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anyone ever had that happen to them before?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could you try building the DLL, including it in your BHO and see if it does anything for you other than crashing the browser? I really don't see how my code is different from the crossrider one, except that their DLL is loaded into IE and mine isn't.
Just installed f.lux again. Holy shit, it's yellow.
@OliverSalzburg sure, what code would you like me to build? Making a BHO is just implementing some COM interface iirc. I think it'd take you much less time taking github.com/adatta02/ie-extension-skeleten and putting the browser code in them than for me to figure out how to build the DLL. This is what our BHO is based off anyway.
@rlemon are those LCD monitors, or LSD monitors?
little bit of both in that video
@rlemon Video card overheating?
don't think so
happened the moment I put the power back into my external *usb hub
@BenjaminGruenbaum This code: github.com/oliversalzburg/ie-button It contains a C++/CLI DLL which you need to reference in your project or include the IEButton project directly. There's a usage example in the Demo project
@OliverSalzburg will do
Anything cool today? Somebody has always got something cool for break time.
@rlemon hahaha wtf
That was cool enough. I've never seen anything like that happen.
@rlemon maybe it was drawing too much power?
@OliverSalzburg where are you installing the button from in the Demo project?
@eazimmerman externally powered :/
so unless it shorted something out ???
^ most likely
@BenjaminGruenbaum Form1_Load
i would unplug everything and hope nothing got damaged
everything is working
i've unplugged and plugged back in the hubs and drives and everything external - didn't happen again
fluke maybe?
and the monitors are fine now?
Were there any possessed co-workers around your monitors recently?
@eazimmerman yes
sounds like an isolated incident
keep calm and carry on
had I lost more work I would have been pissed
but only a few minutes since last save :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum The worst part is, sometimes it even works and I don't know why :D
@OliverSalzburg what am I seeing here?
There is a second house button inserted on the left of the original house button
Huh... I didn't know that general SE chats displayed aggregate reputation.
@OliverSalzburg I'm getting a lot of winforms type errors (about things like MessageBox) - trying to work around them now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only the last 2 lines in the Load handler should be relevant to you
You just need to get the window handle of IE. IIRC there is some browser object or something available that has a Handle property
@BenjaminGruenbaum Old code can "develop" bugs if it isn't updated.
@rlemon How many ducks do you have?
@RyanKinal Ever watched Gurren Lagann?
@Zirak I would say 7, but it's actually 10.
hi everyone, is someone here how know ActionScript 3.0?
@tziuka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
who know*
@rlemon I like the latter, but will Glob do anything else as well?
If that's all, I'd go with the latter
@OliverSalzburg for some odd reason it won't get a reference to the dll, trying an alternative way.
I'll be adding methods @SomeGuy
Glob.prototype = { ...
@rlemon is there a reason for using an anonymous function in the latter?
@Zirak Nope
@twiz style? it separates the construction of the actual needed data array away from the rest of the constructor
that sentence is hard to say aloud
I just meant it wouldn't have to be anonymous.
Maybe I'm just weird. ha
no, but it doesn't hurt anything :?
what's the loop keyword in coffeescript?
ugh, I just noticed I have unused variables.
no, you were just asking what we prefer to see, and I prefer seeing non-anonymous (named?) functions.
ok, it's while
I'm so bad with remembering words...
@twiz sorry didn't catch on to that. I thought you were just questioning the entire function
@rlemon i vote the second. anonymous functions seem smarter if the result is getting a single value
Re: Spolsky's "Things You Should Never Do" - What are valid reasons to rewrite an application? I understand that rewriting an application because "the code is bad" or "it's a mess" is not a good thing, but what about speed or correctness or lack of necessary functionality?
@RyanKinal Great article, big problem my company is facing.
I'll agree with him - from-scratch rewrites are almost always a complete waste of time.
how about - the code is so old you will soon have no one left alive who can maintain it
COBOL? Rewrite.
How about - the code was written by a crack-addled Belgian who didn't understand the business requirements?
Does it work?
Mostly. It's missing some things. We had to put in some triggers in the database to stop it from screwing up our data.
But yeah, it does most of its job.
// last rev. 03/07/95
// docs last rev. 01/04/97
Is the functionality easily partitioned?
// first rev. some time in the 80's
(i.e. frontend/backend/db/etc)
@OliverSalzburg instacrash
Sort of. He did some odd things with query strings and session variables... basically he decided that query strings are ugly, and so whenever he had to use one, he put it in a session variable and redirected instead.
This results in some odd state-based bugs that just shouldn't occur.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you have any Crossrider addons installed right now?
