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copy pasta
!!doge haters,no love,doge is great,poop
much haters
           very no love
                            many doge is great
so poop
Search ignores the !!
yesterday, by RUJordan
WWDC = What Would Doge Chew?
also, listcommands is in the results
I do see doge used now and then though
at least once a day
huh, people voted against /ban and /listcommands
yeah, the vote sucks
let me write a bot to clear everything up
And there's no way at least 5 people didn't vote against /timer
Who uses it?
And who uses /domain? Or /inhistory?
heh, you mention everything I checked
why don't you simply do some statistics in the bot, this way you'll know for sure
and you'll do pretty graphs in R
Because doing it on the bot takes programming, and I'm lazy as fuck today
Running a script to get all commands and dump them in a poll site was much easier
could be useful for later anyway
Q: Reset a promise / reuse a promsie

panthroI've been asking questions about deferred and have come across a problem in my situation. The user drags file(s) to the window, my file drop class resolves its promise and my main class then acts upon this. I call my file drop class from my main class: this.fileDrop = new lx.FileDrop(); th...

@Zirak I voted against domain. I didn't vote against inhistory
it isn't often used, but it isn't pointless ;)
@rlemon undefined
nvm. axe it
fucking useless command
@Ehsan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Don't you need a date?
!!help inhistory
@rlemon inhistory: Grabs a historical event from today's date or a date given in MM-DD format. /inhistory [MM-DD]
!!inhistory [02-15]
@Martin That format confuses me! See /help inhistory
there is nothing for today
!!inhistory 09-05
@rlemon undefined
or it just sucks.
I think it just sucks
@CapricaSix erm, whoops
Wikipedia format must've changed
...it needs to be fumigated
@Zirak geographical location on that poll is funny
is it supposed to show me? you? everyone?
@Zirak can you also re-build master and master.min?
seems I've fudged my minifier and it doesn't want to work for me
Do all of those work? o.O
@Cereal ︵ ┻━┻
Next time I switch partitions. Or come closer to my laptop.
also can we re-think 'blessed' commands?
I keep seeing people over-write others commands
I don't know when they are over written. but I do know mine are removed from time to time
Like 420?
surprisingly no one touches that
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
used to be a command
not that they are important to me but still. the idea is sound.
if an owner wants to make a command and 'bless' it so others cannot remove it why not?
!!caniuse defineownproperty
commands like this I wish I could bless.
!!tell rlemon attractivecamel
are you allergic to fun or something?
It's fun...but nobody will ever use it unless they're running through listcommands
The bot isn't a subreddit
I feel some of those commands are only used by their creators
but that isn't to say they are not used.
March 25?
How does awsm have more votes than hang?
/hang will never be removed
awsm isn't that awesome.
hang was what started it all
Because /hang is the bot
iirc Zirak was lonely one christmas eve and made the bot so he could play hangman with himself.
this was to avoid hanging himself out of loneliness
I know! I'll build a friend and hang him!
Like this...I lol'd. But wat.
@CapricaSix lol
I like it
I feel a big role of the bot is also entertainment value.
as well as a very useful tool for the chat
Do you really want the bot to be a subreddit?
arn't we all already just subreddits?
I can tell when you all hit reddit for the day
;) cc @FlorianMargaine
What was it? girlsinyogapants?
I don't actually reddit...
the new one is childrenfallingover
!!google reddit childrenfallingover
you'll laugh all the way to hell :)
Though, I did discover /r/thallassophobia the other day
The design of which hurts me...
I do like that the bot is used for stuff like artistic-poop and whatnot, but most of these...just aren't
...which doesn't even work
@user1290173 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Or /brandon being equivalent to /angryticks
Hey y'all
If I started a project with Grunt.js and I wanna change the dist/ dir to production/ can I do this?
@Drogonevets new bike search is narrowed down to 2...
@Zirak tehe
@AbhishekHingnikar You made the weirdest commands...
@Zirak sleep tight my precious little cucumber
That's creepy
@acowley Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins which are?
@DrogoNevets Both Aprilias :P
i think my bike is going to cost more than the £510 originally quoted
@Zirak the person who doesnt likes boobs so destroys them from existance
@Jhawins that suggest sports....you know italian bikes are renowned for breaking down?
