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just tried a !!refresh - the bot crashed/stops responding to commands. restarting now
bot's back up. it didn't help :(
posted on January 21, 2014 by alexdanilo

Get accurate and detailed timing statistics-natively-for page navigation and load events

@DannyBeckett You must've updated your browser.
@Jhawins It's running headless on phantomjs - hasn't had any updates that I'm aware of
Well, doesn't make sense that it could just stop running. Something must've been updated/changed if it was previously working.
@Jhawins yeah I know
weird that renaming it works
there are no duplicate files in the build
hahaha wtf is going on
the command still replies to !!metar
just doesn't parse the arguments or something
Zirak is in the military or something now. So he's on for a few minutes at a time at best and only has a mobile phone to use. So he won't likely be any help unless it's incredibly simple.
@rlemon is maintaining the bot AFAIK so you might ask him.
@Jhawins ah I see, that makes sense
@DannyBeckett localStorage ?
(there's no localStorage used in the command, but it works perfectly under another name anyway)
@monners welcome back, meatbag
@CapricaSix thanks, circuitslut
I can't wait for Windows 9 lol.
@Jhawins I hear 60% of the time, it works every time.
Windows 7 => normal; Windows 8 => Touch oriented; Windows 9 => normal
@Jhawins Is that speculation?
Yeah, MS does seem to have a crap/not crap/crap/not crap pattern goin' on
Just a clever way to make it seem like you're doing something different. Microsoft already said they planned to make it more useable for average laptops/computers that aren't touch screens.
@Jhawins So... Windows 7
They'll basically just be reverting. Yup.
HP started selling computers with Windows 7 on them again
I hear win 8.1 isn't as bad
I miss the days of Windows 95, when I didn't know any better
I'm guessing Windows 9 will still be pretty much windows 8 with a lot of tweaks to be better for non-touch.
They're saying "yeah we know it's terrible. Ask for the old version back and save money"
@Retsam So... It'll regain functionality from Windows 7. :P
It's annoying, they got pretty close with Win8. Only a few game-breaking bugs (but BOY were they game-breaking!)
Which is being able to use it without wanting to tear your own face off.
Actually, they weren't really bugs either. They were deliberate features that no one in their right mind would want
Hahaha yeah.
Skype in full screen? PDFs in full screen? Come-the-fuck-on!
// true story
1. Write "getRandomIntTable(min, max, length)
2. Get some random error in a library you are using because you forgot to return the table
3. Add "return t;"
4. Get bullshit on the screen.
5. Fix all calls, now adding the length actually
Danymic typing in a nutshell.
Sounds like you're drunk/high/sleep-deprived or something
@copy No, I'm used to my tools reminding me of such idiotic mistakes.
In Microsoft's defense, it's not a terrible system of "dramatic changes" -> "outrage" -> "incremental changes and polishing" -> "success"
@Retsam Have you heard of Windows Vista?
@monners that's "outrage"
Yeah; I have, and I think if Windows 7 had come out right after Windows XP, people would have complained about 7 also.
True. But it isn't necessary. When was the last time Microsoft released something actually new or ground-breaking in Windows?
People do complaina bout 7. People complain about Windows. :P
Not as much as Vista; I'm not saying Vista didn't have issues that 7 cleaned up; but a lot of the average user outrage over Vista was "they changed it, now it sucks"
@copy Also this kinds of bugs just happen a fucking lot.
I miss the good old days, when men were Men and computers were only for important stuff, like settling Pong disputes.
You’re going to hate me for this, but I like Windows 8. I also liked Vista back then.
I think it's all shit after Windows 2000.
It's all shit after Win95 OSR2
bring back 95
Bring back Netscape!
@BartekBanachewicz come into the Ruby room.
Bring back 3.1
@BadgerGirl are you.. what...
@nderscore Just 81 years left!
Bring back Nixon!
Some of the outrage over Vista reminds me of the sort of outrage I see everytime facebook changes something.
bring back bonzi buddy
3 dead trolls in a baggie
@BartekBanachewicz I would agree that tools and static typing are helpful to prevent that, but nothing bad happened here. No harmful problems occured
@copy I wasted 30 seconds of my life how about that
30 seconds is worth your freedom
@nderscore what freedom
Another static versus dynamic debate, eh? Go enjoy the sunshine people!
there's no debate
@monners there's static typing and "retarded static typing with just one type" called dynamic typing
freedom to implicitly convert datatypes
There’s only one static type: object.
