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5 mins ago, by mikrowelt
and if i use absolute bad browsers lag alot
ok from the begining...
give us the tl;dr
here is my web site
if u scroll down u ll see that sidebar becomes absolute... and if open it in in IE or Opera it will lag alot... so i wanna fix it with position fixed
but if i do that... when i open it on mobile devices and try to zoom with position fixed... its breaks the look of my site
by lag you mean "not smooth transition on scroll"
deal with it
that is their problem for using a sub par browser
ic ould deal with that... but not my boss ^^
well I am not even beginning to debug that page
isolate your issue in a fiddle
ahhh plz add &compress=0
and u ll be able to debug it... its to hard to get it into fiddle
no one wants to go digging through your source code
to much code
isolate the problem in a fiddle
the code is man
this not code issue
@mikrowelt I'm starting to feel zen just by trying to to comprehend this sentence
im sorry guys i know my english is bad
but i know this is not code issue... its just the render speed of some browsers
so then deal with it
what are you asking for?
us to speed up IE for you?
how to detect mobile device
well now we have a question
we had it already if see above...
what do you want to detect specifically? all mobile devices? small screens? only iDevices?
Jan was just asking why i need that
i have problem now this android native broewser
cant detect him... in userAgent info is says some thing like Linux appleWebKit bla bla bla
no android or mobile words or something like on what i can look
you could do a reasonably well job just by measuring screen size
what if squeeze my window?
don't do that
i thought of touch support but PC have it too
UA sniffing is not really reliable
and when I shrink down my screen (in 2014) I expect behaviors to change. We live in an age of responsive web
thats a good point... so there is no other ways right?
you can ask them :P
personally I would (if I had too) do this by measuring screen size (probably in a media query)
open code and see it uses userAgent that doesnt help
i get form android something like this
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+
it should shed some more light on why the UA string is so FUBAR
hm I'm probably doing something really wrong here... but I have something like this and not sure what's wrong
<!-- mark up -->
<div class="slider" data-name="<%=questions[i]['name']%>" ></div>
// js
$('.slider').slider({max: maxNumber, min: minNumber, animate: "fast"});
$('.slider').each(function(index, input_element) {
            console.log('input element: ', input_element['name']);
keeps saying the name is undefined
input_element['data-name'] ?
writing some ajax call function to get a real time sound notification on wp-admin dashboard when people register, yeahh it's works, but actually drained my web server entry process and the physical memory usage and bang! make my web got 503 service unavailable
@JohanLim how often do you poll for updates?
@phenomnomnominal Haha. I think you're right. I'd just seen it somewhere.
@JanDvorak alas, was to no avail
@rlemon This statement is true
@Jhawins rlemon is afk: doctors
@Crowz I'd use $(this).data("name")
Wtf no he's not? Did he afk from another room? Ok
@JanDvorak this worked, thank you good sir
hey @Jhawins
@JanDvorak everysecond, cause I needed it to get a real time notification
@JohanLim Do you use long polling? If so, how do you wait on the server?
@JanDvorak no, I'm not. I have trying to learn about long polling and websocket, got me depressed alot.
@Jhawins soon I'll change the name too...
is there a way in JS or JQuery to basically say "if this was interacted with in any way, do xyz?"
and when I depressed alot, I will eat much and soon will be a fat cow maybe
@Crowz Interesting question. I do not know. Nor do I see a use case for it?
@Crowz define "this"
observe might be what you're looking for if you're talking about tracking changes in objects wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:observe
@Jhawins I have a jquery slider. I don't want to send the information to the backend unless they decided to interact with it at all, because then it'd be sending faulty info
addEventListener is great too
If the slider emits events - you can subscribe to those and send info when some event has occurred.
I have a series of divs with alternating background colors (dark to light). I use a jquery method to filter this list of certain types (.toggleClass('visible invisible')). I am left with a list of divs that may have either background color - as the alternating color was set before they were filtered. What is a clean way to remove the class "dark-bg" or "light-bg" and then apply the appropriate class (alternating between light and dark) to all the divs I just gave the class .visible to?
@Cicada3301 I saw you posting the link to what seemed like a testing site for a hotel? I'm guessing your family runs said hotel?
Were you just trying to recreate the actual page for the hotel?
@Jhawins nope... it was an exercise from miszy, to try and recreare a page
@Ecnalyr did you know you can have multiple classes on the same element?
Ah. Yeah that's what it seemed like to me.
