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Im not only a time traveller :)). i made a js & php app that reads your mind: artur99.hostyd.com/david/game2.php
@artur99 It got it wrong
@artur99 you can read our minds, but you can't display text in a column wider than 100 px?
did u followed the right side isntructions
posted on January 30, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This basically came out of my wife's mouth.

I thought of 7. 7-7 = 0
what do you mean, @JanDvorak
@artur99 right side? It was under the table
also, your "centered" icon isn't exactly centred
than it means your pc screen is smaller than my one :D
you call yourself a guru, but you can't make a responsive webpage?
whats that?
and i only worked a half hour for all that
it was just a test
read my mind to find the answer :-)
check other websites
oh, and *what's
And it got my symbol wrongly!
I demand a refund
@Zirak i think you look at a wrong number. for me it worked every time. with 0 too
@artur99 I can't get it to work. I was thinking about number 4.55 but there's no -8.55 in the table so I must have done something wrong.
@artur99 I can read your mind too. Think of any number, and subtract it from itself. I know what you'll end up with!
You always end up with 4
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can watch this repo if you want. If I do anything, it'll be in there
Hello Any one help me? how to covert the wav audio in to pcm format 8khz 16bit mono format
@SKM17 in browser environment???
@SKM17 nah. Better go for a library.
@JanDvorak can you have any library ref
no idea; most browsers support playing audio, but not encoding it (AFAIK).
It's bad idea to do it client-side since it's performance critical task...
And task consuming.
@Miszy not even in a worker?
@JanDvorak Thanks
@JanDvorak I wouldn't.
i cant get it up, how a 12 years old friend could understand the instructions, and you cant :D
@artur99 ?
Number between 0 and 100? 4.55. Your instruction is plain wrong.
@Zirak Whose?
ofcorse is integer. i thought i dont need to write it
who choose a non-integer number?
*of course, *it's, *I, *I, *didn't, *chose, @Miszy did.
@artur99 Uhm. There's infinitely larger chance of choosing non-integer than integer within that range.
also, missing articles
Oh... no, he's just a kid. Leave him alone.
*There's a infinitely
@JanDvorak I've got a problem with articles :<
do you want my help?
@MadaraUchiha hi
@JustDon't *an
@JanDvorak Yes, please.
@JanDvorak ;)
@MadaraUchiha hi
So I want to automate some things for my users, when they register with my site, they have to register to each subdomain (differentiated by server and by database) to be able to use it. Subdomains are language specific. (I didn't make that, it's a given).
@BadgerGirl artur99, he's very anonymous (facebook.com/david.theking.10)
The goal is to have them register once, and for the form to be submitted to all subdomains.
I'm thinking about doing that in JavaScript, submit to a page that will construct all forms with correct targets on all subdomains (we have like 5-6), and then submit them all.
Once all forms are submitted, it should redirect back to the main page or to a thank you page or whatever.
@MadaraUchiha I smell cross-domain issues
@JanDvorak I plan actually creating the form in DOM and submitting to a hidden iframe
@MadaraUchiha have an OAuth provider?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not an option.
Cute :)
I didn't make the system, and I most certainly can't alter it that way, sadly.
@BadgerGirl ?
@MadaraUchiha you'll need CORS support
@JanDvorak CORS? Cross Origin Request ...?
Favourite Athlete: Jackie Chan
@MadaraUchiha And your question is how to detect that everything's been sent?
Yes, since I don't have control over the destination's behavior.
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows JavaScript on a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain, not the domain the JavaScript originated from. It is more useful than only allowing same-origin requests, but it is more secure than simply allowing all such cross-origin requests. How CORS works The CORS standard works by adding new HTTP headers that allow servers to serve resources to permitted origin domains. Browsers support these headers and enforce the restrictions they establish. Additionally, for HTTP request methods that can cause side-effects on user...
@JanDvorak What if I don't use XHR?
What do you use, then?
can someone call copy?