@nderscore that's not freedom.
@poke or any.
@BartekBanachewicz If there were really no debate, you wouldn't have to say that.
@BartekBanachewicz If we have the freedom for naming it, I’d choose banana.
@BartekBanachewicz Ya know what I learnt today? I don't care!
@monners yeah, I guess this whole programming thing is not for you
@poke you can create your own language!
@BartekBanachewicz Ah, yes, because it's impossible to program anything good without strong opinions on a minutia of language design
@Jhawins Yeah, that's the problem with Java
Who the hell makes these haha
@BartekBanachewicz :(
The problem with Java is the developers.
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!s/Java/any language/
@SomeKittensUx2666 The problem with any language is the developers. (source)
@Retsam how is compile-time typechecking related to language implementation again?
Who deleted my banana command.
@BartekBanachewicz Sorry language "design". Point stands.
I'm thinking of putting up a list of all commands as a "poll" and having people vote to remove some commands
@Retsam I guess code monkeys can produce code of sufficient quality then.
some are just clutter (user taught commands)
there are sooo many of them as well
(I admit to making 1/3rd of them)
    node = node.chidlren[subDir];
curropted my day
yeap... and i supressed the error
took 30 minutes to find what the fuck was going wrong :/
@AbhishekHingnikar but then again danymic typing is great
well that was your mistake
don't swallow errors blind
yeah ... i am kinda sleepy :-/
can't sleep gotta finish the whole app [or atleast this part today]
Cannot find `x` in undefined Line: 123
would have pointed it out pretty quickly.
@BartekBanachewicz A lack of opinion on static vs dynamic typing makes you a "code monkey".
I wish I could just send my resume to places and be like "I'll do whatever." But I have to choose a position haha.
@Retsam lack of insight on the tools you're using does.
the programming language is programmer's prime tool
I once got a resume that said "I will do whatever you ask of me for money. I am a hard worker and I need money. [other shit]"
it was funny so we hired him
and he was a hard worker!
so if you don't understand reasoning behind conepts in your language...
@rlemon heh
WTF I want to apply haha I'll try to be funny.
@BartekBanachewicz Right; but you can understand a programming language without needing to have a strong opinion on whether or not it's the "correct" language.
@rlemon Did he do whatever you asked of him?
I still haven't received a reply
@Retsam i'd not debate with him
@monners yes. however I only asked him to do mundane stuff.
i hope i didn't fuck up my cv that bad
You're just obsessed with this point and are determined to see anyone not equally obsessed as somehow inferior.
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm rapidly coming to that conclusion.
@Retsam yeah he's right... He'll just run in circles all day.
@Retsam what's "understanding" language in your opinion? Is it understanding what do you have to do to invoke certain behavior, or is it understanding the actual reasoning behind the machinery?
@Retsam its not obsessed its his personal opinion
@BartekBanachewicz th problem is you're not drawing on your knowledge of the languages to forward a positive ideology, you're just bitching about the style of language you happen not to like.
@monners but fuck I'm forwarding positive ideology all day long
It always amazes me how very smart people can be lacking of such basic forms of interpersonal communication skills.
@rlemon I'm socially retarded :(
@rlemon you said WHAT about my mother?!?
@rlemon that's basically a direct correlation?
<rule type="life">
   Shut the fuck up and let other people like whatever they like.
I wouldn't say that, but like I've mentioned before you come a crossed as very condescending.
rupl ? oh fuck now i am also reading rule as rupl
I wouldn't dismiss what you have to say, but sometimes it gets hard not too because of the overtone
@rlemon *across
the more you know....
@rlemon dang it, I'm doing it again (subconciously)
^ This guy is weird...
my designer is curropting my mind :-/
@KendallFrey on the other hand has fine communication skills. he chooses to be a dick.
@rlemon I hardly find it surprising that people with above average intelligence (and often egos to match) have difficulty communicating...
@rlemon Yes, indeed
@monners I don't want to be seen from the total fanboy perspective either.
now i am reading her name even in rule
The only reason I have trouble communicating is because I devote too much of my brain to being awesome/right to learn how to communicate. The amount of awesome this thing pumps out is insane.
@Jhawins Doesn't seem to work
Exactly. You're just biased against my awesome. I'm still right.
any angularjs person here ?