Either a Shiver or a Dorsoduro. Likely the latter for the luggage options
That's what AAA is for
@Jhawins AAA?
your not going to find mud on that thing though
@DrogoNevets I'm keeping my bike, she's getting a 385 kit and a new cam.
@Jhawins ah fair enough, im not a big duke fan, im more BMW or KTM
@Zirak The most handsome guy in this universe
!!info kumar
@Zirak Command kumar, created by Kumar Gaurav on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:39:40 GMT, invoked 1 times
I'll have it till I die. The only reason she's not getting the 441 now is because I want to save it lol
@Lysandus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak do i have to patronise you? (where you here yesterday?)
But I'm choosing a more road-worthy bike now
@Jhawins lol
@DrogoNevets uh, care to elaborate?
get a decent adventure bike and do both
@Zirak were you here yesterday when i told some new user about the sandbox via caprica and he got all funny saying i was patronising him
That was the plan, but not now.
@Felix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins why?
Have you seen the dorsoduro?
doesnt do anything for me
I can have fun on that off the road
@DrogoNevets I imagine my current bike doesn't either though
i.sstatic.net/fP0ZK.jpg // She misses her nobs. Night a few days ago
yesterday, by Matt Ellen
also that sandbox message is very patronising
@Jhawins nah that is a true off roader, light and flickable
@Zirak see what i mean now?
@DrogoNevets Dry weight is less than 300lbs XD
@Jhawins whats that in real money (kg)?
Preload wheelies!
Funny because I had to do the math to get my lbs out of it :P
hehe, i was being taught preload, and i jumped the bike 5' in the air (this is a 1200cc thing! lol)
I was about to ask if it even works on big bikes. It does?! Sweet.
Nothing like a preload wheelie over the lip of that bridge or hill you just topped
preloading is simply loading the rear wheel, with a bit of power to allow the front wheel to glide over an obstacle
Or going airborn off a 2" bump.
hehe, im all about the brake slide turns and power slides
We may be talking about different things... I'm talking suspension preloading also
That's how my bike can completely leave the ground at 30mph off the tiniest speed bump haha
oh god
I'm working on something with so many global functions...
I was wondering what mountainbikes had in common with web development...
1) wrap code in (function(){...})()
2) functions are no longer global
3) ???
4) success
@Jhawins yes the same principle is on the big bikes too
@JasonAllen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Drogonevets I have ~280mm of suspension travel though... And such little weight. I just imagine it not feeling the same. But I'm sure it'll surprise me.
@JanDvorak no, because they're used in different files
and there are inline onclick handlers calling these functions
@FlorianMargaine add (function(){ to one file, and })() to another? (JK)
@FlorianMargaine ew. Ew. Ew.
@Jhawins find a BMW off road skills near you and do it, youll be shocked!
@DrogoNevets A whodawhat what
We have nothing like that at all as far as I know. We also have almost no areas to go actually ride off pavement. Or they're damn near impossible to find. I've been considering a motorcyclist social app for awhile now.. There's just no collection of information and so few places you can leave the pavement without the DNR guy saying you've ended the world and he needs your keys.
anyone here use sourcemaps?
ever have issue where breakpoints in the sourcemaps wont get triggered?
I can generate and view the source maps fine.. but chrome wont actively debug using them :(
Bleh I blame gulp and its current plugins for it
hmm maybe I've figured it out, names aren't getting mapped thanks!
@Zirak tax
Why are we pan roasted today?
@Loktar rubber duck
@NickDugger good question
good morning
I overslept
@Shmiddty me too
good morning
I'm looking for Javascript tips that aren't widely known
anyone interested in enlightening me?
That's pretty vague there, @ChrisB
Just looking for nuggets of knowledge
Bope, I'd have to look through your q's and a's to get a better idea of your level before trying to throw out any info
And I'm not doing that :p
@ChrisB You can iterate a variable that started as an empty string
!!> var a = ''; console.log(a++, a++, a++)
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: 0,1,2
in JS you can add two numbers together. Magic.
just sandboxed that, interesting! jsfiddle.net/Xqn8r
@ChrisB That's why he showed you from Caprica
@ChrisB self[0] is the same as frames[0] is the same as window[0] : The first frame in the page.