@MadaraUchiha submitting a form via JSONP? Don't.
create iframe, display: none;, create form, target=iframe, submit.
@MadaraUchiha you can't detect successful submit, then
not sure you can even send it
@KendallFrey hurr hurr hurr
copy(); is so much shorter
Using C# for the first time in literally 7 years. Weird..
@Neil A lot has changed
@KendallFrey Yeah, I noticed var right away
Then, I'm creating a NameValueCollection without actually instantiating one..
Not sure how that works exactly
don't use it
@Neil No, you're not
I sort of have to. That's what WebClient.Header takes
var does nothing
I figured var works like it does in javascript
Holds whatever value it should hold
Lets the compiler figure it out
No, var is simply a shortcut
No, it doesn't.
I mean: It doesn't work as in JavaScript.
@Miszy Don't get your panties in a bind, I know that..
var s = "foobar"; is the same as string s = "foobar"; except less readable.
@Neil Too late shifts uncomfortably
@Zirak No comment.
@KendallFrey So you prefer not to use var for readability?
Let's all use let.
I share that logic.
It saves time in writing, but takes time from reading
And reading is important
I agree
They still use hanging brackets in C#?
@KendallFrey Which one is better for you?
List<string> dinosaurs = new List<string>();
var dinosaurs = new List<string>();
the first
I prefer the former
@Neil hanging brackets?
I prefer the second one. Everyone hates repeating.
second one isn't valid for me
Everyone hates code that doesn't scream readability
Everyone hates code that doesn't compile
Everyone hates code.
(I write OLD c#)
everyone loves cheese
I only use var when I use anonymous types
so I think we're done
@Cicada3301 not the lactose intolerant
I know people who don't love cheese, you hator
@rlemon And I write OLD JS. Truce?
@KendallFrey nope - you are still getting kicked in the balls.
Funny? I've never laughed in my life.
@Zirak probably they still like non-compilable code tho
@rlemon Get over your desire to touch me there.
@artur99 In this sentence, you mean? Looks good.
@Zirak LIES I heard you just the other day
@KendallFrey but you've been in my dreams so often lately.
I know, and I hated it
@KendallFrey That's an exercise in futility.
57 mins ago, by Zirak
@rlemon EEEWWWW what like a total creeper LOL #old #FreeJustinBieber
I like being in my own dreams better
How does that make you feel?
@KendallFrey I would hate to not be in my own dream
> Kendall 1: Hey Kendall ready for a nice time?
> Kendall 2: Ohh yea Kendall, you know how I like it
> Kendall 1: Should we call Kendall to join us tonight?
> Kendall 2: No, that guy is weird. Just you and me baby.
@Zirak Like having hot indiscriminate sex with everybody.
I wish I were a lucid dreamer
I've had all of three lucid dreams in my life
they are awesome
I've had like two and a half
Hey @BenjaminGruenbaum U there?
The first one was cool, because I used logical reasoning to figure out I was dreaming
@BenjaminGruenbaum Watch out, Neal is about to invite you for some sexy time.
@artur99 Then leave.
First one I only realize I was in a dream because I was back in elementary school (I was in HS at the time) but in my dream I wasn't small.. I was 15 sitting in a tiny desk with a bunch of munchkins
@artur99 Under 18? Just my type...
"ohh shit! I must be dreaming!! this is awesome!!!!"
or not
@rlemon The problem is, I never lasted long enough to do cool stuff.
18 year olds.... I keep getting older and they keep staying the same age.
@KendallFrey That's what he said
@Zirak Pun intended
My monitor just blew up again
@KendallFrey the first one I lasted a while. Walked around the school a bit - ended up in the back yard we used to cut through to get to and from school. then we were running from some guy - I knew it was a dream so I confronted him then woke up
other ones were like "ohh wow this is a dream... cool... i'll just go over here and wakes up"
@artur99 I can also see the future. you messages are going bye bye in 3...
