var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This basically came out of my wife's mouth.
So I want to automate some things for my users, when they register with my site, they have to register to each subdomain (differentiated by server and by database) to be able to use it. Subdomains are language specific. (I didn't make that, it's a given).
The goal is to have them register once, and for the form to be submitted to all subdomains.
I'm thinking about doing that in JavaScript, submit to a page that will construct all forms with correct targets on all subdomains (we have like 5-6), and then submit them all.
Once all forms are submitted, it should redirect back to the main page or to a thank you page or whatever.
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows JavaScript on a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain, not the domain the JavaScript originated from. It is more useful than only allowing same-origin requests, but it is more secure than simply allowing all such cross-origin requests.
How CORS works
The CORS standard works by adding new HTTP headers that allow servers to serve resources to permitted origin domains. Browsers support these headers and enforce the restrictions they establish. Additionally, for HTTP request methods that can cause side-effects on user...
> Kendall 1: Hey Kendall ready for a nice time? > Kendall 2: Ohh yea Kendall, you know how I like it > Kendall 1: Should we call Kendall to join us tonight? > Kendall 2: No, that guy is weird. Just you and me baby.
First one I only realize I was in a dream because I was back in elementary school (I was in HS at the time) but in my dream I wasn't small.. I was 15 sitting in a tiny desk with a bunch of munchkins
@KendallFrey the first one I lasted a while. Walked around the school a bit - ended up in the back yard we used to cut through to get to and from school. then we were running from some guy - I knew it was a dream so I confronted him then woke up
other ones were like "ohh wow this is a dream... cool... i'll just go over here and wakes up"
@artur99 I can also see the future. you messages are going bye bye in 3...
Once I caught on I was dreaming, so I took a shit on the floor. Then my dad got real pissed off, and I told him "It's just a dream." and he's like "No, it's not." and I'm like "ohhh fuck". And then I woke up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha also it makes everything so much faster and easier to update. What I currently have is a jumble of jQuery which is getting very hard to manage
Commenting after the fact requires going back to your code and rereading it. Commenting while writing requires taking your mind off the code for a little bit.
@Miszy we don't test/ci prototypes, and we have a lot of those - 2 day projects to demonstrate something to a business client who'd later rebuild it and just use our REST api.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We don't have that many prototypes but we always start with specs. Last week we did a one-day-workshop. From an idea, through bussiness cases, to scenarios and implementation. We got working application with BDD in mind in less than 8 hours :)
Meaning, Visual Studio shows it neat and tidy but when you have to find that file in the project, it's one long list of files :(
@KendallFrey They are apparently, just tried it
I guess I shouldn't be surprised if a folder under a project opened by Visual Studio isn't a folder on the file system.. but then I have to ask, "Why the hell not?"
It's organization in the project and it's organization on the file system
@SomeGuy no, to be honest it's apparently a WinApi thing and I'm clueless . Oliver has been helping me a lot with it though. I really want a generic solution for everyone with the issue in the future to have.
@OliverSalzburg I have nothing smart to say about that. If I knew how to work with WinApi or knew where I could learn how to work with this sort of thing - I might feel easier making suggestions. I'd probably try to reproduce what Crossrider is doing, but I have no idea if that's the right thing to do or not.