nahh, I make jokes but the main reason my company is doing a re-write is because it was designed to run on a OS / system board that is no longer supported and we are running out of options to buy them. It is cheaper to re-write the software than it is to get someone to custom build us old hardware
It's actually fairly well organized, but there are some scary things about it.
@rlemon That's a good reason
the software has been chugging since the 80's
> Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF967A17B86 (comctl32.dll) in iexplore.exe: 0xC000041D: An unhandled exception was encountered during a user callback.
No I don't believe so
@rlemon answered
@FlorianMargaine I was also thinking of that approach
but I would only ever run it once
that is the point in caching the data to begin with
CodeMap not very helpful either
Lemme try to attach a debugger to the BHO process
so does it still make sense then?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, I get the same exception
@rlemon the data is still cached
yea but I have an extra function on the prototype i'll never call
so your question is: is there a point in creating a function that will be called only once?
Another possible scenario for rewrites: An attempt to converge on a single technology in the long term. (Several subsidiaries on different tech stacks moving toward a single stack).
Is that valid?
So it's not just my machine. I guess that's good :P
I suppose it is.
I guess you know your answer then.
@OliverSalzburg I'm putting an alert in from of it and attaching a debugger but to be fair your chances of catching it from outside of an IE BHO are much higher since it's not very debuggable from within a bho
@FlorianMargaine u so clevr
@SomeKittensUx2666 It seems that my previous problem is probably one in which I could fix the current code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The thing is, I'm assuming IE has a callback registered on the toolbar and it checks newly inserted buttons or something like that. And that callback throws an exception because the button isn't right. Something like that maybe
But honestly, I'm clueless :P
@rlemon 2.9
What happens when crossrider do it?
@RyanKinal I'm all for rewrites, just not complete ones.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It just works
It gets stuck at .Install , hmm
@SomeKittensUx2666 So, if you're rewriting a single layer of a large application, it's not so bad?
They search for the window, then get a couple of handles from it, insert the button and BAM, the spice weasel
@RyanKinal why are you rewriting anyway?
Unless they calling other APIs which I didn't capture or are doing more crazy stuff, it has to be something about the TBBUTTON structure itself
@FlorianMargaine Because the application is slow and broken (in several ways)
@RyanKinal can't you fix it?
did you try fixing it?
@OliverSalzburg that sounds reasonable
@RyanKinal Well, it's pretty good
@FlorianMargaine I'm kind of afraid of it. Mostly due to these odd state-based things the developer did.
@Zirak Synopsis?
@RyanKinal did you try to give it a shot?
like, did you at least open a profiler?
I also had stuff filtered in my log though. What actually happens when Crossrider inserts the button is:
Hmm, not too interesting but still forum.sysinternals.com/…
@RyanKinal erm, well, there're some serious plot twists in every episode, but basically...humans live underground, there's a kid that finds a robot, and has to believe in himself.
I've modified it several times. I'm aware of why it's slow (mostly due to nested ASP.NET user controls)
If you liked Evangelion and Gunbuster, you'd love this.
CommCtrl.dll actually calls NotifyWinEvent and invokes a couple of hooks. And that must be where the exception is thrown
@Zirak never watched Gunbuster, but Eva was awesome
@RyanKinal Yes, very much so. Especially if you're extracting functionality from a large mess of code
oohhhh then Gunbuster is higher on the watch list (it's also a sixth in size)
The remake is also good, the original is brilliant.
Ah, yes. Shorter = good. I have a problem finishing long series.
:grumbles about hard-coded product pages:
IIRC Gunbuster is the first thing Gainax published
:makes a note about Gunbuster and Gurren Lagann:
You recommended Cowbow Bepop, right?
I have definitely recommended to people. You may have been one of them.
<3 Bebop :-)
Aren't I important enough that you remember every conversation we have!?
I DO! They're recorded, tagged and archived in a folder.
I prefer to keep our conversations in the moment. That way they're more special.
"Conversations with Ryan Kinal". Soon in bookstores near you.
is there some nude?
"Some" is an understatement
You know it ;-)
Anyway, I should get some lunch. Later folks.
!!afk lunch
!!afk ""meeting""
@BenjaminGruenbaum Enjoy bouncy bouncy with Neal
@Zirak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: ""meeting""
in Trash can, 2 hours ago, by artur99
i am a 14 boy, but i can do a lot of things. as i said, i can see the future, and this chat room wont exist tomorrow! thats it! Howgh!
lol wut
so you did it the bad way :P
ugh, so many one-letter variables...
bad habbits die hard
c/color, s/size, g/gradient, r/radius
And we’re LIVE with @jeresig http://shoptalkshow.com/live/
@chriscoyier @jeresig ask him if mootools is his favourite javascript library
@mikedidthis lol
Q: Change the default browser behaviour of interpreting script tag