Now you'll laugh about the fulfilled prediction:
ha ha ha
Once I caught on I was dreaming, so I took a shit on the floor. Then my dad got real pissed off, and I told him "It's just a dream." and he's like "No, it's not." and I'm like "ohhh fuck". And then I woke up.
@qwertynl yes.
@Zirak booya
good bye for now! see you tomorrow! or maybe not!
we can only hope ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I figured it out. I am rewriting a current app with angular cuz its cool :-)
@qwertynl that's a bad reason to write something in some technology but sure knock yourself out.
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha also it makes everything so much faster and easier to update. What I currently have is a jumble of jQuery which is getting very hard to manage
I don't get the "triangles" part in that
@qwertynl I rarely rewrite applications but I refactor a lot.
Triangles are hipster.
But... Why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well I wrote this app when I knew nothing and it is a stringy mess of crap
@Kippie because they are not squares
In case anyone here has not read "Things You Should Never Do" by Joel Spolsky - it's a classic and a should read IMO.
Hipsters love alt-j ∆ ;)
@Miszy How did you get my teeth?
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey you are a dickhead? (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dropbox team rewrote whole client-side in CofeeScript.
@KendallFrey A pointy dick, huh?
pointy as hell
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well I am basically rewriting code in another implemenation. it is not a complete throw away.
@Miszy there is a big difference between a rewrite and refactor.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So you think Dropbox refactored their code? In another language?
I'm a strong believer in measured incremental and iterative changes. Testing maybe.
@Miszy It is not that hard to ranslate coffee to js and vis vcersa
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about rewrite with big chunks being copied from the old codebase?
@Miszy I'm not sure they did, sometimes you do have to rewrite - it's just usually not the case.
@JanDvorak as bad imo. Tests need to pass after every stage.
Yea thats the thing... we had no tests. I knew nothing when I wrote this. They hired me out of college
@BenjaminGruenbaum what if the big picture is wrong?
The whole idea is to not throw away knowledge. Every klunk in your code has the potential to be a fix for IE8 in compat mode on Windows XP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum klunks should be commented ;-)
@JanDvorak should :D
keyword "should"
so that they're not discarded during a rewrite
@BenjaminGruenbaum :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum I comment mine
@JanDvorak if you have unit tests, life is a lot easier when you rewrite or refactor.
@JanDvorak :O
I think
In a perfect world, everything gets commented and documented. In the real world, there is more work to be done.
@KendallFrey s/commented and documented/tested and integrated/
one line comments don't cost much time
Unit tests that enforce behavior are so much more important than comments.
^ Couldn't agree more.
// fix for IE21 on macOs Z discarding this information sometimes
Untested code is terrifying. Rewriting software which has no unit tests is terrifying.
@JanDvorak They cost more than you would think.
this is going to be a very weird question; but can you queue a return statement?
Commenting after the fact requires going back to your code and rereading it. Commenting while writing requires taking your mind off the code for a little bit.
@Crowz yes, you can. It's ES6 though through something called Generators.
@Crowz you mean, can you return after returning?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unit tests that don't run on the build server are junk.
^ CI environment should solve the problem.
@KendallFrey if you have a build server that is :D That's also something not everyone has (but should )
Hey, I'm a bit rusty in Javascript, a bit of help please?
Just a tiny little thing I threw together for fun
I can't imagine doing a pull-request which would not be tested on our CI server now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We reject checkins if unit tests fail. Problem is, a lot of tests used to fail.
@AustinBurk jsfiddle wraps everything inside a closure. So changeBG isn't global.
@Miszy we don't test/ci prototypes, and we have a lot of those - 2 day projects to demonstrate something to a business client who'd later rebuild it and just use our REST api.
<div id="bodytag">
    <body bgcolor="example">
I know right? The guy sitting next to me freaked out when I typed that in
@AustinBurk you know you can do document.body right?
