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@DnfD but “comments as chat” is a bit ridiculous
> SO is fricking huge
Well put, sir, well put.
@bikini, right you are
fwiw this is what I ended up with, working quite well: codeshare.io/RV8eN
does anyone know a good website hosting service
static and free
or cheap
I think I can still refer you and you'll only pay $10 for a full year of hosting
Also I'm getting a weird issue with angular
Guess what this does ng-click="go_to('#{{comment.answer_id}}-{{comment.comment_id}}')"
	$scope.go_to	=	function(location){
		$window.location.href	=	location;
It literally goes to #{{comment.answer_id}}-{{comment.comment_id}}, not #s-p, like it should
...why would you expect it to go to #s-p?
ARRRRRRG. Fuck you Samsung and your shitty native browser
Does anyone know if Android's Internet browser has debug tools of any kind?
That's why
I forgot to include that screenshot, my bad
@Meredith the image is super annoying. The OCD in me wants to unselect it.
So does anyone have any idea why it's passing an unevaluated expression?
@Meredith is that in an ng-repeat?
Yeah it's in an ng-repeat
try taking out the curly braces
Alright I'll try that
@SomeKittensUx2666 What do you mean?
I think @Some
I think @SomeKittensUx2666 means that angular does not evaluate variables in an ng-click expression
try using that code i sent you, the values need to be concatenated with the strings
@Meredith There is no expression.
There's just a string.
if you put them all in quotes then it will be a string
Angular sees a string, and passes by.
including brackets won't work because angular doesn't evaluate brackets inside ng-click
@SomeKittensUx2666 Ok I get that, but why is it evaluated in the console?
Chris B's code is right - you should treat it like a variable.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's what I thought
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that that did work
Thanks @ChrisB and @SomeKittensUx2666
No problem @Meredith God bless :)
Q: Explain this JavaScript name clash

dotslashI wrote the following script just to see what happens when a variable and a function that has a function assigned to it have their names clash: var f = function() { console.log("Me original."); } function f() { console.log("Me duplicate."); } f(); The output I'm getting is "Me origin...