You're close
@Jhawins it was a recreation (click on ENGLISH: that's what I was trying to recreate)
@Ecnalyr element.classList.remove('myClassName');
@Jhawins just some padding problems and something I can't figure our in the first nav...
but nothing relevant
hey all, when we are using for:each for loop, which class API is used? I know this is java but maybe you know ...
@Anarkie no.
@Anarkie no javers here
And the animation :P
just javascripters... 2.5 times better
Thanks Ryan I knew it was more used by Iterable but thestudent who gave this answer didnt get full points, just curious...
thanks !
In the future, though, don't expect Java knowledge from JS devs. I literally just Googled it.
I have a list of divs, $('.visible'), I would like to .addClass('even') or .addClass('odd') to elements based on whether their 'index' is even or odd. How do I iterate through the list like that using javascript? I know I could ordinarily grab the parent element and use nth-child(odd) or nth-child(even), but accessing the parent element here would yield more than only the elements with the .visible class.
Thanks, I wished I ran into you guys when I was designing a solard 3D model with JS, but that task is over now :)
@Anarkie Sounds interesting. I'm sure several of us would be quite interested in seeing it.
posted on January 21, 2014

We proudly announce CSS Day 2014, 4th of June, in Amsterdam, eight top speakers, eight CSS dev topics. Early bird has started. Grab those tickets now for € 200 instead of € 275. And there’s only 50 of them. Who are the speakers, you ask? Sorry, we won't tell you. We'll reveal them on 4th of February, but early bird ends at that precise moment in time. Do you trust us? Then order now!

(If possible)
posted on January 21, 2014 by Nicholas C. Zakas

Last week I came across an article[1] by Nick Fitzgerald in which he described an approach for creating private instance members for JavaScript types using ECMAScript 6 weakmaps. To be completely honest, I’ve never been a big proponent of weakmaps – I thought there was a loss of fuss about nothing and that there was […]

@Ecnalyr $('.visible').each(function(i) { $(this).addClass((i % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even')); })
Should work, I think
Unless I've forgotten how jQuery each works.
God the data we store from our readers poll is creepy.
It's like having an address book for 8,000 people
With IPs, addresses, phone numbers, where they work.
And a lot of them I know/used to know.
Wow. That is a bit creepy.
I guess this is the same data every other company has that sells anything online.
Yeah, pretty much
Amazon.com has got to have the most comprehensive directory of people in the world. With all kinds of data.
@RyanKinal I had to make some minor adjustments, but I got it after seeing how you did it - I was trying to grab at methods I'm unfamiliar with rather than just programming it :P (I get loopy when dealing with languages I'm uncomfortable with)
$('.visible').each (i) ->
$(this).addClass (if (i % 2) then "light-bg" else "dark-bg")
Good job
In other news, my high school music teacher won the first ever Music Educator Grammy
Dang, I'm too tired for SO :(
Failing so hard on posts.
I'm envious of the fact that that was your high school music teacher. I got kicked out of band in high school because I didn't attend band camp. I was told the only viable excuse for missing band camp was a family vacation and I attended a family vacation for the duration of band camp.
@Ecnalyr Wow. That blows.
It's ok, learning on my own turned out to be much better (as many 'programmers' could probably testify)
@RyanKinal Damn. They shouldn't have created that award. Great for him and that's awesome! But that's a bad situation that's going to happen every year from now on.
@Jhawins Why do you say that?
Q: Moving objects between two arrays

BatmanI have two lists formed from an array containing objects. I'm trying to move objects from one list to the other and vice versa. Controller: spApp.controller('userCtrl', function userCtrl($scope,userService,groupService){ //Generate list of all users on the SiteCollection ...

With artists, everyone knows who they are and there material is readily available to anyone and everyone. With music educators... You see my point already I'm sure.
Yeah, I suppose that's true
I mean, there were 30,000 nominations. And I can only assume next year's will be a larger pool.
So many potentially great educators will have no chance at all simply because they won't be seen by the right people. This starts pushing the grammys towards favortism/bias (speculation, not fact :P)
True, I agree with that. But even then how do the judges know who's better?
Mr. K. was nominated by a student and a parent. He didn't have to be seen. And once they're nominated, they submit their own applications.
I'm not entirely clear on the process, but I assume it's well thought-out.
I think I am doing qtip wrong... anyone familiar with it?