@BartekBanachewicz I don't follow, are you calling me a fanboy?
how do i specify angular to give me an array ['x','y','z','c'] if the route is /dropbox/x/y/z/c
But no really. There have been some annoying users lately.
@monners If I told you to "just use Haskell OMG" you wouldn't do it, obviously. By stating what's wrong with JS I kinda hope you'll be able to appreciate the problems yourselves, and only then I'd happily give out other stuff as a solution.
JS is a programming language, not a person who did me wrong or anything
It's not personal hate on those two letters which form its identity
@BartekBanachewicz Holy cow, you're dull.
@SomeKittensUx2666 in what sense now?
@AbhishekHingnikar $location?
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think that would work in one go. But you could start by using .when( "/dropbox/:path*", ... )
If you're trying to convert people, start with people who actually admit they have a bad language
@BartekBanachewicz But if you said "OMG Haskell's awesome because it allowed me to do [this], which I couldn't do in [some other language]. Tops!" Then I'd be more inclined to listen.
The docs
@BartekBanachewicz You're worse than the Mormons.
@monners But I did! lemme dig an example
@OliverSalzburg hmm i might have to use that
thank you so much :-)
You're welcome
I think i should take a nap
25 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
// true story
1. Write "getRandomIntTable(min, max, length)
2. Get some random error in a library you are using because you forgot to return the table
3. Add "return t;"
4. Get bullshit on the screen.
5. Fix all calls, now adding the length actually
And that's what kicked off this little tirade of yours.
@SomeKittensUx2666 The problems with Java and PHP are (mostly) accepted and understood in this room. The attitude on JavaScript, however, is more best language ever!!!1
@monners that's a bad example, but I actually encountered that just before I wrote that :(
"There is no programming language but HASKELL and Bartek is its prophet"
@Retsam that's exactly what I wanted to avoid
@copy I hate a altitude of cloud developers. they're always so high and mighty :P
@monners I had this nice example on jQuery composition in Haskell that allows you to put if inside the composition chain, but I can't find it.
@BartekBanachewicz That sounds interesting. I'd read that.
To some degree, there's probably no way to come into the Javascript chat room and regularly try convince people that Javascript is inferior to HASKELL and that we should all switch over, without coming across as an evangelist
@SomeKittensUx2666 this, a million times this.
@Retsam There's also not much point.
@Retsam meh, I'm not saying you should switch to haskell. What I'm saying is more like : "look you can't do that in Haskell/Lua/whatever. You can't in JS though".
@phenomnomnominal Well, sometimes I get actual reasoning instead of "you're a fucking dickhead who insults our language"
@rlemon upload button
@BartekBanachewicz and sometimes you don't need any more reasoning than that...
@KendallFrey don't have shit blocked
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but the question is -why- you want to point out everything that can't be done in Javascript in the javascript chatroom? Why is that productive?
Haskell is (from the core) anti-javascript.
Why you all chose to entertain even 5 minutes of his argument, I do not know.
@Retsam Because I learn a lot about Javascript, for example.
@Jhawins Well it's that or work.
Haskell isn't pro-haskell, or pro-coffeescript. It's literally anti-JS. They don't want you yo switch to haskell, they want you to stop using JS. Regardless of what you switch to.
@Jhawins that's a wiki who was edited by a singular person.
@Jhawins it doesn't reflect the views of entire haskell community
Your arguments here have as much merit as the one I just made up.
I guess you not seeing that is as dumb as the rant you linked us to
@RUJordan RUJordan has 3299 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 47 questions, gave 206 answers. avg. rep/post: 13.03. Badges: 3g 10s 33b
It seems to have had quite a few people contribute to it...
@Jhawins waaaaaait. When I'm saying I dislike something in JS, I try to provide as much reasoning as possible. You've just admitted you made yours up. well.
@phenomnomnominal like, 7?
> I try to provide as much reasoning as possible
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
I personally don't have any problem with you saying you dislike something in JS, we all do that all the time. The difference is how you say it?
Yeah, mine was fake. I was simply showing you that 1 person's opinion doesn't mean jack shit. So stop pretending yours does.
@Jhawins I don't care what you think about my opinion per se. I do care about your views about the language flaws I'm bringing up, though.
By your own account, what you're saying is worthless. I was just covertly asking you to discredit yourself.

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