Ionică BizăuWe all know what <script src="/something.js"></script> does. That file is loaded in the page and the script is run. Is there any way to override the default behaviour of interpreting <script> elements? I want the same syntax (<script src='...'></script>) that will only get the code from somethi...

Still waiting for a solution. :-)
@IonicăBizău what do you want to do this for?
@mikedidthis The coveted @idiot
@IonicăBizău is setting the language property acceptable on the <script> ?
@FlorianMargaine This is one of the difficult questions after I post a question on SO: "why do you need this?". Don't ask that - I will show you when my tool will be finished. :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum What you mean? An attribute?
@SomeKittensUx2666 yep, made me chuckle.
@IonicăBizău yeah, if you set the language attribute it won't parse it.
Wait, type, not language
<script type='text/not_javascript'></script>
<script src="about://null" data-load-src="foo.js"></script>
@BenjaminGruenbaum the problem is that it will never be able to load the js then
@FlorianMargaine then you can get it with XHR assuming no crossdomain issues.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This would be a solution, but still I would like to not add type attribute.
Or maybe I can add them dinamically?
For example:

<srcript src="jQuery"></script>
<srcript src="mylib"></script> <!-- This adds the type attribute to the all script tags -->
<script src="otherFile"></script>
@rlemon Between this and @BenjaminGruenbaum solution I would choose the @BenjaminGruenbaum's one.
@IonicăBizău I'm actually really unsure about that - try it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're right, the Mustache library does something akin to this with type="text/template"
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm giving up for today. No idea how to fix this. I looked at the callstack from where IE crashes, and it is actually inside the InsertButtons call inside of CommCtrl.dll. In there, it creates some sort of button info structure from the data passed to it. And during that construction, it crashes
@SomeKittensUx2666 every client-side template library does this :)
@OliverSalzburg :(
Interestingly, some of that source is available at this weird website: en.verysource.com/code/280867_2/toolbar.c.html
wow, very source, much website.
So my current understanding is some incompatibility between the data structure CommCtrl expects and what I'm passing into it. But I can't figure out what that could be
@BenjaminGruenbaum ask on oDesk, you'll get the best help you can. For very cheap.
@OliverSalzburg what are Crossrider doing for it?
Unsure about compatibility
@FlorianMargaine I want everyone to have that knowledge
@BenjaminGruenbaum No idea, I can't really see what data structure they're passing
so? you pay, you can get the source code if you want
@SomeKittensUx2666 beforescriptexecute sounds very good. Any example?
Someone with much better RE skills than mine could probably figure it out :P
@IonicăBizău FF/Opera only, if that's an issue for you
@OliverSalzburg maybe @copy can figure out the data structure?
@SomeKittensUx2666 What about chrome...?
I'm not sure really. I'm surprised they don't have an API
@SomeKittensUx2666 You can post an answer including an example. Sounds the best solution yet even is only Firefox and Opera compatible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If he can, let me know. My latest source is on GitHub
@IonicăBizău One sec.
There an IDE out there that give jquery intellisense?
@juanvan nope.
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol.
fig just use a cheat sheet then
You could always just read the docs.
@juanvan just get WebStorm , oh - and a tip: avoid jQuery before you know your way around the dom.
Ya! i am doing ajax in class
I have too fat projects.
hi guys, is anybody who knows criterias + metamodels? I need help
git status is taking way too long...
@solvator what's that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thax will read up on it
@solvator not the Java room mate
java is empty...
so go ask PHP
JavaScript and Java are not related
!!urban English Breakfast
Bad idea
That wasn't the definition I was looking for
> English Breakfast
To wake a chick up first thing in the morning by taking a dump on her face
^ That's the one I wanted lol. Also bad. But not as bad.
you are strange...
Urban Dictionary's 'Word of the Year' thing...
Oh. Ok. I guess the definition used in the word of the year thing is that first one... Wow.
As some one who drinks English Breakfast, thanks for that!
!!wiki frill shark
That's pretty cool.
One more urban.... Because this definition is ridiculous for what it is hahaha.
!!urban twerk
@Jhawins Twerk The rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshy extremities in a lascivious manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in ones intended audience
!!doge Rythmic gyrating, fleshy extremities, lascivious, arousal
many Rythmic gyrating
                such  fleshy extremities
                         very  lascivious
so  arousal
Quick noob ques:
What's the difference between
`Object.defineProperty(obj, "property", {value:'Property Value'});`
`Object.defineProperty(obj.prototype, "property", {value:'Property Value'});`
I.e., do you set the `obj`'s property or the `obj`'s `.prototype`'s property?
@laggingreflex it depends what obj is
if it were String then you would do String.prototype
@copy @BadgerGirl I made more improvements!
function merge(left, right){
    var result = [],
        lIndex = 0,
        rIndex = 0,
        oIndex = -1,
        lItem, rItem, oItem;