I just feel like Music Educators don't fit even remotely into what the Grammys are about, which is judgeable talent. Whereas a Music Educator excels in passion/soul/caring for the younger generation, and talent matters, but isn't anywhere near the biggest issue.
Step 1. Insert into ear
Step 2. Twist
Qtip 101
@Jhawins The Grammys are about music and entertainment. A lot of musicians wouldn't even be musicians without music educators.
@RyanKinal This is just my opinion after having read only the article you posted minutes ago. So just raw speculation with no merit whatsoever. So don't take me all too serious.
A lot of actors wouldn't be actors without music educators (and high school musicals)
@RyanKinal Of course they wouldn't, I agree.
@RyanKinal grats to him. That's awesome.
I'm just saying that a music educator is like... A Mom. You can't just look/listen to her and tell if she was/is a good Mom, you have to ask her peers/children.
But yeah as m59 said, congrats that really is fucking cool!
@Jhawins or you can be a psycologist
I'm afraid to ask..... What?
I don't know his logic, but that's probably what he meant
Well I got that part. I just don't know why he would say that haha.
That goes for most of what he says :p
@Jhawins you can simply know the rules of the human kind so you could understand everything by just asking her what you want to ask, and then translate it...
Yes, simply.
knowing the rules of human kind = psycologist
Yeah, i saw that :p
@Cicada3301 You, have a very open minded view of the world. You're wrong on half of what you think, and you're wrong right now. But at least you're willing to believe.
@Jhawins why?
what's wrong in what I said?
The next few years are going to be eye opening for you :P. I'm almost excited for you. Even though I don't particularly like you.
I'm more excited about when he finally runs into someone who's truly a nutjob
!!urban nutjob
@Cicada3301 nutjob A person that is crazy, or nuts.
@Cicada3301 We hardly know anything about the human mind in actuality, and everyone is insanely different. You can't simply ask a few questions and know everything, because I would answer differently than someone else and it wouldn't mean the same thing.
I'm omnipotent... Your move (ohh wait. I know that one)
@Jhawins water is different than cheese, but they follow the same rules if you think about it: the rules of how atoms behave. If you know how atoms behave you know how (almost) everything made out of those behave
Even then, psychology is just intelligent guessing.
if you think of cheese and water following different rules (which is what you do), then I'd say you're wrong
Humans throw in that free will thing. Fucks everything up.
You can't "know" what anyone will do, only what they are likely to do based on historical evidence.
@m59 depends on who is the psycologist you're talking about
Ok, Psychologist Jesus aside.
we didn't study all of it, but some actually... apply those studies (don't know about yours XD (jk))
@Cicada3301 Buddy, you just don't know yet. Don't fight me because I won't entertain it. Just go on believing whatever you'd like. There will be a point in your life when the entire world will seem to change in an instant, because you finally start to understand things for real.
Psychology is the practice of educated guesses about personality disorders.
@m59 which is already better than asking the mother's son how is she
Educated guess !== known
Especially not until you get out of school. They brain wash you (in the US anyway) into thinking the world works a certain way, but it just doesn't haha. You can't learn it from me or anyone else, you just have to wait and see.
@Jhawins not fighting, just making my point
@Jhawins What if this is a matrix like situation? Where us oldies are the ones who are in a simulation, and he's the one in reality?!
@Cicada3301 How would asking a person's son about them not help you understand that person?
@Jhawins I'm from italy and I have my own way of thinking, completely different from my colleagues
@Cicada3301 Or so you think.
@m59 it does less than applying psycology to a discussion with the person itself
This is the end of this discussion. Some day you'll see haha. The world isn't what you currently believe it is.
Yeah..that's just dead wrong.
@Jhawins so I know
@Cicada3301 You do realize that psychologists interview relatives and friends too, right?
!!s/about personality/about mental and emotional/
@nderscore Psychology is the practice of educated guesses about mental and emotional disorders. (source)
@Jhawins it's far more complicated...
And psychology isn't a master key to the human race (we actually know very, very little about how we ourselves work)
@SomeGuy yes
so I am trying to take a whole div and put it in qtip, is such a thing even possible?
That's like looking at a ton of smashed watermelons and saying that there's no way to know Gallagher had a hammer to smash them with.
So "applying psychology" includes talking to other people
@Jhawins becouse we don't know enough yet: you said it! but in a few years, since a lot of research is being made in the last years, it will probably be the most powerfull tool
If I talk to a jerk I just met - hmmm....he seems like a nice guy
It's nice that you're optimistic, I guess.