i would love to ask this kind of questions
it took 74 up votes within a night :D
@Poyoarya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mako-taco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why the redundant room name?
A joke is something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention. Jokes may have many different forms, e.g., a single word or a gesture (considered in a particular context), a question-answer, or a whole short story. The word "joke" has , including wisecrack, gag, prank, quip, jape and jest. To achieve their end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punch line, i.e., an ending to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken joke in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placin...
It's supposed to be funny? Not working.
If the person who made the joke saw that, their feelings would be hurt
That's terrible!
No, it selects NULL.
so how i remove values just have only spaces?
from the query
You have values in your database that are just a series of spaces?
@Meredith yes
becoz it is not mine :D
he doesn't sanitize data,
now i want to delete all of them
so i want to select values which have only spaces
why are you working with a backend web developer who doesn't understand backend web developer 101
if i use where field=' ', i missed rows which have more than one space
not me but my boss does :D
@user3241846 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i tried that, but then i have to do some in php too. i am looking to do this using sql
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE TRIM(column) = "" or something like that
oh right, my head didnt thought that to put in left side
i always tried it in right hand side
if i want to exclude null values from this, what i can do?
or just "" values, empty values
I think I will just use bitballoon to host the website. Does anyone know a service to host raw files (jpg,mp4) for free, with total disk space 200MB or more, and after upload each file has a unique http/https URL ?
@WalleCyril 000webhost.com there you can host any for free
000webhost is pretty bad, but they're the best free host i know of
@Meredith 9. Account cannot be used to store files only (allowed if you upgrade account)
ok if you just want to store files
then you can just upload them to puush or something
@Meredith their service is bad since it is free. they dont take much attention on free service.
Stop offering permanent storage, and screenshots will expire after not being accessed for 1 month
Should I use dropbox ?
or skydrive
or Google Drive
There are dozens of places to host files
Doesn't really make a difference
But I want to stay owner of my files
I already know Google stuff agreement isn t for me
(Yes I read those)
I don't know of any file hosts that don't take ownership
"Uptime 99%" Wut?
15 minutes a day of downtime?
or 3.6 days/year
I saw the "Uptime 99%" on every hosting service
common sense xD
@bjb568 and you have 20$ less in your pocket ^^
@Seb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@WalleCyril So? That isn't much.
If you want quality you have to pay.
sometimes you pay and dont get quality
that happened when i ordered pizza today
@Meredith If you pay you at least might get quality. Not paying will definitely not get you quality.
@shimizu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
did you try yelling at the driver? That sometimes makes the pizza taste better
it wasnt the driver's fault
They're there to be yelled at, even if the pizza's good!
Especially if the pizza's good
How dare they violate our expectations
I just wanted to cry
@WalleCyril good to ask people who can give you free services out there and then sign agreement . if they violate then send them to the prison because they gave you a free service
Can anyone recommend a good JS MVC framework like backbone etc..?
@bjb568 You're not funny.
Not trying to be.
Does knockout ember and angular provide the same features, I'm actually using this with Django and also a Rails app
@user3413046 They're all different in their own ways. I suggest you do some research on how they differ.
there are plenty of good articles out there on this topic.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Also do the mvc frameworks require anything else apart from a REST api? I presume I wont be doing any ajax calls myself or dom manupilation
I would recommend angular over any of the others
I figure if any of them get adopted into the html6 or whatever spec
@user3413046 That depends. Like I said, they're all different.
It's going to be angular
Why do you need MVC specifically?
@user3413046 You'd be surprised. Like I said, read about each one
@SomeKittensUx2666 Because all the cool kids are using it
Well I was thinking about making development on the mobile side easier, so if I use a REST api with a js frontend mvc framework, I can re use the api with the mobile app with the hopes that I don't need to write any controller/view logic on the backend?
I'll consider angular
@user3413046 That's a valid approach.
separating the front and back ends is a good exercise in separation of concerns.
You still need controller/view logic on the backend
Just less of it
Yeah for the api I know
and view yes
but thats minimal
Is angular easy to learn?
It's easy enough to get started with
You might have trouble thinking the right way though
Fair enough
Do mvc frameworks like angular manage the data source part?
What do you mean?
Do I have to make ajax calls to the api to fetch data using jquery/xhr or does it manage that?
at least partially?
It has an easy way to send requests
I see
I presume that it has its merits (apart from google backing it)
I haven't really used any of the other similar frameworks
But it has a lot going for it
I really like that you can make custom directives
@user3413046 Angular isn't a MVC framework
Do you know what "MVC framework" means?
Model View controller
I know its something different
MVVM etc...
Angular is MVW
It means it has the concept of separated presentation, but they don't want people to waste their time on what kind of MV* it is since it's none of the classic ones anyway and no one should care anyway :D
And Django is MTV (Model Template View) and Symfony is MVC
Also, mornin everyone o/
@user3413046 nope, and nope.
There are many ways to structure the code for an application. For Angular apps, we encourage the use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern to decouple the code and to separate concerns.
MTV is not a thing, and Symphony is not MVC
But you really shouldn't care about naming patterns, instead - understand the problems being solved and the abstractions.
@Meredith doubt it. Here, a real article on MVC, read it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "If you’re hungry for acronyms, you might say that Django is a “MTV” framework – that is, “model”, “template”, and “view.” That breakdown makes much more sense.

