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!!reinstall or dll
@eazimmerman reinstall
@MikeMonteith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Hi!
@CapricaSix how is it in bot land?
math question: if you have 3(n%2), can you do anything if you don't know n's value?
like, 3n%6
or how would that even work?
!!/weather 98315
@RalphWiggum Silverdale: 55.3459F (12.97C, 286.12K), Sky is Clear
do you multiply both, n, or 2?
or none?
!!both or n or 2 or none
@t1wc both
is she right?
hello all
@copy how would it go?
(n%2) should throw an error, right? You can't mathematically modify null, correct?
@t1wc Seeing as you don't have a right-hand to the equation...
!!/weather 965051
You also can't do anything with 2x
@adeneo Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Error: Not found city
@Zirak ok, then 3(n%2)=x
n is a parameter
but how would that help?
maybe n%2=x/3
but then?
@Hedgetrimmer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@t1wc - so do you know what x is ?
!!> n % 2
@NickDugger "ReferenceError: n is not defined"
@Drogonevets No dorsoduro for me. Gets ~100 miles per tank with no options of upgrading.
@adeneo x is the x, I think the english world is the uknown value
@t1wc Then I don't get it. You either have two variables, or have correctly expressed x
and n is a parameter
What do you want to get?
@Zirak let's say I have to find x for given n
Great. Plug n in. You have x.
but want a simpler formula than the one I have above
Then you're screwed, how could you calculate anything when you don't know what to calculate or the answer it gives.
!!> n % 2 = 5
@NickDugger "ReferenceError: n is not defined"
@NickDugger "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@t1wc It's as simple as it goes
if x = y, find x. lol
@Zirak let's say I have a decently big equation, and hope to simplify stuff a bit, and maybe if I simplify that a chain reaction would simplify everything else
It's as simple as it goes
@t1wc Actually, I believe Caprica was right
But I don't know, look it up
@copy in N group, 3(n%2)=3n%6
but if you give n a value, let's say 3
1 = 3?
Yeah, it works
what are you even trying to do?
yeah... it works...
1 does not equal 3...
my brain was sure that they would give out different results..
@NickDugger Get your math right
@NickDugger you're right, it does not, what does this have to do with it?
It might fail for negative numbers though. And some floating point operations
9%6 = 3, right? 3%2 = 1, right?
Maybe my understanding of modulo is completely wrong.
@copy that's why I said group N
@NickDugger but 3 times the last thing is 3
@RUJordan 3
oh... wow. I'm dumb.
Yeah, you're right
@NickDugger yeah, I realized :)
Not sure how I fudged that up
that smiley looks creepy...
are you guys implying that % is associative? :I
@RalphWiggum that's what I was trying to find out
oh, it's not
@RalphWiggum it's not
@RalphWiggum but apparently it works
@AlanSutherland Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mercurial Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But the question wasn't about associativity of modulus
the answer does go over distributing over a modulus
I was trying to simplify this-1=x) as much as possible
insert -1=x at the end of the link
Yeah I think that's about as simplified as you can get it
@Meredith certainly not
are you optimizing it for a computer?
@RalphWiggum computer and humans
Now we can all see it :p
There's a paren after the 2 right
I can smell the searing JS
smells so good in here.
have you tried inputting it into Wolfram Alpha to simplify it?
Yeah, I see the missing perenthesis too.
@NickDugger parenthesis after the 2
Well a(1-a^b)/(1-a) doesn't simplify
You can factor it into 2 terms if you want but it won't get you anything simpler
And you can't distribute the 3
@Meredith I'm writing the E.F. of the equation, so that may be of some help
Ahh so many symbols
@Meredith w maths
why are we talking about maths ? We're in JS channel with dumb noobs obviously.
Math is pretty relevant to programming
@jAndy jQuery is pretty relevant to programming (source)
'nuff said
@t1wc I'm not sure what you're trying to do
@Meredith cheesy stuff
@CapricaSix can I report that message?
jQuery is poo
Math is pretty relevant to programming outside of what your standard company hires you to do :P
I've never used any hardcore math in programming
unless you're working for any relevant gaming company and code 3d engines.. you probably never will really
But then again I'm still in school so I haven't had to do any real programming
I like math though so I don't mind learning a lot of it
@Meredith Imagine my surprise when going into my third year of computer science, they haven't taught anyone how to program yet
I failed algebra my freshman year in high-school. I didn't understand math at all until I learned how to program.
I think solving math problems is similar to solving programming problems
@Cereal What? Did they just do gen eds for the first 2 years or something?
I didn't understand JS at all until I learned how to jQuery
@NickDugger I understood programming because of maths
TBH, I've forgotten like 95% of all the mathematics I've learned in college. I haven't used any calculus since then
yeah, I'm a pretty ass-backwards person.
Idk how it was at your schools but here a cs degree basically comes with a math minor
@Meredith They did an intro to java course, which was 2 courses. Speaking as someone who went into it with like 6 years of experience already... they didn't teach anyone anything. We did a lot of group work, no one I talked to knew what they were doing by the end of the second course. Since then there's been no required programming courses
why doesn't this work?
in Sandbox, 14 mins ago, by Caprica Six
!!echo !!echo cheese
@Pawal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
caprica didn't repeat herself
It's like 2-3 extra courses if you did calculus in high school
@t1wc Because she's not stupid?
Why would her own messages trigger commands?
!!are you stupid?
@t1wc I expect so
ok.. chromes speech output crashes as soon as there is "too much" text to buffer
@jAndy I find it starts reading again some 30 minutes later. That's an earful, since it reads everything since it stopped
!!am I special?
@NickDugger Indubitably
which pretty much means.. @Cereal CRASHED MY ENJOYMENT
!!I love you, Caprica!
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t
@Cereal Input not matching /(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>http://www.wordreference.com/$1$2/$3
@NickDugger she doesn't love you anymore...
I bet it was my comma...
!!I love you Caprica
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t
Nope, she hates me/
@Cereal Yeah that was sorta my experience. Our first semester we had an intro to java class and no one really learned how to program. Just how to type System.out.print and stuff
I still find it hard to believe that anyone on this planet learns anything about programming in school or college
School work is very important to learning how to program
The only way to learn programming is by doing it... probably why there's virtually no one in the computer science or software engineering courses here
I went to college for one semester, and dropped out. Now I'm all self-taught, and shizzlepops.
But school's good for low level understanding
A lot of the people I've met that learned 100% on their own lack a lot of fundamentals
no, I was saying that everyone who eventually becomes a decent programmer, learns for him/herself
I guess we had 3 courses if you could the assembly course
and probably starts doing that long before college
@Meredith I will admit to that, yes. I know how to do a lot, but I lack the understanding of how it does what I want it to do.
Computer science is fairly unique, though, in that a degree only gets you part of the way there
You still need to pursue it as a hobby and practice on your own time
Hell, most of the courses only get you half way there
@Cereal That's what any decent professor tells you
University is more about learning how to learn how to do something than it is about learning how to do something
but then again.. I guess its the same for everything imaginable in life. If you don't love it from the core, you'll never be really great at it
well, I'm a first year highschoolean, and nobody that I know IRL taught me anything about programming, the only guy I knew that he knew some Basic, Fortrand, Postscript, Pascal etc was my father
school didn't help me at all, this room did

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