@Shmiddty That's because it uses the unary operator to convert the string to an integer, right?
!!> var a = "asdf", b = ""; console.log(a-1, b-1)
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: "NaN",-1
!!> var a = ''; console.log(parseInt(a));
@Martin "undefined" Logged: 0
@Martin Unary + is +expression
@Martin "undefined" Logged: "NaN"
es5.github.io/#x11.3.1 : ToNumber(GetValue(lhs))
So you can't iterate over NaN right?
expression++ is the same as Number(expression)++
And Number('') === 0
!!> console.log("testing caprica");
@ChrisB "undefined" Logged: "testing caprica"
!!> Number('')++ // this won't work.
@Shmiddty "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@Shmiddty Smartass, you know what I meant
!!> var a = 0; Number(a)++ // I don't think this will either.
@Shmiddty "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@Shmiddty thanks for the tip
You can perform a join on an array without calling join
!!> var a = [1, 2, 3]; console.log( ''+a );
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: "1,2,3"
!!wiki hello!
Hello is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is attested in writing as early as the 1860s. First use Hello, with that spelling, was used in publications as early as 1833. These include an 1833 American book called The Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett, of West Tennessee, which was reprinted that same year in The London Literary Gazette. The word was extensively used in literature by the 1860s. Etymology According to the Oxford English Dictionary, hello is an alteration of hallo, hollo, which came from Old High German "halâ, holâ, emphatic imperative ...
!!> var a = 0; console.log(-~a, ~-a, a);
@Shmiddty How is that in terms of perfomance compared to .join() ?
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: 1,-1,0
@Martin You should never use it for real code
How can I, using JS. get from example.com/hello.php that: hello?
@Shmiddty what do you call those things "+, ~" when placed before a variable?
@ChrisB First one is unary operator
they're both unary
Well then
@VladGincher what?
Thanks :)
I learned some things!!
@eazimmerman I got a url and I want to get the file name without the ending.
Q: How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?

Jin YongIs there a way that I can get the last value (based on the '\' symbol) from a full path? Example: C:\Documents and Settings\img\recycled log.jpg With this case, I just want to get recycled log.jpg from the full path in JavaScript.

@eazimmerman Holy crap no
!!define unary operator
@Shmiddty unary operator (algebra, computing) A symbol representing unary operation; an operator taking one operand.
Well, for file names maybe
Not for urls
!!define unary
@ChrisB unary Consisting of or involving a single element or component.
@eazimmerman without the ending.
@Shmiddty MDN is saying that ~ is a binary operator not a unary operator
@VladGincher Create a link element, shove that url as its href, link.pathname
Or am I confused
I'm confused nvm
@114 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak but how do I delete the ending? (PHP, JS, JPG...?)
eh, drop from the last dot or something.
!!> 'hello.php'.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('')
@Zirak "hello"
Or drop from the first dot. Whatever
!!>'example.com/hello.php'.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '').split('.').slice(0, -1).join('')
@eazimmerman "hello"
!!> "foo.bar".split('.')[0]
@rlemon "foo"
why get fancy?
I thought of foo.bar.baz => foo.bar
k, I've got a list of deletion candidates
Should those be voted on as well? I've searched the transcript, and I'm fairly certain none of them were used in the last month
The bajillion quote commands @BenjaminGruenbaum has made me think of adding /remember and /quote commands.
Will post an issue in a minute
!!> 'http://www.example.com/hello.php?a=b&c=d#banana'.match(/([^/?.]+)(?:\.?.*\?.*)?‌​$/)
@Shmiddty ["php?a=b&c=d#banana","php"]
!!undo -2
@Shmiddty I can only delete my own messages
@Shmiddty I'm not sure how to handle that, see /help undo
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!afk lunch
Also, please do take the pinned poll
mmmm Javascript
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Caprica Six is pretty useless.
So exhausted... hating life... hating asshole kids who pull fire alarms...
What the hell
Helmet mascara minibus part poison psychiatrist search support tomato zone.
yup, deleted it
!!awsm Am I doing this right?
@NickDugger A I dn ths rght?
@SomeKittens hey
!!/weather Houston
@NickDugger Houston: 83.336F (28.52C, 301.67K), scattered clouds
@Jared Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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