    while (left[lIndex] || right[rIndex]){
        lItem = left[lIndex];
        rItem = right[rIndex];
        oItem = result[oIndex];

        if (lItem && oItem && oItem.timestamp === lItem.timestamp){
            oItem.value += lItem.value;
        } else if (rItem && oItem && oItem.timestamp === rItem.timestamp){
            oItem.value += rItem.value;
hey guys, I could really use node advice
I've got my js file executing
...and? when do you use just `obj`?
[this](http://patrickdelancy.com/2012/09/property-descriptors-in-javascript/) uses just `obj`
and [this](https://github.com/aseemk/node-neo4j-template/blob/master/models/user.js) uses `.prototype`
none of them is a String...
So, all requests for port 1337 go to it
the problem is - how do I access index.html?
@m59 Are you using express?
just vanilla
if I do an ajax request from another port, it's cross-domain :(
@m59 read nodebeginner , it's a good book for getting someone up to speed on that.
beat me to it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm at an interview =D
@m59 LOL
They wanted me to build an app with node js and durandal. Done except for this
ok then, use the http module, you can createServer which gives you a hook on when data gets it.
I can't actually use the app :(
@laggingreflex You generally want to use prototype to define functions that would perform the same action on any instance of an object. The benefit of prototype is that 1) All instances will have those members, 2) Those function definitions will not be duplicated, reducing overall memory usage.
var http = require('http'),
    fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('./index.html', function (err, html) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    http.createServer(function(request, response) {
        response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
After you do .createServer and listen to traffic, use the url module to parse the url you get from the request.
A: Loading basic HTML in NodeJS

Just a guyI just found one way using the 'fs' library. I'm not certain if it's the cleanest though. var http = require('http'), fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('./index.html', function (err, html) { if (err) { throw err; } http.createServer(function(request, response) { ...

@SomeKittensUx2666 Can you provide an example in your answer, please?
@BenjaminGruenbaum got that....
I got the "api" done
After that, see if the file requested is index.html and if it is, use the fs module to read the file and pump it to the user.
@IonicăBizău No, I only have Chrome (I'm on a Chromebook) so I actually can't test it.
Just check manually if the requested url is / (not sure why you'd want /index.html and not / )
@shmiddty Thank you!!
Oh yeah, @RyanKinal, Gurren Lagann is filled to the brim with ridiculous clichés. They're damn worth it.

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