@SomeGuy talking to the dude + psycology > talking to another dude + emotions
I talk to his friends and family - ohh...yeah, that guy is an abusive alcoholic.
we barely have any concept of how the human mind functions the way it does. psychology is merely the process of applying generalized labels to different categories of mental states. I don't like generalizations.
@m59 if you're a psycologist you'll get that he isn't a nice guy
You've got to use those labels, though
@Cicada3301 lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You've been watching too much Criminal Minds.
@m59 is it a film? don't even know it
I don't even have tv at home
What you're talking about isn't psychology. You mean to say "psychic".
@m59 -_-
Haha, yeah
@Cicada3301 Nope. We aren't making much progress in the realm of psychology other than learning that you can't generalize the human race and predict things about other people using 1 single system.
I.e. learning that it isn't all that useful.
there are a lot of ways to tell stuff about a guy, even tho he might be saying bullshit to you and looking completely different
!!afk Why do I get involved?
@Jhawins every mind studier is looking forward to that and we're getting quite close
No, there are a lot of things you can guess about that person, and you often would just choose to believe them. That's the biggest gimmick in psychology: whatever you guess must be true, because who can prove you wrong? ;)
@Cicada3301 Any proof that we're getting quite close?
!!s/proof/indication at all/
@Jhawins @Cicada3301 Any indication at all that we're getting quite close? (source)
@SomeGuy I watch many ted talks, and almost every 3 weeks we get a talk about how much we generalized the human mind
go watch some in your free time
@Cicada3301 You just lost all credibility :)
@Jhawins they prove their points, they don't just say: hey look we got this and that, bye
I can go talk as a Ted talk. If I say Cicada3301 is run by an Italian kid who hangs out in room 17 on chat.SO will that make it true??
@Jhawins if you prove it it will
What was that completely bogus Ted Talk about? The one the comedian did and everyone fell for?
oh god... again with this thing... I should probably shut up before I get banned
Wait, is that okok?
I never realized that it could be!
@rlemon Is this okok?
@Cicada3301 Do they prove their points, or do they supply evidence to backup their point? They are not the same.
!!urban okok
@Cicada3301 No definition found for okok
!!define okok
@Cicada3301 No definition found.
Water is alive. Prove it? Well.... It moves, and that's what living things do.
...that's a bad example :p
@Jhawins nope: other things moves aswell... as... water
and stars and meteors...
and dead bodies
@SomeGuy No no wait for it... Now that you've replied and refuted my claim, you see my point? At a Ted Talk, who is there to refute what's said?
@Cicada3301 You can spot lies and make great guesses about the way a person behaves if you know what to look for. I doubt anyone disagrees with you about that. The problem is you're taking that much further.
@Jhawins if I find a point against it I don't believe it, but what they say makes perfect sense to me, that's why I believe them
@Cicada3301 Who's to say those things aren't alive? Maybe we're wrong about "dead" bodies being dead.
Prove that infantapulting isn't true
!!urban infantapulting
@Jhawins It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words
@RyanKinal The fact that we defined "alive"
@Jhawins No definition found for infantapulting
And we can measure the criteria
47 secs ago, by Some Guy
@Cicada3301 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94_omZ2RnfI
@RyanKinal alive = when it has multiplying parts of itself
@Cicada3301 What??? Just... What?!
@Cicada3301 Computer viruses are alive?
I quit hahahaha. You're an idiot.
@SomeGuy tecnically
Every time I think "hey maybe this kids got some prowess" you prove me wrong.
!!define life
@Cicada3301 life The state that follows birth, and precedes death; the state of being alive and living.
!!define alive
@Jhawins alive Having life, in opposition to dead; living; being in a state in which the organs perform their functions; as, an animal or a plant which is alive.
@Cicada3301 Look up the criteria for being alive
Also, some sociopaths and/or actors could dupe you. It is entirely possible to ask someone about themselves and get a false impression (for good or bad) no matter how good you are at identifying behavior.
post the tabs you have open !
!!afk smoking
@SomeGuy in science something can't be defined just as the opposit to something else
@Cicada3301 Exactly, look it up and tell me how computer viruses are "technically alive"
You tube and Redit while reading the wiki !
Airborne babies as tumbling objects. LOLZ!
I choose to have a skeptical view of everything and everyone :D
@m59 :D
@Oleg design insiprations :D ?