At the end of the day, of course, it comes down to getting stuff done. And, regardless of how things are named, Django gets stuff done in a way that’s most logical to us."
@user3413046 lol, I like it, they invented a terminology that didn't exist for people who are hungry for acronyms haha, I love it.
I really don't care whether its MTV MVC MVVM MVW WTF or anything else
Yeah, that was my point.
I'm interested in how things work not their naming conventions
Yeah honestly all those acronyms just confuse me
Keep separate things separate and abstract what you can
I can't think of a good way to test this so I have to ask.
If I am loading a large json file and keeping its reference. Like var obj = file.js;
Can I then add a property to the var obj while the file.js is still asynchronously?
in PHP, Jul 9 '13 at 20:28, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@tereško The idea of MVC? I know! I know! To be a buzzword and to be confusing! To be a really simple design pattern you can explain in a single, simple slide yet one people keep arguing about because it has a million implementations and interpretations for some reason. To be misused as a term for MVVM, MVP and other patterns - generally everything that does some form separation of concerns! That's MVC in a nutshell.
Not sure if it shows, but that has lots o' stars there :D
Does Angular play well with Rails? Django has the {{}} syntax for templating would angular affect it?
Sure, why not
Whatever you use on the frontend shouldn't care what you're using on the backend
^ that
@user3413046 you serve your templates from nginx or something usually, they shouldn't pass through the templating engine on the server side anyway.
!!afk bus
Although if you try to do something like this in php
echo "<div ng-something='$scope.something = 5'></div>";
Bad things happen
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thats if you don't want django to process your templates
if you do want django to put the current context variables into your templates its required, and in this case I do, and hence the question of angular/ other frameworks interfering with django templates {{}} syntax
@Meredith should be echo '<div ng-something="$scope.something = 5"></div>'; anyway
(single quotes -> no interpolation)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yep, but still a limitation
@Meredith Not a limitation - HTML should use double quotes
You can't use double quotes around $scope. That's a limitation, regardless of the fact that it's caused by bad behavior
...you can't?
since when?
In php
you know, what we were just talking about
10 seconds ago
There are a million ways to fix it
But you can't do exactly that
Generally: Markup ", script ', Collisions \
@eddysapata Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Not sure how I missed that one
@CapricaSix ok i have read that and definately will take care about that.. :) :)
Second steward badge! Yay for (reviewing) low quality posts.
You can change angular or django's interpolation pattern, it's easy
I just wouldn't mix the two to begin with and serve statics.
1 hour later…
@Lekhnath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
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@Griddo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
mongoose.Types.ObjectId and mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId what are the differences when should I use one instead of another ?
Q: PDF hide Jquery Modal in IE

DKSI am using asp.net mvc 5(c#). I am displaying pdf in ifrmae. and i have a jquery modal popup on button click. Now my problem is it works fine for all browser except IE9. PDF hides jquery modal. My most of client use IE9. Please help.

@zynder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there a way to embed javascript in emails?
Most email clients remove it though
aw i see. for security issues i guess. too bad. I wanted to create a function that once the user has read the email it will notify our website
use an image
it wont work with gmail, but it'll work in most other clients i think
but the reason why most clients make you enable image viewing is so that people can't do that to you
@Meredith What do you mean use an image? Can that be used to track email opens?
@zynder Don't.
@DKS Please don't vamp.
He has 45 answers....
He's not vamping
I'm talking about his questions, not his answers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wouldn't suggest arguing against bjb - he's now decided that anyone who asks questions is vamping
What? That was an off-topic question! -2 and a CV.
i got my wisdom teeth out a week ago and i have a bunch of hydrocodone left
you sound like you need some
itll make you feel nicer
you wont notice any help vampires just new best friends
@SomeKittensUx2666 I just muted him. Easier this way.
Ignorance is bliss
@bjb568 that spans over a year.
@bjb568 how is his question not legit?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You shouldn't ever post "please help"
We encourage people to dump their questions here and ask for help.
It's in the friggin welcome message :(
i have a question
is stackoverflow a site for asking programming questions
@BenjaminGruenbaum It doesn't work! Help! Fix my compatibility problems for me!
the answer is yes
Is stackvoerflow a site for asking permission to ask programming questions?
He phrased it poorly, I admit, but it's an interesting question and there is no easily found answer for it.
@Meredith Some, there's programmers and code review, and other thins. And there's just off-topic for SE questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Great, so edit it.
@DKS why are you using an iframe for that in the first place? The problem is that things like PDF don't run very well in the browser to begin with, can't you read it with C3 and extract the data, then display a meaningful HTML?
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh shoot, I forgot :(
Badly worded, unclear, possible X-Y.
@monners ooh, muting
As in ignore
I'd do that, but then I'd miss all the opportunities to point out he's still in high school.
Mute me? What for?
Occasionally you lose a bit of context, but that's a fair tradeoff
wait who's still in high school
I am not.
He's still in highschool? That explains a lot
Siigh… if anybody can find actual evidence, great. Otherwise, stop insulting people.
(hint: there isn't any because it isn't true)
@monners Yeah, he gets really annoyed and it's fun.
There, edited.
It's not an XY, he has a very clear and solvable problem
Must... resist.... the urge to unsilence
@SomeKittensUx2666 As if you don't.
1) He has a modal dialog on top of a PDF file in an iframe, which
2) works great in all browsers except IE9 in which
3) The PDF overlays the modal instead, even though it's an iframe
4) And he has prepared a self contained code sample
@bjb568 aw, are we unwelcoming?
@BenjaminGruenbaum why all the down votes on that one? o.O
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you worked with Firebase?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Are you asking a question?
What have you tried? Why didn't it work? Did you find any body else with this problem? How do you think you would fix it? — bjb568 35 secs ago
Let's just be nice people
@Meredith That's an option?
of course it is
But... What about the... Wouldn't that be.... ok.
@SomeKittensUx2666 for like, a day.
@Meredith ty
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, ok. Currently trying it out and completely lost.
@monners @bjb568 likes to feel powerful :(
So powerful I cast 2 downvotes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's wrong with my edit?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Isn't that was video games are for?
@bjb568 Seriously?
It removes the context from his HTML sample
people keep upvoting the question i posted on codereview
You didn't replace it with anything meaningful, you just removed the context :/
@monners yes :(
but no one is answering it
@BenjaminGruenbaum What context?
There was the problem description, the code that didn't work, then the question.
I honestly have no idea why we put up with you :(
How could someone be so negative
Seriously, SE is all about helping people solve their problems to create a lasting resource
what is an appropriate size for a bounty
It's not about humiliating other users and feeling like the man
@Meredith Whatever you would like to offer.
i dont want to seem too eager
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not trying to. Moderation != A display of power.
@Meredith Nah, never thot that way about a bounty offerer.
Yes, you are, and no, you're not trying to moderate
any one using angular here?
@sabithpocker most of us
@BenjaminGruenbaum bjb is like having your own pocket troll that you have to swat with a newspaper occasionally.
im just starting angular after some time with ember, got some stupid issue probably some minor blunder from my side
A: How to mock REST with angular without affecting templates

