen.io
i then needs to learn canvas , once i tried to make a game, i couldnot make bullets
Ladies and gents, I present to you, the king:
Q: Which is faster: while(1) or while(2)?

Nikole This was an interview question asked by a senior manager. Which is faster? while(1) { // some code } or while(2) { //some code } I said that both have the same execution speed, as the expression inside while should finally evaluate to true or false. In this case, both evaluate to true an...

The successor of "does using semicolons affect performance"
while (1+2) { wat(wat(wat(wat()))); }
@Esailija You'll love this
@Benjamin So will you
can i lol
1 is obviously less than 2, therefore it is faster. 0 would be the fastest as the code would be skipped. haha
No words...
I've seen some dumb things in my time, but wow...

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