Like I said, I'm really rusty with it, too much PHP code swirling around in my head ATM
One sec
@JanDvorak no, I want to do a delay event, but the return kind of "overrides" it

@BenjaminGruenbaum We don't have that many prototypes but we always start with specs. Last week we did a one-day-workshop. From an idea, through bussiness cases, to scenarios and implementation. We got working application with BDD in mind in less than 8 hours :)
@Crowz so, you want a synchronous sleep?
@JanDvorak I believe so, yes
not possible in javascript
@Miszy that's nice :)
the best you can do is to return a promise that resolves after a certain time
Just wondering, now that Jasmine got Mocha syntax for asynchronous test cases - is there any reason to switch back to Jasmine?
@JanDvorak ehem*generators*ehem
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's called elephant carpaccio I believe, nice one.
Too bad modern Tims' employees don't look like that
@rlemon understood, thanks for the feedback
@BenjaminGruenbaum but you still can't call them like synchronous functions
@JanDvorak they 'queue' returns.
Aaaaaand I still am a Javascript know-nothing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum show off
@Miszy do you unit-test every project?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I try to, yes. Even own small side-projects.
I've been having an annoying time with containers. I can't find a dependency injection container I like in JS.
(Although Angular kind of does a good job to be fair)
@Miszy Good man
!!afk Doctor looking at my spine... It damn hurts.
feel better.
@Miszy how do you unit test?
I have to leave in three minutes, can someone make my code work? I just want to try it out before I go
@JanDvorak I read that out of context, and it was confusing because (human) sleep is synchronous already!
@AustinBurk :(
Well bye then
Yay for intuitive interface for Visual Studio 2010
<body bgcolor="chucknorris">
@SomeGuy not true. You can still attend meetings while sleeping
I rename project and project folder remains ConsoleApplication1. +1 for microsoft
I create folder in project and add something in it via file system
die(return "/quit bye");
Visual Studio doesn't offer way to refresh project... +1 for microsoft
sorry I crashed. Back now
Restart solution and it doesn't use file in folder. +1 for microsoft
VS folders !== Windows folders
In older versions, the folders created in a project were not created on the file system
They still aren't... are they?
Has anyone worked with flexbox? Is it tricky?
Meaning, Visual Studio shows it neat and tidy but when you have to find that file in the project, it's one long list of files :(
@KendallFrey They are apparently, just tried it
I guess I shouldn't be surprised if a folder under a project opened by Visual Studio isn't a folder on the file system.. but then I have to ask, "Why the hell not?"
It's organization in the project and it's organization on the file system
@AustinBurk I got your code to work! Still here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ninja'd be a 93 year old
@SomeGuy naa, I was just trolin.
Oh, did you end up getting your IE thing to work?
brings a synthetic shoulder for Benjamin to cry on
@rlemon Probably deleted it, but I love CodePen's 404 assets.codepen.io/images/404.png
@SomeGuy no, to be honest it's apparently a WinApi thing and I'm clueless . Oliver has been helping me a lot with it though. I really want a generic solution for everyone with the issue in the future to have.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's seriously stressful :P All that's happening in the past hour is that IE is crashing whenever I try to add the button
@OliverSalzburg I have nothing smart to say about that. If I knew how to work with WinApi or knew where I could learn how to work with this sort of thing - I might feel easier making suggestions. I'd probably try to reproduce what Crossrider is doing, but I have no idea if that's the right thing to do or not.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It probably is the right thing. At least one of the guys at crossrider really knows his shit :P
@OliverSalzburg like I said, I bet some of them are people who were malware writers and malware analysts for the Israeli intelligence.
I'm not sure, but that's likely.
I thought you were joking ;D
Anyone using justgetflux.com ?
I just installed it and it made my display really yellow. It is easier on the eye though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I use it, and like it
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can set the temperature at night
I barely notice anymore
so this happened before I left work (why Caprica had been down for a little)
@KendallFrey good to know.
Feel an improvement?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lots of people love it, but I personally don't feel like the yellowish tint improves anything
So I don't use it
I only heard of it now.
I never had much of a problem, so no notticeable improvement
I just like it.

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