@Oleg WOW
I can still see some of the window titles. Needs more tabs.
Yea, I'm a one-man team, so...
@Cicada3301 in 13 year olds something can't be true unless they agree with it.
@nderscore see mine ?
^ That sums up your existence.
@Oleg o/ i got an amazing designer:D
@Jhawins what ?!
Cicada's existence
To him, something can't be true if he disagrees
@Jhawins if you don't agree it means that you think it's not true. That's normal
you don't agree with what I said = for you is not true
isn't it exactly what you're saying?
@SomeGuy since true and false are relative ... he has a point.
"This person will produce a more aero-dynamic offspring for me."
I am 13 with him :D /jkjk
@m59 Zach is the best
(SMBC's creator)
@AbhishekHingnikar why jk?
Oh gosh let's please not get started on relative truth.
@AbhishekHingnikar a jk to jk?
am worse am a 13 year old teenage girl ...
Surely in a room of programmers, we can agree that 1 !== 3
@AbhishekHingnikar That's...sexist
1 equals 3 for me
@SomeGuy ;-)
I'm a special snowflake
but 0.1+0.2!==0.3
@m59 Well, for very large values of 1...
@m59 yes
@Cicada3301 no.
the whole sexism sounds like hippocracy to me
Girls talk shit about guys all the time
Or very small values of 3...
Law of identity, law of non-contradiction, law of excluded middle =D
and you talk shit about them once ... OH YOU ARE BEING SEXIST !
@RyanKinal dernit.
!!> console.log(0.1+0.2===0.3)
@Cicada3301 "undefined" Logged: false
fuck javascript
@AbhishekHingnikar Doesn't mean sexism doesn't exist
0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3
check the code
true !== false
the code sucks balls
@BartekBanachewicz If JavaScript was a woman, I probably would.
there we go.
Haha, wow
@BartekBanachewicz Nothing to do with JS, sorry
@SomeGuy yeah but what i am saying is sexism is sexism itself.
@BartekBanachewicz want to add tofix? that's not how it should work
He uses IEEE floating points to prove relative truth
@KendallFrey fuck any programming language on the planet
This guy is amazing
@SomeGuy that's my point
@SomeGuy what ?
@BartekBanachewicz even C++ ?
@KendallFrey The fact that the standard (and only) numeric type is float?
1 min ago, by Cicada3301
!!> console.log(0.1+0.2===0.3)
C++ isn't a particularly good programming language
ieeeeee what?
@Cicada3301 IEEE-754
!!>0.1*10 + 0.2*10 == 0.3*10
@nderscore true
!!> 0.1 + 0.2
@AbhishekHingnikar 0.30000000000000004
@nderscore it's not how it should work tho
@Cicada3301 search for floating point numbers
!!> toFix(0.1+0.2)
@Cicada3301 "ReferenceError: toFix is not defined"
!!> Math.pow(2,63) + 1
@AbhishekHingnikar 9223372036854776000
!!> 0.1 * 10.0 + 0.2 * 10.0 === 0.3 * 10.0;
@RyanKinal true
!!> Math.pow(2,63)
@AbhishekHingnikar 9223372036854776000
!!> (Math.pow(2,63) + 1 ) === Math.pow(2,63)
@AbhishekHingnikar true
Mind = blown ?
Why am I still entertaining this... </shit>
@RyanKinal if so 1/10+2/10===3/10 should return true
!!> 1/10+2/10===3/10
@Cicada3301 false
I don't listen to people who have an unhealthy obsession with cheese and don't understand floating point arithmetic.
@nderscore I agree with the second... but let cheese in peace
@nderscore Cheese is fucking delicious. Don't you be dissin' on my cheese.
I had some wonderful goat cheese when I was in Colorado.
@AbhishekHingnikar var Mind={blown: true} that's better
@Cicada3301 it's 1.00110011001100110011010 * 2 ^(-2). It just can't represent 0.3.
@Cicada3301 no
your.mind.state = Mind.States.Blown; // because enums are fucking awesome
@BartekBanachewicz :P
@Cicada3301 what?
@BartekBanachewicz I think he needs to understand exponential notation first.
@BartekBanachewicz it means my point is right
@AbhishekHingnikar except when they are not typechecked, when they much less useful
@RyanKinal not dissing cheese. just unhealthy obsessions.
and shouldn't 0.2 be periodical in binary?
@Cicada3301 what fucking point
you made no point

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