Walter BrandYou need to add an extra line of code (below all other .whenGET()'s) for this that ignores the mock e2e, something like this: $httpBackend.whenGET(/.*/).passThrough(); This is a catch-all for any (get) request that is not matched by any other line.

@BenjaminGruenbaum How can you say what I'm trying to do? That doesn't make sense.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Someone accidentally clicked the flag instead of the star? :P
You mean a whac-a-mole ?
@bjb568 You are trying to defend yourself
@SomeKittensUx2666 As apposed to what?
@bjb568 I just said what you were trying to do, and it made sense.
@sabithpocker the answer is correct, you have to use the $httpBackend mock
@SomeKittensUx2666 Why?
Ok, I have to unignore him. Losing too much context.
@monners you can always mute him
@BenjaminGruenbaum i have it in my code, but still the error is there which confuses me if i am doing something else wrong
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is that somehow different to 'Ignore this user everywhere'?
Because I've had that set for quite a while now
@sabithpocker have you seen the egghead.io videos on testing in Angular? These helped me a great bit when I was starting
@monners it's "make user unable to talk in the JavaScript chat room"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah, that feels a little too self-serving
I'm gonna bounty 100 rep
@BenjaminGruenbaum I reverse my vote and retracted the CV. If people bother to edit and comment a question can be improved the the point of being on-topic. That, however, is not my job.
!!mute bjb568 5d
@SomeKittensUx2666 Please give mute duration, see /help mute
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@SomeKittensUx2666 Muted user 2888561 for 5d
Poor guy
@bjb568 I really hope you can turn it around, some of the people I like in this room, for example Josiah were really annoying when they first came here, but they turned it around and now they're some of my most favorite users here.
Just please, please, stop the negativity :/ it's really depressing.
Connor used to be really annoying, turned it around.
What have you tried in CSS? Please show us your current research, and explain why it failed. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 3 secs ago
One can always ask for more research, that's the easiest thing to do.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see many articles in context of testing, but i am looking to incorporate in main app, some backend-less development. Will the same ideas go here as well?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you back that statement up with a bit of research?
Well, I think I'm gonna call today a wrap. Time to go home.
one problem with asking for research is that naive users wont be knowing "what to search".... Answering them directly might result in such users never learning to search...
@sabithpocker that's the funny part. You can't answer "What have you tried" a lot of the time.
you can neither give a ready made answer, but that looks easy for people trying to help. I do it sometimes :)

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